DOS/V Power Report 1997 August
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
2,285 lines
:Base vcl3.hlp>main
; CNT section
= AboutObjectAndComponentHelp
= HowToFindHelpUsingF1
= HowToFindHelpBySelectingContents
= HowToFindHelpBySelectingIndexOrFind
= HowToUseExamplesInHelp
O= HowToProgramWithAComponent
3 TObject
4 TObject= TObject
5 Exception= Exception
5 EAbort= EAbort
5 EAbstractError= EAbstractError
5 EAccessViolation= EAccessViolation
5 EArrayError= EArrayError
5 EAssertionFailed= EAssertionFailed
5 EBitsError= EBitsError
5 ECacheError= ECacheError
5 EClassNotFound= EClassNotFound
5 EComponentError= EComponentError
5 EControlC= EControlC
5 EConvertError= EConvertError
5 EDatabaseError= EDatabaseError
5 EDateTimeError= EDateTimeError
5 EDBClient= EDBClient
5 EDBEditError= EDBEditError
5 EDBEngineError= EDBEngineError
5 EDimensionMapError= EDimensionMapError
5 EDimIndexError= EDimIndexError
5 EDivByZero= EDivByZero
5 EExternalException= EExternalException
5 EFCreateError= EFCreateError
5 EFilerError= EFilerError
5 EFOpenError= EFOpenError
5 EInOutError= EInOutError
5 EIntError= EIntError
5 EIntfCastError= EIntfCastError
5 EIntOverflow= EIntOverflow
5 EInvalidArgument= EInvalidArgument
5 EInvalidCast= EInvalidCast
5 EInvalidGraphic= EInvalidGraphic
5 EInvalidGraphicOperation= EInvalidGraphicOperation
5 EInvalidGridOperation= EInvalidGridOperation
5 EInvalidImage= EInvalidImage
5 EInvalidOp= EInvalidOp
5 EInvalidOperation= EInvalidOperation
5 EInvalidPointer= EInvalidPointer
5 EListError= EListError
5 ELowCapacityError= ELowCapacityError
5 EMathError= EMathError
5 EMCIDeviceError= EMCIDeviceError
5 EMenuError= EMenuError
5 ENoResultSet= ENoResultSet
5 EOleCtrlError= EOleCtrlError
5 EOleError= EOleError
5 EOleError= EOleError
5 EOleException= EOleException
5 EOleSysError= EOleSysError
5 EOutlineError= EOutlineError
5 EOutOfMemory= EOutOfMemory
5 EOutOfResources= EOutOfResources
5 EOverflow= EOverflow
5 EPackageError= EPackageError
5 EParserError= EParserError
5 EPrinter= EPrinter
5 EPrivilege= EPrivilege
5 EPropertyError= EPropertyError
5 EPropReadOnly= EPropReadOnly
5 EPropWriteOnly= EPropWriteOnly
5 ERangeError= ERangeError
5 EReadError= EReadError
5 EReconcileError= EReconcileError
5 ERegistryException= ERegistryException
5 EReportError= EReportError
5 EResNotFound= EResNotFound
5 ESocketError= ESocketError
5 EStackOverflow= EStackOverflow
5 EStreamError= EStreamError
5 EStringListError= EStringListError
5 EThread= EThread
5 ETreeViewError= ETreeViewError
5 EUnderflow= EUnderflow
5 EUnsupportedTypeError= EUnsupportedTypeError
5 EUpdateError= EUpdateError
5 EVariantError= EVariantError
5 EWin33Error= EWin32Error
5 EWriteError= EWriteError
5 EZeroDivide= EZeroDivide
5 OutlineError= OutlineError
5 TDBError= TDBError
5 TBlobStream= TBlobStream
5 TCustomMemoryStream= TCustomMemoryStream
5 TFileStream= TFileStream
5 THandleStream= THandleStream
5 TMemoryStream= TMemoryStream
5 TOLEStream= TOLEStream
5 TResourceStream= TResourceStream
5 TStream= TStream
5 TStringStream= TStringStream
5 TWinSocketStream= TWinSocketStream
5 TActiveFormFactory= TActiveFormFactory
5 TActiveXControlFactory= TActiveXControlFactory
5 TActiveXPropertyPageFactory= TActiveXPropertyPageFactory
5 TAutoObjectFactory= TAutoObjectFactory
5 TComObjectFactory= TComObjectFactory
5 TComponentFactory= TComponentFactory
5 TTypedComObjectFactory= TTypedComObjectFactory
5 TActiveFormControl= TActiveFormControl
5 TActiveXControl= TActiveXControl
5 TActiveXPropertyPage= TActiveXPropertyPage
5 TAdapterNotifier= TAdapterNotifier
5 TAggregatedObject= TAggregatedObject
5 TAutoIntfObject= TAutoIntfObject
5 TAutoObject= TAutoObject
5 TComClassManager= TComClassManager
5 TComObject= TComObject
5 TComServer= TComServer
5 TComServerObject= TComServerObject
5 TConnectionPoint= TConnectionPoint
5 TConnectionPoints= TConnectionPoints
5 TContainedObject= TContainedObject
5 TCustomAdapter= TCustomAdapter
5 TFontAdapter= TFontAdapter
5 TInterfacedObject= TInterfacedObject
5 TOleForm= TOleForm
5 TPictureAdapter= TPictureAdapter
5 TStringsAdapter= TStringsAdapter
5 TTypedComObject= TTypedComObject
5 TBitmapImage= TBitmapImage
5 TIconImage= TIconImage
5 TMetafileImage= TMetafileImage
5 TSharedImage= TSharedImage
5 TClientWinSocket= TClientWinSocket
5 TCustomWinSocket= TCustomWinSocket
5 TServerClientWinSocket= TServerClientWinSocket
5 TServerWinSocket= TServerWinSocket
5 TCGIRequest= TCGIRequest
5 TCGIResponse= TCGIResponse
5 TISAPIRequest= TISAPIRequest
5 TISAPIResponse= TISAPIResponse
5 TWebRequest= TWebRequest
5 TWebResponse= TWebResponse
5 TWinCGIRequest= TWinCGIRequest
5 TWinCGIResponse= TWinCGIResponse
5 TCriticalSection= TCriticalSection
5 TEvent= TEvent
5 THandleObject= THandleObject
5 TServerClientThread= TServerClientThread
5 TSimpleEvent= TSimpleEvent
5 TSynchroObject= TSynchroObject
5 TThread= TThread
5 TThreadList= TThreadList
5 TFieldDef= TFieldDef
5 TFieldDefs= TFieldDefs
5 TIndexDef= TIndexDef
5 TIndexDefs= TIndexDefs
5 TFiler= TFiler
5 TReader= TReader
5 TWriter= TWriter
5 TDesigner= TDesigner
5 TDSTableProducerEditor= TDSTableProducerEditor
5 TIniFile= TIniFile
5 TRegIniFile= TRegIniFile
5 TRegistry= TRegistry
5 TBDECallback= TBDECallback
5 TBits= TBits
5 TChangeLink= TChangeLink
5 TConversion= TConversion
5 TDragControlObject= TDragControlObject
5 TDragObject= TDragObject
5 TEnumPropDesc= TEnumPropDesc
5 TMask= TMask
5 TPaintControl= TPaintControl
5 TPrinter= TPrinter
3 TPersistent
4 TPersistent= TPersistent
5 THTMLTableAttributes= THTMLTableAttributes
5 THTMLTableCellAttributes= THTMLTableCellAttributes
5 THTMLTableElementAttributes= THTMLTableElementAttributes
5 THTMLTableHeaderAttributes= THTMLTableHeaderAttributes
5 THTMLTableRowAttributes= THTMLTableRowAttributes
5 THTMLTagAttributes= THTMLTagAttributes
5 TCheckConstraints= TCheckConstraints
5 TCollection= TCollection
5 TCoolBands= TCoolBands
5 TCubeDims= TCubeDims
5 TDBGridColumns= TDBGridColumns
5 TDimensionItems= TDimensionItems
5 TDisplayDims= TDisplayDims
5 THeaderSections= THeaderSections
5 THTMLTableColumns= THTMLTableColumns
5 TListColumns= TListColumns
5 TStatusPanels= TStatusPanels
5 TWebActionItems= TWebActionItems
5 TCheckConstraint= TCheckConstraint
5 TCollectionItem= TCollectionItem
5 TColumn= TColumn
5 TCoolBand= TCoolBand
5 TCubeDim= TCubeDim
5 TDimensionItem= TDimensionItem
5 TDisplayDim= TDisplayDim
5 THeaderSection= THeaderSection
5 THTMLTableColumn= THTMLTableColumn
5 TListColumn= TListColumn
5 TStatusPanel= TStatusPanel
5 TWebActionItem= TWebActionItem
5 TDataLink= TDataLink
5 TDataSourceLink= TDataSourceLink
5 TDBCtrlGridLink= TDBCtrlGridLink
5 TFieldDataLink= TFieldDataLink
5 TGridDataLink= TGridDataLink
5 THTTPDataLink= THTTPDataLink
5 TListSourceLink= TListSourceLink
5 TMasterDataLink= TMasterDataLink
5 TNavDataLink= TNavDataLink
5 TBitmap= TBitmap
5 TBrush= TBrush
5 TCanvas= TCanvas
5 TClipboard= TClipboard
5 TControlCanvas= TControlCanvas
5 TFont= TFont
5 TGraphic= TGraphic
5 TGraphicsObject= TGraphicsObject
5 TIcon= TIcon
5 TJPEGImage= TJPEGImage
5 TMetafile= TMetafile
5 TMetaFileCanvas= TMetaFileCanvas
5 TOleGraphic= TOLEGraphic
5 TPen= TPen
5 TPicture= TPicture
5 TStringGridStrings= TStringGridStrings
5 TStringList= TStringList
5 TStrings= TStrings
5 TColumnTitle= TColumnTitle
5 TDateTimeColors= TDateTimeColors
5 TIconOptions= TIconOptions
5 TParaAttributes= TParaAttributes
5 TTextAttributes= TTextAttributes
5 TListItem= TListItem
5 TListItems= TListItems
5 TTreeNode= TTreeNode
5 TTreeNodes= TTreeNodes
5 TBaseArray= TBaseArray
5 TControlScrollBar= TControlScrollBar
5 TParam= TParam
5 TParams= TParams
5 TSmallIntArray= TSmallIntArray
3 TComponent
4 TComponent= TComponent
5 TColorDialog= TColorDialog
5 TCommonDialog= TCommonDialog
5 TFindDialog= TFindDialog
5 TFontDialog= TFontDialog
5 TOpenDialog= TOpenDialog
5 TOpenPictureDialog= TOpenPictureDialog
5 TPrintDialog= TPrintDialog
5 TPrinterSetupDialog= TPrinterSetupDialog
5 TReplaceDialog= TReplaceDialog
5 TSaveDialog= TSaveDialog
5 TSavePictureDialog= TSavePictureDialog
5 TMainMenu= TMainMenu
5 TMenu= TMenu
5 TMenuItem= TMenuItem
5 TPopupMenu= TPopupMenu
5 TBDEDataSet= TBDEDataSet
5 TClientDataSet= TClientDataSet
5 TDataSet= TDataSet
5 TDBDataSet= TDBDataSet
5 TDecisionQuery= TDecisionQuery
5 TQuery= TQuery
5 TStoredProc= TStoredProc
5 TTable= TTable
5 TBatchMove= TBatchMove
5 TCustomDataStore= TCustomDataStore
5 TCustomProvider= TCustomProvider
5 TCustomRemoteServer= TCustomRemoteServer
5 TDatabase= TDatabase
5 TDataModule= TDataModule
5 TDataSetUpdateObject= TDataSetUpdateObject
5 TDataSource= TDataSource
5 TDecisionCube= TDecisionCube
5 TDecisionSource= TDecisionSource
5 TProvider= TProvider
5 TRemoteServer= TRemoteServer
;5 TReport = TReport
5 TSession= TSession
5 TUpdateSQL= TUpdateSQL
4 Web
5 TCustomWebDispatcher= TCustomWebDispatcher
5 TWebDispatcher= TWebDispatcher
5 TWebModule= TWebModule
5 TDDEClientConv= TDdeClientConv
5 TDdeClientItem= TDdeClientItem
5 TDDEServerConv= TDdeServerConv
5 TDDEServerItem= TDdeServerItem
5 TAutoIncField= TAutoIncField
5 TBCDField= TBCDField
5 TBinaryField= TBinaryField
5 TBlobField= TBlobField
5 TBooleanField= TBooleanField
5 TBytesField= TBytesField
5 TCurrencyField= TCurrencyField
5 TDateField= TDateField
5 TDateTimeField= TDateTimeField
5 TField= TField
5 TFloatField= TFloatField
5 TGraphicField= TGraphicField
5 TIntegerField= TIntegerField
5 TMemoField= TMemoField
5 TNumericField= TNumericField
5 TSmallIntField= TSmallIntField
5 TStringField= TStringField
5 TTimeField= TTimeField
5 TVarBytesField= TVarBytesField
5 TWordField= TWordField
5 TClientSocket= TClientSocket
5 TCustomServerSocket= TCustomServerSocket
5 TCustomSocket= TCustomSocket
5 TServerSocket= TServerSocket
5 TCustomContentProducer= TCustomContentProducer
5 TCustomPageProducer= TCustomPageProducer
5 TDataSetTableProducer= TDataSetTableProducer
5 TDSTableProducer= TDSTableProducer
5 TPageProducer= TPageProducer
5 TQueryTableProducer= TQueryTableProducer
5 TApplication= TApplication
5 TCGIApplication= TCGIApplication
5 TISAPIApplication= TISAPIApplication
5 TWebApplication= TWebApplication
5 TCustomImageList= TCustomImageList
5 TImageList= TImageList
5 TScreen= TScreen
5 TTimer= TTimer
3 TControl
4 TControl= TControl
3 TGraphicControl
4 TGraphicControl= TGraphicControl
4 TBevel= TBevel
4 TCustomLabel= TCustomLabel
4 TDBText= TDBText
4 TImage= TImage
4 TLabel= TLabel
4 TPaintBox= TPaintBox
4 TShape= TShape
4 TSpeedButton= TSpeedButton
4 TSplitter= TSplitter
4 TToolButton= TToolButton
3 TWinControl
4 TWinControl= TWinControl
5 TBitBtn= TBitBtn
5 TButton= TButton
5 TButtonControl= TButtonControl
5 TCheckBox= TCheckBox
5 TCustomCheckBox= TCustomCheckBox
5 TDBCheckBox= TDBCheckBox
5 TRadioButton= TRadioButton
5 TComboBox= TComboBox
5 TCustomComboBox= TCustomComboBox
5 TDBComboBox= TDBComboBox
5 TDriveComboBox= TDriveComboBox
5 TFilterComboBox= TFilterComboBox
5 TCheckListBox= TCheckListBox
5 TCustomListBox= TCustomListBox
5 TDBListBox= TDBListBox
5 TDirectoryListBox= TDirectoryListBox
5 TFileListBox= TFileListBox
5 TListBox= TListBox
5 TCustomGroupBox= TCustomGroupBox
5 TCustomPanel= TCustomPanel
5 TCustomRadioGroup= TCustomRadioGroup
5 TDBRadioGroup= TDBRadioGroup
5 TGroupBox= TGroupBox
5 TPanel= TPanel
5 TRadioGroup= TRadioGroup
5 TCustomDBGrid= TCustomDBGrid
5 TCustomGrid= TCustomGrid
5 TDBGrid= TDBGrid
5 TDrawGrid= TDrawGrid
5 TStringGrid= TStringGrid
5 TCustomEdit= TCustomEdit
5 TCustomMaskEdit= TCustomMaskEdit
5 TCustomMemo= TCustomMemo
5 TCustomRichEdit= TCustomRichEdit
5 TDBEdit= TDBEdit
5 TDBMemo= TDBMemo
5 TDBRichEdit= TDBRichEdit
5 TEdit= TEdit
5 TInplaceEdit= TInplaceEdit
5 TMaskEdit= TMaskEdit
5 TMemo= TMemo
5 TRichEdit= TRichEdit
5 TActiveForm= TActiveForm
5 TCustomForm= TCustomForm
5 TForm= TForm
5 TLoginDialog= TLoginDialog
5 TPasswordDialog= TPasswordDialog
5 TPropertyPage= TPropertyPage
5 TScrollBox= TScrollBox
5 TScrollingWinControl= TScrollingWinControl
4 Win32
5 TAnimate= TAnimate
5 TCoolBar= TCoolBar
5 TCustomHotKey= TCustomHotKey
5 TCustomListView= TCustomListView
5 TCustomRichEdit= TCustomRichEdit
5 TCustomTabControl= TCustomTabControl
5 TCustomTreeView= TCustomTreeView
5 TCustomUpDown= TCustomUpDown
5 TDateTimePicker= TDateTimePicker
5 THeaderControl= THeaderControl
5 THotKey= THotKey
5 TListView= TListView
5 TPageControl= TPageControl
5 TProgressBar= TProgressBar
5 TRichEdit= TRichEdit
5 TStatusBar= TStatusBar
5 TTabControl= TTabControl
5 TTabSheet= TTabSheet
5 TToolBar= TToolBar
5 TToolWindow= TToolWindow
5 TTrackBar= TTrackBar
5 TTreeView= TTreeView
5 TUpDown= TUpDown
5 TDBLookupComboBox= TDBLookupComboBox
5 TDBLookupControl= TDBLookupControl
5 TDBLookupListBox= TDBLookupListBox
5 TCustomDecisionGraph= TCustomDecisionGraph
5 TCustomDecisionGrid= TCustomDecisionGrid
5 TDecisionGraph= TDecisionGraph
5 TDecisionGrid= TDecisionGrid
5 TCustomControl= TCustomControl
5 TCustomStaticText= TCustomStaticText
5 TDBCtrlGrid= TDBCtrlGrid
5 TDBCtrlPanel= TDBCtrlPanel
5 TDBImage= TDBImage
5 TDBNavigator= TDBNavigator
5 TDecisionPivot= TDecisionPivot
5 THintWindow= THintWindow
5 TMediaPlayer= TMediaPlayer
5 TOleContainer= TOleContainer
5 TOleControl= TOleControl
5 TScrollBar= TScrollBar
5 TStaticText= TStaticText
; UpdateD this listing 3/5 MM
3 EA - EB
4 EAbort= EAbort
4 EAbstractError= EAbstractError
4 EAccessViolation= EAccessViolation
4 EArrayError= EArrayError
4 EAssertionFailed= EAssertionFailed
4 EBitsError= EBitsError
4 ECacheError= ECacheError
4 EClassNotFound= EClassNotFound
4 EComponentError= EComponentError
4 EControlC= EControlC
4 EConvertError= EConvertError
4 EDatabaseError= EDatabaseError
4 EDateTimeError= EDateTimeError
4 EDBClient= EDBClient
4 EDBEditError= EDBEditError
4 EDBEngineError= EDBEngineError
4 EDimensionMapError= EDimensionMapError
4 EDimIndexError= EDimIndexError
4 EDivByZero= EDivByZero
3 EE - EI
4 EExternalException= EExternalException
4 EFCreateError= EFCreateError
4 EFilerError= EFilerError
4 EFOpenError= EFOpenError
4 EInOutError= EInOutError
4 EIntError= EIntError
4 EIntfCastError= EIntfCastError
4 EIntOverflow= EIntOverflow
4 EInvalidArgument= EInvalidArgument
4 EInvalidCast= EInvalidCast
4 EInvalidGraphic= EInvalidGraphic
4 EInvalidGraphicOperation= EInvalidGraphicOperation
4 EInvalidGridOperation= EInvalidGridOperation
4 EInvalidImage= EInvalidImage
4 EInvalidOp= EInvalidOp
4 EInvalidOperation= EInvalidOperation
4 EInvalidPointer= EInvalidPointer
3 EL - EO
4 EListError= EListError
4 ELowCapacityError= ELowCapacityError
4 EMathError= EMathError
4 EMCIDeviceError= EMCIDeviceError
4 EMenuError= EMenuError
4 ENoResultSet= ENoResultSet
4 EOleCtrlError= EOleCtrlError
4 EOleError= EOleError
4 EOleError= EOleError
4 EOleException= EOleException
4 EOleSysError= EOleSysError
4 EOutlineError= EOutlineError
4 EOutOfMemory= EOutOfMemory
4 EOutOfResources= EOutOfResources
4 EOverflow= EOverflow
3 EP - ER
4 EPackageError= EPackageError
4 EParserError= EParserError
4 EPrinter= EPrinter
4 EPrivilege= EPrivilege
4 EPropertyError= EPropertyError
4 EPropReadOnly= EPropReadOnly
4 EPropWriteOnly= EPropWriteOnly
4 ERangeError= ERangeError
4 EReadError= EReadError
4 EReconcileError= EReconcileError
4 ERegistryException= ERegistryException
4 EReportError= EReportError
4 EResNotFound= EResNotFound
3 ES - ET
4 ESocketError= ESocketError
4 EStackOverflow= EStackOverflow
4 EStreamError= EStreamError
4 EStringListError= EStringListError
4 EThread= EThread
4 ETreeViewError= ETreeViewError
3 EU - EZ
4 EUnderflow= EUnderflow
4 EUnsupportedTypeError= EUnsupportedTypeError
4 EUpdateError= EUpdateError
4 EVariantError= EVariantError
4 EWin33Error= EWin32Error
4 EWriteError= EWriteError
4 Exception= Exception
4 EZeroDivide= EZeroDivide
4 OutlineError= OutlineError
4 TActiveForm= TActiveForm
4 TActiveFormControl= TActiveFormControl
4 TActiveFormFactory= TActiveFormFactory
4 TActiveXControl= TActiveXControl
4 TActiveXControlFactory= TActiveXControlFactory
4 TActiveXPropertyPage= TActiveXPropertyPage
4 TActiveXPropertyPageFactory= TActiveXPropertyPageFactory
4 TAdapterNotifier= TAdapterNotifier
4 TAggregatedObject= TAggregatedObject
4 TAnimate= TAnimate
4 TApplication= TApplication
4 TAutoIncField= TAutoIncField
4 TAutoIntfObject= TAutoIntfObject
4 TAutoObject= TAutoObject
4 TAutoObjectFactory= TAutoObjectFactory
4 TBaseArray= TBaseArray
4 TBatchMove= TBatchMove
4 TBCDField= TBCDField
4 TBDECallback= TBDECallback
4 TBDEDataSet= TBDEDataSet
4 TBevel= TBevel
4 TBinaryField= TBinaryField
4 TBitBtn= TBitBtn
4 TBitmap= TBitmap
4 TBitmapImage= TBitmapImage
4 TBits= TBits
4 TBlobField= TBlobField
4 TBlobStream= TBlobStream
4 TBooleanField= TBooleanField
4 TBrush= TBrush
4 TButton= TButton
4 TButtonControl= TButtonControl
4 TBytesField= TBytesField
4 TCanvas= TCanvas
4 TCGIApplication= TCGIApplication
4 TCGIRequest= TCGIRequest
4 TCGIResponse= TCGIResponse
4 TChangeLink= TChangeLink
4 TCheckBox= TCheckBox
4 TCheckConstraint= TCheckConstraint
4 TCheckConstraints= TCheckConstraints
4 TCheckListBox= TCheckListBox
4 TClientDataSet= TClientDataSet
4 TClientSocket= TClientSocket
4 TClientWinSocket= TClientWinSocket
4 TClipboard= TClipboard
4 TCollection= TCollection
4 TCollectionItem= TCollectionItem
4 TColorDialog= TColorDialog
4 TColumn= TColumn
4 TColumnTitle= TColumnTitle
4 TComboBox= TComboBox
4 TComClassManager= TComClassManager
4 TCommonDialog= TCommonDialog
4 TComObject= TComObject
4 TComObjectFactory= TComObjectFactory
4 TComponent= TComponent
4 TComponentFactory= TComponentFactory
4 TComServer= TComServer
4 TComServerObject= TComServerObject
4 TConnectionPoint= TConnectionPoint
4 TConnectionPoints= TConnectionPoints
4 TContainedObject= TContainedObject
4 TControl= TControl
4 TControlCanvas= TControlCanvas
4 TControlScrollBar= TControlScrollBar
4 TConversion= TConversion
4 TCoolBand= TCoolBand
4 TCoolBands= TCoolBands
4 TCoolBar= TCoolBar
4 TCriticalSection= TCriticalSection
4 TCubeDim= TCubeDim
4 TCubeDims= TCubeDims
4 TCurrencyField= TCurrencyField
4 TCustomAdapter= TCustomAdapter
4 TCustomCheckBox= TCustomCheckBox
4 TCustomComboBox= TCustomComboBox
4 TCustomContentProducer= TCustomContentProducer
4 TCustomControl= TCustomControl
4 TCustomDataStore= TCustomDataStore
4 TCustomDBGrid= TCustomDBGrid
4 TCustomDecisionGraph= TCustomDecisionGraph
4 TCustomDecisionGrid= TCustomDecisionGrid
4 TCustomEdit= TCustomEdit
4 TCustomForm= TCustomForm
4 TCustomGrid= TCustomGrid
4 TCustomGroupBox= TCustomGroupBox
4 TCustomHotKey= TCustomHotKey
4 TCustomImageList= TCustomImageList
4 TCustomLabel= TCustomLabel
4 TCustomListBox= TCustomListBox
4 TCustomListView= TCustomListView
4 TCustomMaskEdit= TCustomMaskEdit
4 TCustomMemo= TCustomMemo
4 TCustomMemoryStream= TCustomMemoryStream
4 TCustomPageProducer= TCustomPageProducer
4 TCustomPanel= TCustomPanel
4 TCustomProvider= TCustomProvider
4 TCustomRadioGroup= TCustomRadioGroup
4 TCustomRemoteServer= TCustomRemoteServer
4 TCustomRichEdit= TCustomRichEdit
4 TCustomServerSocket= TCustomServerSocket
4 TCustomSocket= TCustomSocket
4 TCustomStaticText= TCustomStaticText
4 TCustomTabControl= TCustomTabControl
4 TCustomTreeView= TCustomTreeView
4 TCustomUpDown= TCustomUpDown
4 TCustomWebDispatcher= TCustomWebDispatcher
4 TCustomWinSocket= TCustomWinSocket
4 TDatabase= TDatabase
4 TDataLink= TDataLink
4 TDataModule= TDataModule
4 TDataSet= TDataSet
4 TDataSetTableProducer= TDataSetTableProducer
4 TDataSetUpdateObject= TDataSetUpdateObject
4 TDataSource= TDataSource
4 TDataSourceLink= TDataSourceLink
4 TDateField= TDateField
4 TDateTimeColors= TDateTimeColors
4 TDateTimeField= TDateTimeField
4 TDateTimePicker= TDateTimePicker
4 TDBCheckBox= TDBCheckBox
4 TDBComboBox= TDBComboBox
4 TDBCtrlGrid= TDBCtrlGrid
4 TDBCtrlGridLink= TDBCtrlGridLink
4 TDBCtrlPanel= TDBCtrlPanel
4 TDBDataSet= TDBDataSet
4 TDBEdit= TDBEdit
4 TDBError= TDBError
4 TDBGrid= TDBGrid
4 TDBGridColumns= TDBGridColumns
4 TDBImage= TDBImage
4 TDBListBox= TDBListBox
4 TDBLookupComboBox= TDBLookupComboBox
4 TDBLookupControl= TDBLookupControl
4 TDBLookupListBox= TDBLookupListBox
4 TDBMemo= TDBMemo
4 TDBNavigator= TDBNavigator
4 TDBRadioGroup= TDBRadioGroup
4 TDBRichEdit= TDBRichEdit
4 TDBText= TDBText
4 TDDEClientConv= TDdeClientConv
4 TDdeClientItem= TDdeClientItem
4 TDDEServerConv= TDdeServerConv
4 TDDEServerItem= TDdeServerItem
4 TDecisionCube= TDecisionCube
4 TDecisionGraph= TDecisionGraph
4 TDecisionGrid= TDecisionGrid
4 TDecisionPivot= TDecisionPivot
4 TDecisionQuery= TDecisionQuery
4 TDecisionSource= TDecisionSource
4 TDesigner= TDesigner
4 TDimensionItem= TDimensionItem
4 TDimensionItems= TDimensionItems
4 TDirectoryListBox= TDirectoryListBox
4 TDisplayDim= TDisplayDim
4 TDisplayDims= TDisplayDims
4 TDragControlObject= TDragControlObject
4 TDragObject= TDragObject
4 TDrawGrid= TDrawGrid
4 TDriveComboBox= TDriveComboBox
4 TDSTableProducer= TDSTableProducer
4 TDSTableProducerEditor= TDSTableProducerEditor
4 TEdit= TEdit
4 TEnumPropDesc= TEnumPropDesc
4 TEvent= TEvent
4 TField= TField
4 TFieldDataLink= TFieldDataLink
4 TFieldDef= TFieldDef
4 TFieldDefs= TFieldDefs
4 TFileListBox= TFileListBox
4 TFiler= TFiler
4 TFileStream= TFileStream
4 TFilterComboBox= TFilterComboBox
4 TFindDialog= TFindDialog
4 TFloatField= TFloatField
4 TFont= TFont
4 TFontAdapter= TFontAdapter
4 TFontDialog= TFontDialog
4 TForm= TForm
4 TGraphic= TGraphic
4 TGraphicControl= TGraphicControl
4 TGraphicField= TGraphicField
4 TGraphicsObject= TGraphicsObject
4 TGridDataLink= TGridDataLink
4 TGroupBox= TGroupBox
4 THandleObject= THandleObject
4 THandleStream= THandleStream
4 THeaderControl= THeaderControl
4 THeaderSection= THeaderSection
4 THeaderSections= THeaderSections
4 THintWindow= THintWindow
4 THotKey= THotKey
4 THTMLTableAttributes= THTMLTableAttributes
4 THTMLTableCellAttributes= THTMLTableCellAttributes
4 THTMLTableColumn= THTMLTableColumn
4 THTMLTableColumns= THTMLTableColumns
4 THTMLTableElementAttributes= THTMLTableElementAttributes
4 THTMLTableHeaderAttributes= THTMLTableHeaderAttributes
4 THTMLTableRowAttributes= THTMLTableRowAttributes
4 THTMLTagAttributes= THTMLTagAttributes
4 THTTPDataLink= THTTPDataLink
4 TIcon= TIcon
4 TIconImage= TIconImage
4 TIconOptions= TIconOptions
4 TImage= TImage
4 TImageList= TImageList
4 TIndexDef= TIndexDef
4 TIndexDefs= TIndexDefs
4 TIniFile= TIniFile
4 TInplaceEdit= TInplaceEdit
4 TIntegerField= TIntegerField
4 TInterfacedObject= TInterfacedObject
4 TISAPIApplication= TISAPIApplication
4 TISAPIRequest= TISAPIRequest
4 TISAPIResponse= TISAPIResponse
4 TJPEGImage= TJPEGImage
4 TLabel= TLabel
4 TList= TList
4 TListBox= TListBox
4 TListColumn= TListColumn
4 TListColumns= TListColumns
4 TListItem= TListItem
4 TListItems= TListItems
4 TListSourceLink= TListSourceLink
4 TListView= TListView
4 TLoginDialog= TLoginDialog
4 TLookupList= TLookupList
4 TMainMenu= TMainMenu
4 TMask= TMask
4 TMaskEdit= TMaskEdit
4 TMasterDataLink= TMasterDataLink
4 TMediaPlayer= TMediaPlayer
4 TMemo= TMemo
4 TMemoField= TMemoField
4 TMemoryStream= TMemoryStream
4 TMenu= TMenu
4 TMenuItem= TMenuItem
4 TMetafile= TMetafile
4 TMetaFileCanvas= TMetaFileCanvas
4 TMetafileImage= TMetafileImage
4 TNavDataLink= TNavDataLink
4 TNumericField= TNumericField
4 TObject= TObject
4 TOleContainer= TOleContainer
4 TOleControl= TOleControl
4 TOleForm= TOleForm
4 TOleGraphic= TOLEGraphic
4 TOLEStream= TOLEStream
4 TOpenDialog= TOpenDialog
4 TOpenPictureDialog= TOpenPictureDialog
4 TPageControl= TPageControl
4 TPageProducer= TPageProducer
4 TPaintBox= TPaintBox
4 TPaintControl= TPaintControl
4 TPanel= TPanel
4 TParaAttributes= TParaAttributes
4 TParam= TParam
4 TParamList= TParamList
4 TParams= TParams
4 TPasswordDialog= TPasswordDialog
4 TPen= TPen
4 TPersistent= TPersistent
4 TPicture= TPicture
4 TPictureAdapter= TPictureAdapter
4 TPopupMenu= TPopupMenu
4 TPrintDialog= TPrintDialog
4 TPrinter= TPrinter
4 TPrinterSetupDialog= TPrinterSetupDialog
4 TProgressBar= TProgressBar
4 TPropertyPage= TPropertyPage
4 TProvider= TProvider
4 TQuery= TQuery
4 TQueryTableProducer= TQueryTableProducer
4 TRadioButton= TRadioButton
4 TRadioGroup= TRadioGroup
4 TReader= TReader
4 TRegIniFile= TRegIniFile
4 TRegistry= TRegistry
4 TRemoteServer= TRemoteServer
4 TReplaceDialog= TReplaceDialog
;4 TReport = TReport
4 TResourceStream= TResourceStream
4 TRichEdit= TRichEdit
4 TSaveDialog= TSaveDialog
4 TSavePictureDialog= TSavePictureDialog
4 TScreen= TScreen
4 TScrollBar= TScrollBar
4 TScrollBox= TScrollBox
4 TScrollingWinControl= TScrollingWinControl
4 TServerClientThread= TServerClientThread
4 TServerClientWinSocket= TServerClientWinSocket
4 TServerSocket= TServerSocket
4 TServerWinSocket= TServerWinSocket
4 TSession= TSession
4 TSessionList= TSessionList
4 TShape= TShape
4 TSharedImage= TSharedImage
4 TSimpleEvent= TSimpleEvent
4 TSmallIntArray= TSmallIntArray
4 TSmallIntField= TSmallIntField
4 TSpeedButton= TSpeedButton
4 TSplitter= TSplitter
4 TStaticText= TStaticText
4 TStatusBar= TStatusBar
4 TStatusPanel= TStatusPanel
4 TStatusPanels= TStatusPanels
4 TStoredProc= TStoredProc
4 TStream= TStream
4 TStringField= TStringField
4 TStringGrid= TStringGrid
4 TStringGridStrings= TStringGridStrings
4 TStringList= TStringList
4 TStrings= TStrings
4 TStringsAdapter= TStringsAdapter
4 TStringStream= TStringStream
4 TSynchroObject= TSynchroObject
4 TTabControl= TTabControl
4 TTable= TTable
4 TTabSheet= TTabSheet
4 TTextAttributes= TTextAttributes
4 TThread= TThread
4 TThreadList= TThreadList
4 TTimeField= TTimeField
4 TTimer= TTimer
4 TToolBar= TToolBar
4 TToolButton= TToolButton
4 TToolWindow= TToolWindow
4 TTrackBar= TTrackBar
4 TTreeNode= TTreeNode
4 TTreeNodes= TTreeNodes
4 TTreeView= TTreeView
4 TTypedComObject= TTypedComObject
4 TTypedComObjectFactory= TTypedComObjectFactory
4 TUpdateSQL= TUpdateSQL
4 TUpDown= TUpDown
4 TVarBytesField= TVarBytesField
4 TWebActionItem= TWebActionItem
4 TWebActionItems= TWebActionItems
4 TWebApplication= TWebApplication
4 TWebDispatcher= TWebDispatcher
4 TWebModule= TWebModule
4 TWebRequest= TWebRequest
4 TWebResponse= TWebResponse
4 TWinCGIRequest= TWinCGIRequest
4 TWinCGIResponse= TWinCGIResponse
4 TWinControl= TWinControl
4 TWinSocketStream= TWinSocketStream
4 TWordField= TWordField
4 TWriter= TWriter
; Updated routines section of CNT on 3/5 by MM
4 Abort
= Abort_procedure
4 Abs
= Abs_function
4 AddExitProc
= AddExitProc_procedure
4 Addr
= Addr_function
4 AddTerminateProc
= AddTerminateProc_procedure
4 AdjustLineBreaks
= AdjustLineBreaks_function
4 AllocMem
= AllocMem_function
4 AnsiCompareFileName
= AnsiCompareFileName_function
4 AnsiCompareStr
= AnsiCompareStr_function
4 AnsiCompareText
= AnsiCompareText_function
4 AnsiExtractQuotedStr
= AnsiExtractQuotedStr_function
4 AnsiLastChar
= AnsiLastChar_function
4 AnsiLowerCase
= AnsiLowerCase_function
4 AnsiLowerCaseFileName
= AnsiLowerCaseFileName_function
4 AnsiPos
= AnsiPos_function
4 AnsiQuotedStr
= AnsiQuotedStr_function
4 AnsiStrComp
= AnsiStrComp_function
4 AnsiStrIComp
= AnsiStrIComp_function
4 AnsiStrLastChar
= AnsiStrLastChar_function
4 AnsiStrLComp
= AnsiStrLComp_function
4 AnsiStrLIComp
= AnsiStrLIComp_function
4 AnsiStrLower
= AnsiStrLower_function
4 AnsiStrPos
= AnsiStrPos_function
4 AnsiStrRScan
= AnsiStrRScan_function
4 AnsiStrScan
= AnsiStrScan_function
4 AnsiStrUpper
= AnsiStrUpper_function
4 AnsiToNative
= AnsiToNative_function
4 AnsiToNativeBuf
= AnsiToNativeBuf_procedure
4 AnsiUpperCase
= AnsiUpperCase_function
4 AnsiUpperCaseFileName
= AnsiUpperCaseFileName_function
4 Append
= Append_procedure
4 AppendStr
= AppendStr_procedure
4 ArcCos
= ArcCos_function
4 ArcCosh
= ArcCosh_function
4 ArcSin
= ArcSin_function
4 ArcSinh
= ArcSinh_function
4 ArcTan
= ArcTan_function
4 ArcTan2
= ArcTan2_function
4 ArcTanh
= ArcTanh_function
4 Assert
= Assert_procedure
4 Assigned
= Assigned_function
4 AssignFile
= AssignFile_procedure
4 AssignPrn
= AssignPrn_procedure
4 AssignStr
= AssignStr_procedure
4 Beep
= Beep_procedure
4 BeginThread
= BeginThread_function
4 BlockRead
= BlockRead_procedure
4 BlockWrite
= BlockWrite_procedure
4 Bounds
= Bounds_function
4 Break
= Break_procedure
4 ByteToCharIndex
= ByteToCharIndex_function
4 ByteToCharLen
= ByteToCharLen_function
4 ByteType
= ByteType_function
4 CallTerminateProcs= CallTerminateProcs
4 CancelDrag
= CancelDrag_procedure
4 Ceil
= Ceil_function
4 ChangeFileExt
= ChangeFileExt_function
4 CharsetToIdent
= CharsetToIdent_function
4 CharToByteIndex
= CharToByteIndex_function
4 CharToByteLen
= CharToByteLen_function
4 ChDir
= ChDir_procedure
4 Check
= Check_procedure
4 Chr
= Chr_function
4 ClassIDToProgID
= ClassIDToProgID_function
4 Clipboard
= Clipboard_function
4 Close
= Close_procedure
4 CloseFile
= CloseFile_procedure
4 CollectionsEqual
= CollectionsEqual_function
4 ColorToIdent
= ColorToIdent_function
4 ColorToRGB
= ColorToRGB_function
4 ColorToString
= ColorToString_function
4 CompareMem
= CompareMem_function
4 CompareStr
= CompareStr_function
4 CompareText
= CompareText_function
4 Concat
= Concat_function
4 Continue
= Continue_procedure
4 Copy
= Copy_function
4 CopyPalette
= CopyPalette_function
4 Cos
= Cos_function
4 Cosh
= Cosh_function
4 Cotan
= Cotan_function
4 CreateComObject
= CreateComObject_function
4 CreateDir
= CreateDir_function
4 CreateOleObject
= CreateOleObject_function
4 CreateRegKey
= CreateRegKey_procedure
4 CreateRemoteComObject
= CreateRemoteComObject_function
= CurrToFMTBCD_function
4 CurrToStr
= CurrToStr_function
4 CurrToStrF
= CurrToStrF_function
4 CycleToRad
= CycleToRad_function
4 DatabaseError
= DatabaseError_procedure
4 Date
= Date_function
4 DateTimeToFileDate
= DateTimeToFileDate_function
4 DateTimeToStr
= DateTimeToStr_function
4 DateTimeToString
= DateTimeToString_procedure
4 DateTimeToSystemTime
= DateTimeToSystemTime_procedure
4 DateTimeToTimeStamp
= DateTimeToTimeStamp_function
4 DateToStr
= DateToStr_function
4 DayOfWeek
= DayOfWeek_function
4 DBIError
= DBIError_procedure
4 Dec
= Dec_procedure
4 DecodeDate
= DecodeDate_procedure
4 DecodeTime
= DecodeTime_procedure
4 DegToRad
= DegToRad_function
4 Delete
= Delete_procedure
4 DeleteFile
= DeleteFile_function
4 DeleteRegKey
= DeleteRegKey_procedure
4 DirectoryExists
= DirectoryExists_function
4 DiskFree
= DiskFree_function
4 DiskSize
= DiskSize_function
4 Dispose
= Dispose_procedure
4 DisposeStr
= DisposeStr_procedure
4 DLLCanUnloadNow
= DLLCanUnloadNow_function
4 DllGetClassObject
= DllGetClassObject_function
4 DllRegisterServer
= DllRegisterServer_function
4 DllUnregisterServer
= DllUnregisterServer_function
4 DosPathToUnixPath
= DosPathToUnixPath_function
4 DoubleDecliningBalance
= DoubleDecliningBalance_function
4 EncodeDate
= EncodeDate_function
4 EncodeTime
= EncodeTime_function
4 EndThread
= EndThread_function
4 Eof
= Eof_function
4 Eoln
= Eoln_function
4 Erase
= Erase_procedure
4 ExceptAddr
= ExceptAddr_function
4 ExceptionErrorMessage
= ExceptionErrorMessage_function
4 ExceptObject
= ExceptObject_function
4 Exclude
= Exclude_procedure
4 Exit
= Exit_procedure
4 Exp
= Exp_function
4 ExpandFileName
= ExpandFileName_function
4 ExpandUNCFileName
= ExpandUNCFileName_function
4 ExtractFileDir
= ExtractFileDir_function
4 ExtractFileDrive
= ExtractFileDrive_function
4 ExtractFileExt
= ExtractFileExt_function
4 ExtractFileName
= ExtractFileName_function
4 ExtractFilePath
= ExtractFilePath_function
4 ExtractHTTPFields
= ExtractHTTPFields_procedure
4 ExtractRelativePath
= ExtractRelativePath_function
4 FileAge
= FileAge_function
4 FileClose
= FileClose_procedure
4 FileCreate
= FileCreate_function
4 FileDateToDateTime
= FileDateToDateTime_function
4 FileExists
= FileExists_function
4 FileGetAttr
= FileGetAttr_function
4 FileGetDate
= FileGetDate_function
4 FileOpen
= FileOpen_function
4 FilePos
= FilePos_function
4 FileRead
= FileRead_function
4 FileSearch
= FileSearch_function
4 FileSeek
= FileSeek_function
4 FileSetAttr
= FileSetAttr_function
4 FileSetDate
= FileSetDate_function
4 FileSize
= FileSize_function
4 FileWrite
= FileWrite_function
4 FillChar
= FillChar_procedure
4 Finalize
= Finalize_procedure
4 FinalizePackage
= FinalizePackage_procedure
4 FindClose
= FindClose_procedure
4 FindControl
= FindControl_function
4 FindDragTarget
= FindDragTarget_function
4 FindFirst
= FindFirst_function
4 FindNext
= FindNext_function
4 FloatToDecimal
= FloatToDecimal_procedure
4 FloatToStr
= FloatToStr_function
4 FloatToStrF
= FloatToStrF_function
4 FloatToText
= FloatToText_function
4 FloatToTextFmt
= FloatToTextFmt_function
4 Floor
= Floor_function
4 Flush
= Flush_procedure
4 FmtLoadStr
= FmtLoadStr_function
4 FmtStr
= FmtStr_procedure
4 ForceDirectories
= ForceDirectories_procedure
4 Format
= Format_function
4 FormatBuf
= FormatBuf_function
4 FormatCurr
= FormatCurr_function
4 FormatDateTime
= FormatDateTime_function
4 FormatFloat
= FormatFloat_function
4 FormatMaskText= FormatMaskText
4 FPower10
= FPower10_function
4 Frac
= Frac_function
4 FreeMem
= FreeMem_procedure
4 Frexp
= Frexp_procedure
4 FutureValue
= FutureValue_function
4 GetActiveOleObject
= GetActiveOleObject_function
4 GetClass
= GetClass_function
4 GetCurrentDir
= GetCurrentDir_function
4 GetDir
= GetDir_procedure
4 GetExtensionVersion= GetExtensionVersion
4 GetFormatSettings
= GetFormatSettings_procedure
4 GetHeapStatus
= GetHeapStatus_function
4 GetIStrings
= GetIStrings_function
4 GetLongHint
= GetLongHint_function
4 GetMem
= GetMem_procedure
4 GetMemoryManager
= GetMemoryManager_procedure
4 GetOleFont
= GetOleFont_procedure
4 GetOlePicture
= GetOlePicture_procedure
4 GetPackageDescription
= GetPackageDescription_function
4 GetPackageInfo
= GetPackageInfo_procedure
4 GetParentForm
= GetParentForm_function
4 GetShortHint
= GetShortHint_function
4 GradToRad
= GradToRad_function
4 GraphicExtension
= GraphicExtension_function
4 GraphicFileMask
= GraphicFileMask_function
4 GraphicFilter
= GraphicFilter_function
4 GUIDToString
= GUIDToString_function
4 Halt
= Halt_procedure
4 Hi
= Hi_function
4 High
= High_function
4 HtmlTable
= HtmlTable_function
4 HTTPDecode
= HTTPDecode_function
4 HTTPEncode
= HTTPEncode_function
4 HTTPExtensionProc
= HTTPExtensionProc_function
4 Hypot
= Hypot_function
4 Inc
= Inc_procedure
4 Include
= Include_procedure
4 IncMonth
= IncMonth_function
4 Initialize
= Initialize_procedure
4 InitializePackage= InitializePackage
4 InputBox
= InputBox_function
4 InputQuery
= InputQuery_function
4 Insert
= Insert_procedure
4 Int
= Int_function
4 InterestPayment
= InterestPayment_function
4 InterestRate
= InterestRate_function
4 InternalRateOfReturn
= InternalRateOfReturn_function
4 IntPower
= IntPower_function
4 IntToHex
= IntToHex_function
4 IntToStr
= IntToStr_function
4 IOResult
= IOResult_function
4 IsDelimiter
= IsDelimiter_function
4 IsLeapYear
= IsLeapYear_function
4 IsPathDelimiter
= IsPathDelimiter_function
4 IsValidIdent
= IsValidIdent_function
4 LastDelimiter
= LastDelimiter_function
4 Ldexp
= Ldexp_function
4 Length
= Length_function
4 Ln
= Ln_function
4 LnXP1
= LnXP1_function
4 Lo
= Lo_function
4 LoadPackage
= LoadPackage_function
4 LoadStr
= LoadStr_function
4 Log10
= Log10_function
4 Log2
= Log2_function
4 LoginDialog
= LoginDialog_function
4 LogN
= LogN_function
4 Low
= Low_function
4 LowerCase
= LowerCase_function
4 MatchesMask
= MatchesMask_function
4 MaxIntValue
= MaxIntValue_function
4 MaxValue
= MaxValue_function
4 Mean
= Mean_function
4 MeanAndStdDev
= MeanAndStdDev_procedure
4 MessageDlg
= MessageDlg_function
4 MessageDlgPos
= MessageDlgPos_function
4 MinIntValue
= MinIntValue_function
4 MinValue
= MinValue_function
4 MkDir
= MkDir_procedure
4 MomentSkewKurtosis
= MomentSkewKurtosis_procedure
4 Move
= Move_procedure
4 MSecsToTimeStamp= MSecsToTimeStamp
4 NativeToAnsi
= NativeToAnsi_function
4 NativeToAnsiBuf
= NativeToAnsiBuf_procedure
4 NetPresentValue
= NetPresentValue_function
4 New
= New_procedure
4 NewMenu
= NewMenu_function
4 NewPopupMenu
= NewPopupMenu_function
4 NewStr
= NewStr_function
4 Norm
= Norm_function
4 Now
= Now_function
4 NumberOfPeriods
= NumberOfPeriods_function
4 ObjectBinaryToText
= ObjectBinaryToText_procedure
4 ObjectResourceToText
= ObjectResourceToText_procedure
4 ObjectTextToBinary
= ObjectTextToBinary_procedure
4 ObjectTextToResource
= ObjectTextToResource_procedure
4 Odd
= Odd_function
4 OleCheck
= OleCheck_procedure
4 OleError
= OleError_procedure
4 OleStrToString
= OleStrToString_function
4 OleStrToStrVar
= OleStrToStrVar_procedure
4 Ord
= Ord_function
4 OutOfMemoryError
= OutOfMemoryError_procedure
4 ParamCount
= ParamCount_function
4 ParamStr
= ParamStr_function
4 ParseDate
= ParseDate_function
4 Payment
= Payment_function
4 PeriodPayment
= PeriodPayment_function
4 Pi
= Pi_function
4 Point
= Point_function
4 Poly
= Poly_function
4 PopnStdDev
= PopnStdDev_function
4 PopnVariance
= PopnVariance_function
4 Pos
= Pos_function
4 Power
= Power_function
4 Pred
= Pred_function
4 PresentValue
= PresentValue_function
4 ProgIDToClassID
= ProgIDToClassID_function
4 Ptr
= Ptr_function
4 QuotedStr
= QuotedStr_function
4 RadToCycle
= RadToCycle_function
4 RadToDeg
= RadToDeg_function
4 RadToGrad
= RadToGrad_function
4 RaiseLastWin32Error
= RaiseLastWin32Error_procedure
4 RandG
= RandG_function
4 Random
= Random_function
4 Randomize
= Randomize_procedure
4 Read
= Read_procedure
4 ReadComponentRes
= ReadComponentRes_function
4 ReadComponentResFile
= ReadComponentResFile_function
4 Readln
= Readln_procedure
4 ReallocMem
= ReallocMem_procedure
4 Rect= Rect
4 RegisterClass
= RegisterClass_procedure
4 RegisterClassAlias
= RegisterClassAlias_procedure
4 RegisterClasses
= RegisterClasses_procedure
4 RegisterComponentEditor
= RegisterComponentEditor_procedure
4 RegisterComponents
= RegisterComponents_procedure
4 RegisterLibraryExpert
= RegisterLibraryExpert_procedure
4 RegisterNoIcon
= RegisterNoIcon_procedure
4 RegisterNonActiveX
= RegisterNonActiveX_procedure
4 RegisterPropertyEditor
= RegisterPropertyEditor_procedure
4 RemoveDir
= RemoveDir_function
4 Rename
= Rename_procedure
4 RenameFile
= RenameFile_function
4 Reset
= Reset_procedure
4 Rewrite
= Rewrite_procedure
4 RmDir
= RmDir_procedure
4 Round
= Round_function
4 RunError
= RunError_procedure
4 Seek
= Seek_procedure
4 SeekEof
= SeekEof_function
4 SeekEoln
= SeekEoln_function
4 SelectDirectory
= SelectDirectory_function
4 Set8087CW= Set8087CW
4 SetCurrentDir
= SetCurrentDir_function
4 SetLength
= SetLength_procedure
4 SetMemoryManager
= SetMemoryManager_procedure
4 SetOleFont
= SetOleFont_procedure
4 SetOlePicture
= SetOlePicture_procedure
4 SetString
= SetString_procedure
4 SetTextBuf
= SetTextBuf_procedure
4 ShortCut
= ShortCut_function
4 ShortCutToKey
= ShortCutToKey_procedure
4 ShortCutToText
= ShortCutToText_function
4 ShowException
= ShowException_procedure
4 ShowMessage
= ShowMessage_procedure
4 ShowMessage
= ShowMessage_procedure
4 ShowMessageFmt
= ShowMessageFmt_procedure
4 Sin
= Sin_function
4 SinCos
= SinCos_procedure
4 Sinh
= Sinh_function
4 SizeOf
= SizeOf_function
4 Slice
= Slice_function
4 SLNDepreciation
= SLNDepreciation_function
4 Sqr
= Sqr_function
4 Sqrt
= Sqrt_function
4 StatusString
= StatusString_function
4 StdDev
= StdDev_function
4 Str
= Str_procedure
4 StrAlloc
= StrAlloc_function
4 StrBufSize
= StrBufSize_function
4 StrByteType
= StrByteType_function
4 StrCat
= StrCat_function
4 StrComp
= StrComp_function
4 StrCopy
= StrCopy_function
4 StrDispose
= StrDispose_procedure
4 StrECopy
= StrECopy_function
4 StrEnd
= StrEnd_function
4 StrFmt
= StrFmt_function
4 StrIComp
= StrIComp_function
4 StringOfChar
= StringOfChar_function
4 StringToGUID
= StringToGUID_function
4 StringToOleStr
= StringToOleStr_function
4 StringToWideChar
= StringToWideChar_function
4 StrLCat
= StrLCat_function
4 StrLComp
= StrLComp_function
4 StrLCopy
= StrLCopy_function
4 StrLen
= StrLen_function
4 StrLFmt
= StrLFmt_function
4 StrLIComp
= StrLIComp_function
4 StrLower
= StrLower_function
4 StrMove
= StrMove_function
4 StrNew
= StrNew_function
4 StrPas
= StrPas_function
4 StrPCopy
= StrPCopy_function
4 StrPLCopy
= StrPLCopy_function
4 StrPos
= StrPos_function
4 StrRScan
= StrRScan_function
4 StrScan
= StrScan_function
4 StrToCurr
= StrToCurr_function
4 StrToDate
= StrToDate_function
4 StrToDateTime
= StrToDateTime_function
4 StrToFloat
= StrToFloat_function
4 StrToInt
= StrToInt_function
4 StrToIntDef
= StrToIntDef_function
4 StrToTime
= StrToTime_function
4 StrUpper
= StrUpper_function
4 Succ
= Succ_function
4 Sum
= Sum_function
4 SumInt
= SumInt_function
4 SumOfSquares
= SumOfSquares_function
4 SumsAndSquares
= SumsAndSquares_procedure
4 Swap
= Swap_function
4 SYDDepreciation
= SYDDepreciation_function
4 SysErrorMessage
= SysErrorMessage_function
4 SysFreeMem
= SysFreeMem_function
4 SysGetMem
= SysGetMem_function
4 SysReallocMem
= SysReallocMem_function
4 SystemTimeToDateTime
= SystemTimeToDateTime_function
4 Tan
= Tan_function
4 Tanh
= Tanh_function
4 TerminateExtension
= TerminateExtension_function
4 TextToFloat
= TextToFloat_function
4 TextToShortCut
= TextToShortCut_function
4 Time
= Time_function
4 TimeStampToDateTime
= TimeStampToDateTime_function
4 TimeStampToMSecs
= TimeStampToMSecs_function
4 TimeToStr
= TimeToStr_function
4 TotalVariance
= TotalVariance_function
4 Trim
= Trim_function
4 TrimLeft
= TrimLeft_function
4 TrimRight
= TrimRight_function
4 Trunc
= Trunc_function
4 Truncate
= Truncate_procedure
4 TypeInfo
= TypeInfo_function
4 UniqueString
= UniqueString_procedure
4 UnixPathToDosPath
= UnixPathToDosPath_function
4 UnloadPackage
= UnloadPackage_procedure
4 UnregisterClass
= UnregisterClass_procedure
4 UnregisterClasses
= UnregisterClasses_procedure
4 UnregisterModuleClasses
= UnregisterModuleClasses_procedure
4 UpCase
= UpCase_function
4 UpperCase
= UpperCase_function
4 Val
= Val_procedure
4 ValidParentForm
= ValidParentForm_function
4 VarArrayCreate
= VarArrayCreate_function
4 VarArrayDimCount
= VarArrayDimCount_function
4 VarArrayHighBound
= VarArrayHighBound_function
4 VarArrayLock
= VarArrayLock_function
4 VarArrayLowBound
= VarArrayLowBound_function
4 VarArrayOf
= VarArrayOf_function
4 VarArrayRedim
= VarArrayRedim_procedure
4 VarArrayRef
= VarArrayRef_function
4 VarArrayUnlock
= VarArrayUnlock_procedure
4 VarAsType
= VarAsType_function
4 VarCast
= VarCast_procedure
4 VarClear
= VarClear_procedure
4 VarCopy
= VarCopy_procedure
4 VarFromDateTime
= VarFromDateTime_function
4 Variance
= Variance_function
4 VarIsArray
= VarIsArray_function
4 VarIsEmpty
= VarIsEmpty_function
4 VarIsNull
= VarIsNull_function
4 VarToDateTime
= VarToDateTime_function
4 VarToStr
= VarToStr_function
4 VarType
= VarType_function
4 WideCharLenToString
= WideCharLenToString_function
4 WideCharToString
= WideCharToString_function
4 WideCharToStrVar
= WideCharToStrVar_procedure
4 Win32Check
= Win32Check_function
4 Write
j= Write_procedure(ForTextFiles)
4 Write
j= Write_procedure(ForTypedFiles)
4 Write
= Write_procedure
4 WriteComponentResFile
= WriteComponentResFile_procedure
4 WriteIn
= WriteIn_procedure
; Updated Types section of CNT on 3/5 by MM
4 Application
j= Application_variable(ForStandardApplications)
4 Application
j= Application_variable(ForWebserverApplications)
4 Application
= Application_variable
4 Automation
= Automation_variable
3 C - D
4 CmdLine
= CmdLine_variable
4 CmdShow
= CmdShow_variable
4 ComClassManager
= ComClassManager_variable
4 ComServ
= ComServ_variable
= CurrencyAndDate/timeFormatting_variables
4 DateDelta
= DateDelta_constant
4 DBIResult
^= DBIResult_type
4 DLLProc
= DLLProc_variable
3 E - F
4 ErrorAddr
= ErrorAddr_variable
4 ErrorProc
= ErrorProc_variable
4 ExceptProc
= ExceptProc_variable
4 ExitCode
= ExitCode_variable
4 ExitProc
= ExitProc_variable
= FileMode_constants
= FileOpenMode_constants
4 FileMode
= FileMode_variable
4 Format
= FormatStrings
3 H - I
4 HInstance
= HInstance_variable
4 HMetafile
^= HMetafile_type
4 InOutRes
= InOutRes_variable
4 Input
= Input_variable
4 IsConsole
= IsConsole_variable
4 IsLibrary
= IsLibrary_variable
4 IsMultiThread
= IsMultiThread_variable
3 L - R
4 LeadBytes
= LeadBytes_variable
4 LongRec
^= LongRec_type
4 MSecsPerDay
= MSecsPerDay_constant
4 Null
= Null_constant
4 NullStr
= NullStr_constant
4 Output
= Output_variable
4 RandSeed
= RandSeed_variable
4 Screen
= Screen_variable
4 SecsPerDay
= SecsPerDay_constant
4 Session
= Session_variable
4 Sessions
= Sessions_variable
4 SocketErrorProc= SocketErrorProc
4 TActiveXRegType
^= TActiveXRegType_type
4 TAlign
^= TAlign_type
4 TAlignment
^= TAlignment_type
4 TAttachMode
^= TAttachMode_type
4 TBatchMode
^= TBatchMode_type
4 TBevelShape
^= TBevelShape_type
4 TBevelStyle
^= TBevelStyle_type
4 TBevelWidth
^= TBevelWidth_type
4 TBitBtnKind
^= TBitBtnKind_type
4 TBlobStreamMode
^= TBlobStreamMode_type
4 TBlobType
^= TBlobType_type
4 TBookmark
^= TBookmark_type
4 TBorderIcons
^= TBorderIcons_type
4 TBorderStyle
^= TBorderStyle_type
4 TBorderWidth
^= TBorderWidth_type
4 TBrushStyle
^= TBrushStyle_type
4 TButtonLayout
^= TButtonLayout_type
4 TButtonSet
^= TButtonSet_type
4 TButtonSet
j= TButtonSet_type(ForMediaPlayers)
4 TButtonSet
j= TButtonSet_type(ForDatabaseNavigators)
4 TButtonStyle
^= TButtonStyle_type
4 TByteArray
^= TByteArray_type
4 TCaption
^= TCaption_type
4 TChangeRange
^= TChangeRange_type
4 TCheckBoxState
^= TCheckBoxState_type
4 TColor
^= TColor_type
4 TColorDialogOptions
^= TColorDialogOptions_type
4 TColumnButtonStyle
^= TColumnButtonStyle_type
4 TColumnValues
^= TColumnValues_type
4 TComboBoxStyle
^= TComboBoxStyle_type
4 TComponentName
^= TComponentName_type
4 TConfigMode
^= TConfigMode_type
4 TConsistentAttributes
^= TConsistentAttributes_type
4 TConversionClass
^= TConversionClass_type
4 TCopyMode
^= TCopyMode_type
4 TCreateInfo
^= TCreateInfo_type
4 TCreateType
^= TCreateType_type
4 TCursor
^= TCursor_type
4 TCustomColors
^= TCustomColors_type
4 TDataAction
^= TDataAction_type
4 TDataMode
^= TDataMode_type
4 TDataSetNotifyEvent
^= TDataSetNotifyEvent_type
4 TDataSetState
^= TDataSetState_type
4 TDateTime
^= TDateTime_type
4 TDBCtrlGridBorder
^= TDBCtrlGridBorder_type
4 TDBCtrlGridKey
^= TDBCtrlGridKey_type
4 TDBCtrlGridOrientation
^= TDBCtrlGridOrientation_type
4 TDBGridClickEvent
^= TDBGridClickEvent_type
4 TDBGridColumnsState
^= TDBGridColumnsState_type
4 TDBGridOptions
^= TDBGridOptions_type
4 TDisplayCode
^= TDisplayCode_type
4 TDragMode
^= TDragMode_type
4 TDragState
^= TDragState_type
4 TDuplicates
^= TDuplicates_type
3 TE - TF
4 TEditCharCase
^= TEditCharCase_type
4 TFieldClass
^= TFieldClass_type
4 TFieldKind
^= TFieldKind_type
4 TFieldType
^= TFieldType_type
4 TFileEditStyle
^= TFileEditStyle_type
4 TFileExt
^= TFileExt_type
4 TFileName
^= TFileName_type
4 TFileRec
^= TFileRec_type
4 TFileType
^= TFileType_type
4 TFillStyle
^= TFillStyle_type
4 TFilterOptions
^= TFilterOptions_type
4 TFilterRecordEvent
^= TFilterRecordEvent_type
4 TFindItemKind
^= TFindItemKind_type
4 TFindOptions
^= TFindOptions_type
4 TFloatFormat
^= TFloatFormat_type
4 TFloatRec
^= TFloatRec_type
4 TFloatValue
^= TFloatValue_type
4 TFontDialogDevice
^= TFontDialogDevice_type
4 TFontDialogOptions
^= TFontDialogOptions_type
4 TFontName
^= TFontName_type
4 TFontPitch
^= TFontPitch_type
4 TFontStyles
^= TFontStyles_type
4 TFormBorderStyle
^= TFormBorderStyle_type
4 TFormStyle
^= TFormStyle_type
3 TG - TI
4 TGridDrawState
^= TGridDrawState_type
4 TGridOptions
^= TGridOptions_type
4 TGridRect
^= TGridRect_type
4 THeaderSectionStyle
^= THeaderSectionStyle_type
4 THeapStatus
^= THeapStatus_type
4 THelpContext
^= THelpContext_type
4 THintInfo
^= THintInfo_type
4 THitTests
^= THitTests_type
4 THKInvalidKeys
^= THKInvalidKeys_type
4 THKModifiers
^= THKModifiers_type
4 TIconArrangement
^= TIconArrangement_type
4 TImageType
^= TImageType_type
4 TIndexOptions
^= TIndexOptions_type
4 TItemStates
^= TItemStates_type
3 TL - TM
4 TLastReleaseEvent
^= TLastReleaseEvent_type
4 TLeftRight
^= TLeftRight_type
4 TListArrangement
^= TListArrangement_type
4 TListBoxStyle
^= TListBoxStyle_type
4 TLoadResource
^= TLoadResource_type
4 TLocale
^= TLocale_type
4 TLocateOptions
^= TLocateOptions_type
4 TLockType
^= TLockType_type
4 TMbcsByteType
^= TMbcsByteType_type
4 TMemoryManager
^= TMemoryManager_type
4 TMenuBreak
^= TMenuBreak_type
4 TMethod
^= TMethod_type
4 TModalResult
^= TModalResult_type
4 TMouseButton
^= TMouseButton_type
4 TMPBtnType
^= TMPBtnType_type
4 TMPDevCapsSet
^= TMPDevCapsSet_type
4 TMPDeviceTypes
^= TMPDeviceTypes_type
4 TMPModes
^= TMPModes_type
4 TMPNotifyValues
^= TMPNotifyValues_type
4 TMPTimeFormats
^= TMPTimeFormats_type
4 TMsgDlgButtons
^= TMsgDlgButtons_type
4 TMsgDlgType
^= TMsgDlgType_type
3 TN - TO
4 TNavigateBtn
^= TNavigateBtn_type
4 TNodeAttachMode
^= TNodeAttachMode_type
4 TNotifyEvent
^= TNotifyEvent_type
4 TNumberingStyle
^= TNumberingStyle_type
4 TNumGlyphs
^= TNumGlyphs_type
4 TObjectState
^= TObjectState_type
4 TOpenOptions
^= TOpenOptions_type
4 TOutlineOptions
^= TOutlineOptions_type
4 TOutlineStyle
^= TOutlineStyle_type
4 TOutlineType
^= TOutlineType_type
4 TOverlay
^= TOverlay_type
4 TOwnerDrawState
^= TOwnerDrawState_type
3 TP - TR
4 TPackageInfoProc
^= TPackageInfoProc_type
4 TPanelBevel
^= TPanelBevel_type
4 TParamBindMode
^= TParamBindMode_type
4 TParamType
^= TParamType_type
4 TPaymentTime
^= TPaymentTime_type
4 TPenMode
^= TPenMode_type
4 TPenStyle
^= TPenStyle_type
4 TPoint
^= TPoint_type
4 TPopupAlignment
^= TPopupAlignment_type
4 TPosition
^= TPosition_type
4 TPrintDialogOptions
^= TPrintDialogOptions_type
4 TPrinterOrientation
^= TPrinterOrientation_type
4 TPrintRange
^= TPrintRange_type
4 TPrintScale
^= TPrintScale_type
4 TProcedure
^= TProcedure_type
4 TRect
^= TRect_type
4 TResType
^= TResType_type
4 TScrollBarInc
^= TScrollBarInc_type
4 TScrollBarKind
^= TScrollBarKind_type
4 TScrollCode
^= TScrollCode_type
4 TScrollStyle
^= TScrollStyle_type
4 TSearchDirection
^= TSearchDirection_type
4 TSearchRec
^= TSearchRec_type
4 TSearchTypes
^= TSearchTypes_type
4 TSelectDirOpts
^= TSelectDirOpts_type
4 TShapeType
^= TShapeType_type
4 TShiftState
^= TShiftState_type
4 TShortCut
^= TShortCut_type
4 TSizeMode
^= TSizeMode_type
4 TSortType
^= TSortType_type
4 TStartMode
^= TStartMode_type
4 TStatusPanelBevel
^= TStatusPanelBevel_type
4 TStatusPanelStyle
^= TStatusPanelStyle_type
4 TSystemTime
^= TSystemTime_type
4 TTableType
^= TTableType_type
4 TTabOrder
^= TTabOrder_type
4 TTabStyle
^= TTabStyle_type
4 TTextCase
^= TTextCase_type
4 TTextRec
^= TTextRec_type
4 TThreadFunc
^= TThreadFunc_type
4 TThreadPriority
^= TThreadPriority_type
4 TTickMark
^= TTickMark_type
4 TTickStyle
^= TTickStyle_type
4 TTileMode
^= TTileMode_type
4 TTimeStamp
^= TTimeStamp_type
4 TTrackBarOrientation
^= TTrackBarOrientation_type
4 TTransIsolation
^= TTransIsolation_type
4 TUDAlignButton
^= TUDAlignButton_type
4 TUDBtnType
^= TUDBtnType_type
4 TUDOrientation
^= TUDOrientation_type
4 TUpdateAction
^= TUpdateAction_type
4 TUpdateKind
^= TUpdateKind_type
4 TUpdateRecordTypes
^= TUpdateRecordTypes_type
4 TUpdateStatus
^= TUpdateStatus_type
3 TV - TW
4 TVarData
^= TVarData_type
4 TVarRec
^= TVarRec_type
4 TViewStyle
^= TViewStyle_type
4 TWidth
^= TWidth_type
4 TWindowState
^= TWindowState_type
4 TWordArray
^= TWordArray_type
3 U - W
4 Unassigned
= Unassigned_constant
4 Win32Platform
= Win32Platform_variable
4 WordRec
^= WordRec_type