20001 Routing and Remote Access Service Installation
20002 Routing and Remote Access Service was successfully installed on your computer.\n\n%1\n\n%2
20003 You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.
20004 Do you want to restart your computer now?
20005 You must be logged on as an Administrator to install Routing and Remote Access Service.
20006 Installing Routing and Remote Access Service.
20007 Remote Access Service (RAS) is currently installed. Choose Yes to remove RAS before installing Routing and Remote Access Service. You will be prompted to restart your computer after RAS is removed. Setup will start when you logon next time.
20008 Do you want to continue installing? Routing and Remote Access Service requires NT 4.0 Server Service Pack 3 or greater. Choose No to exit setup now. The files are on your hard drive for future installation - run mprsetup.
20009 Setup detected that the SNMP service is running on your computer. Choose Yes to stop this service and enable setup to copy files. Choose No to stop setup. You can run mprsetup to continue installing Routing and Remote Access Service at a later time.
20010 An error occurred while removing RAS. Restart your computer and try Routing and Remote Access Service install.
20011 An error occurred while setup was creating the RunOnce registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce. You can manually run mprsetup after restarting your computer.
20012 An error occurred while setup was stopping SNMP service. Stop the service and restart mprsetup.
20013 An error occurred during Routing and Remote Access Service installation. Restart your computer and try Routing and Remote Access Service install.
20014 Remote Access Service was successfully removed.\n\n%1\n\n%2
20015 Usage: mprsetup [/u] [/r] <directory where files are located>\n\n Example: mprsetup "C:\Routing". Use /u to invoke setup in unattended mode. Use /r to restart the server after setup completes.\n
20016 Setup failed to get system directory path. Try setup again.
20017 Setup failed to copy OEMNSVRA.INF to your system32 directory. Make sure this file is present in the directory you copied Routing and Remote Access Service files to and the version of OEMNSVRA.INF in your system32 directory is not a read only file.
20018 Routing and Remote Access Service Beta1 is currently installed. Choose Yes to remove this service before installing final version.
20019 An error occurred while removing Routing and Remote Access Service Beta1. Restart your computer and try Routing and Remote Access Service install.
20020 The following MPR V1 service(s) installed on your computer should be removed before installing Routing and Remote Access Service.\n\nChoose Yes to remove the service(s).\nChoose No to exit setup.\n
20021 Setup encountered an error while removing MPR V1 services. Restart your computer and try Routing and Remote Access Service install.
20022 You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
20023 Setup encountered an error while determining product type. Your computer could be low on memory. Close any open programs and try setup again.
20024 You can not install Routing and Remote Access Service on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation product. Upgrade to Server product before proceeding.
20025 Setup encountered an error while determining product version. Your computer could be low on memory. Close any open programs and try setup again.
20026 You need NT 4.0 Server with Service Pack 3 or greater to install Routing and Remote Access Service. Upgrade to the correct version of the Server product before proceeding.
20027 You have Routing and Remote Access Service Beta2 version installed. In Control Panel Network, select Routing and Remote Access Service and choose update. When prompted, specify the directory you copied the files to. Example C:\Program Files\Routing
20028 For upgrading Routing and Remote Access Service, in Control Panel Network, select Routing and Remote Access Service and choose update. When prompted, specify the directory you copied the files to. Choose Yes to continue installing.