DOS/V Power Report 1998 January (DVD)
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Text File
1,186 lines
// Next available MSG number is 257
mainmenu1213: dialog {
label = "HPプロッタ環境設定";
alignment = centered;
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: boxed_row {
key= /*MSG0*/ "modellabel";
label = "現在の環境設定:";
: popup_list {
fixed_width = true;
key = /*MSG0*/"idmodel";
edit_width = 60;
tabs = "35";
: button {
label = "ヒント...";
key = /*MSG0*/"DevHints";
mnemonic = "i";
fixed_width = true;
: boxed_column {
label = "出力設定:";
key = /*MSG0*/ "UserCfg";
: row {
: text {
label = "環境設定ファイル:";
key = /*MSG0*/"cfglabel";
mnemonic = "C";
: popup_list {
fixed_width = true;
key = /*MSG0*/"cfgfile";
edit_width = 44;
: row {
: column { // Begin Left Column
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "出力品質";
key = /*MSG0*/"qual";
: radio_button {
label = "高速";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality1";
mnemonic = "F";
: radio_button {
label = "標準";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality2";
mnemonic = "o";
value = "1";
: radio_button {
label = "高品質";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality3";
mnemonic = "B";
: radio_button {
label = "プロッタ既定値";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality4";
mnemonic = "D";
} // End radio_column (Print Qual) //
} // End Left Column
: column { // Begin Middle Column
: edit_box {
label = "印刷部数:";
mnemonic = "N";
key = /*MSG0*/"copies";
edit_width = 2;
edit_limit = 2;
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "プリントカラー";
key = /*MSG0*/"color_set";
: radio_button {
label = "カラー";
key = /*MSG0*/"pcolor";
mnemonic = "c";
: radio_button {
label = "グレースケール";
key = /*MSG0*/"pgray";
mnemonic = "g";
: radio_button {
label = "全て黒";
key = /*MSG0*/"pblack";
mnemonic = "b";
} //end of color setting
: column {
// Begin Right Column
: button {
label = "ペン属性...";
mnemonic = "P";
key = /*MSG0*/"penattr";
: button {
label = "注釈出力...";
mnemonic = "A";
key = /*MSG0*/"annotate";
: button {
label = "用紙方向...";
mnemonic = "M";
key = /*MSG0*/"paper";
: button {
label = "用紙範囲オプション...";
mnemonic = "v";
key = /*MSG0*/"advopt";
: button {
label = "Plotter Status...";
mnemonic = "l";
key = /*MSG0*/"status";
} // End Right Column
} // End Row of two columns
} // End boxed column
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "名前を付けて保存...";
key = /*MSG0*/"saveas";
mnemonic = "S";
width = 12;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
key = /*MSG0*/"helpmain";
mnemonic = "H";
width = 12;
: spacer {
width = 2;
: button {
label = "バージョン情報...";
key = /*MSG0*/"about";
mnemonic = "A";
width = 12;
} // End MAIN MENU Dialog //
mainmenu14: dialog {
label = "HPプロッタ環境設定";
alignment = centered;
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: boxed_row {
key= /*MSG0*/ "modellabel";
label = "現在の環境設定:";
:text {
key= /*MSG0*/ "idmodel";
: button {
label = "ヒント...";
key = /*MSG0*/"DevHints";
mnemonic = "i";
fixed_width = true;
: boxed_column {
label = "プロッタ・メモリ設定:";
key = /*MSG0*/ "MemCfg";
: row {
: toggle {
label = "プロッタ・メモリの最適化";
key = /*MSG0*/"OptimizeMem";
mnemonic = "u";
: concatenation {
: edit_box {
label = "プロッタ登載メモリ:";
key = /*MSG0*/"PlotMem";
mnemonic = "m";
alignment = right;
edit_width = 3;
edit_limit = 3;
: text_part {
label = "MB";
key = /*MSG0*/"PlotMemUnits";
: button {
label = "ヒント...";
key = /*MSG0*/"MemHints";
mnemonic = "i";
fixed_width = true;
: boxed_column {
label = "出力設定:";
key = /*MSG0*/ "UserCfg";
: row {
: column { // Begin Left Column
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "出力品質";
key = /*MSG0*/"qual";
: radio_button {
label = "高速";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality1";
mnemonic = "F";
: radio_button {
label = "標準";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality2";
mnemonic = "r";
value = "1";
: radio_button {
label = "高品質";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality3";
mnemonic = "E";
: radio_button {
label = "プロッタの既定値";
key = /*MSG0*/"Quality4";
mnemonic = "D";
} // End radio_column (Print Qual) //
} // End Left Column
: column { // Begin Middle Column
: edit_box {
label = "印刷部数:";
mnemonic = "N";
key = /*MSG0*/"copies";
edit_width = 2;
edit_limit = 2;
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "プリントカラー";
key = /*MSG0*/"color_set";
: radio_button {
label = "カラー";
key = /*MSG0*/"pcolor";
mnemonic = "c";
: radio_button {
label = "グレースケール";
key = /*MSG0*/"pgray";
mnemonic = "g";
: radio_button {
label = "全て黒";
key = /*MSG0*/"pblack";
mnemonic = "b";
} //end of color setting
: column {
// Begin Right Column
: button {
label = "ペン属性...";
mnemonic = "P";
key = /*MSG0*/"penattr";
: button {
label = "注釈出力...";
mnemonic = "A";
key = /*MSG0*/"annotate";
: button {
label = "用紙方向...";
mnemonic = "O";
key = /*MSG0*/"paper";
: button {
label = "用紙範囲オプション...";
mnemonic = "v";
key = /*MSG0*/"advopt";
} // End Right Column
} // End Row of two columns
} // End "User config
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
key = /*MSG0*/"helpmain";
mnemonic = "H";
width = 12;
: spacer {
width = 2;
: button {
label = "バージョン情報...";
key = /*MSG0*/"about";
mnemonic = "A";
width = 12;
} // End MAIN MENU Dialog //
// Dialog Box for setting attributes for pens
penattr: dialog {
label = "ペン属性";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
fixed_height = true;
: row { // Pen
: column {
: popup_list {
label = "ペン (1..255):";
mnemonic = "P";
fixed_width = true;
key = /*MSG0*/"slider";
edit_width = 4;
: button {
label = "全てのペンに適用";
mnemonic = "A";
key = /*MSG0*/"okall";
} // End Pen Column
: column {
: boxed_row {
label = "マージ・コントロール";
: radio_column { // Merge
key = /*MSG0*/"mc";
fixed_height = true;
: radio_button {
label = "線分上書き";
key = /*MSG0*/"mc0";
mnemonic = "O";
: radio_button {
label = "線分重ね書き";
key = /*MSG0*/"mc1";
mnemonic = "M";
} // End (Merge) column
: column {
fixed_width = true;
//fixed_height = true;
:image {
key = /*MSG0*/"overw_im";
height = 1;
aspect_ratio = 1.4;
:image {
key = /*MSG0*/"merge_im";
height = 1;
aspect_ratio = 1.4;
} //end merge row
: button {
label = "ハーフトーン...";
key = /*MSG0*/"printop";
mnemonic = "t";
: row {
:boxed_row {
label = "線分端点:";
key = /*MSG0*/"endlabel";
mnemonic = "E";
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile1";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile2";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile3";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile4";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
:boxed_row {
label = "線分結合:";
key = /*MSG0*/"joinlabel";
mnemonic = "J";
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile1";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile2";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile3";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile4";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile5";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
} // End Row (Line ends/joins)
: row { // ( Fills & Raster patterns)
: boxed_column { // Fills
label = "塗りつぶし:";
mnemonic = "F";
: list_box {
fixed_height = true;
height = 5;
key = /*MSG0*/"filltype";
: edit_box {
fixed_width = true;
edit_width = 2;
edit_limit = 2;
label = "間隔 1..99mm:";
key = /*MSG0*/"spacing";
mnemonic = "S";
: edit_box {
fixed_width = true;
edit_width = 3;
edit_limit = 3;
label = "角度 0..359:";
key = /*MSG0*/"angle";
mnemonic = "g";
: edit_box { // Shade
fixed_width = true;
edit_width = 2;
edit_limit = 2;
label = "シェード 0..99%:";
key = /*MSG0*/"shdpct";
mnemonic = "h";
} // End Shade
} // End column (Fills)
: boxed_column { // Raster patterns
label = "ラスタ・パターン:";
key = /*MSG0*/"rastpat";
mnemonic = "R";
fixed_height = true;
width = 33;
: list_box {
fixed_height = true;
height = 8;
key = /*MSG0*/"patlist";
: button {
label = "変更...";
mnemonic = "C";
key = /*MSG0*/"changerast";
} // End Column ( Raster Patterns )
} // End Row
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
key = /*MSG0*/"helppen";
width = 12;
mnemonic = "H";
} // End LINE ATTRIBUTES Dialog //
// Dialog Box for setting attributes for pens
penppenattr: dialog {
label = "ペン属性";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
fixed_height = true;
: row { // Pen
: column {
: popup_list {
label = "ペン (1..255):";
mnemonic = "P";
fixed_width = true;
key = /*MSG0*/"slider";
edit_width = 4;
: button {
label = "全てのペンに適用";
mnemonic = "A";
key = /*MSG0*/"okall";
} // End Pen Column
: column {
: boxed_row {
label = "塗りつぶしの処理方法:";
: radio_column { // SFILLS
key = /*MSG0*/"sfills";
fixed_height = true;
: radio_button {
label = "プロッタで処理 (スピード重視)";
key = /*MSG0*/"sfillspl";
mnemonic = "l";
: radio_button {
label = "AutoCADで処理";
key = /*MSG0*/"sfillsacad";
mnemonic = "D";
} // End (Merge) column
} //end merge row
: row {
:boxed_row {
label = "線分端点:";
key = /*MSG0*/"endlabel";
mnemonic = "E";
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile1";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile2";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile3";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"end_tile4";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
:boxed_row {
label = "線分結合:";
key = /*MSG0*/"joinlabel";
mnemonic = "J";
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile1";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile2";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile3";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile4";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"join_tile5";
width = 5;
aspect_ratio = 0.75;
} // End Row (Line ends/joins)
: row { // ( Fills & Raster patterns)
key = /*MSG0*/"fillsdef";
: boxed_column { // Fills
label = "塗りつぶし:";
mnemonic = "F";
: list_box {
fixed_height = true;
height = 5;
key = /*MSG0*/"filltype";
: edit_box {
fixed_width = true;
edit_width = 2;
edit_limit = 2;
label = "間隔 1..99mm:";
key = /*MSG0*/"spacing";
mnemonic = "S";
: edit_box {
fixed_width = true;
edit_width = 3;
edit_limit = 3;
label = "角度 0..359:";
key = /*MSG0*/"angle";
mnemonic = "g";
: edit_box { // Shade
fixed_width = true;
edit_width = 2;
edit_limit = 2;
label = "シェード 0..99%:";
key = /*MSG0*/"shdpct";
mnemonic = "h";
} // End Shade
} // End column (Fills)
: boxed_column { // Raster patterns
label = "ラスタ・パターン:";
key = /*MSG0*/"rastpat";
mnemonic = "R";
fixed_height = true;
width = 33;
: list_box {
fixed_height = true;
height = 8;
key = /*MSG0*/"patlist";
: button {
label = "変更...";
mnemonic = "C";
key = /*MSG0*/"changerast";
} // End Column ( Raster Patterns )
} // End Row
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
key = /*MSG0*/"helppen";
width = 12;
mnemonic = "H";
} // End LINE ATTRIBUTES Dialog //
// Menu for annotating plot-time variables into left side of plot
annotate: dialog {
label = "注釈出力";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: row { // of two columns
: column {
: toggle {
label = "図面ファイル名 ";
key = /*MSG0*/"dwgname";
mnemonic = "F";
: toggle {
label = "出力日時";
key = /*MSG0*/"plottime";
mnemonic = "T";
} // End column (dwgname, plottime)
: column {
: toggle {
label = "ドライバ情報";
key = /*MSG0*/"dvrname";
mnemonic = "I";
: toggle {
label = "クロップ・マーク";
key = /*MSG0*/"cropmarks";
mnemonic = "M";
} // End column ( drvname, cropmarks )
} // End row of 2 columns
: column {
: text {
key = /*MSG0*/"commentlabel";
label = "コメント: (最大50字)";
mnemonic = "C";
: edit_box {
key = /*MSG0*/"comment";
width = 51;
edit_limit = 50;
} // End Comment column
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
key = /*MSG0*/"helpanno";
mnemonic = "H";
width = 12;
} // End PLOT ANNOTATE Dialog //
// The help dialog is popped up to display a help message based
// on which "screen" the user was interacting with when he
// depressed the help button
help: dialog {
label = "ヘルプ/情報";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: list_box {
width = 55;
height = 16;
key = /*MSG0*/"helplist";
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
is_default = true;
is_cancel = true;
} // End HELP Dialog
okallpens: dialog {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
label = "!! 注意 !!";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: text {
label = "OKを選択すると全てのペンに適用されます";
key = /*MSG0*/"askok";
: row {
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
} // End row
} // End OKALLPENS Dialog //
GenericOrient : dialog {
label = "用紙オプション";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: boxed_row {
label = "用紙方向と出力方向をクリック ";
mnemonic = "C";
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: column {
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image1";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image3";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio =0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image5";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio =0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image7";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: column {
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image2";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image4";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image6";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image8";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
mnemonic = "H";
key = /*MSG0*/"helppaper";
} // End Row;
BandingOrient : dialog {
label = "用紙オプション";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: boxed_row {
label = "用紙方向と出力方向をクリック";
mnemonic = "C";
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: column {
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image1";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image7";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: column {
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image6";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: image_button {
key = /*MSG0*/"image8";
width = 14;
aspect_ratio = 0.65;
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
mnemonic = "H";
key = /*MSG0*/"helppaper";
} // End Row;
paperadv : dialog {
label = "用紙範囲オプション";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: boxed_row {
label = "プロット・オプション:";
: column {
: toggle {
label = "自動カッターを使用しない";
key = /*MSG0*/"disCutter";
mnemonic = "C";
: toggle {
label = "用紙節約";
key = /*MSG0*/"InkedArea";
mnemonic = "P";
} // End column
// Another column can be added here
} // End row
: boxed_row {
label = "プロッタ・マージンによる制御レベルを選択:";
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "尺度自動調整がオフ";
key = /*MSG0*/"sclmarginadj";
: radio_button {
label = "クリップ警告を表示 ";
key = /*MSG0*/"sclwarnings";
mnemonic = "w";
: radio_button {
label = "警告を表示しない";
key = /*MSG0*/"scldisabled";
mnemonic = "D";
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "尺度自動調整がオン";
key = /*MSG0*/"marginadj";
: radio_button {
label = "クリップしない。用紙サイズに調整";
key = /*MSG0*/"adjust";
mnemonic = "A";
: radio_button {
label = "クリップ警告を表示";
key = /*MSG0*/"warnings";
mnemonic = "w";
: radio_button {
label = "警告を表示しない";
key = /*MSG0*/"disabled";
mnemonic = "D";
: boxed_column {
label = "プロッタ・マージン:";
: radio_row {
key = /*MSG0*/"expand";
: radio_button {
label = "セマイ";
key = /*MSG0*/"marg1";
mnemonic = "S";
: radio_button {
label = "フツウ";
key = /*MSG0*/"marg0";
mnemonic = "N";
: radio_button {
label = "ヒロイ";
key = /*MSG0*/"marg2";
mnemonic = "E";
: text {
label = "プロッタの設定に対応していなければなりません";
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
mnemonic = "H";
key = /*MSG0*/"helpadv";
} // End Row;
printops : dialog {
label = "ハーフトーン";
initial_focus = /*MSG0*/"accept";
: row {
: radio_column {
key = /*MSG0*/"dither";
: radio_button {
label = "拡散";
key = /*MSG0*/"scatter";
mnemonic = "S";
: radio_button {
label = "パターン";
key = /*MSG0*/"pattern";
mnemonic = "P";
: radio_button {
label = "プロッタの既定値";
key = /*MSG0*/"default";
mnemonic = "d";
: column {
fixed_width = true;
fixed_height = true;
: image {
key = /*MSG0*/"sc_im";
height = 1;
aspect_ratio = 6;
: image {
key = /*MSG0*/"pt_im";
height = 1;
aspect_ratio = 6;
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
: retirement_button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
width = 12;
is_default = true;
: retirement_button {
label = "キャンセル";
key = /*MSG0*/"cancel";
width = 12;
is_cancel = true;
: button {
label = "ヘルプ...";
mnemonic = "H";
key = /*MSG0*/"helpprintop";
} // End Row;
aboutmsg : dialog {
label = "バージョン情報";
width = 64;
: text {
key = /*MSG0*/"DriverVersion";
alignment = centered;
: text {
key = /*MSG0*/"APDVersion";
alignment = centered;
: text {
key = /*MSG0*/"AboutHeaderKey";
alignment = centered;
: list_box {
fixed_height = true;
height = 12;
key = /*MSG0*/"AboutKey";
: button {
label = "OK";
key = /*MSG0*/"accept";
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
width = 12;
is_default = true;