2103 Please visit your local reseller to purchase a copy of %1 or visit the Microsoft web site at %2 for more information.
2104 This beta copy of %1 will expire on %2.
2105 .en.de.fr.es.it.ja.
2106 Central European (ISO 8859-2)
2107 Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
2108 Your evaluation copy of %1 has expired.
2109 This evaluation copy of %1 will expire on %2.
2110 http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage
2111 &Mail
2112 &News
2113 &Address book
2114 Ca&lendar
2115 &Tasks
2116 &Journal
2117 N&otes
2118 &Internet Call
2119 Vietnamese
2120 Vietnamese
3449 There is no open Web to receive this page.\nPlease open a web, and then save this page again.
3450 This page came from the web %1.\nThe currently open Web is %2.\n Do you want to save this page to the current web?
3451 An error occurred while attempting to write the file.
3452 A page titled "%1" already has the URL "%2" in the current web.\nReplace the existing page?
3453 Create Hyperlink
3454 Edit Hyperlink
3455 The linked-to page <%1> doesn't exist in the current web. Would you like to hyperlink to it anyway?
3456 Do you want to replace the existing %1 in the current web?
3457 Unable to start the %1\n (file name: %2).
3458 Name must start with a letter followed by a sequence of letters, numbers, periods, and dashes.
3459 The name field is required for this element.
3460 A value is required for this element.
3461 Modify Choice
3462 Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, or CGI Script
3463 WebBot Discussion Component
3464 WebBot Registration Component
3465 WebBot Save Results Component
3466 The choice field is required.
3467 Text database using comma as a separator
3468 Text database using tab as a separator
3469 Text database using space as a separator
3470 Formatted text
3471 Formatted text within HTML
3472 HTML
3473 HTML definition list
3474 HTML bulleted list
3475 For a results form, a file name for the results is required.
3476 For a registration form, a web name is required.
3477 For a registration form, a form field for the user name is required.
3478 For a registration form, a form field for the password is required.
3479 This form may not work correctly since the settings are invalid. \nWould you like to edit them now?
3480 The spelling check is complete.
3481 left
3482 right
3483 top
3484 texttop
3485 middle
3486 absmiddle
3487 center
3488 baseline
3489 bottom
3490 absbottom
3491 Image URL:
3492 The registration form will work only in the Root Web. In order for this form to function properly,this page must be saved in the Root Web.
3493 &Image to include:
3494 &Optional Image to include before or after the given dates:
3495 Settings for Discussion Form Handler
3496 Settings for Saving Results of Form
3497 Settings for Registration Form Handler
3498 A directory name is required.
3499 Form fields must be chosen to display in the table of contents.
3500 You are about to replace the hyperlink "%1" with the hyperlink "%2".
3501 WebBot Scheduled Image Component Properties
3502 (none)
3503 Do you want to replace the existing %1?
3504 Error reading file.
3505 &Clear
3506 The page being linked to has not been saved yet.\nWould you like to save it, so that a hyperlink can be created?
3507 Linking from a web page to a local file.\nThis file may not be available to users of your web.\nWould you like to do this anyway?"
3508 (linked to new page)
3509 There is already another bookmark with that name.
3510 There is no current web. You must open a web before using the To Do list.
3511 Standard
3512 Styles
3513 Format
3514 Form Fields
3515 Please open the web %1 before trying to reload the page %2.
3516 Image
3517 %1\nThis page was opened from the To Do list.\nDo you want to mark the task as completed?
3518 This page must be saved to the web before adding a To Do list task.\nWould you like to save it now?
3519 Unable to open the To Do list. Make sure there is an open web before adding tasks.
3520 Couldn't open file %1.
3521 %1\nThis file is already in use.\nSelect a new name or close the file in use by another application.
3522 Editor searched to beginning of page.
3523 That hyperlink can not be opened because it does not use the http or the file protocol.
3524 You must save this page to a web before you can follow that hyperlink.
3525 &Extended...
3526 This hyperlink cannot be followed, because the web is no longer open.
3527 That Page URL is already in use in the current Web. Please choose a different URL.
3528 That is not a valid Page URL for the current web.
3529 That Page URL is already in use in the Editor. Please choose a different URL.
3530 %1\nThis page was already opened from the To Do list.\nDo you want to mark the previous task as completed?
3531 The Form Insert Here WebBot Component has no properties to edit.
3532 The Reply WebBot Component has no properties to edit.
3533 Could not get background image %1 from server.
3534 View Source HTML
3535 Editor searched to end of page.
3536 This page is not in the currently open web, so it may not be added to the To Do list.
3537 Do you want to replace the existing image with the same name? This may affect other pages in the current web that include this image.
3538 Multiple choices are already selected. Please choose a single initial selection before turning off multiple selections.
3539 Web: %1 Page: %1
3540 File: %1
3541 The base URL must be absolute.
3542 "%1" is not a valid Page URL for the current web.\nDo you want to save the page with this URL?
3543 Please enter a title for the new page.
3544 "%1" is not a valid URL for the current web.\nDo you want to save the image with this URL?
3545 Submit
3546 Reset
3547 Page %1 has been modified. Reload cancelled.
3548 Bookmark "%1" doesn't exist.
3549 Can't overwrite "%1": it already exists and isn't a template.
3550 Template '%1" already exists. Replace it?
3551 Template "%1" already has this title. Please change the name to "%1" or pick a new title.
3552 Untitled %1
3553 Page
3554 The target "%1" must start with a letter or "_" and can't contain "<" or ">".
3555 System Meta Variable (HTTP-EQUIV)
3556 User Meta Variable
3557 The name "%1" may not be added or modified.
3558 The attribute <%1> cannot be modified here. This attribute\nis recognized and handled directly. Its value should be modified\nfrom the property dialog for the current element.
3559 &Delete
3560 Delete A&ll
3561 &Change
3562 Change A&ll
3563 Cannot find the spelling file %1 for English.
3564 Found an error in the spelling files.
3565 Close
3566 Unable to get the WebBot Component template from the server.
3567 Could not make connection to the FrontPage Explorer. Please try to start the FrontPage Explorer from the start menu or the icon in the program group.
3568 The URL is not valid.. Spaces may appear only in the bookmark portion of the URL.
3569 Directory "%1" doesn't exist.
3570 Could not load %1.
3571 Because this page has a base URL set, you will need to save any new or changed images to the base web as a separate step.
3572 The web containing this page is not open. Please open the web with the FrontPage Explorer if you want to reload this page.
3573 Text
3574 ScrollingText
3575 Check
3576 Radio
3577 Button
3578 Choice
3579 Image
3580 The contents of a WebBot Component have been modified.\nThese contents will be overwritten when you save this page.
3581 Advanced
3582 View or edit the current HTML
3583 View the original HTML
3584 Internet Database Connector
3585 Internet Database Connector Wizard
3586 The IDC Wizard only works on files in the current web.
3587 No image editor is configured.
3588 No Constraints
3589 Text
3590 Integer
3591 Number
3592 Less than
3593 Greater than
3594 Less than or equal to
3595 Greater than or equal to
3596 Equal to
3597 Not equal to
3598 Equals
3599 Less than
3600 Greater than
3601 Contains
3602 IDC Parameter Value
3603 Database Column Value
3604 Constant Value
3605 CurrentRecord
3606 MaxRecords
3607 HTTP Variable
3608 none
3609 1 (largest)
3610 2
3611 3
3612 4
3613 5
3614 6 (smallest)
3700 Regular
3701 Bold
3702 Italic
3703 Bold Italic
3704 Normal
3705 1 ( 8 pt)
3706 2 (10 pt)
3707 3 (12 pt)
3708 4 (14 pt)
3709 5 (18 pt)
3710 6 (24 pt)
3711 7 (36 pt)
3712 Normal
3713 Subscript
3714 Superscript
3715 Left
3716 Center
3717 Right
3718 Top
3719 Middle
3720 Bottom
3721 (default)
3722 Left
3723 Center
3724 Right
3725 POST
3726 GET
3727 (other)
3728 file:
3729 ftp:
3730 gopher:
3731 http:
3732 https:
3733 mailto:
3734 news:
3735 telnet:
3736 wais:
3737 (default)
3738 Left
3739 Center
3740 Right
3741 (default)
3742 LTR
3743 RTL
3744 (LTR) - left to right reading with left-aligned paragraphs
3745 (RTL) - right to left reading with right-aligned paragraphs
3800 %B %d, %Y
3801 %d %B, %Y
3802 %d %b %Y
3803 %d %B %Y
3804 %d/%m/%y
3805 %m/%d/%y
3806 %m.%d.%y
3807 %m.%d.%Y
3808 %d-%b-%Y
3809 %Y-%m-%d
3810 %y-%m-%d
3811 %d-%m-%y
3812 %d-%m-%Y
3813 %B, %Y
3814 %b-%y
3815 %A %B %d, %Y
3816 %A, %d %B %Y
3817 %A, %d. %B %Y
3818 %H:%M
3819 %I:%M %p
3820 %H:%M:%S
3821 %I:%M:%S %p
3822 %H:%M:%S %Z
3823 %I:%M:%S %p %Z
3824 %H:%M %Z
3825 %I:%M %p %Z
3826 The attribute <%1> cannot be modified here. This attribute\nis recognized and handled directly. Its value should be modified\nfrom toolbar.
4001 Unable to refresh web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4002 Unable to put the document.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4003 Unable to put the web meta information.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4004 Unable to Set the Recalculate Dependencies state.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4005 Unable to get web page meta information.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4006 Unable to get web title.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4007 Unable to get web URL.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4008 Unable to prompt for open web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4009 Unable to remove web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4010 Unable to determine if the page is in the web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4011 Unable to get document.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4012 Unable to get web meta information.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4013 Unable to get page list.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4014 Unable to put documents.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4015 Unable to cancel requests.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4016 Unable to open web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4017 Unable to edit web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4018 Unable to show the To Do list.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4019 Unable to hide to do list.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4020 Unable to get count of to do tasks.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4021 Unable to add to do task.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4022 Unable to complete task.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4023 Unable to complete task by URL.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4024 Unable to set status of task.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4025 Unable to set status of task by URL.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4026 Unable to ask user to add task.\nError number: %1.\nError message %2.
4027 Unable to bring the Explorer to the top.\nError number: %1.\nError message %2.
4028 Unable to get the task name.\nError number: %1.\nError message %2.
4097 Unable to connect to target.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4098 Unable to read the page list after receiving it
4099 Unable to generate the event
4100 Unable to connect to target.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4101 Unable to read the page list after receiving it
4102 Unable to generate the event
4103 Unable to open web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4104 Unable to bring the editor to the top.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4105 Unable to query the web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4106 Unable to open the page for the To Do List.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4107 Unable to create a new web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4108 Unable to bring the page to the top.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4109 Unable to execute the get-document callback.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4110 Unable to drop the page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4111 Unable to get the active view.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4502 There is already a character set with this encoding for the selected language.
4503 Enter an alternative MIME encoding for the current character set.
4504 Change the selected MIME encoding for the current character set.
4505 Add MIME Encoding
4506 Modify MIME Encoding
4508 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
4590 (none)
4591 Warning: FrontPage is about to install the following file:\n\n%1\ninto %2\n\nSome files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer.\nIt is important to be certain that this file is from a trustworthy source.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
4592 Could not load the Custom WebBot module
4593 Could not execute the edit method of the Custom WebBot.
4594 Could not create %1\nIt may be in use by another program.
4600 GIF
4601 .gif
4602 JPEG
4603 .jpg
4604 BMP
4605 .bmp
4606 Unused 4606
4607 The wizard you have selected requires the Page URL\nto have an extension of %1.
32771 Search by keyword for help on a topic
32778 Checks the spelling in the active document\nCheck Spelling
32782 Show the To Do List\nShow To Do List
32789 Insert a Definition List
32790 Insert a Term in a Definition List
32791 Insert a Definition in a Definition List
32792 Insert a horizontal line below the cursor
32793 Insert a Directory Item
32794 Insert a Menu Item
32795 Insert a numbered list at cursor
32796 Insert a list with bullets
32797 Insert at cursor
32798 Insert an paragraph with Address formatted text
32799 Insert Heading 1 (largest size)
32800 Insert Heading 2 (large size)
32801 Insert Heading 3 (medium size)
32802 Insert Heading 4 (small size)
32803 Insert Heading 5 (smaller size)
32804 Insert Heading 6 (smallest size - same size as normal text)
32805 Insert a new Normal Paragraph
32806 Insert a new paragraph with formatted (fixed width) text
32807 Insert an image at the cursor\nInsert Image
32809 Select a hotspot on the image\nSelect
32810 Draw a rectangular hotspot\nRectangle
32811 Draw a circular hotspot\nCircle
32812 Draw a polygonal hotspot\nPolygon
32813 Highlight hotspots on the image\nHighlight Hotspots
32820 View or Edit the Page Information
32822 Insert a new Hyperlink
32826 Saves all open files\nSave All
32827 View or edit the properties of the selected object\nProperties
32832 View or edit the HTML for this page\nView HTML
32833 Show or hide line breaks, form outlines, and other guides\nShow/Hide カ
32835 Add a text entry box with scroll bars to the form\nScrolling Text Box
32836 Add an ordinary one-line text entry box to the form\nOne-Line Text Box
32837 Add a check box to the form\nCheck Box
32838 Add a radio-button option item to the form\nRadio Button
32839 Add a drop-down menu to the form\nDrop-Down Menu
32840 Insert a special character at the cursor
32841 Insert a WebBot Component at the cursor\nInsert WebBot Component
32842 Insert a bookmark at the cursor\nBookmark
32843 Insert text from a file
32844 View or edit the character attributes of the selected text\nFormat Font
32845 View or edit the paragraph attributes of the selected text\nFormat Paragraph
32846 Create or edit a hyperlink from the selected text\nCreate or Edit Hyperlink
32847 Insert a bulleted list\nInsert Bulleted List
32848 Insert a numbered list\nInsert Numbered List
32849 Insert a menu list\nMenu List
32850 Insert a directory list\nDirectory List
32852 Insert term item\nTerm Item
32853 Show the FrontPage Explorer\nShow FrontPage Explorer
32856 Show or hide the Formatting toolbar
32858 Show or hide the Forms toolbar
32859 Follow the selected hyperlink or go to the next page in the hyperlink history list\nFollow Hyperlink
32860 Stop the network operation currently in progress\nStop
32862 Add a push button to the form\nPush Button
32863 Bold Text\nBold
32864 Italic Text\nItalic
32865 Underlined Text\nUnderline
32867 Typewriter Font\nTypewriter Font
32868 Increase Indent\nIncrease Indent
32869 Decrease Indent\nDecrease Indent
32871 Erases the selection
32873 Unused 32873
32874 Unused 32874
32875 Unused 32875
32876 Rotate the selected image\nRotate Image
32877 Flip the selected image horizontally\nFlip Horizontal
32878 Crop the selected image\nCrop
32879 Show or hide the Image tool bar
32880 Toggle Insert
32882 Select a page to open from the current Web
32883 Open a page from any web by specifying the URL
32884 Shows the settings of the active document including title and colors\nPage Properties
32888 Unused 32888
32891 Add a task on the active page to the To Do List\nAdd To Do Task
32892 Open the active page with another tool
32893 Select a transparent pixel in the image\nMake Transparent
32894 View or edit the character attributes of the selected text\nFont Properties
32895 Add an image field to the form\nImage Field
32896 Open an existing page\nOpen
32897 View or edit the properties of the current image\nImage Properties
32898 View or edit the properties of the current image hotspot\nImage Hotspot Properties
32899 View or edit the properties of the current horizontal line\nHorizontal Line Properties
32900 View the HTML source which was read for this page
32901 Bulleted list\nBulleted List
32902 Numbered list\nNumbered List
32903 Insert a line break at the insertion point
32906 Splits the selected table cells\nSplit Cells
32907 View or edit the properties of the current WebBot Component\nWebBot Component Properties
32908 Merge the selected table cells into a single cell\nMerge Cells
32909 Insert a table\nInsert Table
32910 Inserts one ore more rows or columns into the table\nInsert Rows or Columns
32911 View or edit the properties of the current bookmark\nBookmark Properties
32912 Inserts a cell into the table\nInsert Cell
32913 Sets a caption for the table\nInsert Caption
32914 View or edit the properties of the current hyperlink\nHyperlink Properties
32917 Removes all formatting from the selected characters\nRemove Formatting
32918 View or edit the properties of the current line break\nLine Break Properties
32924 Set text color\nText Color
32925 Aligns the paragraph at the left margin\nAlign Left
32926 Aligns the paragraph at the right margin\nAlign Right
32927 Centers the paragraph between the margins\nCenter
32928 View or edit the properties of the current table's caption\nCaption Properties
32932 Increase text size\nIncrease Text Size
32933 Decrease text size\nDecrease Text Size
32935 Inserts a table\nInsert Table
32936 Remove the current hyperlink\nUnlink
32947 Selects the current cell in a table\nSelect Cell
32948 Selects the current row in a table\nSelect Row
32949 Selects the current column in a table\nSelect Column
32950 Selects an entire table\nSelect Table
32951 Return to the previous page in the hyperlink history list\nBack
32952 Go to the next page in the hyperlink history list\nForward
32953 Style Combo Box (this string isn't used in the UI)
32954 Refresh the current page\nRefresh
32958 Modify the format of the table
32959 Insert any HTML tags at the cursor\nInsert HTML
32960 View or edit the properties of the current table\nTable Properties
32961 View or edit the properties of the current cell\nCell Properties
32962 View or edit the properties of the current list\nList Properties
32963 View or edit the properties of the current form\nForm Properties
32965 Insert a comment at the cursor
32966 Create a new Normal Page\nNew
32967 Insert a programming script at the cursor\nInsert Script
32969 Insert a plug-in at the cursor\nInsert Plug-In
32970 Visit the Microsoft FrontPage web site\nMicrosoft on the Web
32971 Up One Level\nUp One Level
32973 Show Details\nDetails
32975 View or edit the properties of the current ActiveX control\nActiveX Control Properties
32976 View or edit the paragraph attributes of the selected text\nParagraph Properties
32977 View or edit the properties of the current form field\nForm Field Properties
32978 Propert&ies
33079 Finds a synonym for the selected word\nThesaurus
33080 View or edit the properties of the current plugin\nPlugin Properties
33081 Insert a Marquee at the cursor
33082 View or edit the properties of the current Marquee\nMarquee Properties
33083 The current page has never been saved.\nYou must save the page before previewing it.
33084 One or more open pages have been changed.\nDo you want to preview the most recently saved version?
33085 Can't find Web Browser '%1'\nLook at the Preview in Browser dialog and make sure the command line for this browser is correct.
33086 Can't start Web Browser '%1'\nLook at the Preview in Browser dialog and make sure the command line for this browser is correct.
33087 Edit Browser
33088 There aren't any browsers configured.\nPlease add a browser in the Preview in Browser dialog.
33089 You have just inserted ActiveX Server scripts. To activate these scripts, use the Rename command in the FrontPage Explorer to rename the file with an ASP extension. If you leave it as an HTML file, the scripts will not operate properly.
33090 Couldn't start Script Wizard.
33091 Button
33092 View or edit the properties of the current HTML markup\nHTML Markup Properties
33093 View or edit the properties of the current script\nScript Properties
33094 View or edit the properties of the current comment\nComment Properties
33095 Open %1
33096 View or edit the properties of the current database object\nDatabase Object Properties
33097 DropDown
33098 Type your description here.
33099 Submit
33100 Reset
33101 Document done
33102 Modify Choice
33103 Could not open page %1.
33104 List Properties
33105 List Item Properties
33106 Server-side VBScript and database directives are not both allowed in the same web page. Remove one or the other and try again.
33347 FrontPage Express
33348 Your page contains duplicate form names, which will make writing scripts more difficult.\n\nHere is a list of the duplicate form names: %1\n\nDo you wish to continue?
33349 One or more forms contains validated fields with duplicate names. Validation will not work correctly with duplicate field names on the form.\n\nHere is a list of the duplicates: %1\n\nDo you want to continue?
33350 %1 on form %2!d!
33446 This evaluation copy of FrontPage has expired.
33447 Unused 33447
33449 &Undo %1 Ctrl+Z
33450 &Redo %1 Ctrl+Y
33451 Can't Undo
33452 Can't Redo
33453 Cut
33454 Paste
33455 Typing
33456 Insert
33457 Clear
33458 Edit Properties
33459 Resize
33460 Increase Indent
33461 Decrease Indent
33462 Change Style
33463 Split Paragraph
33464 Table Merge
33465 Font Properties
33466 Edit Hyperlink
33467 Number of &Rows:
33468 Number of &Columns:
33469 &Above selection
33470 &Below selection
33471 &Left of selection
33472 &Right of selection
33473 Spell Check
33474 You cannot paste the range of cells on the clipboard\nover the currently selected range of cells, because they\ndo not have the same shape.
33475 Unlink
33476 this untitled page
33477 You cannot close a document while a document or image is being loaded. Please stop the load or wait till it completes before attempting to close the document.
33478 You must specify a non-empty URL.
33479 Select Image
33480 Select Alternate Image
33481 Select Background Image
33482 Image
33483 Name
33484 Title
33485 Look in:
33486 Font
33487 Unable to open location %1.
33488 (adj.)
33489 (noun)
33490 (other)
33491 (verb)
33492 Related Words
33493 (no synonyms)
33494 Antonyms
33495 Thesaurus
33496 Unable to start the thesaurus.
33497 &Not Found:
33498 &Alphabetical List:
33499 Loo&ked Up:
33500 &Meanings:
33501 Replace with &Synonym:
33502 Replace with R&elated Word:
33503 Replace with &Antonym:
33504 Show the page in a Web Browser\nPreview in Browser
33505 Show the page in the currently-selected Web Browser\nPreview in Browser
33507 Insert a Java applet at the cursor\nInsert Java Applet
33508 Open File
33509 Page Properties
33510 Video
33511 Show or hide the Advanced toolbar
33512 Insert a table of a specific size\nInsert Table
33513 %1 by %2 Table
33514 Cancel
33515 Edit HTML
33516 Bullets
33517 Lines
33518 Backgrounds
33519 Buttons
33520 Product Logos
33521 Headers
33522 Counter Digits
33523 Format the background of the page\nBackground
33524 Background Sound
33525 Drag
33526 Drop
33527 Select Plug-In Data Source
33528 Image Properties
33529 Insert a video at the cursor\nInsert Video
33530 Insert a background sound\nInsert Background Sound
33531 View or edit the bullets and numbering of the selection\nBullets and Numbering
33532 Show the image editor\nImage Editor
33533 Changes font options\nFont Options
33534 Move here\n&Move Here
33535 Copy here\n&Copy Here
33536 Cancel drag\nCancel
33537 View or edit the validation of the current form field\nForm Field Validation
33538 Edit Validation
33539 View or edit the properties of the current Java Applet\nJava Applet Properties
33540 Text Box Validation
33541 This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages. Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work properly.\n\nBefore specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name so that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters (A-Z and a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_").\n\nNote: the letters must be ASCII; extended characters are not allowed
33542 This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
33543 Unable to save the page via WebPost
33544 Unable to run text converter %1.
33545 Text converter %1 does not recognize the format of the file %2.
33546 (no suggestions)
33547 An ActiveX component on this page encountered an internal error. It will not display with an accurate preview image.
33548 Select a File
33549 View or edit the properties of the current list item\nList Item Properties
33550 Script Wizard
33551 Insert a PowerPoint Animation file at the cursor\nPowerPoint Animation
33552 Select PowerPoint Animation File
33553 \nEstimated Time to Download at 28.8kbs
33554 Product Id: %1
33555 Insert the value of a database field at the cursor\nDatabase Column Value
33556 Insert the value of an IDC parameter at the cursor\nIDC Parameter Value
33557 Repeat the selection for each database row returned\nDetail Section
33558 Show the selection only if a condition is true\nIf-Then Conditional Section
33559 Show the selection only when the preceding if-then condition is false\nElse Conditional Section
33560 Remove database directives from the selection\nRemove Database Directive
33561 (Not Checked Out)
33562 (Read Only)
33563 (Checked out by %1)
33564 Time at 28.8
33565 Create a bookmark and make a link here\n&Link Here
33566 Finish %1
33567 Added by the FrontPage Editor's Create Link dialog.
33568 &No
33569 &Yes
33570 &Replace
33571 &Use Existing
33572 Save As File
33573 Page Location:
33574 You have just inserted a database component. To activate these components, use the Rename command in the FrontPage Explorer, or the Save As command in the file menu of the FrontPage Editor, to rename the file with an HTX extension. If you leave it as an HTML file, the database will not operate properly.
33575 Version: %1
33576 Version: %1 Beta %2
33577 <em>[Expired Scheduled Image]</em>
33578 <em>[Expired Scheduled Include]</em>
33579 Search for:
33580 Start Search
33581 Reset
33582 <em>Form Results Inserted Here</em>
33583 [Reply WebBot Component]
33584 Comment:
33585 <p><em>[Too many levels of included pages]</em><p>
33586 <p><em>Getting %1 from server...</em></p>
33587 AaBbYyGgLlJj
33588 Table of Contents Heading Page
33589 Title of a Page
33590 All
33591 Normal
33592 Formatted
33593 Address
33594 Heading 1
33595 Heading 2
33596 Heading 3
33597 Heading 4
33598 Heading 5
33599 Heading 6
33600 Numbered List
33601 Bulleted List
33602 Directory List
33603 Menu List
33604 Definition List
33605 Defined Term
33606 Definition
33607 (None)
33608 Include
33609 Search
33610 Timestamp
33611 Confirmation Field
33612 Scheduled Image
33613 Scheduled Include
33614 Substitution
33615 Table of Contents
33616 Follow the selected hyperlink
33617 %1 seconds
33618 Yes
33619 No
33620 Requesting Data...
33621 This page was generated by the Microsoft FrontPage 1.1 server extensions.
33622 All Files
33623 HTML Files
33624 Preprocessed HTML
33625 Rich Text Format
33626 Text Files
33627 Hypertext Templates
33628 GIF and JPEG
33629 Bitmap
33630 TIFF
33631 Windows Metafile
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33633 PostScript
33634 PCX
33635 Targa
33636 Video for Windows
33637 Programs
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33641 AU Sound
33642 PowerPoint Document
33643 Default Browser for HTML files
33644 Netscape Navigator
33645 Microsoft Internet Explorer
33646 Page &P
33647 msencode.dll
33648 code page %1
33649 Unable to interpret the contents of this page. The problem occurred because %1 is not installed on your system. This resource is necessary in order to interpret pages with the "%2" character set.
33650 <P><EM>Error: Unable to include file: %1 </EM></P>
33651 TZ
33652 Alt+Enter
33653 Author
33654 Modified By
33655 Description
33656 Page URL
33657 Username
33658 Password
33659 Subject
33660 WebBot %1 Component Properties
33661 The format of the file %1 does not correspond to the selected file type. Please select a different file type and try again.