Amiga ACS 1997 #2
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Text File
2,152 lines
extlen: dc.w 0
awayfromwall: dc.w 0
wallbounce: dc.w 0
wallxsize: dc.w 0
wallzsize: dc.w 0
walllength: dc.w 0
RoomPath: ds.w 100
RoomPathPtr: dc.l 0
QUITOUT: dc.w 0
move.l #objroom,objroomback
move.w #200,QUITOUT
move.l #RoomPath,RoomPathPtr
clr.b hitwall
move.w newx,d0
sub.w oldx,d0
move.w d0,xdiff
move.w newz,d0
sub.w oldz,d0
move.w d0,zdiff
tst.w xdiff
bne.s .moveing
tst.w zdiff
bne.s .moveing
move.l newy,wallhitheight
move.l objroom,a0
move.l a0,a5
adda.w ToExitList(a5),a0
move.l a0,test
move.l FloorLines,a1
move.w (a0)+,d0
blt nomorewalls
asl.w #4,d0
lea (a1,d0.w),a2
* Check if we are within exit limits
* of zone.
move.l #-65536*256,d0
move.l d0,LowerRoofHeight
move.l d0,UpperRoofHeight
move.l d0,LowerFloorHeight
move.l d0,UpperFloorHeight
; tst.b 9(a2)
; bne thisisawall2
moveq #0,d1
move.w 8(a2),d1
blt thisisawall2
move.l ZoneAdds,a4
move.l (a4,d1.w*4),a4
add.l LEVELDATA,a4
move.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d1
move.l d1,LowerFloorHeight
move.l ToZoneRoof(a4),d2
move.l d2,LowerRoofHeight
bra thisisawall1
sub.l d2,d1
cmp.l thingheight,d1
ble thisisawall1
move.l oldy,d0
move.l d0,d1
add.l thingheight,d1
sub.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d1
bgt.s chkstepup
neg.l d1
cmp.l StepDownVal,d1
blt.s botinsidebot
cmp.l StepUpVal,d1
blt.s botinsidebot
; We have a wall!
bra thisisawall1
sub.l ToZoneRoof(a4),d0
blt.s thisisawall1
bra checkwalls
move.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d1
move.l d1,UpperFloorHeight
move.l ToUpperRoof(a4),d2
sub.l d2,d1
move.l d2,UpperRoofHeight
bra thisisawall2
cmp.l thingheight,d1
ble thisisawall2
move.l oldy,d0
move.l d0,d1
add.l thingheight,d1
sub.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d1
bgt.s chkstepup2
neg.l d1
cmp.l StepDownVal,d1
blt.s botinsidebot2
bra.s thisisawall2
cmp.l StepUpVal,d1
blt.s botinsidebot2
; We have a wall!
bra thisisawall2
sub.l ToUpperRoof(a4),d0
blt.s thisisawall2
bra checkwalls
move.l #0,a4
move.l #0,a6
move.b awayfromwall,d3
blt.s .notomatoes
move.b 12(a2),d2
ext.w d2
move.b 13(a2),d4
ext.w d4
tst.b d3
beq.s .noshift
asl.w d3,d2
asl.w d3,d4
move.w d2,a4
move.w d4,a6
move.w newx,d0
move.w newz,d1
sub.w (a2),d0
sub.w 2(a2),d1
sub.w a4,d0
sub.w a6,d1
move.w 4(a2),d2
sub.w a4,d2
sub.w a6,d2
muls d2,d1
move.w 6(a2),d5
add.w a4,d5
sub.w a6,d5
muls d5,d0
sub.l d1,d0
ble chkhttt
move.w 10(a2),d3
add.w extlen,d3
divs d3,d0
cmp.w #32,d0
bge oknothitwall
move.w wallflags(pc),d0
or.w d0,14(a2)
bra oknothitwall
move.w d2,WALLXLEN
move.w d5,WALLZLEN
move.l d0,d7
move.w 10(a2),d3
add.w extlen,d3
divs d3,d7 ; d
move.l newy,d4
sub.l oldy,d4
; beq .dontworryhit
move.w oldx,d0
move.w oldz,d1
sub.w (a2),d0
sub.w 2(a2),d1
sub.w a4,d0
sub.w a6,d1
muls d2,d1
muls d5,d0
sub.l d1,d0
divs d3,d0 ; otherd
sub.w d7,d0 ; total distance travelled across wall
bgt.s .ohbugger
moveq #1,d0
; We now have ratio to multiply x,z and y differences
; by. Check y=0 since that's quite common.
move.l d4,d1
beq.s .dontworryhit
divs d0,d1
muls d7,d1
add.l newy,d1 ; height at point of crossing wall.
move.l d1,d6
add.l thingheight,d6
sub.l StepUpVal,d6
cmp.l LowerFloorHeight,d6
bge.s .yeshit
cmp.l LowerRoofHeight,d1
bgt oknothitwall
cmp.l UpperRoofHeight,d1
blt.s .yeshit
cmp.l UpperFloorHeight,d6
blt oknothitwall
move.l d1,wallhitheight
tst.b wallbounce
bne.s .calcbounce
tst.b exitfirst(pc)
beq.s .calcalong
bne.s .calcwherehit
; For simplicity (possibility!) the
; bounce routine will:
; Place the object at wall contact
; point
; Supply wall data to reflect the
; movement direction of the object
move.w d2,wallxsize
move.w d5,wallzsize
move.w d3,walllength
; add.w #20,d7
move.w newx,d6
sub.w oldx,d6
muls d7,d6
divs d0,d6
add.w newx,d6
move.w newz,d1
sub.w oldz,d1
muls d7,d1
divs d0,d1
add.w newz,d1
move.w d6,d0
move.w d1,d7
bra.s .calcedhit
; sub.w #3,d7
move.w d7,d6
muls d5,d6
muls d2,d7
divs d3,d6
divs d3,d7
neg.w d6
add.w newx,d6 ; point on wall
add.w newz,d7
move.w d6,d0
move.w d7,d1
bra.s othercheck
move.w newx,d6
move.w newz,d7
sub.w oldx,d6
sub.w oldz,d7
move.w (a2),d4
add.w a4,d4
sub.w oldx,d4
muls d4,d7; negative if on left
move.w 2(a2),d4
add.w a6,d4
sub.w oldz,d4
muls d4,d6
sub.l d6,d7
bgt oknothitwall
move.w d0,d6
move.w d1,d7
move.w newx,d6
move.w newz,d7
sub.w oldx,d6
sub.w oldz,d7
move.w (a2),d4
add.w a4,d4
add.w d2,d4
sub.w oldx,d4
muls d4,d7; negative if on left
move.w 2(a2),d4
add.w a6,d4
add.w d5,d4
sub.w oldz,d4
muls d4,d6
sub.l d6,d7
blt oknothitwall
bra hitthewall
; sub.w (a2),d6
; sub.w 2(a2),d7
; sub.w a4,d6
; sub.w a6,d7
; muls d6,d6
; muls d7,d7
; add.w #5,d3
; muls d3,d3
; add.l d6,d7
; cmp.l d3,d7
; bgt oknothitwall
; move.w d1,d7
; move.w d0,d6
; sub.w (a2),d6
; sub.w 2(a2),d7
; sub.w d2,d6
; sub.w d5,d7
; muls d6,d6
; muls d7,d7
; add.l d6,d7
; cmp.l d3,d7
; bgt oknothitwall
sub.w (a2),d6
sub.w 2(a2),d7
sub.w a4,d6
sub.w a6,d7
move.w d2,d4
bge.s okplus1
neg.w d4
move.w d5,d3
bge.s okplus2
neg.w d3
cmp.w d4,d3
bgt.s UseZ
; Use the x coord!
tst.w d6
bgt.s xispos
move.w d2,d7
cmp.w #4,d7
bgt.s oknothitwall
sub.w #4,d7
cmp.w d7,d6
blt.s oknothitwall
bra.s hitthewall
move.w d2,d7
cmp.w #-4,d7
blt.s oknothitwall
add.w #4,d7
cmp.w d7,d6
bgt.s oknothitwall
bra.s hitthewall
tst.w d7
bgt.s zispos
move.w d5,d6
cmp.w #4,d6
bgt.s oknothitwall
sub.w #4,d6
cmp.w d6,d7
blt.s oknothitwall
bra.s hitthewall
move.w d5,d6
cmp.w #-4,d6
blt.s oknothitwall
add.w #4,d6
cmp.w d6,d7
bgt.s oknothitwall
move.w d0,newx
move.w d1,newz
move.w wallflags(pc),d0
or.w d0,14(a2)
st hitwall
tst.b exitfirst(pc)
bne stopandleave
bra checkwalls
tst.w extlen
tst.w xdiff
bne.s notstill
tst.w zdiff
bne.s notstill
move.l objroom,a0
bra mustbeinsameroom
move.l a5,a0
add.w ToExitList(a0),a0
move.w (a0)+,d0
bge anotherwalls
cmp.w #-2,d0
beq nomoreotherwalls
bra checkotherwalls
asl.w #4,d0
lea (a1,d0.w),a2
* Check if we are within exit limits
* of zone.
; tst.b 9(a2)
; bne .thisisawall2
moveq #0,d1
move.w 8(a2),d1
blt .thisisawall2
move.l ZoneAdds,a4
move.l (a4,d1.w*4),a4
add.l LEVELDATA,a4
move.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d1
sub.l ToZoneRoof(a4),d1
cmp.l thingheight,d1
ble .thisisawall1
move.l newy,d0
move.l d0,d1
add.l thingheight,d1
sub.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d1
bgt.s .chkstepup
neg.l d1
cmp.l StepDownVal,d1
blt.s .botinsidebot
bra.s .thisisawall1
cmp.l StepUpVal,d1
blt.s .botinsidebot
; We have a wall!
bra .thisisawall1
sub.l ToZoneRoof(a4),d0
blt.s .thisisawall1
bra checkotherwalls
move.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d1
sub.l ToUpperRoof(a4),d1
cmp.l thingheight,d1
ble .thisisawall2
move.l newy,d0
move.l d0,d1
add.l thingheight,d1
sub.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d1
bgt.s .chkstepup2
neg.l d1
cmp.l StepDownVal,d1
blt.s .botinsidebot2
bra.s .thisisawall2
cmp.l StepUpVal,d1
blt.s .botinsidebot2
; We have a wall!
bra .thisisawall2
sub.l ToUpperRoof(a4),d0
blt.s .thisisawall2
bra checkotherwalls
move.l #0,a4
move.l #0,a6
move.b awayfromwall,d3
blt.s .notomatoes
move.b 12(a2),d2
ext.w d2
move.b 13(a2),d4
ext.w d4
tst.b d3
beq.s .noshift
asl.w d3,d2
asl.w d3,d4
move.w d2,a4
move.w d4,a6
move.w 4(a2),d2
sub.w a4,d2
sub.w a6,d2
move.w d2,DX
move.w 6(a2),d5
add.w a4,d5
sub.w a6,d5
move.w newx,d0
move.w newz,d1
sub.w (a2),d0
sub.w 2(a2),d1
sub.w a4,d0
sub.w a6,d1
muls DX,d1
muls d5,d0
sub.l d1,d0
bge .oknothitwall
move.l d0,d7
move.w oldx,d1
move.w newx,d3
sub.w d1,d3
sub.w (a2),d1
sub.w a4,d1 ;e-a=d1
move.w 2(a2),d2
add.w a6,d2
sub.w oldz,d2 ;b-f=d2
move.w newz,d4
sub.w oldz,d4
muls d4,d1
muls d3,d2
add.l d2,d1 ; h(e-a)+g(b-f)
muls DX,d4
muls d5,d3
sub.l d3,d4
beq .oknothitwall
bgt.s .botpos
tst.l d1
bgt .oknothitwall
cmp.l d1,d4
ble .mighthit
bra .oknothitwall
tst.l d1
blt .oknothitwall
cmp.l d1,d4
blt .oknothitwall
move.w 10(a2),d0
add.w extlen,d0
divs d0,d7 ; d
sub.w #3,d7
move.w d7,d6
muls d5,d6
muls DX,d7
divs d0,d6
divs d0,d7
neg.w d6
add.w newx,d6 ; point on wall
add.w newz,d7
move.w oldx,d0
move.w oldz,d1
sub.w (a2),d0
sub.w 2(a2),d1
sub.w a4,d0
sub.w a6,d1
muls DX,d1
muls d5,d0
sub.l d1,d0
blt .oknothitwall
move.w d6,d0
move.w d7,d1
bra .hitthewall
sub.w (a2),d6
sub.w 2(a2),d7
move.w d6,d4
bge.s .okplus1
neg.w d4
move.w d7,d3
bge.s .okplus2
neg.w d3
cmp.w d4,d3
bgt.s .UseZ
; Use the x coord!
tst.w d6
bgt.s .xispos
move.w DX,d7
bgt.s .oknothitwall
cmp.w d7,d6
blt.s .oknothitwall
bra.s .hitthewall
move.w DX,d7
blt.s .oknothitwall
cmp.w d7,d6
bgt.s .oknothitwall
bra.s .hitthewall
tst.w d7
bgt.s .zispos
move.w d5,d6
bgt.s .oknothitwall
cmp.w d6,d7
blt.s .oknothitwall
bra.s .hitthewall
move.w d5,d6
blt.s .oknothitwall
cmp.w d6,d7
bgt.s .oknothitwall
move.w d0,newx
move.w d1,newz
move.w wallflags(pc),d0
or.w d0,14(a2)
st hitwall
tst.b exitfirst(pc)
bne stopandleave
bra checkotherwalls
; move.w xdiff,d2
; muls d2,d2
; move.w zdiff,d3
; muls d3,d3
; move.w #0,movespd
; move.l #0,largespd
; add.l d3,d2
; move.w #31,d0
; btst d0,d2
; bne .foundhigh
; dbra d0,.findhigh
; asr.w #1,d0
; clr.l d3
; bset d0,d3
; move.l d3,d0
; move.w d0,d3
; muls d3,d3 ; x*x
; sub.l d2,d3 ; x*x-a
; asr.l #1,d3 ; (x*x-a)/2
; divs d0,d3 ; (x*x-a)/2x
; sub.w d3,d0 ; second approx
; bgt .stillnot0
; move.w #1,d0
; move.w d0,d3
; muls d3,d3
; sub.l d2,d3
; asr.l #1,d3
; divs d0,d3
; sub.w d3,d0 ; second approx
; bgt .stillnot02
; move.w #1,d0
; move.w d0,movespd
; ext.l d0
; asl.l #5,d0
; move.l d0,largespd
* FIND ROOM WE'RE STANDING IN ***********************
move.l a5,a0
adda.w ToExitList(a5),a0
move.l FloorLines,a1
move.w (a0)+,d0 ; Either a floor line or -1
blt NoMoreFloorLines
asl.w #4,d0
lea (a1,d0.w),a2
tst.w 8(a2)
blt.s CheckMoreFloorLines
clr.b CrossIntoTop
moveq #0,d1
move.w 8(a2),d1
move.l ZoneAdds,a4
move.l (a4,d1.w*4),a4
add.l LEVELDATA,a4
move.l ToZoneRoof(a4),LowerRoofHeight
; move.l newy,d0
; move.l d0,d1
; add.l thingheight,d1
; sub.l ToZoneRoof(a4),d0
; sub.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d1
; blt.s okthebottom
; cmp.l StepUpVal,d1
; move.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d1
; sub.l thingheight,d1
; move.l d1,newy
; bra okthebottom
; move.l ToZoneRoof(a4),billy
; move.l ToZoneRoof(a4),billy+4
; add.l d0,billy+4
; st CrossIntoTop
; move.l newy,d0
; move.l d0,d1
; add.l thingheight,d1
; sub.l ToUpperRoof(a4),d0
; blt CheckMoreFloorLines
; sub.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d1
; blt.s okthebottom
; cmp.l StepUpVal,d1
; bgt CheckMoreFloorLines
; move.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d1
; sub.l thingheight,d1
; move.l d1,newy
move.w newx,d0
move.w newz,d1
sub.w (a2),d0 ;a
sub.w 2(a2),d1 ;b
muls 4(a2),d1
muls 6(a2),d0
moveq #0,d3
move.w 8(a2),d3
move.l ZoneAdds,a3
move.l (a3,d3.w*4),a3
add.l LEVELDATA,a3
sub.l d1,d0
bge StillSameSide
* Player is now on the left side of this line.
* Where was he before?
; cmp.l a4,a5
; bne StillSameSide
; move.w oldx,d0
; move.w oldz,d1
; sub.w (a2),d0 ;a
; sub.w 2(a2),d1 ;b
; muls 4(a2),d1
; muls 6(a2),d0
; sub.l d1,d0
; blt StillSameSide
; bra checkifcrossed
* Player is now on the right side of the line.
* Where was he last time?
; exg a3,a4
; cmp.l a3,a5
; bne StillSameSide
; move.w oldx,d0
; move.w oldz,d1
; sub.w (a2),d0 ;a
; sub.w 2(a2),d1 ;b
; muls 4(a2),d1
; muls 6(a2),d0
; sub.l d1,d0
; bgt StillSameSide
*Player used to be on other side of this line.
*Need to check if he crossed it.
move.l d0,billy
move.w newx,d6
move.w newz,d7
sub.w oldx,d6
sub.w oldz,d7
move.w (a2),d4
sub.w oldx,d4
muls d4,d7; negative if on left
move.w 2(a2),d4
sub.w oldz,d4
muls d4,d6
sub.l d6,d7
bgt StillSameSide
move.w d0,d6
move.w d1,d7
move.w newx,d6
move.w newz,d7
sub.w oldx,d6
sub.w oldz,d7
move.w (a2),d4
add.w 4(a2),d4
sub.w oldx,d4
muls d4,d7; negative if on left
move.w 2(a2),d4
add.w 6(a2),d4
sub.w oldz,d4
muls d4,d6
sub.l d6,d7
blt StillSameSide
; Find height at crossing point:
move.l billy,d7
divs 10(a2),d7
move.w oldx,d0
move.w oldz,d1
sub.w (a2),d0
sub.w 2(a2),d1
sub.w a4,d0
sub.w a6,d1
muls 4(a2),d1
muls 6(a2),d0
sub.l d1,d0
divs 10(a2),d0
sub.w d7,d0
bgt.s .ohbugger
moveq #1,d0
move.l newy,d4
sub.l oldy,d4
divs d0,d4
muls d7,d4
add.l newy,d4
cmp.l LowerRoofHeight,d4
slt StoodInTop
move.l a3,a5
move.l RoomPathPtr,a0
move.w (a3),(a0)+
move.l a0,RoomPathPtr
move.l a3,a0
move.l a5,objroom
move.w QUITOUT,d0
sub.w #1,d0
move.w d0,QUITOUT
bra gobackanddoitallagain
; bra.s donefloorline
bra CheckMoreFloorLines
move.l a5,a0
move.l a5,objroom
move.l RoomPathPtr,a0
move.w #-1,(a0)+
move.w oldx,newx
move.w oldz,newz
move.l oldy,newy
move.l objroomback,objroom
objroomback: dc.l 0
DX: dc.w 0
tstxval: dc.l 0
oldx: dc.l 0
oldz: dc.l 0
newx: dc.l 0
newz: dc.l 0
xdiff: dc.l 0
zdiff: dc.l 0
objroom: dc.l 0
hitwall: dc.b 0
exitfirst: dc.b 0
speed: dc.w 0
wallflags: dc.w 0
distaway: dc.w 0
newy: dc.l 0
oldy: dc.l 0
thingheight: dc.l 0
StepUpVal: dc.l 0
StepDownVal: dc.l 0
wallhitheight: dc.l 0
seclot: dc.b 0
WALLXLEN: dc.w 0
WALLZLEN: dc.w 0
onwallx: dc.w 0
onwallz: dc.w 0
slidex: dc.w 0
slidez: dc.w 0
CrossIntoTop: dc.b 0
StoodInTop: dc.b 0
LowerFloorHeight: dc.l 0
LowerRoofHeight: dc.l 0
UpperFloorHeight: dc.l 0
UpperRoofHeight: dc.l 0
billy: dc.l 0,0
move.w newx,d1
sub.w oldx,d1
move.w d1,xdiff
move.w newz,d2
sub.w oldz,d2
move.w d2,zdiff
muls d1,d1
muls d2,d2
move.w #0,d0
move.w d0,distaway
add.l d1,d2
beq nochange
move.w #31,d0
btst d0,d2
bne .foundhigh
dbra d0,.findhigh
asr.w #1,d0
clr.l d3
bset d0,d3
move.l d3,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1 ; x*x
sub.l d2,d1 ; x*x-a
asr.l #1,d1 ; (x*x-a)/2
divs d0,d1 ; (x*x-a)/2x
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot0
move.w #1,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1
sub.l d2,d1
asr.l #1,d1
divs d0,d1
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot02
move.w #1,d0
move.w d0,distaway
; d0=perpdist
cmp.w Range,d0
sle GotThere
bgt.s faraway
move.w xdiff,d1
move.w zdiff,d2
muls Range,d1
muls Range,d2
divs d0,d1
divs d0,d2
neg.w d1
neg.w d2
add.w d1,newx
add.w d2,newz
bra nochange
move.w speed,d3
add.w Range,d3
cmp.w d0,d3
blt.s .notoofast
move.w d0,d3
st GotThere
sub.w Range,d3
move.w xdiff,d1
muls d3,d1
divs d0,d1
move.w zdiff,d2
muls d3,d2
divs d0,d2
add.w oldx,d1
move.w d1,newx
add.w oldz,d2
move.w d2,newz
move.w newx,d1
sub.w oldx,d1
move.w d1,xdiff
move.w newz,d2
sub.w oldz,d2
move.w d2,zdiff
muls d1,d1
muls d2,d2
move.w #0,d0
move.w d0,distaway
add.l d1,d2
beq .nochange
move.w #31,d0
btst d0,d2
bne .foundhigh
dbra d0,.findhigh
asr.w #1,d0
clr.l d3
bset d0,d3
move.l d3,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1 ; x*x
sub.l d2,d1 ; x*x-a
asr.l #1,d1 ; (x*x-a)/2
divs d0,d1 ; (x*x-a)/2x
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot0
move.w #1,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1
sub.l d2,d1
asr.l #1,d1
divs d0,d1
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot02
move.w #1,d0
move.w d0,distaway
counterer: dc.w 0
CosRet: dc.w 0
SinRet: dc.w 0
move.w newx,d1
sub.w oldx,d1
move.w d1,xdiff
move.w newz,d2
sub.w oldz,d2
move.w d2,zdiff
muls d1,d1
muls d2,d2
move.w #0,d0
add.l d1,d2
seq GotThere
beq .nochange
move.w #31,d0
btst d0,d2
bne .foundhigh
dbra d0,.findhigh
asr.w #1,d0
clr.l d3
bset d0,d3
move.l d3,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1 ; x*x
sub.l d2,d1 ; x*x-a
asr.l #1,d1 ; (x*x-a)/2
divs d0,d1 ; (x*x-a)/2x
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot0
move.w #1,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1
sub.l d2,d1
asr.l #1,d1
divs d0,d1
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot02
move.w #1,d0
move.w d0,d1
muls d1,d1
sub.l d2,d1
asr.l #1,d1
divs d0,d1
sub.w d1,d0 ; second approx
bgt .stillnot03
move.w #1,d0
; d0=perpdist
cmp.w Range,d0
sle GotThere
bgt .faraway
move.w oldx,newx
move.w oldz,newz
bra .nochange
move.w xdiff,d1
move.w zdiff,d2
muls Range,d1
muls Range,d2
addq #3,d0
divs d0,d1
divs d0,d2
subq #3,d0
neg.w d1
neg.w d2
add.w d1,newx
add.w d2,newz
tst.b canshove
beq .nochange
move.w PLR1_opushx(pc),d1
add.w PLR2_opushx(pc),d1
sub.w d1,newx
move.w PLR1_opushz(pc),d1
add.w PLR2_opushz(pc),d1
sub.w d1,newz
move.w xdiff,d1
move.w zdiff,d2
move.w Range,d3
sub.w d0,d3
muls d3,d1
muls d3,d2
divs d0,d1
divs d0,d2
move.w d1,shovex
move.w d2,shovez
bra .nochange
move.w speed,d3
add.w Range,d3
cmp.w d0,d3
blt.s .notoofast
move.w d0,d3
st GotThere
sub.w Range,d3
move.w xdiff,d1
muls d3,d1
divs d0,d1
move.w zdiff,d2
muls d3,d2
divs d0,d2
add.w oldx,d1
move.w d1,newx
add.w oldz,d2
move.w d2,newz
tst.w d0
beq.s nocossin
add.w #1,d0
move.w xdiff,d1
swap d1
clr.w d1
asr.l #1,d1
divs d0,d1
move.w d1,SinRet
move.w zdiff,d1
swap d1
clr.w d1
asr.l #1,d1
divs d0,d1
move.w d1,CosRet
move.w SinRet,d0
move.w #0,d2
move.l #SineTable,a2
lea 2048(a2),a3
move.w #3,d5
move.w #2048,d6
move.w (a2,d2.w*2),d3
move.w (a3,d2.w*2),d4
muls d0,d4
muls d1,d3
sub.l d3,d4
blt.s subang
add.w d6,d2
add.w d6,d2
sub.w d6,d2
and.w #4095,d2
asr.w #1,d6
dbra d5,findanglop
add.w d2,d2
move.w d2,AngRet
AngRet: dc.w 0
Range: dc.w 0
GotThere: dc.w 0
shovex: dc.w 0
shovez: dc.w 0
canshove: dc.w 0
PLR2_pushx: dc.l 0
PLR2_pushz: dc.l 0
PLR2_opushx: dc.l 0
PLR2_opushz: dc.l 0
PLR1_pushx: dc.l 0
PLR1_pushz: dc.l 0
PLR1_opushx: dc.l 0
PLR1_opushz: dc.l 0
move.w newx,d0
sub.w oldx,d0
move.w newz,d1
sub.w oldz,d1
muls d1,d1
muls d0,d0
add.l d0,d1
cmp.l d2,d1
slt hitwall
cmp.w d0,d1
beq.s noneedforhassle
muls #100,d0
ext.l d1
add.l d1,d0
move.l a0,-(a7)
lea ControlPts,a0
move.b (a0,d0.w),d0
ext.w d0
move.l (a7)+,a0
FromRoom: dc.l 0
ToRoom: dc.l 0
CanSee: dc.w 0
Facedir: dc.w 0
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
move.w Facedir,d0
move.l #SineTable,a0
add.w d0,a0
move.w (a0),d0
move.w 2048(a0),d1
move.w Targetx,d2
sub.w Viewerx,d2
move.w Targetz,d3
sub.w Viewerz,d3
muls d1,d2
muls d0,d3
sub.l d3,d2
bgt.s ItMightBeSeen
clr.b CanSee
movem.l (a7)+,d0-a7/a0-a6
move.l ToRoom,a0
move.w (a0),d0
move.l FromRoom,a0
adda.w #ToListOfGraph,a0
bra.s InList
Viewerx: dc.l 0
Viewerz: dc.l 0
Targetx: dc.l 0
Targetz: dc.l 0
ViewerTop: dc.b 0
TargetTop: dc.b 0
Viewery: dc.w 0
Targety: dc.w 0
st CanSee
move.b ViewerTop,d0
move.b TargetTop,d1
eor.b d0,d1
bne outlist
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
move.l ToRoom,a1
move.w (a1),d0
move.l FromRoom,a0
cmp.l a0,a1
beq.s insameroom
adda.w #ToListOfGraph,a0
move.w (a0),d1
tst.w d1
blt outlist
move.l ZoneGraphAdds,a1
move.l (a1,d1.w*8),a1
adda.w #8,a0
cmp.w (a1),d0
beq isinlist
bra.s InList
; We have found the dest room in the
; list of rooms visible from the
; source room.
; Do line of sight!
st CanSee
move.l Points,a2
move.w Targetx,d1
move.w Targetz,d2
sub.w Viewerx,d1
sub.w Viewerz,d2
moveq #0,d3
move.w -6(a0),d3
blt nomorerclips
move.l LEVELCLIPS,a1
lea (a1,d3.l*2),a1
move.l a1,clipstocheck
tst.w (a1)
blt nomorelclips
move.w (a1),d0
blt.s noleftone
move.l (a2,d0.w*4),d3
move.w d3,d4
sub.w Viewerz,d4
swap d3
sub.w Viewerx,d3
muls d2,d3
muls d1,d4
sub.l d3,d4
ble outlist
addq #2,a1
bra checklcliploop
addq #2,a1
tst.w (a1)
blt nomorerclips
move.w (a1),d0
blt.s norightone
move.l (a2,d0.w*4),d3
move.w d3,d4
sub.w Viewerz,d4
swap d3
sub.w Viewerx,d3
muls d2,d3
muls d1,d4
sub.l d3,d4
bge outlist
addq #2,a1
bra checkrcliploop
; No clipping points in the way; got to do the
; vertical working out now.
move.w Targetx,d0
move.w Targetz,d1
sub.w Viewerx,d0
sub.w Viewerz,d1
move.l FromRoom,a5
move.l FloorLines,a1
move.b ViewerTop,d2
move.w Targety,d7
sub.w Viewery,d7
move.l a5,a0
adda.w ToExitList(a0),a0
move.w (a0)+,d5
blt outlist
asl.w #4,d5
lea (a1,d5.w),a2
move.w (a2),d3
move.w 2(a2),d4
sub.w Viewerx,d3
sub.w Viewerz,d4
move.w d3,d5
move.w d4,d6
muls d1,d3
muls d0,d4
sub.l d3,d4
ble FindWayOut
add.w 4(a2),d5
add.w 6(a2),d6
muls d0,d6
muls d1,d5
sub.l d5,d6
bge FindWayOut
tst.w 8(a2)
blt outlist
; Here is the exit from the room. Calculate the height at which
; we meet it.
move.w Targetx,d3
move.w Targetz,d4
sub.w (a2),d3
sub.w 2(a2),d4
muls 4(a2),d4
muls 6(a2),d3
sub.l d3,d4 ; positive
move.w Viewerx,d5
move.w Viewerz,d6
sub.w (a2),d5
sub.w 2(a2),d6
muls 4(a2),d6
muls 6(a2),d5
sub.l d6,d5 ; positive
divs 10(a2),d4
divs 10(a2),d5
add.w d5,d4
beq.s sameheight
muls d7,d5
divs d4,d5
add.w Viewery,d5 ; height at which we cross wall
ext.l d5
asl.l #7,d5
tst.b d2
beq.s comparewithbottom
cmp.l ToUpperRoof(a5),d5
blt outlist
cmp.l ToUpperFloor(a5),d5
bgt outlist
bra.s madeit
cmp.l ToZoneRoof(a5),d5
blt outlist
cmp.l ToZoneFloor(a5),d5
bgt outlist
st donessomething
moveq #0,d3
move.w 8(a2),d3
move.l ZoneAdds,a3
move.l (a3,d3.w*4),a5
add.l LEVELDATA,a5
clr.b d2
cmp.l ToZoneFloor(a5),d5
bgt outlist
cmp.l ToZoneRoof(a5),d5
bgt.s GotIn
st d2
cmp.l ToUpperFloor(a5),d5
bgt outlist
cmp.l ToUpperRoof(a5),d5
blt outlist
cmp.l ToRoom,a5
bne GoThroughZones
move.b TargetTop,d3
eor.b d2,d3
bne outlist
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
clipstocheck: dc.l 0
donessomething: dc.w 0
clr.b CanSee
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
movem.l d0-a7/a0-a6,-(a7)
move.w Targetx,d0
move.w Targetz,d1
sub.w Viewerx,d0
sub.w Viewerz,d1
move.l FromRoom,a5
move.l FloorLines,a1
move.b ViewerTop,d2
move.w Targety,d7
sub.w Viewery,d7
move.l a5,a0
adda.w ToExitList(a0),a0
move.w (a0)+,d5
blt outlist
asl.w #4,d5
lea (a1,d5.w),a2
move.w (a2),d3
move.w 2(a2),d4
sub.w Viewerx,d3
sub.w Viewerz,d4
move.w d3,d5
move.w d4,d6
muls d1,d3
muls d0,d4
sub.l d3,d4
ble .FindWayOut
add.w 4(a2),d5
add.w 6(a2),d6
muls d0,d6
muls d1,d5
sub.l d5,d6
bge .FindWayOut
; Here is the exit from the room. Calculate the height at which
; we meet it.
move.w Targetx,d3
move.w Targetz,d4
sub.w (a2),d3
sub.w 2(a2),d4
muls 4(a2),d4
muls 6(a2),d3
sub.l d3,d4 ; positive
move.w Viewerx,d5
move.w Viewerz,d6
sub.w (a2),d5
sub.w 2(a2),d6
muls 4(a2),d6
muls 6(a2),d5
sub.l d6,d5 ; positive
divs 10(a2),d4
divs 10(a2),d5
move.w d5,d6
add.w d5,d4
beq.s .sameheight
muls d7,d5
divs d4,d5
add.w Viewery,d5 ; height at which we cross wall
ext.l d5
asl.l #7,d5
moveq #0,d3
move.w 8(a2),d3
blt foundpt
move.l ZoneAdds,a3
move.l (a3,d3.w*4),a5
add.l LEVELDATA,a5
clr.b d2
cmp.l ToZoneFloor(a5),d5
bgt foundpt
cmp.l ToZoneRoof(a5),d5
bgt.s .GotIn
st d2
cmp.l ToUpperFloor(a5),d5
bgt foundpt
cmp.l ToUpperRoof(a5),d5
blt foundpt
bra .GoThroughZones
tst.w d4
beq.s foundpt
muls d6,d0
divs d4,d0
muls d6,d1
divs d4,d1
add.w Viewerx,d0
add.w Viewerz,d1
move.w d0,Targetx
move.w d1,Targetz
move.l d5,Targety
movem.l (a7)+,d0-a7/a0-a6
move.w Rand1,d0
add.w #29,d0
eor.w #$5f37,d0
neg.w d0
rol.w #5,d0
move.w d0,Rand1
Rand1: dc.w 234
move.l #SineTable,a0
lea (a0,d0.w),a0
move.w (a0),d1
move.w 2048(a0),d2
muls speed,d1
add.l d1,d1
muls speed,d2
add.l d2,d2
swap d1
swap d2
add.w oldx,d1
add.w oldz,d2
move.w d1,newx
move.w d2,newz
CollideFlags: dc.l 0
move.l ObjectData,a0
move.w CollId,d0
asl.w #6,d0
move.b 16(a0,d0.w),d0
ext.w d0
sub.w #64,a0
move.l ObjectPoints,a1
move.l #ColBoxTable,a2
lea (a2,d0.w*8),a3
move.l CollideFlags,d7
move.b StoodInTop,d6
move.l newy,d4
move.l d4,d5
add.l thingheight,d5
asr.l #7,d4
asr.l #7,d5
clr.b hitwall
add.w #64,a0
move.w (a0),d0
blt checkedallcol
cmp.w CollId,d0
beq.s checkcol
tst.w 12(a0)
blt.s checkcol
tst.b numlives(a0)
beq.s checkcol
move.b ObjInTop(a0),d1
eor.b d6,d1
bne checkcol
moveq #0,d3
move.b 16(a0),d3
blt checkcol
btst d3,d7
beq checkcol
move.w 4(a0),d1
sub.w 2(a2,d3.w*8),d1
cmp.w d1,d5
blt checkcol
add.w 4(a2,d3.w*8),d1
cmp.w d1,d4
bgt checkcol
move.w (a1,d0.w*8),d1
move.w 4(a1,d0.w*8),d2
sub.w newx,d1
bge.s .xnoneg
neg.w d1
sub.w newz,d2
bge.s .znoneg
neg.w d2
cmp.w d1,d2
ble.s .checkx
sub.w (a3),d2
cmp.w (a2,d3.w*8),d2
bgt checkcol
st hitwall
bra checkedallcol
sub.w (a3),d1
cmp.w (a2,d3.w*8),d1
bgt checkcol
move.w (a1,d0.w*8),d1
move.w 4(a1,d0.w*8),d2
move.w d1,d6
move.w d2,d7
sub.w newx,d6
sub.w newz,d7
muls d6,d6
muls d7,d7
add.l d6,d7
sub.w oldx,d1
sub.w oldz,d2
muls d1,d1
muls d2,d2
add.l d1,d2
cmp.l d2,d7
bgt checkcol
st hitwall
bra checkedallcol
; bra checkcol
; red scurrying alien
dc.w 40,60,120,0
; Medipack
dc.w 40,20,40,0
; Bullet
dc.w 40,20,40,0
; Gun
dc.w 40,20,40,0
; Key
dc.w 40,20,40,0
; PLayer1
dc.w 40,40,80,0
dc.w 40,50,100,0
dc.w 40,20,40,0
; Flying Nasty
dc.w 80,60,120,0
; Ammo
dc.w 40,20,40,0
; Barrel
dc.w 40,30,60,0
dc.w 40,40,80,0
; Mutant Marine
dc.w 40,40,80,0
; worm
dc.w 80,60,120,0
; huge red thing
dc.w 160,100,200,0
; small red thing
dc.w 80,50,100,0
; tree
dc.w 80,60,120,0
; eyeball
dc.w 40,30,60,0
; Tough Marine
dc.w 40,40,80,0
; ShotGun Marine
dc.w 40,40,80,0
FromZone: dc.w 0
OKTEL: dc.w 0
floortemp: dc.l 0
clr.b OKTEL
move.w FromZone,d0
move.l ZoneAdds,a2
move.l (a2,d0.w*4),a2
add.l LEVELDATA,a2
tst.w ToTelZone(a2)
move.l ToZoneFloor(a2),floortemp
move.w ToTelZone(a2),d0
move.l ZoneAdds,a3
move.l (a3,d0.w*4),a3
add.l LEVELDATA,a3
move.l ToZoneFloor(a3),d0
sub.l floortemp,d0
move.l d0,floortemp
add.l d0,newy
move.w ToTelX(a2),newx
move.w ToTelZ(a2),newz
move.l #%1111111111111111111,CollideFlags
movem.l a0/a1/a2,-(a7)
bsr Collision
movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1/a2
move.l floortemp,d0
sub.l d0,newy
tst.b hitwall
beq.s .teleport
move.w ToTelZone(a2),d0
move.l ZoneAdds,a2
move.l (a2,d0.w*4),a2
add.l LEVELDATA,a2
move.l a2,objroom
; d0 is distance.
move.w 4(a0),d1
ext.l d1
asl.l #7,d1
move.l d1,oldy
move.l d1,newy
move.w (a0),d1
move.l ObjectPoints,a1
lea (a1,d1.w*8),a1
move.w (a1),oldx
move.w 4(a1),oldz
move.w 12(a0),d2
move.l ZoneAdds,a5
move.l (a5,d2.w*4),d2
add.l LEVELDATA,d2
move.l d2,objroom
move.w THISPLRxoff,newx
move.w THISPLRzoff,newz
move.w d0,speed
movem.l a0/a1,-(a7)
jsr HeadTowards
movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1
move.w newx,d0
sub.w oldx,d0
move.w oldz,d1
sub.w newz,d1
move.w d1,xd
move.w d0,zd
move.l #100000,StepUpVal
move.l #100000,StepDownVal
move.w #0,thingheight
st exitfirst
add.w oldx,d1
add.w oldz,d0
move.w d1,newx
move.w d0,newz
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
clr.b wallbounce
jsr MoveObject
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
move.l #RoomPath,a2
move.l #possclose,a3
move.w 12(a0),(a3)+
move.w (a2)+,(a3)+
bge.s putinmore
subq #2,a3
move.w oldx,d0
sub.w xd,d0
move.w oldz,d1
sub.w zd,d1
move.w d0,newx
move.w d1,newz
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
clr.b wallbounce
jsr MoveObject
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
move.l #RoomPath,a2
move.w (a2)+,d0
move.w d0,(a3)+
tst.w d0
bge.s putinmore2
; ok a3 points at list of rooms passed through.
move.w #-1,(a3)+
move.w 12(a0),d7
move.l endoflist,a3
move.l #possclose,a2
move.w -(a3),d0
blt foundclose
move.w (a2)+,d1
blt.s outin
cmp.w d0,d1
bne.s findinner
move.w d0,d7
move.w d7,GraphicRoom(a0)
xd: dc.w 0
zd: dc.w 0
ds.w 100