268 @cls\n@echo.\n@echo.\n@echo Norton Zip Rescue L0 Windows 0w祭RW0f0D0~0Y0a 8^n0w祭RBf燈000w桧0\n@echo K0K00~0Y0a Norton Zip Rescue L0 Windows 0歇LW0f0D00燈o0 Zip h}x0\n@echo rK00ヨS0ⅧU0j0D0g0O0`0U0D0a\n@echo.\n@echo peR_0c0f00rn0qx~}L0w庚0j0D04XTd zmpn0w祭RL01YWeW0_0S'`\n@echo L0B00~0Y0a Qenh}x~on0h}x0rk0eQ0_0~0~0g0zmp0慌w祭R\n@echo Y00S0h0k00c0f0 Norton Zip Rescue g0 Windows n0慌w祭R0f0f0O0`0U0D0a
7071 !command: Disk Doctor\n!dos-cmd: NDD.EXE\n!Disk_Name: NU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n^BNorton Disk Doctor\n\n^BDisk: ^NNU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n\nAutomatically detects and corrects\nphysical and logical disk errors.\n\n^BCommonly Used Options\n/QUICK Test system area only\n/COMPLETE Test system and data areas\n/R:file Write a report to 'file'\n/RA:file Append a report to 'file'\n/X:drive Exclude 'drive' from testing
7072 !command: Norton UnErase\n!dos-cmd: UNERASE\n!Disk_Name: NU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n^BNorton UnErase\n\n^BDisk: ^NNU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n\nAutomatically recovers intact files.\nYou can also recover data from files\nthat have been partially overwritten\nor are fragmented.\n