DOS/V Power Report 1997 August
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
177 lines
:Base obpascl3.hlp>main
:Title Object Pascal Guide
; added below link statement so that references to vcl help would resolve 3/10 MM
:Link vcl3.hlp
:Link delphi3.hlp
1 Object Pascal Guide
2 Intro
3 Syntax diagrams=IntroSyntaxDiagrams
2 Tokens
3 Tokens=FHXR10726
3 Special symbols=TokensSpecialSymbols
3 Reserved words and standard directives=TokensReservedWordsAndStandardDirectives
3 Identifiers=FHXR22398
3 Numbers=TokensNumbers
3 Labels=FHXR26305
3 Character strings=TokensCharacterStrings
3 Comments=TokensComments
2 Constants
3 Constants=FHXR38194
3 Resource strings=FHXR13402
2 Types
3 Types=FHXR14135
3 Fundamental and generic types=FHXR12457
3 Simple types=FHXR24487
3 Ordinal types=Ordinal types
3 String types=FHXR24393
3 Structured types=FHXR19647
3 Pointer types=FHXR19914
3 Procedural types=FHXR37993
3 Variant types=FHXR23162
3 Identical and compatible types=FHXR36262
3 The type declaration part=TypesTheTypeDeclarationPart
2 Variables and typed constants
3 Variables and typed constants=FHXR38013
3 Variable declarations=VariableDeclarations
3 Local variables and the stack=LocalVariablesAndTheStack
3 Variable references=VariableReferences
3 Qualifiers=Qualifiers
3 Arrays, strings, and indexes=ArraysStringsAndIndexes
3 Records and field designators=RecordsAndFieldDesignators
3 Object component designators=ObjectComponentDesignators
3 Pointers and dynamic variables=PointersAndDynamicVariables
3 Variable typecasts=VariableTypecasts
3 Typed constants=FHXR16312
3 Simple-type constants=SimpletypeConstants
3 String-type constants=StringTypeConstants
3 Structured-type constants=StructuredTypeConstants
3 Array-type constants=ArrayTypeConstants
3 Record-type constants=RecordTypeConstants
3 Set-type constants=SetTypeConstants
3 Pointer-type constants=PointerTypeConstants
3 Procedural-type constants=ProceduralTypeConstants
2 Expressions
3 Expressions=FHXR18063
3 Expression syntax=ExprssnsExpressionSyntax
3 Operators=FHXR39996
3 Arithmetic operators=ArithmeticOperators
3 Logical operators=LogicalOperators
3 Boolean operators=BooleanOperators
3 String operator=StringOperator
3 Character-pointer operators=CharacterPointerOperators
3 Set operators=SetOperators
3 Variant operators=VariantOperators
3 Relational operators=RelationalOperators
3 Comparing simple types=ComparingSimpleTypes
3 Comparing strings=ComparingStrings
3 Comparing packed strings=ComparingPackedStrings
3 Comparing pointers and references=ComparingPointersAndReferences
3 Comparing character pointers=ComparingCharacterPointers
3 Comparing variants=ComparingVariants
3 Comparing sets=ComparingSets
3 Testing set membership=TestingSetMembership
3 Class operators=ClassOperators
3 The @ operator=TheAtOperator
3 Function calls=FHXR25686
3 Set constructors=FHXR23504
3 Value typecasts=FHXR21459
3 Procedural types in expressions=FHXR40287
2 Statements
3 Statements=FHXR25107
3 Simple statements=StatmntsSimpleStatements
3 Structured statements=StatmntsStructuredStatements
2 Blocks, locality, and scope
3 Blocks, locality, and scope=FHXR39990
3 Blocks=BlckscopBlocks
3 Rules of scope=BlckscopRulesOfScope
2 Procedures and functions
3 Procedures and functions=FHXR15546
3 Procedure declarations=ProcfuncProcedureDeclarations
3 Function declarations=FHXR25954
3 Parameters=FHXR16069
2 Class types
3 Class types=FHXR36358
3 Instances and references=ClasstypInstancesAndReferences
3 Class components =ClasstypClassComponents
3 Inheritance=FHXR35779
3 Components and scope=ClasstypComponentsAndScope
3 Forward references=ClasstypForwardReferences
3 Class type compatibility rules=ClasstypClassTypeCompatibilityRules
3 Component visibility=FHXR40150
3 Static methods=FHXR39232
3 Virtual methods=ClasstypVirtualMethods
3 Dynamic methods=FHXR22330
3 Abstract methods=ClasstypAbstractMethods
3 Method activations=FHXR35640
3 Method implementations=ClasstypMethodImplementations
3 Constructors and destructors=ClasstypConstructorsAndDestructors
3 Class operators=ClasstypClassOperators
3 The is operator=TheIsOperator
3 The as operator=TheAsOperator
3 Message handling=ClasstypMessageHandling
3 Property syntax=FHXR15746
3 Class-reference types=FHXR27849
3 Constructors and class references=FHXR38130
3 Class methods=FHXR30980
3 The TObject and TClass types=FHXR39952
2 Exceptions
3 Exceptions=FHXR15435
3 Using exception handling=ExceptUsingExceptionHandling
3 Exception declarations=ExceptExceptionDeclarations
3 The raise statement=FHXR32729
3 The try...except statement=FHXR17909
3 The try...finally statement=ExceptTheTryFinallyStatement
3 Exit, Break, and Continue procedures=FHXR41432
3 Predefined exceptions=ExceptPredefinedExceptions
3 Exception handling support routines=ExceptExceptionHandlingSupportRoutines
2 Programs and units
3 Programs and units=FHXR12870
3 Program syntax=ProgunitProgramSyntax
3 Unit syntax=ProgunitUnitSyntax
3 Circular unit references=ProgunitCircularUnitReferences
2 Interfaces
3 Interfaces=FHXR42668
3 Interface syntax=IntrfaceInterfaceSyntax
3 Interface implementations=IntrfaceInterfaceImplementations
3 Interface references=IntrfaceInterfaceReferences
3 OLE automation Interface types=FHXR36853
2 Dynamic-link libraries
3 Dynamic-link libraries=FHXR19308
3 What is a DLL?=DynamlibWhatIsADLL
3 Using DLLs=DynamlibUsingDlls
3 Writing DLLs=DynamlibWritingDlls
3 Library programming notes=DynamlibLibraryProgrammingNotes
2 Packages
3 Packages=FHXR36437
3 Package Source Files=PackagesPackageSourceFiles
3 Compiling packages=PackagesCompilingPackages
2 Input and output
3 Input and output=FHXR28417
3 File input and output=InputoutFileInputAndOutput
3 Text-file device drivers=FHXR29329
2 Using null-terminated strings
3 Using null-terminated strings=FHXR28811
3 What is a null-terminated string?=NulstrngWhatIsANullTerminatedString
3 Using null-terminated strings=FHXR22131
3 Null-terminated string functions=NulstrngNullTerminatedStringFunctions
3 Mixing long strings and null-terminated strings=NulstrngMixingLongStringsAndNullTerminatedStrings
3 Null-terminated wide character strings=FHXR39910
2 Memory issues
3 Memory issues=FHXR26331
3 Windows memory management=MemissueWindowsMemoryManagement
3 Internal data formats=MemissueInternalDataFormats
2 Control issues
3 Control issues=FHXR39087
3 Calling conventions=FHXR28574
3 Exit procedures=CtrlissuExitProcedures
2 The built-in assembler
3 The built-in assembler=FHXR18401
3 The asm statement=BuiltinTheAsmStatement
3 Assembler statement syntax=BuiltinAssemblerStatementSyntax
3 Expressions=BuiltinExpressions
3 Assembler procedures and functions=BuiltinAssemblerProceduresAndFunctions
2 Compiler Errors
3 Compiler Errors=CompilerErrors
2 Run-time Errors
3 Run-time Errors=RunTimeErrors