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- #
- |
- | graphics display driver for
- | Windows 2000 - Build 2183 and newer
- |
- | Version:
- |
- | Copyright (c) 2000 ELSA AG (Aachen, Germany)
- |
- | ELSA AG Internet: http://www.elsa.de
- | Sonnenweg 11
- | 52070 Aachen
- | Germany
- |
- | ELSA Inc. Internet: http://www.elsa.com
- | 1630 Zanker Road
- | San Jose, CA 95112
- | USA
- |
- | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet: http://www.elsa.com
- | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5
- | Nanking East Road
- | Taipei 105
- | Taiwan, R. O. C.
- |
- | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet: http://www.elsa.com
- | Mita Suzuki Building 3F
- | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku
- | Tokyo 108-0014
- | Japan
- |
- | 06/19/2000, MKreiten\KLux\MWolf
- |
- Table of Contents:
- 1 Introduction
- 2 List of Installation Files
- 3 Installation
- 4 Known Problems
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Introduction
- This file explains how to setup and to configure the ELSA
- Windows 2000 driver software for your graphics board.
- 1.2 Further Information
- For more information on configuring installed ELSA graphics
- drivers, refer to the Windows Help or to the help files to
- ELSA utilities.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2 List of Installation Files
- The directory with the ELSA graphics driver for Windows NT
- contains the following files:
- GLADIAC.inf script file for the installation
- GLADIAC.cat catalog file
- DISK1 source disk identifier
- README.TXT the file you are currently reading
- LIESMICH.TXT german version of readme.txt
- egdam.sy_ miniport driver (compressed)
- egdad.dl_ display driver (compressed)
- eoglgda.dl_ OpenGL ICD driver (compressed)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 Installation
- NOTE: This driver was designed for full functionality under
- Windows 2000 RC3 (Build 2183) or newer only!
- 3.1 Installation of the ELSA graphics driver
- First shut down your computer and exchange the graphics board
- with the ELSA GLADIAC.
- Your graphics board requires an hardware interrupt (IRQ). Please
- assign a unique IRQ to the slot which is related to your
- graphics board in the mainboard BIOS if it provides this option.
- At Windows 2000 startup, it selects the default standard VGA
- driver or a driver provided by the graphics chip vendor.
- Please note that none of these drivers supports the full
- functionality which is provided by this board.
- To install this graphics driver you have to ensure to have
- administrator rights for your Windows 2000 system. Please close
- all running applications before installing any new driver.
- There are several ways in Windows 2000 to install a display
- adapter, a universal way is to use the 'Device Manager'.
- Right-click the icon 'My Computer' on your windows desktop.
- Select 'Manage' to start the Windows 2000'Computer Management
- Console'. Select the entry 'Device Manager'. The entry of your
- graphics adapter is located either in 'Other Devices'
- or in 'Display Adapters'. Open the properties window for the
- display adapter by right-clicking the entry.
- (If there isn't an entry for any display device, you should
- right-click the root icon on the right Window and activate 'Scan
- for hardware changes'.)
- Select the tab 'Driver' and then 'Update Driver' to start the
- Windows 2000 'Upgrade Device Driver Wizard'.
- Click 'Next to close the welcome dialog and select 'display
- a list of known drivers...'. Click 'Next'. Depending on where
- the entry has been located, another dialog may appear, asking
- what kind of Hardware should be installed. In that case, select
- 'Graphics Adapter'. After confirmation Windows starts searching
- for known drivers. Please select the 'Have disk...' button and
- change the entry to the location of your new drivers
- (i.e 'E:\ELSA\WIN2000') by the 'browse...' button.
- After that, the update device driver window shows a listing of
- boards supported by the display driver. Select your hardware and
- click 'Next or 'Yes' until the finishing dialog appears.
- Confirm and close all dialog windows. If required Windows 2000
- will ask for restarting the computer. The driver installation is
- finished. To change the display resolution please open the
- display properties dialog again (e.g by right-clicking the
- desktop and choose 'Properties' from pop-up menu) and select
- 'Settings'. By clicking the button 'Advanced...' and choose
- 'Monitor' you will be able to change the refresh rate of your
- display. Please note that only display refresh frequencies of
- 75 Hz or above are suitable for ergonomic working.
- Your monitor should be configurated correctly also, to provide
- proper refresh rates. To check or do this, start the display
- properties like described above, select the 'Settings' tab,
- click 'Advanced...', the 'Monitor' tab, 'Properties...', the
- 'Driver' tab of the following dialog and click on 'Update
- Driver...'. The assistant asks for the monitor driver disk.
- Please confirm everything, restarting your system won't be
- necessary.
- NOTE: With the installation of the Windows 2000 driver, the
- ELSA OpenGL driver is automatically installed, too.
- Please don't use any other OpenGL driver but the
- originally provided with the installed display driver
- files.
- 3.2 Making Installation Disks
- To create installation disks for the ELSA graphics driver
- you will need an empty floppy disk labeled:
- "ELSA Windows 2000 DISK 1".
- Copy the files from the according graphics board directory
- on the driver CD-ROM to the prepared disk.
- 3.3. Determining the Version Number of the Driver via the Driver
- Files
- Use the Explorer to inspect the file properties for one of
- the files egdam.sys or egdad.dll. The file egdam.sys can be
- found in the directory System32\Drivers, the egdad.dll file
- in the System32 directory of your Windows 2000 installation.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. Known Problems:
- - The display driver is installed successfully, but after
- rebooting the system, the driver is not activated.
- Your graphics board requires a free IRQ to work properly.
- Please assign a unique IRQ to the slot which is related to
- your graphics board. Be sure to have no hardware conlicts with
- other installed hardware components.
- - Some programs will not work correctly because they are not
- designed to run with Windows 2000.
- - This version will not work with Windows 2000 releases earlier
- than RC3.
- - There ist no automatically setup program implemented.
- Please install this driver manually.
- - Some D3D benchmark applications like 3DMark2000
- may crash sporadically.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------