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README Guide to Denashin 8 Go (Denpachi) version 321.2b6-stable
Written by KAWASE Yutaka <yutaka@mailhost.net>.
Revised by NAKAMURA Ken`ichilo <kitty@esprix.net>.
The original and official readme file are written in Japanese (ja_JP).
What is Denshin 8 Go (Denpachi)
Denshin 8 Go (is called Denpachi for short) is a freeware originally
written by Mr. ISHIOKA Takamitsu <ishioka@tky.threewebnet.or.jp> as an
the-Internet-mailer which allows you to send, receive, and organize your
e-mail generally.
Denpachi uses SMTP for sending e-mail and POP3 for receiving.
Denpachi is an 32bits software running on Windows(R) 95, 98, NT and
now on Windows(R) 2000.
Denshin-8-Go should be pronunciated like [den sheen hatch go].
Den8club should be pronunciated like [den patch club].
Denshin 8 Go namely means Tele(graphic)communication No. 8.
In Japan, 8(eight) was and is believed as the perfect number.
- Multiple mail folders
You can make mail folders as many as you want. Folders can be
located in any drive and any directory where you want.
- Multiple ISPs (mail hosts)
You can switch SMTP / POP3 servers with a click of mouse.
- Minimum phone cost
Denpachi makes a dialup call to your ISP by itself using winsock.dll,
logs in to your e-mail server, sends mail, receives mail, and hangs up
the line in one sequence (if you wish so). No worry about a huge amount
of phone bill. [Japanese phone companies and ISP bills according to time
and distance, even if a local call, in usual case. ;-<]
Also, it is possible to check header information and size of mail in
your mail spool for your decision before you receive mail (or not) . You
can download mail only when and which you need selectively. When you are
away from home and have to make a long distance call to your ISP, this
saves your money a lot.
- Free choice of editor
You can choice your favorite text editor or mail viewer.
Denpachi is just designed without a internal mail editor or a viewer
although Windows(R) notepad.exe is used in default. It is highly recom-
mended to associate your text editor or mail viewer you want to use dai-
ly with Denpachi. Then your editor/viewer are to be launched by Denpachi.
- Distributing mail among folders
You can put your mail in two or more folders automatically when you
receive mail. Denpachi consults folders.def file and mail headers using
UNIX-like regular expression matching.
- Multiple templates
You can use multiple templates depending on to which address you'll
send, with what subject you wrote, or to whom you'll reply or forward.
Denpachi consults send.def, reply.def, forward.def files and mail head-
ers using UNIX-like regular expression matching.
- Thread view of mail
Mails can be viewed in thread in a special Thread View window.
- Supporting mailing list
Den8club is a mailing list where you can post your wishes about the
future Denpachi, bug reports, questions how to use, and so on. The list
is currently in Japanese language only, but English version of the list
will shortly be available. Write to yutaka@mailhost.net for the updated
Extract the archive with LHA compatible archiver, and copy (or move)
all files into a folder(directory) where you wish to run Denpachi in.
You'll find Denshin8.exe (and other files). Just double-click it to run
First time setup
On your first execution of Denpachi, Server Configuration dialog
will come up to greet you. Minimum information to run Denpachi is
required in this window. It is almost self explanatory with pop-up help
text but just write in case of yours...
[Configuration name]
Enter a name whatever you want. When you have multiple POP accounts,
the name you enter here is to used distinguish POP servers.
[POP3 server name]
Enter an FQDN host name. Usually a name like "pophost.domain".
There should be only one answer to fill up here. If you are not sure,
ask your ISP or LAN administrator.
[SMTP server name]
Enter an FQDN host name. Usually a name like "mailhost.domain".
There should be only one answer to fill up here. If you are not sure,
ask your ISP or LAN administrator.
Sometimes the SMTP server name is same as the POP3 server name so
please don't panic in that case.
[My hostname]
When you are on a LAN, again there should be only one answer so
ask your LAN administrator for the correct configuration. When you are
not on a LAN but use the Internet as a client of ISP using dialup call
account(s), you may enter any text whatever you wish.
[POP login name]
Enter your ID to POP server here. Again and again, ask your ISP or
LAN administrator. Before you make question to him/her, you should try
with your dialup login ID if you don't know your POP ID.
[POP password]
Enter your password to POP server here. Again and again and again,
ask your ISP or LAN administrator. Before you make question to him/her,
you should try with your dialup login password if you don't know your
POP password.
[Not delete mails on server]
When you check here, mail on the server will not be deleted even
after you download your mail with Denpachi. This is useful for trying
Denpachi on or maybe to debug something bad or when you'll download
mail on a PC you don't use usually.
[My mail address]
Enter your e-mail address here. Usually like "name@your.domain".
Helplessly you don't know or make a mistype about your e-mail address,
we can not tell you anything via e-mail to you. Please be careful. This
really happens sometimes.
IGNORE strange text like "yourname@?????????.jp" which appears when
you focus in this field. You'll see the National-level Top Domain ".jp"
only because Denpachi is originally developed in Japan. This will be
fixed on the International version Denpachi.
[My name]
Enter a (full)name whatever you wish to be called from others up to
29 bytes. This value appears in From: header field.
[POP port]
Default value is 110 and it would be the last choice to change this
value when you are unable to connect to your POP server.
[SMTP port]
Default value is 25 and it would be the last choice to change this
value when you are unable to connect to your SMTP server.
When you fullfilled above fields, press OK button.
Folders Definition File
(efficient use of multiple folders with FOLDERS.DEF)
In default, received mail is to be stored in the "IN" folder(direc-
tory) associated with IN.FLD cache file. the location (drive/directory)
of IN folder and IN.FLD are customizable by editing Denshin8.ini config-
uration file (see below for details).
Furthermore, you can define mail folder(s) for incoming mail using
a Folders Definition File.
Default name of the Folders Definition File is Folders.def located
at the folder(directory) where you installed Denshin8.exe. also you can
change its name and location on [Option] menu - [Global Setting] dialog.
Syntax of Folder Definition File is:
(BLANK LINE as you like)
#COMMENT only line is also possible
/(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/[i ](SPACE and/or TAB possible)(FOLDER FILE)
/(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/[i ](FOLDER FILE)(must be CRLF at last line)
NOTES: Comment(s) in the Folder Definition File can be started with
'#' and doesn't have to be started from the beginning of line
but ends at the end of line (i.e. CRLF is the comment termi-
Blank line(s) are also possible as many as you want.
DON'T forget to end the last line with a CRLF (carriage re-
turn &line feed), OR the last line won't work.
/(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/ is to tell Denpachi "which mail to be move" and
(FOLDER FILE) is "into which folder." Denpachi looks over definitions
from the top line of the Folder Definition File and when Denpachi finds
the match with the pair of (HEADER) and (KEYWORD), the incoming mail go
into the folder defined by the line and cached into (FOLDER FILE). Make
sure that lines left are ignored.
Syntax of (FOLDER FILE) is relatively easy. For example, you want
some mail to go into a folder named "JOB" and the folder locates at:
there will be a cache file named:
In this case, (FOLDER FILE) in full pathname is:
And if Denshin8.exe is located in:
then you're be able to write (FOLDER FILE) in relative pathname:
See also [Folders] section in Denshin8.ini .
Syntax of /(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/ is rather complicated. Regular expres-
sion in the world of UNIX can be used (and most likely you would have
to use).
Basically, (HEADER) is the name of header field such as To:, From:,
Subject: etc. In the Folder Definition File, (HEADER) must be written
in UPPER CASE such as TO:, FROM:, SUBJECT: and so on 'cause of Denpachi
uppercased them before matching. As for (KEYWORD), it is CASE SENSITIVE.
Please don't mix up.
And more, /(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/i allows you to treat (KEYWORD) CASE
For example, if you want all the mails from <boss@office.com> to go
into a folder "JOB", the definition line will be:
This definition will send mails with following header:
----- example 1. -----
To: you@your.host
From: boss@office.com
Subject: Any subject
And also with:
----- example 2. -----
To: you@your.host
From: boss@office.com (Name of Boss)
Subject: Any subject
BUT NOT with:
----- example 3. -----
To: you@your.host
From: Boss@office.com
Subject: Any subject
----- example 4. -----
To: you@your.host
From: Name of Boss <boss@office.com>
Subject: Any subject
For the quick solution, the following definition will save all
above 4 mails to "JOB" folder:
In the above definition, ".*" means "any number of any character in-
cluding no character". So, ".*" can save mail:
From: Name of Boss <boss@office.com>
to "JOB" folder.
Also, [Bb] means "either B or b". So, [Bb] can save mail
From: Boss@office.com
to "JOB" folder.
Further, "^" means "at the beginning of the line" so you can avoid
Recent-From: boss@office.com
not to go into "JOB" folder.
These are how regular expression works. See below for detail about
regular expression.
How to write Address book (aliases) file (ALIASES.ALI)
ALIASES.ALI is the default name of Denpachi's address book file.
You can find the file in the folder(directory) where you installed
Denpachi but of course you can locate your address book file with what-
ever name and wherever directory as you like. Follow [Option] - [Global
setup] menu to do this.
Syntax of Address book file is;
(ALIAS)(SPASE or TAB possible):(SPASE or TAB possible)(ADDRESS)
NOTES: (ADDRESS) isn't have to be a pure mail address but something
like "Bill\ <boss@office.com>". Make sure that "\" is requir-
ed before SPASE like "My\ Boss\ <boss@office.com>".
Also, right hand of ":" can also be (ALIAS) but not (ADDRESS).
For instance:
Family : Daddy, Mum, Kids
Daddy : papa@some.place
Mum : mama@same.place
Kids : Son, Daughter
Son : son@far.away
Daughter : daughter@nobody.knows
Important feature of Denpachi's Address book file is that you don't
have to follow menu to select entry (alias).
For instance, you can just write mail header like this:
To: Family
From : me@my.host
When Denpachi sends above mail, it will automatically change To:
field into actual (ADDRESS). Now to whom do you want to give an alias of
"Sucker"? (Be careful not to make any mistake. ;-p)
Template Files (for Send and Reply)
Template File is a kind of prototype of e-mail. Its recommended ex-
tension is CMP. You can use your own template to specific person or sub-
ject according to definitions in Send / Reply Template Definition Files.
Template File have to be in style of Internet e-mail with Template
Valuables. Template Valuables are indicated like $CAPITALLETTERS.
There are Send Template File, Reply Template File and Forward Tem-
plate File, because some Template Valuables can be used only in reply
mail, and some Template Valuables have different meaning whether you
write new mail or you reply to some mail.
Here is simple example of Reply Template File:
To : $FROM
From: $TO
Subject: Re: $SUBJECT
On $Date, $FROM wrote in $SUBJECT ...
Yet more Template Valuables are available...
for Send Template File:
for Reply Template File, all of the above 6 plus;
All the above Valuables can be followed by [n], where "n" is single
or range of integer value. For instance, when $FROM returns the value of
"KAWASE Yutaka <yutaka@mailhost.net>",
$FROM[1] returns "KAWASE",
$FROM[3] returns "<yutaka@mailhost.net>".
Also, $BODY[1-10] returns the first 10 lines of mail which you are
replying to.
Working with Send Template Definition File (SEND.DEF)
Multiple template makes Denpachi an attractive mailer. With the Send
Template Definition File, you can define which template to use for outgo-
ing mail. Default name and location of Send Template Definition File is
SEND.DEF in the folder(directory) where you installed Denpachi. This can
be changed via [Option] - [Global setup] menu.
Syntax of Send Template Definition File is the same as Folder Defini-
tion File, i.e.:
(BLANK LINE as you like)
#COMMENT only line is also possible
/(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/[i ](TEMPLATE FILE)(must be CRLF at last line)
See 'Folders Definition File' section above.
/(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/ is to tell Denpachi "mail including specific
header and keyword(s) will use" and (TEMPLATE FILE) is "which template".
Denpachi looks over definitions from the beginning of the Send Template
Definition File and when Denpachi finds the match with the pair of
(HEADER) and (KEYWORD), Your favorite editor is invoked with the filled
up defined (TEMPLATE FILE). Make sure that lines left are ignored.
Syntax of (TEMPLATE FILE) is relatively easy. For example, you want
to use special template which file name is:
when you send mail which subject is like "Happy birthday", the values
for /(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/ is like:
and the value for (TEMPLATE FILENAME) is
And if Denshin8.exe is located in:
then you're be able to write (FOLDER FILE) in relative pathname:
Syntax of /(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/ is rather complicated. Regular expres-
sion in the world of UNIX can be used.
Value for (HEADER) is one of TO:, CC:, BCC:, FROM: or SUBJECT:.
These corresponds to the header field To:, Cc:, Bcc:, From: and Subject:.
As for (KEYWORD), it can be e-mail address (especially when (HEADER) is
TO:, CC:, BCC: or FROM:) or any string you want Denpachi to look up. It
is important that (KEYWORD) is CASE SENSITIVE.
And more, /(HEADER)(KEYWORD)/i allows you to treat (KEYWORD) CASE
For example, if you want to use template
when you send mail to <boss@office.com>, the definition line should be:
If you want to know what are "^" or ".*", please refer to 'Folder
Definition File' section above.
Working with Reply Template Definition File (REPLY.DEF)
REPLY.DEF located in the directory where you installed Denpachi is
the default file of Reply Template Definition File. This works quite
similar to Send Template Definition File. For the syntax and so on,
please refer to the section above. While Send Template File is referred
by Denpachi when you are writing mail, Reply Template File is referred
when you reply to mail you received.
Also, the big difference is that you may use ANY of header field as
(HEADER) in Reply Template Definition File.
Working with Forward Template Definition File (FORWARD.DEF)
FORWARD.DEF located in the directory where you installed Denpachi
is the default file of Forward Template Definition File. This works
quite similar to Send Template Definition File. For the syntax and such,
please refer to the section above. While Send Template File is referred
by Denpachi when you are writing mail, Forward Template File is refer-
red when you forward mail you received.
Also, the big difference is that you may use ANY of header field as
(HEADER) in Reply Template Definition File.
And from Version 321.2b5, you're able to use:
$HEADERS all header
$BOUNDERY uniq string for parts boundery of multipart message
Regular expression in Denpachi
. = matches any of one character
ex. "h.p" matches with "hip" "hop" "h1p" and such but not with "Hip"
"p..k" matches with "peak" "pork" but not with "peeak" nor "pak"
* = matches any number of character(s) appears before *
ex. "r*n" matches with "n", "rn", "rrn", and "rrrrrn"
".*" matches any number of any character(s) including zero.
+ = matches any number of character(s) appears before +
ex. "hm+" matches with "hm", "hmm", "hmmmmm" but "h"
".*" matches any number of any character(s) excluding zero.
? = matches 0 or 1 of character appears before ?
ex. "characters?" matches "character" and "characters"
[] = matches list of characters surrounded by [ and ].
ex. "[dD]ay" matches with "Day" and "day"
"number[0-9]" matches "number0", "number7" and "number8" but not
with "numberA"
"[dp]ay" matches with "day" and "pay" but not with "Day"
"[a-z]" matches any one character of the small case alphabets
^ = matches the beginning of line
$ = metches the end of line
\ = escape special character appears after \
ex. "\." matches "."
"\\" matches "\" itself
\(\) = I don't know. grouping?
Entries in Denshin8.ini
This section of this readme file is yet not completed. Here is some
minimum information.
[Global Parameters]
Above is Mr. KAWASE's setting in Denshin8.ini file. Make folders(di-
rectories) IN, OUT and TRASH in g:\Internet\Mail\den8\Folders then set
values in Denshin8.ini like above. Restart Denpachi then you will find
IN, OUT, and TRASH folders have moved.
And following is Mr. NAKAMURA's setting like MH or mh-e on UNIX. you
can rename even IN, OUT and TRASH folders as this way.
[Global Parameters]
[Global Parameters]
You can add the list of time zone.
[Global Parameters]
When 1, Denpachi opens (or resizes) the folder into which new mail
[Global Parameters]
MinimumFree=(number in Kilo Byte)
Denpachi checks the drive for temporary file (ex. C:\Windows\Temp)
and warns you if the avairable capacity is less than this value.
[Global Parameters]
When 1, Denpachi asks you for confirmation of destination address
when you send mail which was stored in OUT (out.fld).
[Global Parameters]
SendRecvTimeout=(number in seconds)
Specify timeout of each single transmission (send or receive) which
default is 40 seconds.
[Global Parameters]
MyAddresses=(e-mail addresses of yours in addr-spec format)
If you have more than one e-mail addresses, list your address(es) to
this entry so that Denpachi won't put your address to To:, Cc: when you
reply to mail.
[Global Parameters]
Beeps when Denpachi Acknowledges WM_DDE_INITIATE and WM_DDE_TERMINATE
[Global Parameters]
Prohibits Denpachi to put X-My-Real-Login-Name: header fileld.
ResolveTimeout=(number in milliseconds)
Let Denpachi wait to resolve mail host name. Default value is 8000.
Minus value (such as -1) make Danpachi wait as long as possible.
Time to retry to resolve host name.
When 0, mail bell prompts you of mails not received yet.
When 1, mail bell prompts you in case of the above AND the number of
mails increased.
When 2, mail bell prompts you in case of the above AND there were no
new mail detected last time.
[(Configuration name)]
You can use POP3 authentication method APOP.
Questions, Comments, Suggestions
Authorities of this software and writers of this readme file is very
welcome having your comments, questions, and suggestions.
You're be able to reach them:
"Den8club ML" <den8club@esprix.net>
-- You need subscription beforehand. See 'Subscription.'
"KAWASE, Yutaka" <yutaka@mailhost.net>
"NAKAMURA, Ken`ichilo" <kitty@esprix.net>
-- both English message welcome.
"ISHIOKA, Takamitsu" <ishioka@tky.3web.ne.jp>
To subscribe den8club Mailing-list, you should mail:
To: den8club-ctl@esprix.net
From: your-email-address-to-be-subscribed
subscribe your-full-name-used-as-the-key
Automatically it sends back a confirmation request.
If you're OK, simply reply to that with mail body citation.
Denshin 8 Go, or Denpachi, is Copyrighted (c) 1995-1999 by ISHIOKA
Takamitsu for 50 years after he'll be dead, and is Copyrighted (C) 1999--
2000 by Den8club. All rights to this software are reserved by the author,
and modification rights & distribution rights are reserved by Den8club.
Because this software is a freeware, you're allowed to use this soft-
ware free of charge. However, the author and authorities of the software
and this readme file take no responsibility to any loss or damage caused
by the software.
You are allowed to redistribute this software subject to following
- To distribute as an entire archive.
- Written consent is required in advance by the authorities when
you'll distribute this software among most-anonymous distribut-
ee, via network or any other media, free of charge or at/below
- You are not allowed to sell this software.
And then Enjoy! (kitty)