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Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language (HTML DTD)
Draft: Fri 24-Mar-95 09:46:33
Author: Dave Raggett <dsr@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
W3O is developing a testbed browser to provide practical
experience with HTML 3.0 before it becomes a standard.
See: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Arena/
This is an open process and comments are welcomed on the
www-html mailing list.
Please use the following MIME content type:
Content-Type: text/html; version=3.0
This will allow clients to distinguish HTML 3.0 from current
HTML documents. This is most easily achieved by saving
files with the extension ".html3" or ".ht3" so that servers
can easily distinguish these files from HTML 2.0 files.
The entity HTML.Recommended can be used to give a more rigorous
version of the DTD suitable for use with SGML authoring tools.
The default version of the DTD offers a laxer interpretation,
e.g. allowing authors to omit leading <P> elements. You can
switch on the more rigorous version of the DTD by including
the following at the start of your HTML document.
[ <!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "INCLUDE"> ] >
Design Objectives:
o Backwards compatibility with 2.0
o Tightening up HTML.Recommended and
moving more things to HTML.Deprecated
o Keep HTML - simple don't compete with CALS
o Make it practical for people to edit HTML 3.0
documents directly, i.e. avoid long names.
o Tables, figures and math from HTML+
with tweaks based on recent experience
o Client-side event handling for figures
and graphical form selection menus
o Add limited presentational controls with
a view to use of linked style sheets
(style overrides are supported)
o Compatibility with ICADD as per Yuri's suggestions
HTML 3.0 relies on linked style info to give authors
control over the appearence of documents. Such info is
placed in a linked style sheet, or as overrides in the
HTML document head, using the STYLE element. The generic
CLASS attribute can be used to subclass elements when
you want to use a different style from normal, e.g. you
might use <h2 class=bigcaps> for headers with enlarged
capital letters. Note that the class attribute has a
wider scope than just style changes, e.g. browsers could
provide the means for searching through documents,
restricting search according to element class values.
The DTD contains a small number of attributes for direct
control of basic alignment parameters; column widths for
tables; support for custom bullets, sequence numbering for
lists and headers; and text flow. These attributes offer
control over appearence which would be inconvenient to
express exclusively via associated style sheets.
The MD attribute for each hypertext or inline link specifies a
message digest such as MD5 for the linked object and is needed
to ensure someone hasn't tampered with a linked document.
24th March '95
Changed ROLE->CLASS for HTML element
Added dummy elements to fix problem with mixed
content models for BODY, BLOCKQUOTE/BQ and FIG
Dropped audio fields from FORMs
Reinstated MIN/MAX for range fields
Reinstated DISABLED and ERROR attributes for fields
22nd March '95
Changed from em to en units. The latter
is a typographical unit = half point size
Merged NEEDS into CLEAR for control of textflow
21st March '95
Added REL=Banner to LINK element
Added BANNER element in place of <DIV CLASS=BANNER>
Added RANGE and SPOT elements
Added FN in place of <NOTE ROLE=FOOTNOTE>
Changed ROLE->CLASS for NOTE element
17th March '95
Fixed bug in PRE content model
Changed external references to omit trailling //
Dropped <!DOCTYPE HTML [ ... ]> wrapper to avoid problems
with "real" sgml parsers
Added NOFLOW attribute to FIG and TABLE
Fixed typo in IMG ALIGN attribute
Made SELECT match IMG for graphic attributes
Added decimal alignment for tabs and table cells
Added ALIGN attribute to TEXTAREA for parity
with IMG and INPUT, including ALIGN=LEFT etc.
13th March '95
Dropped MARK tag on advice from SGML Open
Allowed spaces in table colspec attribute
Changed ARRAY element
Added CHOOSE tag to BOX element
Cleaned up PRE content model
Obsoleted tags incompatible with SGML
6th March '95
Added several tags to MATH: %mathface, %mathvec
and improved ROOT, with new SQRT convience tag
1st March '95
Dropped align attribute from BR element
Added indent attribute to TAB
Added optional CREDIT to end of BQ
Changed FIG to %body.content to allow headers
22nd February '95
Added align attribute, and dropped before, after, center and right
attributes to clean up TAB element
Added INS and DEL for legal documents
Added CREDIT to end of FIG element
Dropped FN in favor of <NOTE ROLE=FootNote>
9th Feburuary '95
Dropped base attribute mechanism for scoping relative URLs
Dropped nofold attribute for disabling whitespace folding
Dropped border width attributes for FIG (-> style sheet)
Dropped delims attribute from math BOX element
Dropped stylistic attributes from OL such as inherit (-> stylesheet)
Added baseline to list of valign attribute values for tables.
Added DIV element for generic container class and static banners
Added MARK element for marked range class
Added closed set of LINK REL values for toolbars
Added numbering attributes to headers
Added bullet attributes to headers
Added TERM element to math for style sheet control of term rendering
Changed to imagemap=URI for server-side event handling for FIG/OVERLAY
Changed delimiter attributes for math arrays
Changed ROOT element for maths to allow an arbitrary radix
Simplified numbering attributes for ordered lists
Simplified STYLE element to leave binding to style language
<!ENTITY % HTML.Version
"-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"
-- Typical usage:
<!--================== Flags for Marked Sections ==========================-->
<!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "IGNORE"
-- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility
with widespread usage, but they may compromise the structural
integrity of a document. This feature test entity enables
a more prescriptive document type definition that eliminates
the above features.
<![ %HTML.Recommended [
<!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "INCLUDE"
-- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility
with earlier versions of the specification, but they tend
to be used an implemented inconsistently, and their use is
deprecated. This feature test entity enables a document type
definition that eliminates these features.
<!ENTITY % HTML.Obsoleted "IGNORE"
-- The XMP, LISTING and PLAINTEXT tags are incompatible with SGML
and derive from very early versions of HTML. They require non-
standard parsers and will cause problems for processing
documents with standard SGML tools.
<!--================== Imported Names =====================================-->
<!ENTITY % Content-Type "CDATA"
-- meaning a MIME content type, as per RFC1521
-- as per HTTP specification
-- The term URI means a CDATA attribute
whose value is a Uniform Resource Identifier,
as defined by
"Uniform Resource Identifiers" by Tim Berners-Lee
aka http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/URL/URI_Overview.html
aka RFC 1630
Note that CDATA attributes are limited by the LITLEN
capacity (1024 in the current version of html.decl),
so that URIs in HTML have a bounded length.
<!ENTITY % REAL "CDATA" -- real numbers (not in SGML) -->
-- Shape of hotzone in image.
All coordinates are assumed to be numbers in the range 0 to 1
and interpreted as fractional width/height and measured from
the top left corner of the associated image.
The attribute value is a string taking one of the following forms:
Used to define a default link for the figure background.
"circle x, y, r"
(x, y) define the center and r the radius.
"rect x, y, w, h"
(x, y) defines upper left, and w and h the width and height.
"polygon x1, y1, x2, y2, ..."
Given n pairs of x, y coordinates, the polygon is closed by a
line linking the n'th point to the first. Intersecting polygons
use the non-zero winding number rule to determine if a point lies
inside the polygon.I
<!-- 3.0 Parameter Entities -->
<!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6">
<![ %HTML.Obsoleted [
<!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE | XMP | LISTING">
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
<!ENTITY % list "UL | OL | DIR | MENU">
<!ENTITY % blockquote "BLOCKQUOTE | BQ">
<!ENTITY % list "UL | OL">
<!ENTITY % blockquote "BQ">
<!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE">
<!-- The CLASS attribute is used to subclass HTML elements for
rendering purposes, when used with style sheets, e.g. DSSSL lite -->
<!ENTITY % attrs -- common attributes for elements --
'id ID #IMPLIED -- as target for hrefs (link ends) --
lang CDATA "en.us" -- ISO language, country code --
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- for subclassing elements --'>
<!-- SGML standard forces different NAMES for all attribute values
in the same element, regardless of the attribute name! As a result
CDATA is used for CLEAR attribute to avoid clash with ALIGN attribute.-->
When text flows around a figure or table in the margin, you sometimes want
to start an element like a header, paragraph or list below the figure rather
than alongside it. The CLEAR attribute allows you to move down unconditionally:
clear=left move down until left margin is clear
clear=right move down until right margin is clear
clear=all move down until both margins are clear
Alternatively, you can decide to place the element alongside the figure just
so long as there is enough room. The minimum width needed is specified as:
clear="40 en" move down until there is at least 40 en units free
clear="100 pixels" move down until there is at least 100 pixels free
The style sheet (or browser defaults) may provide default minimum widths for
each class of block-like elements.
<!ENTITY % needs -- Attributes for controlling text flow. Used in headers
and other elements to guarantee sufficient room --
The following attribute may be included where ever a URL can be given:
md message digest e.g. md="md5:jV2OfH+nnXHU8bnkPAad/mSQlTDZ"
where the digest is base64 encoded and preceded by a prefix
denoting the algorithm (in this case MD5).
<!ENTITY % url.link -- Attributes associated with URL based links --
"md CDATA #IMPLIED -- message digest for linked object --">
<!--================ Character mnemonic entities ==========================-->
<!-- The HTML list of Latin-1 entities includes the full range
of characters in widely available Latin-1 fonts, and as such
is a mixture of ISOlat1 and other ISO publishing symbols -->
"-//IETF//ENTITIES Added Latin 1 for HTML//EN">
<!--================ Entities for special symbols =========================-->
<!ENTITY emsp SDATA "[emsp ]" -- em space -->
<!ENTITY ensp SDATA "[ensp ]" -- en space (1/2-em) -->
<!ENTITY mdash SDATA "[ndash ]" -- em dash -->
<!ENTITY ndash SDATA "[ndash ]" -- en dash (1/2-em) -->
<!ENTITY nbsp SDATA "[nbsp ]" -- non breaking space -->
<!ENTITY shy SDATA "[shy ]" -- soft hyphen -->
<!ENTITY copy SDATA "[copy ]" -- copyright sign -->
<!ENTITY trade SDATA "[trade ]" -- trade mark sign -->
<!ENTITY reg SDATA "[reg ]" -- registered sign -->
<!--================ Entities for standard icons ==========================-->
<!-- a range of standard icons such as &folder; for use
in speeding up display of directory listings etc. -->
"-//IETF//ENTITIES icons for HTML//EN">
<!--================ Entities for math symbols ============================-->
<!-- ISO subset chosen for use with the widely available Adobe math font -->
"-//IETF//ENTITIES Math and Greek for HTML//EN">
<!--=================== Text Markup =======================================-->
<!ENTITY % font " U | S | TT | I | BIG | SMALL">
<!ENTITY % phrase "EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE">
<!ENTITY % special "TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR">
<!ENTITY % notmath "%font | %phrase | %special | %misc">
<!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | SUB | SUP | B | %notmath">
<!ELEMENT (%font|B|%phrase|%misc) - - (%text)+>
<!ATTLIST (%font|B|%phrase|%misc) %attrs;>
<!-- Subscripts and superscripts. The ALIGN attribute is only used for math -->
<!ELEMENT (SUB|SUP) - - (%text)+>
align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
<!-- Forced line break -->
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
<!-- Named left, center and right tab stops (independent of '\t' char) -->
id ID #IMPLIED -- defines named tab stop --
indent NUMBER 0 -- en units before new tab stop --
to IDREF #IMPLIED -- jump to named tab stop --
align (left|center|right|decimal) left
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
<!--================== Link Markup ========================================-->
With HTML 3.0 you can use ID attributes on most elements for named
link ends. The use of the NAME attribute on anchors is deprecated.
Do we want to support arbitrary elements for link starts? This would
involve adding HREF and related attributes to most elements.
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
<!ENTITY % linkName "name CDATA #IMPLIED -- named link end --">
<!ENTITY % linkName "">
<!ENTITY % ToolBar "home|toc|index|glossary|copyright|
-- LINK RELationship values which are used to create toolbar
buttons or menu items for navigation, where toc stands
for table of contents and bookmark provides for an open
ended set of links, i.e. you can use multiple bookmarks
for key entry points. Use the optional TITLE attribute
to override default names.
<!ENTITY % linkType "NAME"
-- A definitive list will be specified at a later date.
They are used
a) by stylesheets to control how collections of
html nodes are rendered into printed documents
b) for document specific toolbars/menus when used
with the LINK element in document head:
where toc stands for table of contents and
bookmark provides for an open ended set of links,
i.e. you can use several bookmarks for key entry
points. Use the optional TITLE attribute to
override default names.
c) for hypertext paths or guided tours,
d) to make a link to a style sheet, e.g. rel=stylesheet
(used only with the LINK element).
e) to make a link to a separate banner, e.g. rel=banner
(used only with the LINK element).
<!ENTITY % linkExtraAttributes -- URN moved to %url.link --
"rel %linkType #IMPLIED -- forward relationship type --
rev %linkType #IMPLIED -- reversed relationship type
to referent data --
title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory only --
methods NAMES #IMPLIED -- supported public methods of the object:
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
<!ENTITY % A.content "(%heading|%text)+">
<!ENTITY % A.content "(%text)+">
<!ELEMENT A - - %A.content -(A)>
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%linkName; -- name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead --
shape %SHAPE; #IMPLIED -- for shaped hotzones in FIGs --
<!--=================== Images ============================================-->
<!-- Desired widths are used for negotiating image size
with the module responsible for painting the image.
align=left or right cause image to float to margin
and for subsequent text to wrap around image -->
<!ELEMENT IMG - O EMPTY -- Embedded image -->
src %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of image to embed --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
alt CDATA #IMPLIED -- for display in place of image --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top -- relative to baseline
-- width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width in en's or pixels --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in en's or pixels --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- units for width and height --
ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED -- pass clicks to server --
<!--=================== Paragraphs=========================================-->
<!ELEMENT P - O (%text)+>
align (left|center|right|justify) #IMPLIED
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --
<!--=================== Headings, Titles, Sections ========================-->
<!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY -- customizable horizontal rule -->
src %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI of custom rule graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
Headers can be numbered, although this is a matter for style sheets.
The style sheet controls the numbering style:
a) whether the parent numbering is inherited, e.g. 5.i.c
where 5 is the current sequence number for H1 headers, and
1 is the number for H2 headers and 3 for H3 headers.
b) what style is used for current sequence number
e.g. arabic, upperalpha, loweralpha, upperroman, lowerroman
or a numbering scheme appropriate for the current language
The skip attribute is used to skip over sequence numbers for items
which have been left out of the list, e.g. skip=3 advances the
sequence number past 3 omitted items. The seqnum sets the sequence
number to a specified value. Note that the style sheet may take
advantage of the sequence number for higher level headers.
The dingbat or src attributes may be used to specify a bullet like
image to be placed adjacent to the header. Defining this in the
header element simplifies the document markup and avoids the need
to use the clear or needs attribute in the following element to
prevent it flowing around this image.
<!ELEMENT ( %heading ) - - (%text;)+>
<!ATTLIST ( %heading )
align (left|center|right|justify) #IMPLIED
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
seqnum NUMBER #IMPLIED -- starting sequence number --
skip NUMBER 0 -- skip seq nums for missing items --
dingbat ENTITY #IMPLIED -- dingbat entity from HTMLicons --
src (%URI;) #IMPLIED -- bullet defined by graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --
-- The TITLE element is not considered part of the flow of text.
It should be displayed, for example as the page header or
window title.
<!--=================== Text Flows ========================================-->
<!ENTITY % block
"P | %list | DL
| %preformatted
| %blockquote
((%block)* | (%text)*) would be much nicer as it would avoid the need
for a <P> tag when all you want is a few words of text. The problem
is that it also prevents: "<LI> <P>some text" since it forbids PCDATA
and hence the white space between the <LI> and the <P>.
<![ %HTML.Recommended [
<!ENTITY % flow "(%block)*">
<!ENTITY % flow "(%text | %block)*">
<!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text)* -(%pre.exclusion)>
width NUMBER #implied
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
<![ %HTML.Obsoleted [
<!ENTITY % literal "CDATA"
-- special non-conforming parsing mode where
the only markup signal is the end tag
in full. This will cause problems for
standard SGML tools!
<!ELEMENT XMP - - %literal>
<!ELEMENT LISTING - - %literal>
<!--=================== Lists =============================================-->
<!ELEMENT DL - - (LH?, (DT|DD)+) -- this is perhaps too lax? -->
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- more compact style --
<!ELEMENT DT - O (%text)+>
<!ELEMENT DD - O %flow;>
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
<!ELEMENT (OL|UL) - - (LH?, LI+) -- should we allow a list header ? -->
<!-- style sheet controls numbering style
a) whether the parent numbering is inherited, e.g. 5.1.c
b) what style is used for current sequence number
e.g. arabic, upperalpha, loweralpha, upperroman, lowerroman
or a numbering scheme for the current language
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
continue (continue) #IMPLIED -- don't restart sequence number --
seqnum NUMBER #IMPLIED -- starting sequence number --
compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing --
<!-- Unordered lists:
o single or multicolumn with
horizontal or vertical wrapping
o plain or bulletted list items
o bullets can be customised via:
- entities (dingbats in HTMLicons)
- external graphic via URL
- individual attributes on LI tags
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
wrap (vert|horiz|none) none -- multicolumn list style --
plain (plain) #IMPLIED -- suppress bullets --
dingbat ENTITY #IMPLIED -- dingbat entity from HTMLicons --
src (%URI;) #IMPLIED -- bullet defined by graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing --
<!ELEMENT LH - O (%text;)+ -- list header -->
<!ATTLIST LH %attrs;>
For unordered lists, you can override the standard bullet with
a custom graphic specified via a URI e.g. src="splash.gif" or
a reference to one of the HTMLicons graphics e.g. dingbat=folder
The skip attribute is used with ordered lists to skip over sequence
numbers for items which have been left out of the list, e.g. skip=3
advances the sequence number past 3 omitted items.
<!ELEMENT LI - O %flow; -- list item -->
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
dingbat ENTITY #IMPLIED -- dingbat entity from HTMLicons --
src (%URI;) #IMPLIED -- custom bullet graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
skip NUMBER 0 -- skip seq nums for missing items --
<!-- DIR and MENU are now subsumed by UL with type=plain. Use the
wrap attribute to control wrapping style for multicolumn lists -->
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
<!ELEMENT (DIR|MENU) - - (LI)+ -(%block)>
compact (compact) #IMPLIED>
<!--=================== Document Body =====================================-->
<![ %HTML.Recommended [
<!ENTITY % body.content "(DIV|%heading|%block|HR|ADDRESS)*"
-- <h1>Heading</h1>
<p>Text ...
is preferred to
Text ...
<!ENTITY % body.content "(DIV | %heading | %text | %block | HR | ADDRESS)*">
background %URI; #IMPLIED -- texture tile for document background --
<!ELEMENT BODYTEXT O O %body.content -- dummy element -->
The BANNER element is used for a banner section which appears at
the top of the window and doesn't scroll with window contents.
This can be used for corporate logos, copyright statements and
disclaimers, as well as customized navigation/search controls.
<!ELEMENT BANNER - - %body.content>
<!ATTLIST BANNER %attrs; >
<!-- SPOT is used to insert IDs at arbitrary places
e.g. for end points of a marked range (see RANGE) -->
<!ELEMENT (%blockquote) - - (BODYTEXT, CREDIT?)>
<!ATTLIST (%blockquote)
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --
<!ENTITY % address.content "((%text;)* | P*)">
<!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - %address.content>
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
DIV can be used with the CLASS attribute to represent different
kinds of container, e.g. chapter, section, abstract, appendix.
<!ELEMENT DIV - - %body.content>
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
align (left|center|right) left -- alignment of following text --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --
<!--================ Forms ===============================================-->
As HTML 2.0 plus a few extensions:
a) A RANGE control which varies between pair of values
specified with the size attribute, e.g. SIZE="1, 10"
b) FILE widget for uploading one or more files to a server
c) SCRIBBLE on image widget that sends the "ink" to the server
d) SUBMIT/RESET buttons can now be customised with an image.
This subsumes the IMAGE type which is now deprecated.
e) Graphical SELECTion menus are now supported, using
the new SHAPE attribute on OPTION elements.
Further extensions are in the pipeline (e.g. table entry,
multiple data formats for textarea fields and client-side
scripts with custom widgets) but will have to wait until
the backlog of implementation work diminishes.
action %URI #REQUIRED -- server-side form handler --
method (%HTTP-Method) GET -- see HTTP specification --
enctype %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
script %URI #IMPLIED -- link to client-side script --
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
type %InputType TEXT
name NAME #IMPLIED -- required for all but submit and reset --
value CDATA #IMPLIED -- required for radio buttons & checkboxes --
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- read-only fields --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why field is in error --
checked (checked) #IMPLIED -- for radio buttons and check boxes --
size NUMBER #IMPLIED -- visible width of TEXT fields --
maxlength NUMBER #IMPLIED -- max number of chars for TEXT fields --
min %REAL #IMPLIED -- lower limit for RANGE fields --
max %REAL #IMPLIED -- upper limit for RANGE fields --
accept CDATA #IMPLIED -- list of MIME types for file fields --
src %URI #IMPLIED -- for fields with background images --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top
SRC attribute added for graphical selection menus
The WIDTH, HEIGHT and UNITS attributes apply to the
image specified by the SRC attribute.
multiple (multiple) #IMPLIED
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- read-only menu --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why selections are in error --
src %URI #IMPLIED -- for graphical selection menus --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width of in en's or pixels --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in en's or pixels --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- units for width and height --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top
selected (selected) #IMPLIED
value CDATA #IMPLIED -- default to element content --
shape %SHAPE; #IMPLIED -- for graphical selection menus --
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- unselectable option --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why this choice is in error --
Multi-line text input field. align=left or right
causes the field to float to margin and for
subsequent text to wrap around the field.
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- read-only field --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why field is in error --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top
<!--======================= Captions ======================================-->
<!ELEMENT CAPTION - - (%text;)+ -- table or figure caption -->
align (top|bottom|left|right) #IMPLIED
<!--======================= Tables ========================================-->
Tables and figures can be aligned in several ways:
bleedleft flush left with the left (window) border
left flush left with the left text margin
center centered (text flow is disabled for this mode)
right flush right with the right text margin
bleedright flush right with the right (window) border
justify when applicable the table/figure should stretch
to fill space between the text margins
Note: text will flow around the table or figure if the browser
judges there is enough room and the alignment is not centered
or justified. The table or figure may itself be part of the
text flow around some earlier figure. You can in this case use
the clear or needs attributes to move the new table or figure
down the page beyond the obstructing earlier figure. Similarly,
you can use the clear or needs attributes with other elements
such as headers and lists to move them further down the page.
<!ENTITY % block.align
"align (bleedleft|left|center|right|bleedright|justify) center">
The HTML 3.0 table model has been chosen for its simplicity
and the ease in writing filters from common DTP packages.
By default the table is automatically sized according to the
cell contents and the current window size. Specifying the columns
widths using the colspec attribute allows browsers to start
displaying the table without having to wait for last row.
The colspec attribute is a list of column widths and alignment
specifications. The columns are listed from left to right with
a capital letter followed by a number, e.g. COLSPEC="L20 C8 L40".
The letter is L for left, C for center, R for right alignment of
cell contents. J is for justification, when feasible, otherwise
this is treated in the same way as L for left alignment.
Column entries are delimited by one or more space characters.
The number specifies the width in en's, pixels or as a
fractional value of the table width, as according to the
associated units attribute. This approach is more compact
than used with most SGML table models and chosen to simplify
hand entry. The width attribute allows you to specify the
width of the table in pixels, en units or as a percentage
of the space between the current left and right margins.
To assist with rendering to speech, row and column headers
can be given short names using the AXIS attribute. The AXES
attribute is used to explicitly specify the row and column
names for use with each cell. Otherwise browsers can follow
up columns and left along rows (right for some languages)
to find the corresponding header cells.
Table content model: Braille limits the width of tables,
placing severe limits on column widths. User agents need
to render big cells by moving the content to a note placed
before the table. The cell is then rendered as a link to
the corresponding note.
To assist with formatting tables to paged media, authors
can differentiate leading and trailing rows that are to
be duplicated when splitting tables across page boundaries.
The recommended way is to subclass rows with the CLASS attribute
For example: <TR CLASS=Header>, <TR CLASS=Footer> are used for
header and footer rows. Paged browsers insert footer rows at
the bottom of the current page and header rows at the top of
the new page, followed by the remaining body rows.
<!ELEMENT TABLE - - (CAPTION?, TR*) -- mixed headers and data -->
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
border (border) #IMPLIED -- draw borders --
colspec CDATA #IMPLIED -- column widths and alignment --
units (en|pixels|relative) en -- units for column widths --
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- absolute or percentage width --
%block.align; -- horizontal alignment --
noflow (noflow) #IMPLIED -- noflow around table --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
<!ENTITY % cell "TH | TD">
<!ENTITY % horiz.align "left|center|right|justify">
<!ENTITY % vert.align "top|middle|bottom|baseline">
Browsers should tolerate an omission of the first <TR>
tag as it is implied by the context. Missing trailing
<TR>s implied by rowspans should be ignored.
The alignment attributes act as defaults for rows
overriding the colspec attribute and being in turn
overridden by alignment attributes on cell elements.
Use valign=baseline when you want to ensure that text
in different cells on the same row is aligned on the
same baseline regardless of fonts. It only applies
when the cells contain a single line of text.
<!ELEMENT TR - O (%cell)* -- row container -->
align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
Note that table cells can include nested tables.
Missing cells are considered to be empty, while
missing rows should be ignored, i.e. if a cell
spans a row and there are no further TR elements
then the implied row should be ignored.
<!ELEMENT (%cell) - O %body.content>
<!ATTLIST (%cell)
colspan NUMBER 1 -- columns spanned --
rowspan NUMBER 1 -- rows spanned --
align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
axis CDATA #IMPLIED -- axis name, defaults to element content --
axes CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma separated list of axis names --
<!--====================== Figures ========================================-->
The element contains text for use in non-graphical displays. Note that
you can use the shape attribute in anchors to specify hotzones on images.
This provides for local processing of pointer clicks and a unified method
for dealing with graphical and non-graphical displays.
Text is flowed around figures when the figure is left or right aligned.
You can request the browser to move down until there is enough room for
the next element, see the CLEAR and NEED attributes (in %needs)
Figures offer a path towards embedding arbitrary information formats
via some kind of OLE/OpenDoc mechanism.
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
src %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of document to embed --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%block.align; -- horizontal alignment --
noflow (noflow) #IMPLIED -- noflow around figure --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width in units --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in units --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- specifies units as en's or pixels --
imagemap (%URI) #IMPLIED -- pass background clicks to server --
<!ELEMENT FIGTEXT O O %body.content -- dummy element -->
Figure overlays. When combined with local caching, overlays
provide a cheap way of modifying a larger base image sent as
part of a previous page.
<!ELEMENT OVERLAY - O EMPTY -- image overlay -->
src %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of image overlay --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- specifies units as en's or pixels --
x NUMBER 0 -- offset from left in units --
y NUMBER 0 -- offset from top in units --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width in units --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in units --
imagemap (%URI) #IMPLIED -- pass background clicks to server --
<!ELEMENT CREDIT - - (%text;)* -- source of image -->
<!--======================== Notes ========================================-->
The NOTE element is used for admonishments. The CLASS attribute
is used to differentiate NOTE's, e.g. Note, Caution or Warning.
<!ELEMENT NOTE - - %body.content; -- admonishment -->
src %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI of custom graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
<!--======================== Footnotes ====================================-->
Typically rendered as popup note. These elements are referenced
by hypertext links specified with the anchor element.
<!ELEMENT FN - - %body.content;>
<!ATTLIST FN %attrs;>
<!--======================== Math ========================================-->
<!-- Use etc for greater control of spacing. -->
<!-- Subscripts and Superscripts
<SUB> and <SUP> are used for subscripts and superscripts.
i j
X <SUP>i</SUP>Y<SUP>j</SUP> is X Y
i.e. the space following the X disambiguates the binding.
The align attribute can be used for horizontal alignment,
e.g. to explicitly place an index above an element:
X<sup align=center>i</sup> produces X
Short references are defined for superscripts, subscripts and boxes
to save typing when manually editing HTML math, e.g.
x^2^ is mapped to x<sup>2</sup>
y_z_ is mapped to y<sub>z</sub>
{a+b} is mapped to <box>a + b</box>
Note that these only apply within the MATH element and can't be
used in normal text!
"_" REF3
"{" REF5 >
"_" REF3
"{" REF5 >
"^" REF1
"{" REF5 >
"^" REF1
"_" REF3
"{" REF5 >
The inclusion of %math and exclusion of %notmath is used here
to alter the content model for the B, SUB and SUP elements,
to limit them to formulae rather than general text elements.
<!ENTITY % mathvec "VEC|BAR|DOT|DDOT|HAT|TILDE" -- common accents -->
<!ENTITY % mathface "B|T|BT" -- control of font face -->
<!ENTITY % math "BOX|ABOVE|BELOW|%mathvec|ROOT|SQRT|ARRAY|SUB|SUP|%mathface">
<!ENTITY % formula "#PCDATA|%math">
<!ELEMENT MATH - - (#PCDATA)* -(%notmath) +(%math)>
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- e.g. class=chem -->
<!-- The BOX element acts as brackets. Delimiters are optional and
stretch to match the height of the box. The OVER element is used
when you want a line between numerator and denominator. This line
is suppressed with the alternative ATOP element. CHOOSE acts like
ATOP but adds enclosing round brackets as a convenience for binomial
coefficients. Note the use of { and } as shorthand for <BOX> and
</BOX> respectively:
1 + X
{1 + X<OVER>Y} is _______
a + b
{a + b<ATOP>c - d} is
c - d
The delimiters are represented using the LEFT and RIGHT
elements as in:
{[<LEFT>x + y<RIGHT>]} is [ x + y ]
{(<LEFT>a<RIGHT>]} is (a]
{||<LEFT>a<RIGHT>||} is || a ||
Use { and } for "{" and "}" respectively as
these symbols are used as shorthand for BOX, e.g.
{{<LEFT>a+b<RIGHT>}} is {a+b}
You can stretch definite integrals to match the integrand, e.g.
{∫<SUB>a</SUB><SUP>b</SUP><LEFT>{f(x)<over>1+x} dx}
/ f(x)
| ----- dx
/ 1 + x
Note the complex content model for BOX is a work around
for the absence of support for infix operators in SGML.
You can get oversize delimiters with the SIZE attribute,
for example <BOX SIZE=large>(<LEFT>...<RIGHT>)</BOX>
Note that the names of common functions are recognized
by the parser without the need to use "&" and ";" around
them, e.g. int, sum, sin, cos, tan, ...
<!ELEMENT BOX - - ((%formula)*, (LEFT, (%formula)*)?,
((OVER|ATOP|CHOOSE), (%formula)*)?,
(RIGHT, (%formula)*)?)>
size (normal|medium|large|huge) normal -- oversize delims -->
<!-- Horizontal line drawn ABOVE contents
The symbol attribute allows authors to supply
an entity name for an accent, arrow symbol etc.
Generalisation of LaTeX's overline command.
e.g. <above sym=ssmile>x</above>
places an upwardly turning curve above the "x"
<!ELEMENT ABOVE - - (%formula)+>
<!-- Horizontal line drawn BELOW contents
The symbol attribute allows authors to
supply an entity name for an arrow symbol etc.
Generalisation of LaTeX's underline command.
<!ELEMENT BELOW - - (%formula)+>
<!-- Convenience tags for common accents:
vec, bar, dot, ddot, hat and tilde
<!ELEMENT (%mathvec) - - (%formula)+>
T and BT are used to designate terms which should
be rendered in an upright font (& bold face for BT)
<!ELEMENT (T|BT) - - (%formula)+>
<!-- Roots e.g. <ROOT>3<OF>1+x</ROOT> -->
<!ELEMENT ROOT - - ((%formula)+, OF, (%formula)+)>
<!ELEMENT OF - O (%formula)* -- what the root applies to -->
<!ELEMENT SQRT - - (%formula)* -- square root convenience tag -->
<!-- LaTeX like arrays. The COLDEF attribute specifies
a single capital letter for each column determining
how the column should be aligned, e.g. coldef="CCC"
"L" left
"C" center
"R" right
An optional separator letter can occur between columns
and should be one of + - or =, e.g. "C+C+C+C=C".
Whitespace within coldef is ignored. By default, the
columns are all centered.
The ALIGN attribute alters the vertical position of the
array as compared with preceding and following expressions.
Use LDELIM and RDELIM attributes for delimiter entities.
When the LABELS attribute is present, the array is
displayed with the first row and the first column as
labels displaced from the other elements. In this case,
the first element of the first row should normally be
left blank.
Use &vdots; &cdots; and &ddots; for vertical, horizontal
and diagonal ellipsis dots. Use &dotfill; to fill an array
cell with horizontal dots (e.g. for a full row).
Note &ldots; places the dots on the baseline, while &cdots;
places them higher up.
align (top|middle|bottom) middle -- vertical alignment --
coldef CDATA #IMPLIED -- column alignment and separator --
ldelim CDATA #IMPLIED -- stretchy left delimiter --
rdelim CDATA #IMPLIED -- stretchy right delimiter --
labels (labels) #IMPLIED -- TeX's \bordermatrix style -->
<!ELEMENT ITEM - O (%formula)*>
align CDATA #IMPLIED -- override coldef alignment --
colspan NUMBER 1 -- merge columns as per TABLE --
rowspan NUMBER 1 -- merge rows as per TABLE -->
<!--================ Document Head ========================================-->
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
<!ENTITY % head.content "TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE? & STYLE?
<!ENTITY % head.nextid "">
<!ENTITY % head.content "TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE? & STYLE?
& META* & LINK* & RANGE*">
<!ELEMENT HEAD O O (%head.content)>
%linkExtraAttributes; >
id ID #IMPLIED -- for naming marked range --
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- for subclassing --
from IDREF #REQUIRED -- start of marked range --
until IDREF #REQUIRED -- end of marked range --
href %URI #IMPLIED -- server handling queries --
prompt CDATA #IMPLIED -- prompt message -->
The BASE element gives the base URL for
dereferencing relative URLs, e.g.
<BASE href="http://foo.com/images">
<IMG SRC="bar.gif">
The image is deferenced to
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
<!ELEMENT META - O EMPTY -- Generic Metainformation -->
http-equiv NAME #IMPLIED -- HTTP response header name --
name NAME #IMPLIED -- metainformation name --
content CDATA #REQUIRED -- associated information --
A style sheet can be associated with the document using the
LINK element, e.g. <LINK rel=style href="housestyle.dsssl">.
Style overrides can be placed in the document head using the
STYLE element, e.g.
<style notation=dsssl-lite>
dsss-lite stuff
Later on in the document you can use:
<h2 class=bigcaps>Header with bigger than normal capitals</h2>
<p class=abstract>A paragraph with a unique style of its own
Statements in the given style notation
The tag names, class and id attributes are used in the style sheet
notation to describe how to render matching elements.
<!ENTITY % style-notations "dsssl-lite | w3c-style">
<!NOTATION dsssl-lite PUBLIC
"ISO/IEC 10179:1995//NOTATION DSSSL Style Language//EN">
<!NOTATION w3c-style PUBLIC "IETF/RFC nnn/W3C Style Language//EN">
notation NOTATION (%style-notations;) #REQUIRED
<!--================ Document Structure ===================================-->
<!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY">
<!ELEMENT HTML O O (%html.content)>
<!ENTITY % version.attr 'VERSION CDATA #FIXED "%HTML.Version;"'>
<!-- suggested roles are: TOC, DOC, DOCPART, HITLIST, DIALOG -->
%version.attr; -- report DTD version to application --
urn CDATA #IMPLIED -- universal resource name for this document --
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- role of this document, eg table of contents --
<!-- The END -->