Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | font | number | parallel | document OCR: Create your own palette tool 1. Draw your own templates with the bond, ring, or straight arrow tools. 2. Save the document with "Save" in the "File" menu. The document can contain any number of templates; however, only 40 are visible in the palette on a "small" screen. 3. Open the same document with "Load Template" in the "File" menu. 4. Press the icon|28. 5. Drag to select one of your new template tools with the pop-up palette. What is the pivot atom and bond? Pivot Atom User-defined palette tools are used in the same manner as the tools that are used to create Pivot Bond them. A drag rotates the pivot bond around the pivot atom in the template. The pivot atom is the starting point for the drag. How to specify the pivot for your tools 2 3 Select "Bring to Front" in "Arrange" Menu drag drag 4 5 Select "Bring to Front" Save and Load Template again Document What determines the template's size? User-defined palette tools have a default fixed size, just like the tools that are used to create them. Two parameters determine this size. 1. The length in the Style current style Options Create Style ... Change Presentations ... Standard Style / Presentations 2. The template document By default, the template is resized so the pivot bond is the same length as specified by the Style. resize with pivot bond Alternatively, the document defining the templates can contain a plain single bond that is used to determine the fixed size for the templates. All templates in this document are resized so the single bond is the same length as specified by the Style. resize with single bond Hint: If a pivot bond is longer or shorter than most bonds in your template document, include a plain single bond in your document.