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/*- PICKNODE.C --------------------------------------------------------------*
To be able to divide the nodes down, this routine must decide which is the
best Seg to use as a nodeline. It does this by selecting the line with least
splits and has least difference of Segs on either side of it.
Credit to Raphael Quinet and DEU, this routine is a copy of the nodeline
picker used in DEU5beta. I am using this method because the method I
originally used was not so good.
struct Seg *PickNode(struct Seg *ts)
int num_splits,num_left,num_right;
int min_splits,min_diff,val;
struct Seg *part,*check,*best;
int max,new,grade = 0,bestgrade = 32767,seg_count;
min_splits = 32767;
min_diff = 32767;
best = ts; /* Set best to first (failsafe measure)*/
for(part=ts;part;part = part->next) /* Use each Seg as partition*/
progress(); /* Something for the user to look at.*/
psx = vertices[part->start].x; /* Calculate this here, cos it doesn't*/
psy = vertices[part->start].y; /* change for all the interations of*/
pex = vertices[part->end].x; /* the inner loop!*/
pey = vertices[part->end].y;
pdx = psx - pex; /* Partition line DX,DY*/
pdy = psy - pey;
num_splits = 0;
num_left = 0;
num_right = 0;
seg_count = 0;
for(check=ts;check;check=check->next) /* Check partition against all Segs*/
if(check == part) num_right++; /* If same as partition, inc right count*/
lsx = vertices[check->start].x; /* Calculate this here, cos it doesn't*/
lsy = vertices[check->start].y; /* change for all the interations of*/
lex = vertices[check->end].x; /* the inner loop!*/
ley = vertices[check->end].y;
val = DoLinesIntersect(); /* get state of lines relation to each other*/
if((val&2 && val&64) || (val&4 && val&32))
num_splits++; /* If line is split, inc splits*/
num_left++; /* and add one line into both*/
num_right++; /* sides*/
if(val&1 && val&16) /* If line is totally in same*/
{ /* direction*/
if(check->flip == part->flip) num_right++;
else num_left++; /* add to side according to flip*/
else /* So, now decide which side*/
{ /* the line is on*/
if(val&34) num_left++; /* and inc the appropriate*/
if(val&68) num_right++; /* count*/
/* if(num_splits > min_splits) break; /* If more splits than last, reject*/
if(num_right > 0 && num_left > 0) /* Make sure at least one Seg is*/
{ /* on either side of the partition*/
max = max(num_right,num_left);
new = (num_right + num_left) - seg_count;
grade = max+new*8;
if(grade < bestgrade)
bestgrade = grade;
best = part; /* and remember which Seg*/
return best; /* all finished, return best Seg*/
Because this is used a horrendous amount of times in the inner loops, the
coordinate of the lines are setup outside of the routine in global variables
psx,psy,pex,pey = partition line coordinates
lsx,lsy,lex,ley = checking line coordinates
The routine returns 'val' which has 3 bits assigned to the the start and 3
to the end. These allow a decent evaluation of the lines state.
bit 0,1,2 = checking lines starting point and bits 4,5,6 = end point
these bits mean 0,4 = point is on the same line
1,5 = point is to the left of the line
2,6 = point is to the right of the line
There are some failsafes in here, these mainly check for small errors in the
side checker.
int DoLinesIntersect()
short int x,y,val = 0;
long dx2,dy2,dx3,dy3,a,b,l;
dx2 = psx - lsx; /* Checking line -> partition*/
dy2 = psy - lsy;
dx3 = psx - lex;
dy3 = psy - ley;
a = pdy*dx2 - pdx*dy2;
b = pdy*dx3 - pdx*dy3;
if((a<0 && b>0) || (a>0 && b<0)) /* Line is split, just check that*/
dx2 = lsx - x; /* Find distance from line start*/
dy2 = lsy - y; /* to split point*/
if(dx2 == 0 && dy2 == 0) a = 0;
l = (long)sqrt((float)((dx2*dx2)+(dy2*dy2))); /* If either ends of the split*/
if(l < 2) a = 0; /* are smaller than 2 pixs then*/
} /* assume this starts on part line*/
dx3 = lex - x; /* Find distance from line end*/
dy3 = ley - y; /* to split point*/
if(dx3 == 0 && dy3 == 0) b = 0;
l = (long)sqrt((float)((dx3*dx3)+(dy3*dy3))); /* same as start of line*/
if(l < 2) b = 0;
if(a == 0) val = val | 16; /* start is on middle*/
if(a < 0) val = val | 32; /* start is on left side*/
if(a > 0) val = val | 64; /* start is on right side*/
if(b == 0) val = val | 1; /* end is on middle*/
if(b < 0) val = val | 2; /* end is on left side*/
if(b > 0) val = val | 4; /* end is on right side*/
return val;
Calculate the point of intersection of two lines. ps?->pe? & ls?->le?
returns int xcoord, int ycoord
void ComputeIntersection(short int *outx,short int *outy)
double a,b,a2,b2,l,l2,w,d,z;
long dx,dy,dx2,dy2;
dx = pex - psx;
dy = pey - psy;
dx2 = lex - lsx;
dy2 = ley - lsy;
if(dx == 0 && dy == 0) ProgError("Trouble in ComputeIntersection dx,dy");
l = (long)sqrt((float)((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)));
if(dx2 == 0 && dy2 == 0) ProgError("Trouble in ComputeIntersection dx2,dy2");
l2 = (long)sqrt((float)((dx2*dx2) + (dy2*dy2)));
a = dx / l;
b = dy / l;
a2 = dx2 / l2;
b2 = dy2 / l2;
d = b * a2 - a * b2;
w = lsx;
z = lsy;
if(d != 0.0)
w = (((a*(lsy-psy))+(b*(psx-lsx))) / d);
/* printf("Intersection at (%f,%f)\n",x2+(a2*w),y2+(b2*w));*/
a = lsx+(a2*w);
b = lsy+(b2*w);
modf((float)(a)+ ((a<0)?-0.5:0.5) ,&w);
modf((float)(b)+ ((b<0)?-0.5:0.5) ,&z);
*outx = w;
*outy = z;