Use PKUNZIP.EXE to unzip driver files to a floppy. Make sure to extract the subdirectories. Example: pkunzip.exe DC6X0U.ZIP a: -d (Not all files have subdirectories)
All Drivers for DC-390U2B, DC-390F, DC-390U, DC-390W. Use this driver as the "updated driver from Tekram" that Windows 98 asks for after upgrading the system. See Tech Note 00110F96 for more info. Includes: Dos, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, Netware, OS/2, etc.
Fix System Hangs when blank CD-R is inserted
Modify the TRM390W.INF , to skip the warning message when update device driver
Add support for Bootable CD ( CD ROM can emulate floppy or HDD ) * Must work with BIOS V3.03 or later