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World Philatelist v1.0
"Your Single Program for Your Entire Collection"
Greg W. Morken
PO Box 373190
Satellite Beach, FL 32937
CompuServe ID: 70403,2746
(407) 255-5918 after 5pm EST
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Legal Notices
World Philatelist is copyright (c)1994 by Greg W. Morken. All rights are reserved.
You are licensed to use the program on the following terms and conditions:
a. You may load and use this program on any computer available to you as long as only one
program is executing at any given time.
b. You may not use a subset of this program or data files with other software application packages
or reverse-engineer the object code.
c. You are allowed to make 2 backup disks of the original program disk.
Limited Warranty
The program diskette is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for 90 days
from date of delivery. Just return the disk for a quick replacement. Except for the above warranty,
the software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including
but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly
disclaimed. You assume all risks as to selection, quality, installation, results, and performance.
Greg W. Morken does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet your
requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free.
SCOTT numbers are used in World Philatelist under a non-exclusive license.
The marks SCOTT and SCOTT'S are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and are
the trademarks of Amos Press, Inc., dba Scott Publishing Company. No use may be made of these
marks or of material in this publication which is reprinted from a copyrighted publication of Amos
Press, Inc., without the express written permission of Amos Press, Inc., Sidney Ohio.
If, for any reason, you want to exchange your program disk(s) for a different disk size/format, send
your old disks back to the author (listed on the title page). Specify your desired size/format.
World Philatelist is available in 3½" (1.44MB or 720K) and 5¼" (1.2MB) formats. Please note 5¼"
low density format (360K) are NOT available. This offer also apples to those people who upgrade
computers and want to change their master disks from the 5¼" size over to the 3½" size.
Table of Contents
System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 5
Program Installation ...................................................................................................................... 5
Common Errors ............................................................................................................................. 6
Technical Support ......................................................................................................................... 6
Starting World Philatelist ............................................................................................................... 7
Market Value Notes ...................................................................................................................... 7
Inventory database
Modify/View entries ..................................................................................................................... 8
Add new entries .......................................................................................................................... 9
Delete entry ................................................................................................................................. 10
Export/Import data ...................................................................................................................... 11
Sort entries .................................................................................................................................. 12
Move entries other file................................................................................................................. 12
Use other data file ....................................................................................................................... 12
Display stamp images ................................................................................................................ 13
Compress inventory file............................................................................................................... 13
Re-Calculate Inventory Values .................................................................................................... 13
Stamp Values
Market Values - United States, U.N., Canada and Israel........................................................... 14
Market Values - Modify/View....................................................................................................... 14
Market Values - Add.................................................................................................................... 15
Market Values - Delete................................................................................................................. 15
Market Values - Sort.................................................................................................................... 15
U.S. Plate Number Coil Values .................................................................................................. 16
Wantlist Report............................................................................................................................. 18
Inventory Report ......................................................................................................................... 18
Cost Analysis Report .................................................................................................................. 18
Inventory Analysis Report ........................................................................................................... 19
Auction/Mailbids Report .............................................................................................................. 19
Stamps to Upgrade Report ........................................................................................................ 19
New Inventory (by date) Report ................................................................................................. 19
Country of Origin ....................................................................................................................... 20
By subject/phrase ...................................................................................................................... 20
U.S. Washington/Franklin ......................................................................................................... 20
U.S. Regular Issue (1922-29)..................................................................................................... 21
Foreign Stamp Currency ........................................................................................................... 21
Table of Contents (cont)
Utilities Page
Determine Bids ...................................................................................................................... 22
Modify/View Bids .................................................................................................................... 22
Add Bids ................................................................................................................................. 22
Delete Bids ............................................................................................................................. 22
Create Bid Letter .................................................................................................................... 22
View Bid Letter ....................................................................................................................... 22
Print Bid Letter ....................................................................................................................... 23
Backup Data Files ..................................................................................................................... 23
Restore Data Files ..................................................................................................................... 23
Printer Options ........................................................................................................................... 23
Video Options ............................................................................................................................ 24
Stamp Percentages ................................................................................................................... 24
Modify Name/Address ............................................................................................................... 24
System Information .................................................................................................................... 24
EMS/XMS Options ..................................................................................................................... 24
Quit and return to DOS ............................................................................................................ 25
Shell to DOS ............................................................................................................................. 25
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 System Requirements / Install
1. World Philatelist will run on any IBM or 100% compatible computer. Requirements include: 512K
free conventional memory, hard drive with 2.8 MB+ free space, and MS-DOS 3.3 through 6.2. A
Microsoft or Logitech mouse is optional.
2. Eight printers are internally supported; HP Laserjet/compatible, Epson FX, Star, IBM Proprinter,
Epson LQ, Panasonic Laser, Diablo and IBM Graphics printers. For those people with other brands
of printers, this program also supports a "user defined" printer driver where you enter the printer
code for compressed and normal fonts using decimal numbers. These font codes will be listed in
your printer manual.
Both the demo and registered versions uses an install program to extract and uncompress the
program files onto your hard disk. The install program will ask the drive/directory where the original
program files are located. You can also copy the original program files onto your hard disk and
install the program from your hard disk if desired.
Next you'll enter the subdirectory name where you want to install World Philatelist to. You can
accept the default of C:\STAMPS or enter any directory name of your choice. The program will
create this subdirectory if necessary.
After checking for 2.8MB of free hard disk space, it extracts and uncompresses the various files
inside the "compressed" file.
The program will then ask the type of printer that you have connected to the system. The program
uses this information to send the proper printer codes to have your reports print in compressed or
normal font. You can later change the printer type using "printer options" under the UTILITIES main
The program also checks to see if you have the DOS command "SHARE" loaded and the number
of file handles available. The program will tell you if you need to set up your system differently (if
Lastly, the program will ask you to enter your name and address. It uses this information to add
your name/address to the various reports. You can change your name or address at any time by
selecting 'Modify Name/Address' option under the 'Utilities' main menu option. If you don't want a
name to appear on any report, leave these fields blank.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Errors/Technical Support
DOS Error 2 - program tried to open a file that is not found on your disk. Reload the original
program files to correct this problem.
DOS Error 4 - not enough file handles are available. This is controlled by the statement
"FILES=__" line in your CONFIG.SYS file. Increase the files to 65 in your file and re-boot the
computer to recognize the change.
NTX related errors - the index files are corrupted. Delete all *.NTX files and restart the program.
Swap file errors - programs written in Clipper use a swap file that is normally deleted when you
exit the program. If there is not enough free disk space or the default drive is write-protected, you
may encounter a swap file error. Make sure you have at least 200K free on the default drive. Those
people with expanded/extended memory enabled can have their swap file in memory.
DBCreate error - You have very limited hard disk free space available. Delete some files and start
the program again. Also check for lost clusters on your hard disk ("CHKDSK /F" and answer "Y" if
this DOS program finds some). Lastly, check your CONFIG.SYS file for a line that says "FILES=xx".
Make sure this xx number is at least 65.
Will not print reports - make sure your network software is not interfering with this program's
printing routine. Also check the printer port you've selected in the program matches the correct
port used by your printer. This program supports LPT1-LPT3 and COM1-COM4. See printer options
(under the UTILITIES main menu option) to see which port this program is trying to send the
reports to. Change this port setting if necessary.
System just stops, no error codes - this can happen if you don't have enough free memory OR
you have some lost clusters on your hard disk. Make sure you have at least 512k free memory.
Also, on a weekly basis, run the DOS command "CHKDSK /F" to fix any lost clusters. Answer "Yes"
if the program does find these lost clusters to have them fixed.
When reporting any error, its very important I have all error numbers. It makes troubleshooting so
much easier. You can contact me at PO Box 373190, Satellite Beach, FL 32937. The phone
number is (407)255-5918 (PLEASE CALL BETWEEN 5PM-10PM EST). My CompuServe ID is
70403,2746 and all e-mail is answered within a few hours as I check for mail at least four times a
day. I can also be contacted via Internet using the address 70403.2746@COMPUSERVE.COM.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Starting World Philatelist/Market Value Notes
You must first change to the directory where World Philatelist is located (by default, it's located at
C:\STAMPS). This is done by using the "CD \STAMPS" command. Type "WP" to start World
Philatelist. When World Philatelist starts, your inventory file, US/UN/Canada/Israel and PNC market
values are indexed using the Scott catalog number as the index key. After indexing, you'll see the
main menu. If you have a mouse you can select a menu option by highlighting the menu option
and press the left mouse button. Use the right mouse button to exit a menu to the next higher
menu level. For those without a mouse, use the arrow keys to move around the menus. Press the
<esc> key to exit out of the current menu to the next higher menu level.
You can speed up the initialization routine by starting the program with an optional parameter
"WP /NOINDEX". You can ONLY use this parameter if your index files are current and you have
never modified the *.inv or *.dat files outside of World Philatelist program otherwise you can
corrupt your inventory data. The program will normally use the last inventory file that was used in
this program. To start World Philatelist using ANY inventory file, type the following
"WP /LOAD=stamps.inv" where stamps.inv can be any valid inventory file. Both the /LOAD= and
/NOINDEX parameters can be used at the same time in any order when starting World Philatelist.
Market values for 6500+ United States stamps are included with the "standard" program. These
entries include most back-of-book issues like stationary, postage dues, "Duck" stamps, etc.
Optional market value files are available for United Nations, Canada and Israel stamps for $15
each. NOTE: The Canada and Israel market value databases only contain mint/used values. The
U.N. file includes mint, used, FDC and cover values. See the file "ORDER.DOC" for more
information. You must use the following names in the country data field (either upper or lowercase
letters) to properly extract market values from the appropriate file:
Country Acceptable Entries
United States U.S. or United States or US
United Nations U.N. or United Nations or United Nations - New York or UN
United Nations - Geneva United Nations - Geneva
United Nations - Vienna United Nations - Vienna
Canada Canada
Israel Israel
NOTE: All market values are in US dollars. The United States and United Nations databases will be
updated yearly with the latest values. These will be available early December. The Canada and
Israel data will be updated periodically. Market Values for other countries will be added to meet
customer demands. A yearly newsletter (mailed each November) will keep all registered users
informed of what is available/planned.
The stamp numbers you enter are converted to 4 digits with prefix/suffixes added as necessary.
For example, "C4a" is converted to "C0004a". The market value databases use only uppercase
prefixes/suffixes but the inventory database does allow lowercase letters.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Inventory - Modify/View
Selecting this option allows you to modify a single catalog number one at a time. Enter the country
and catalog number where to start from or press <esc> to return to the main menu. As each
entry is shown on the screen, you're prompted whether to modify this entry or skip forward or
backwards to the next entry. For help in editing each data field on this screen, look at the
"inventory - add new entry" section of this manual (page 9).
Select this option to view multiple stamps in your inventory. You can view up to 45 inventory
entries on a single screen. Enter a country and catalog number to start with. If the catalog number
is not found then the viewing starts with the first entry for that specific country. If a country is
specified, ONLY ENTRIES FOR THAT COUNTRY CAN BE VIEWED. Leave the country field blank
to view inventory entries for all countries. You control the number of rows on the screen by using
the "video options" menu item listed under the "Utilities" main menu option.
The fields for each entry exceed the screen width so you'll have to use the right/left arrows to view
all columns for a given stamp entry. While viewing these multiple entries, the first column (primary
stamp number) will remain frozen on the screen as you move right to view additional fields for this
entry. There are several things you can do to customize this display by using the following keys:
F1 - display a help screen - also shows current inventory database in use
F2 - delete the current column from the view. You can't delete the first column (Scott number).
Once you delete a column from view, you can't restore it. Exit to the main menu and return
to this screen have all the columns visible again.
F3 - used to rearraign the columns into any order. Press F3 to cut the current column to the
clipboard. Move to the desired new column position and press F3 again to paste the
column. You can't cut/paste column one (primary stamp number).
F4 - display all fields for the current entry on a single screen. This will look just like the "add
inventory" screen. Press any key to return to the multiple stamps view.
F5 - move current entry to a new inventory data file (see "move entry", page 11 for more info)
F6 - delete the current entry
Several other keyboard functions are also available and they are listed below:
Ins toggle overwrite/insert mode Del delete current character at cursor
PgUp page up one screen PgDn page down one screen
Ctrl-PgUp go to top of the database Ctrl-PgDn go to the bottom of the database
Home go to far left column End go to far right column
Ins toggle insert/overwrite Del delete current character
Tab pan right Shift-Tab pan left
To edit a field, press either the <enter> key or just start typing in the characters to go in that field.
Make your desired changes and press <enter> to save it. If you change your mind and want to
keep the original contents of the field, press <esc>. Pressing <enter> in the remarks column
brings up a remarks editing window. Press F2 to save the comments or <esc> to keep original
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Inventory - Add new entries
Selecting this option will bring up a data entry screen with 16 fields to fill in. The data you enter
into each of these fields (except the remarks) are carried over to subsequent entries that can save
you a lot of time. Pressing the <esc> will back you up to the previous data field. Each of the fields
are briefly described below:
Catalog Number - enter a SCOTT number. The number you enter will be converted to 4 digits plus
any necessary suffix/prefix letters (eg. "C4a" will be converted to C0004a). This ensures the stamp
numbers will sort correctly and adds consistency to the market value databases.
Alternate Catalog Number - if desired, enter a different number from any other stamp catalog.
The number you enter will be converted to 4 digits plus any necessary suffix/prefix letters (eg.
"C4a" will be converted to C0004a).
Country - enter the country name that issued this stamp. This name will be used as a default for
all future entries until changed again.
Year of Issue - filled in by the computer for Canada, U.S., Israel and U.N. stamps (if you have the
optional market value files for the countries) otherwise enter what year the stamp was issued.
Description - filled in by the computer for Canada, U.S., Israel and U.N. stamps (if you have the
optional market value files for these countries) otherwise enter a description of this stamp
(eg. 5c locomotive, blue). If you change a description that was originally retrieved from the market
value database, you'll be asked if you want to change that master description for future stamps.
Type - enter the type of stamp. You are required to use one of the choices as listed in the pop-up
menu. Select your choice and press <enter> or press the left mouse button on your choice.
Grade - enter the grade (centering) of this stamp. You are required to use one of the choices as
listed in the popup menu. Select your choice and press <enter> or press the left mouse button on
your choice. Select the bottom option to see how to grade your stamps.
Gum - enter the gum condition of this stamp. You are required to use one of the choices as listed
in the popup menu. Select your choice and press <enter> or press the left mouse button.
Source - enter where you got this stamp from. You are required to use one of the choices as listed
in the popup menu. Select your choice and press <enter> or press the left mouse button.
Date Acquired - enter the date you purchased/traded for this stamp. This date can be left blank.
Multiple - enter how many of these stamp make up the block (if applicable). IMPORTANT: If you
are entering an individual sheet of stamps, plate block, or a plate number coil strip, enter a "1"
otherwise the market values will be wrong. The market value files take in consideration how many
stamps make up a plate block, PNC5 or sheet. Enter 2 or more for multiple copies of this item.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Inventory - Add/Delete entries
Scan image - enter the file name containing the PCX scan of this stamp. This field allows you to
display pictures of any stamp that you entered earlier into the computer using your scanner. This
field is optional. This program supports the following black and white .PCX picture sizes :
a. 640x480x16 b. 640x350x16 c. 320x200x256
Price Paid - enter the price you paid for the stamp
Market Value - if the stamp is from the US, UN, Canada or Israel (and you have the optional
market value files), the computer will look at the information you've entered and calculate a value
based on the standard F-VF value and adjusted for grade and gum conditions. If desired, you can
override this value with one of your own if desired.
Remarks - Enter any comments you want to make about this stamp. This window will allow you up
to 64,000 characters (13 typewritten pages) for each stamp entry. You do NOT need to press
<enter> at the end of each line as the words will wrap to the next line automatically. Press F2 to
save these comments.
This option allows you to quickly add a whole series of stamps with a minimum of effort. You need
to enter a country and starting/ending numbers and all entries between these two numbers will be
added. If you add a range of numbers for a country not supported by a market value file, the
stamp numbers increment by one. For those countries supported by a market value file, all entries
in that range (including those found with suffixes) will be added to your inventory file.
After specifying a start/end stamp number, you'll see a data entry screen just like the one used for
entering single numbers. Some items, obviously, are skipped (eg, year of issue, description and
market value) but the rest of the data fields are the same as found in the "add individual stamps"
section found on the previous page. A market value, country name and year of issue is added to
each inventory entry for those countries supported by a market value file.
Enter the country and stamp number of the entry to delete. The program will display all matching
entries one at a time and will ask you to confirm the deletion. Press <esc> if you want to quit and
return to the main menu.
Enter a country and range of stamp numbers to delete. All stamps within this range will be deleted
and the inventory database compressed without any additional user interaction. Press <esc> if
you want to quit and return to the main menu.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Inventory - Export/Import Data
One major feature of this program is the ability to transfer your inventory data into a wide variety of
formats that can be used by other software packages. You can transform your inventory data into
Foxpro, ASCII, dBASE III+, DBASE IV, DIF, US Philatelist and World Stamp Collector formats. The
resulting output file name is determined by the format it's written in; DBASE III -> DBASE3.DBF,
Foxpro, DBASE III+, dBASE IV, DIF files have the following structure (ASCII, WSC similar):
Name Description Format Length
CAT_NUM stamp number character 7
ALT_NUM alt stamp number character 7
COUNTRY country of origin character 45
CENT centering character 5
PRICE_PAID orig cost numeric 8.2
TYPE stamp type character 1
REMARKS remarks memo 10
GUM gum character 2
TVALUE market value numeric 8.2
MULT multiple numeric 3
SOURCE source character 15
DATE_AQ date acquired date 8
DESCRIP stamp description character 50
YOI year of issue character 4
PNC PNC number character 6
PNC_LEN PNC length character 1
PCX_NAME PCX graphics character 12
The ASCII file uses variable field lengths and fields are in the same order as the example database
structure shown above except "remarks" are moved to the end of the exported record. The WSC
file does not include the PNC and PNC_LEN fields.
This option allows you to import your inventory data using another program (eg. Foxpro for
Windows, etc) and then add these entries to your current USPD Professional inventory file. The
import function will not update current inventory entries. All records from the import file will be
appended to the end of the current World Philatelist inventory data file.
ASCII import files can NOT have embedded commas in the remarks field. It could confuse the
program and corrupt your inventory file.
All other formats (except SCDB) must match the field names and structure as shown on this page.
Import from SCDB works with both standard v3.0 and v4.0 SCDB data files.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Inventory - Sort Entries/Use Other Data File
Selecting this option allows you to sort your inventory file in 32 different ways. The field you select
as the primary key stays in effect until you quit the program. When you view your inventory or
print a report, they will be displayed/printed according to the last sort you've selected. By default,
sort by catalog number in ascending order is used when you start-up the program.
You can sort on the following fields in either ascending or descending order within a given country:
1. Catalog Number (default) 9. Source
2. Alt Catalog Number 10. Date Purchased
3. Centering 11. PNC Number
4. Original Cost 12. PNC Length
5. Stamp Type 13. PCX Scan Name
6. Gum 14. Stamp Description
7. Current Value 15. Year of Issue
8. Multiple 16. Country
Move any stamp entry in the current inventory file to a different inventory file. As the record is
added to the new file, this entry in the current database is deleted. The destination file must exist
prior to moving any inventory entries. See the second paragraph below on creating new inventory
Selecting this option allows you to have multiple data files. Many users have requested this option
so they could have one data file for each of their albums. There is no limit to the number of data
files you can have. By default, the last inventory file you used is loaded when the program is
started the next time.
Selecting this option will create a brand new empty database for you to use. You'll be prompted
to enter a valid DOS name without the extension. The file extension ".INV" will be added to the file
name you specify. After you select this option, all stamp entries you add during that session will
be added to your new file. If you specify an existing file name, the old file will be overwritten with a
fresh copy.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Inventory - Load/Display/Compress
A popup menu of all your inventory files will be shown. After you select which file to use, it is then
loaded and sorted on the stamp number (in ascending order). Whatever data file was last used
before exiting US Philatelist will be the file loaded the NEXT time you start the program. You can
override this feature by specifying which file to use when you start the World Philatelist program. At
the DOS prompt, type WP /LOAD=xxxx.xxx where xxx.xxx is any valid inventory file name.
Selecting this option allows you to display pictures of your inventory on the screen. This option
requires a hand scanner and additional software that will output the scan in the popular .PCX
format. Three full screen scan sizes are supported; 640x480x16, 640x350x16 and 320x200x256.
These scans must be in black and white (color scans are not supported in this version). You must
have an EGA or VGA monitor to view these pictures.
A pop-up box will appear with all .PCX scan files listed. If you have more stamp scans then what
will show in this box, then this box will "scroll" through all matching directory entries. If the file
name you select is in one of the 3 supported sizes (listed above), then the screen will clear and the
picture shown. Press any key to re-display the main menu. All stamp scans must end with the file
extension ".PCX". A sample stamp scan is included in this package for those who don't have a
scanner but want to see this program's function. Select the "display by file name option" and enter
SAMPLE.PCX as the stamp to display. Once the picture is on the screen, press any key to return
to the program.
Enter a country and stamp number to display. The program then looks at your inventory entries
and displays all graphic scans for inventory entries matching this stamp number (the PCX file name
field must be filled in). If the PCX file name is in one of the supported sizes (listed above), the
screen clears and the stamp is shown. Press any key to return to the main menu.
As you add, delete, or move entries around, the inventory file may grow very large even if it has
only a few entries. When you delete a stamp entry, the file size does NOT decrease. The deleted
entry space is simply reused at some future point. This option extracts all of the unused areas
within the inventory file.
This option is normally only used when the market value files are modified and you want to update
the computer generated values for each of your inventory entries.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Market Values - Modify/View Entries
Market values are currently available for United States, United Nations, Canada and Israel. The
procedures for adding, deleting, and sorting these entries are the same regardless the country.
NOTE: The Canada and Israel market value databases only include mint and used values. A variety
of sources are used to determine the market values including dealer price lists and auction/mailbid
results. All market values are in U.S. dollars.
Select this option to view multiple stamps in your market value files. You can view up to 45
inventory entries on a single screen. Enter a starting catalog number. If the catalog number is not
found then the viewing starts with the first entry. You control the number of rows on the screen by
using the "video options" menu item listed under the "Utilities" main menu option.
The fields for each entry exceed the screen width so you'll have to use the right/left arrows to view
all columns for a given market value entry. While viewing these multiple entries, the first column
(Scott number) will remain frozen on the screen as you move right to view additional fields for this
market value entry. There are several things you can do to customize this display by using the
following keys:
F1 - display a help screen
F2 - delete the current column from the view. You can't delete the first column (Scott number).
Once you delete a column, you can't restore it. Exit to the main menu and return to this
screen have all the columns visible again.
F3 - used to rearraign the columns into any order. Press F3 to cut the current column to the
clipboard. Move to the desired new column position and press F3 again to paste the
column. You can't cut/paste column one (primary stamp number).
F4 - display all fields for the current entry on a single screen. This will look just like the "add
inventory" screen. Press any key to return to the multiple stamps view.
F5 - delete the current entry
Several other keyboard functions are also available and they are listed below:
Ins toggle overwrite/insert mode Del delete current character at cursor
PgUp page up one screen PgDn page down one screen
Ctrl-PgUp go to top of the database Ctrl-PgDn go to the bottom of the database
Home go to far left column End go to far right column
Ins toggle insert/overwrite Del delete current character
Tab pan right Shift-Tab pan left
To edit a field, press either the <enter> key or just start typing in the characters to go in that field.
Make your desired changes and press <enter> to save it. If you change your mind and want to
keep the original contents of the field, press <esc>.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Market Values - Add/Delete/Sort
Selecting this option will bring up a data entry screen with 10 fields to fill in. Each of the fields are
briefly described below:
Catalog Number - enter a Scott stamp number
Year of Issue - enter the 4 digit year when this stamp was issued.
Description - enter up to 40 characters giving face value and subject
Stamp Values - enter the market value for this stamp number for the mint, used, plate block, first
day cover, sheet, ordinary cover and coil line pair. If a category doesn't apply (eg. Plate Block
value for coil stamps), leave this field as 0.00. The acceptable market value range is $0 -
Enter the stamp number of the entry to delete. The program will display the matching entry and will
ask you to confirm the deletion. Then you can enter additional numbers or return to the main
menu. If you delete any entries, the market value database will be compressed before going back
to the main menu.
Enter a range of stamp numbers to delete. All stamps within this range will be deleted and the
Market Values database will be compressed prior to returning to the main menu.
Enter the field you want to sort on and whether it will be in ascending or descending order. You
can sort on any of the following fields:
1. Scott Number (default when starting program)
2. Year of Issue
3. Description
4. Value (Mint)
5. Value (Used)
6. Value (Plate Block)
7. Value (First Day Cover)
8. Value (Ordinary Cover)
9. Value (Sheet)
10. Value (Coil Line Pair)
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 PNC - Modify/Add/Delete
Selecting this option will bring up a data box asking you for a starting catalog number to
modify/view. If you enter a number that is not found in the PNC value database, it will start with the
next higher entry that is found.
Since the screen width is narrower than the data fields width for a specific stamp, use the right
arrow key to view the other data fields for this entry. The stamp number in the first column will not
scroll off the screen, this will help you keep track of the entry you're currently viewing/modifying.
EGA/VGA users can control the number of stamps shown on screen at one time. This program can
utilize the extra screen rows that the EGA (43 lines) or VGA (50 lines) modes provide. To change
the number of entries shown at one time, select "video options" under the UTILITIES main menu
option. Users with CGA monitors who try to change to 43/50 lines will have their requests ignored.
You can change information in any data field for any stamp by highlighting the data field to change
and press <enter>. Now you can type in the new data. Note: if you start to edit an entry and
change your mind, press <esc> to keep the original information.
Selecting this option allows you to add new plate number coil issues to the PNC market value file.
Each of the fields are briefly described below:
Scott Number - enter the catalog number.
PNC plate number - enter the small number found at the bottom of the stamp design.
Description - enter up to 40 characters giving face value and subject
Stamp Values - enter the market value for each PNC format; mint strip of 5, mint strip of 3, and
used single.
Enter the stamp number of the entry to delete. The program will display the matching entry and will
ask you to confirm the deletion. Then you can enter additional numbers or return to the main
menu. If you delete any entries, the PNC value database will be compressed before going back to
the main menu.
Enter a range of stamp numbers to delete. All stamps within this range will be deleted and the PNC
Value database will be compressed prior to returning to the main menu.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 PNC - Sort Entries
Enter the field you want to sort on and select if the sort will be in ascending or descending order.
You can sort on any of the following fields:
Stamp Number (default primary sort key)
PNC number
Value (Mint, strip of 5)
Value (Mint, strip of 3)
Value (Used, single)
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Reports
Several flexible reports are available to handle just about any user request. As these reports are
created, a DOS text file is written to disk. When you view a report within World Philatelist, you are
seeing the actual DOS text file as found on your disk. These text files can be edited/printed from
outside the World Philatelist program if desired.
Select this option when you want to create a report listing the stamps you need for those empty
spaces in your album. Since the computer already knows what stamps you've entered into your
inventory, its real easy to let the computer generate this report. The computer generated report is
only used with any existing market value files (including optional country files). You also have
ability to enter these stamps one at a time manually.
The wantlist option screen is where you tell what information you want included in this report. If
you select "Wantlist will be created by computer", the program will later prompt you for the price
range and stamp numbers that you want to stay within. Depending on the your use of this report,
you can include only catalog numbers (to send to dealers) or have the computer include a
description and/or value (for you to use at stamp shows, etc.). One to eight stamp types can be
included on the same report.
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as WANTLIST.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
Select this option when you want to create a report containing some or ALL of your inventory
entries. The sub-menus allow you to select one or all countries, all or a range of catalog numbers,
and specialized formats like list all stamps from a specific source or one stamp type.
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as INVENTRY.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
Select this option when you want to see how your stamps are doing as an investment, source of
your collection or the general condition. Net gains (or losses) are identified as are the number of
entries for each source and type. This report can be for one country or your entire inventory.
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as COSTVAL.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Reports
Select this option to create a report showing the different categories of stamps, number of entries
you have in each category, original cost and current market value.
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as INVTYPE.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
Select this option to create a list of all mailbids and auction bids you've entered into the auction
database (auction activities are located under the "utilities" main menu option). You can sort (or
not sort) ON five different database fields; company, closing date, description, lot number, or bid
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as MAILBIDS.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
Select this option to create a list of all low quality stamps that you have in your collection that you
want to upgrade. You enter the highest stamp grade to include and all inventory equal or less
then this grade will be listed into a report. You also have the option to include the remarks field for
each entry on this report. This report can be for one country or your entire inventory.
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as UPGRADE.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
Select this option to a list all stamps and covers purchased after a specific date. Remarks are
optional in this report. Enter a date when asked and all stamps bought on or after this date list be
sent to a report. This report can be for one country or your entire inventory.
If you try to view a report that has not been created yet, the program will create it first and then
display it. This report is saved on disk as NEWINV.DOC and can be printed/viewed outside this
program, if desired.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Stamp Identifiers
Enter a phrase (partial phrases are acceptable) found on your unknown stamp(s). The program
will try to determine the country of origin or, at least, narrow the possibilities down. A screen will
appear listing the complete phrase and country of origin for the phrase you've entered. Press
<esc> to return to the main menu.
This option allows you to enter a subject (eg. Olympics) or a person (eg. Disney) and all market
value descriptions in the appropriate country file are searched for the phrase you've entered. All
matching entries are displayed giving the stamp number, year of issue and the complete stamp
description. This function uses the market value file for each country. You must have this optional
market value file for each country that you want to search.
EGA/VGA users can control the number of stamps shown on screen at one time. This program can
utilize the extra screen rows that the EGA (43 lines) or VGA (50 lines) modes provide. To change
the number of entries shown at one time, select "video options" under the UTILITIES main menu
option. Users with CGA monitors who try to change to 43/50 lines will have their requests ignored.
This option takes whatever information you know about your unidentified Washington or Franklin
stamp and narrows down the possible choices that this stamp could be. As you step through the
identifier, use the keyboard or mouse to select your menu choices. After you have entered your
information, program will list all the possible stamps that match your input criteria.
Each of the data fields are briefly described below:
perforation: Select the number of perforations (horizonal side first, followed by vertical side). Use
a perforation gauge to measure these.
watermark: Place your stamp face down in a shallow black container. Fill with watermark fluid and
look for a watermark. If you are not sure of the watermark, select unknown. Be aware that these
watermark letters may show up on any given stamp as partial letters so be careful in your
printing method: Measure the stamp design and compare to the following methods:
Flat Plate : design will measure about 18½-19mm wide and 22mm high
Rotary Press : design will measure about 19½-20mm wide and 22½-23 mm high
Offset : stamps will have a waxy feel to them and design will be a little fuzzy
Select 'unknown' if you are unable to determine the printing method.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Stamp Identifiers
portrait on stamp: Your two choices, obviously, are either Washington or Franklin.
face value: Enter the face value of the stamp (1 cent to $1.0 ). Two and three cent stamps were
printed with plates with slightly different characteristics (1 mark versus 2 marks on ribbons, more
dots on the face, etc.). On these stamps a text screen will tell of the differences. If you want to see
the differences, select the function key at the beginning of each line to see an EGA/VGA picture.
paper type: There are two paper types for those stamps with perforation 12x12. Select your
choice by highlighting your choice using the arrow keys and press <enter>. Select 'unknown' if
you are unable to determine the stamp paper type
EGA/VGA users can control the number of stamps shown on screen at one time. This program can
utilize the extra screen rows that the EGA (43 lines) or VGA (50 lines) modes provide. To change
the number of entries shown at one time, select "video options" under the UTILITIES main menu
option. Users with CGA monitors who try to change to 43/50 lines will have their requests ignored.
This option takes whatever information you know about your unidentified 1920's stamp and
narrows down the possible choices that this stamp could be. As you step through the identifier,
use the keyboard or mouse to select your menu choices. After you have entered your information,
program will list all the possible stamps that match your input criteria.
Each of the data fields are briefly described below:
perforation: Select the number of perforations (horizonal side first, followed by vertical side). Use
a perforation gauge to measure these.
face value: Enter the face value of the stamp (1 cent to $5.00).
overprint: If your stamp has a black Nebr or Kans overprint, select that choice here.
This option displays a chart showing the monetary unit used on stamps in that country. The
approximate exchange rate to the US dollar is also given
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Auction/MailBids
This tool helps you make reasonable bids for an auction. It works with any of the market value
files. First select a country, Scott number and then type of stamp. The next screen will give the
market values for this Scott number in various grades and gum condition. Stamp types where gum
is not applicable, only one value is given for each grade. These values are determined by the
market value using the percentage multipliers you've defined in the percentages table found in
"Stamp Percentages" option under "UTILITIES" on the main menu.
You can view all bids in effect through this option. Since the screen width is narrower than the
data fields width for a specific bid, use the right arrow key to view the other data fields for this
EGA/VGA users can control the number of bids shown on screen at one time. This program can
utilize the extra screen rows that the EGA (43 lines) or VGA (50 lines) modes provide. To change
the number of entries shown at one time, select "video options" under the UTILITIES main menu
option. Users with CGA monitors who try to change to 43/50 lines will have their requests ignored.
You can change information in any data field for any stamp by highlighting the data field to change
and press <enter>. Now you can type in the new data. Note: if you start to edit an entry and
change your mind, press <esc> to keep the original information. Press F6 to delete an entry on
this screen.
Select this option to add new auction bids. First, enter a company name. If this name is found in
the auction database, the address is filled in for you automatically otherwise enter their address.
This information is used when creating the auction/mailbid letter. The auction number and closing
date are remembered for subsequent entries.
You can delete old/incorrect bids in any of three ways; company/auction number, auction
number/lot number, and delete all entries over x days old. If you can't remember a sale number,
for example, view the database first to get the correct information to fill in on this screen.
This option will create a letter for you to mail with all of your entered bids for this auction number.
Once a letter is created, it automatically gets viewed on the screen. Press <esc> to return to the
main menu.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Utilities-Auctions/Backup/Restore
Use this option to view the last auction letter that you've created. If one doesn't exist, the program
will ask you if you want to create one now and then view it.
This option allows you to print the last auction letter that you've created. The printer type and port
location can be changed through "printer options" choice under "Utilities" main menu option. If a
letter doesn't exist, control goes back to the main menu.
This option will store all of your inventory and auction data files to a safe location. After entering a
drive letter where to backup to, the program determines the total amount of space the backup will
take up. The backup will span over multiple disks if necessary and all previous data on the
backup disk will be overwritten automatically. The backup function senses unformatted disks and
will allow you to format them during the backup process.
This option makes it easy to restore data files in cases of system or user malfunctions (accidently
deleted subdirectories, corrupted files, etc). After telling the program which floppy disk to restore
from, each of the files on the floppy are restored to the current subdirectory. If you want to quit
without restoring any disks, press the <esc> key which will return you to the main menu.
This option allows you to change the current printer settings. The program first displays the
settings and asks if you want to change them. If yes, you first need to select which printer port the
printer is connected to. Next you need to select a printer family. If your brand of printer is not
listed, select "user defined". If you select this user defined option, you'll need to enter a name for
your printer (any name is valid) and then enter the control codes that your printer requires for
changing the font to compressed or back to normal sized characters. Enter these font codes in
decimals, separated by commas. Lastly, you can have an extra wide left margin on these reports
for those people who need to three hole punch them for notebooks, etc. Default is 0 extra spaces
from the normal left margin.
This option allows you to utilize the extra screen rows that the EGA (43 lines) or VGA (50 lines)
modes provide. This option sets the extended mode when you are viewing the databases in multi-
stamp mode or when viewing reports. When enabled, you can view up to 45 entries at once.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Utilities-Percentages/Name-Address/Sys Info
Rather then having a huge database of values for every possible centering and gum condition that
a stamp might have, another method was used. Since most people are more interested in the
approximate value of their collection, grade percentages are multiplied by the F/VF value for those
really good stamps or space fillers. The default values should be adequate for normal usage.
If you modify any of the percentages, it's suggested you recalculate all the inventory values using
the "re-calculate inventory values" option listed under the Inventory on the main menu.
Use this option to modify the name and address used at the top of the various reports. Up to 4
lines are available to enter your name and address. If you would prefer not to have your name or
address listed on a report, leave these 4 lines blank and the program will not include it on any
This option is more for the author's use when troubleshooting problems but it may also be useful
for you. This full screen's worth of information includes the software version, current inventory
database in use, and the total number of entries you've entered into the database. It also gives you
the DOS version, total conventional memory, free conventional memory, number of file handles that
you have. In addition it gives the total disk space on the default drive, how much disk space is still
available, and whether any of the program is loaded into extended or expanded memory. If you
ever call or write to me for technical support, I'll need this screen of information.
This program, like all Clipper-developed programs, uses a virtual memory (VM) file to take care of
memory management and swap image storage functions. This overhead code to manage the VM
file is automatically added to my program code by the Clipper compiler. By default, this overhead
code uses extended memory first (if available) and expanded memory second to store this VM file.
As future operating systems and Windows based environments are released, there may be
possible software conflicts between this program and the yet-to-be developed operating system.
This option allows you flexibility to keep this overhead code from using expanded and/or extended
memory if necessary. If neither extended nor expanded memory are available, then this VM file will
be stored on the hard disk. If you encounter DOS or system errors when running US Philatelist,
then set the three options to "N" one at a time to see if the problem goes away.
World Philatelist/DOS v1.0 Utilities-Compress DB/Quit
Select this option to close all files and return to the DOS prompt (or to Windows if you started this
program in Windows).
Selecting this option will allow you to temporally exit to DOS. System memory will be reduced by
only 8K while you are at the DOS prompt. When you are done with your tasks, type "exit" to return
to the program. You do not have to return to the STAMPS directory before entering "exit". The
program will do this for you automatically.