DOS/V Power Report 1999 July
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Text File
278 lines
| README file for
| ELSA MAXtreme, driver for 3D Studio MAX R2.x
| and 3D Studio VIZ R2.x
| Version: 1.07.00 Beta
| Copyright (c) 1993-99 ELSA AG, Aachen (Germany)
| ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de
| Sonnenweg 11 LocalWeb : +49-(0)241-938800
| D-52070 Aachen
| ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com
| 2231 Calle De Luna
| Santa Clara, CA 95054
| ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com
| 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5
| Nanking East Road
| Taipei 105
| Taiwan, R. O. C.
| ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com
| Mita Suzuki Building 3F
| 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku
| Tokyo 108-0014
| Japan
| 02/04/1999, ASuessen/FRauser
Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Directory Contents
3. Installation
4. Notes
5. Release Notes
6. Known Problems
1. Overview
This disk contains all components of the driver ELSA
MAXtreme for 3D Studio MAX R2.x and 3D Studio VIZ R2.x
Supported platform is Windows NT.
2. Directory Contents
The driver's setup directory contains the following files:
README.TXT this file
LIESMICH.TXT German version of this file
SETUP.EXE Installation program for Windows
(all others) files that will be installed
3. Installation
3.1 Installation from CD
Under Windows NT 3.51/4.0 insert the WINNERware-CD in your
CD-ROM-drive and start CDSETUP.EXE from the root directory
of the CD if the program is not started automatically.
Select "MAXtreme driver for 3D Studio MAX / VIZ 2.x" from
the installation menu and then klick "Install".
3.2 Installation from floppy disk
The POWERdraft installation set consists of one floppy
disk. Start SETUP.EXE from this disk.
4. Notes
4.1. Fog
MAXtreme supports the rendering of standard fog into the
viewports since version 1.01.00. Within the configuration
dialog you can select this capability. Currently only one
linear standard fog is supported. Other and additional
linear standard fog will not be used in the viewport.
4.2. Transparency
MAXtreme supports an additional transparency representation
since version 1.02.00. Within the configuration dialog you
can select between these settings:
- None : No transparency is used.
- Standard : Transparent objects are stippled more or less
- Blended : Transparent objects are drawn by blending their
color with the objects behind it. This produces
the impression of true transparency. But this
impression may be disturbed if two or more
transparent objects are behind each other.
- Sorted Blended : The same technique as described under
'Blended', but the faces are sorted before
they are drawn. This gives the best
transparency impression but it's a little
4.3. MAXtremeStereo
MAXtreme supports stereo within viewports since version
1.03.00. For this the plugin "MAXtremeStereo" should have
been installed together with the MAXtreme driver.
Stereo viewing is possible on ELSA GLoria XL and ELSA
GLoria XXL if the resolution and color depth are not too
high, because twice as much video-memory is necessary.
On a 16MB card e.g. the highest possible stereo resolution
in true color is 1152x864. For flicker-free viewing you
also need a monitor that can handle refresh rates of at
least 140Hz - so the maximum resolution to use will
probably be 1024x768.
You also need 3D stereo shutter-glasses to view in stereo.
If the version of your NT-driver is greater than
(GLoria XL) or (GLoria XXL), you can easily switch
between stereo and mono within MAXtremeStereo. With older NT-
drivers, you have to select "Stereo Modi" in the
"Advanced..." - Section in the ELSA Application Settings
before you start 3D Studio.
After starting 3D Studio within a stereo capable resolution
the Stereo checkbox in the configuration dialog is
accessible. Changing this setting requires a restart of
3D Studio.
To control the stereoscopic views you have to activate the
plugin MAXtremeStereo by pressing "More..." on the
"Utilities" tab and selecting "MAXtremeStereo" from the
With the plugin you can switch to stereo for
perspective views (and therefore camera views too). With
the two spinner controls you can adjust the eye distance
(in percent of the focus distance) and the focus distance.
Eye distance controls the depth perception in the stereo
view. A distance of about three percent usually gives a
good stereo impression.
The focus distance controls the position of the drawing
objects relative to the screen plane. Objects nearer than
this distance seem to be in front of the screen, objects
farther away than this seem to be inside the monitor.
4.4. MAXtremeRender
MAXtreme supports using the Production/Draft renderer into a
viewport since version 1.06.00. For this the plugin
"MAXtremeRender" should have been installed together with the
MAXtreme driver.
This plugin can be used on all graphics cards that MAXtreme
To control this rendering you have to activate the plugin
MAXtremeRender by pressing "More..." on the "Utilities" tab
and selecting "MAXtremeRender" from the listbox.
With this plugin you can switch to using the Production/Draft
renderer into a viewport. The only exception to this are
stereoscopic viewports that are no camera views.
The renderer can be used in high, medium, or low resolution,
and with medium and low resolution you can smooth the rendered
image by linear interpolation.
Because the Production/Draft renderer is relative slow, the
viewports are not updated in every situation. To force an
update you can use one of two Update buttons to update either
all rendered viewport or the active viewport.
5. Release Notes
Version 1.00.05
- BugFix: clipping problem with screen filling primitives
near the far clipping plane
Version 1.00.06
- BugFix: illegal memory access with some drawings from
3D Studio MAX R2.5
Version 1.01.00
- Feature: Simple fog can be rendered in the viewports
- Feature: Easy configuration selection:
Speed - Quality - Customize
- Feature: Welcome dialog when using MAXtreme the first time
or with a new version.
Version 1.01.01
- Feature: Fog Background is supported now.
Version 1.01.02
- BugFix: Version 1.01.01 crashed on enabling vertex coloring.
Version 1.01.03
- BugFix: Fog with animated color is correctly animanted.
Version 1.01.04
- Feature: Fogging is supported with non-default near and far
An OpenGL driver version of at least
is required. Not all graphics cards support this
Version 1.01.05
- BugFix: Background images are animated correct.
- BugFix: Fogging can be switched off in the configuration
Version 1.02.00
- Feature: Transparency can be switched to
- disabled
- standard (Screen Door)
- blended
Version 1.02.01
- BugFix: Lit Wireframe is drawn correctly.
- BugFix: Objects with "Vertex Colors" on are drawn with the
correct color.
Version 1.03.00
- Feature: Support of stereo in viewports
- Feature: Additional Plugin: MAXtremeStereo
- Feature: New Online Help
Version 1.04.00
- Feature: Supports ELSAInfo
- BugFix: Transparent elements are always drawn with the correct
depth information
Version 1.04.01
- BugFix: Background Images are drawn correct (in mono as well as
in stereo).
- BugFix: The user interface of MAXtremeStereo uses the selected
Version 1.04.02
- Feature: Localized versions in french, italian, and spanish.
- BugFix: Some errors with transparency type blended corrected.
Version 1.05.00
- Feature: Sorted Blended Transparency.
Version 1.06.00
- Feature: Additional Plugin: MAXtremeRender
Version 1.06.01
- BugFix: Crashes with MAXtremRender repaired.
- Feature: With new NT-drivers you can easily switch online
between stereoscopic and monoscopic display.
Version 1.07.00
- Feature: MAXtremeRender and MAXtremeStereo can be used on the
same viewport.
6. Known Problems
Fog :
- The fogging depends on the environment range of the camera.
When the near and far values are equal, everything at this
distance should instantly vanish into the fog.
With MAXtreme there is a small range around this distance
where the fog intensity rapidly grows.
- When the environment range of the camera is set in such a
way that large picture elements are within the fogged range
as well as outside, those parts of the picture elements in
front of the fogging range should be clear.
With MAXtreme, it happens to be that such picture elements are
not completely clear but seem to be fogged.