Amiga ACS 1997 #2
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C/C++ Source or Header
135 lines
* Copyright (C) 1994 Charles P. Peterson *
* 4007 Enchanted Sun, San Antonio, Texas 78244-1254 *
* Email: Charles_P_Peterson@fcircus.sat.tx.us *
* *
* This is free software with NO WARRANTY. *
* See gfft.c, or run program itself, for details. *
* Support is available for a fee. *
* Program: gfft--General FFT analysis
* File: format.h
* Purpose: definitions for parsing formatted files
* Author: Charles Peterson (CPP)
* History: 17-October-1993 CPP; Created.
* Comment: Whenever possible, I've borrowed from IFF-85 'cause its PD.
* Some of the more recent C= iff codes ain't.
* Thanks also to David Champion's OPLAY which helped me get
* started on this.
#ifndef FORMAT_H
#define FORMAT_H
#include "gfft.h" /* Must include now if not already included */
#define ID ULONG
/* This macro rounds up to an even number. */
#define WordAlign(size) ((size+1)&~1)
* As it may be machine dependent,
* MakeID is defined in [amiga|unix|msdos]def.h
struct ChunkHeader {
ID ckID;
ULONG ckSize;
* 8SVX files
#ifdef ID_FORM
#undef ID_FORM
#define ID_FORM MakeID('F','O','R','M') /* required chunk */
#define ID_8SVX MakeID('8','S','V','X') /* required chunk */
#define ID_VHDR MakeID('V','H','D','R') /* required chunk */
#define ID_BODY MakeID('B','O','D','Y') /* required chunk */
struct VHDR {
ULONG oneShotHiSamples; /* # samples in the high octave 1-shot part */
ULONG repeatHiSamples; /* # samples in the high octave repeat part */
ULONG samplesPerHiCycle; /* # samples/cycle in high octave, else 0 */
UWORD samplesPerSec; /* data sampling rate */
UBYTE ctOctave; /* # of octaves of waveforms */
UBYTE sCompression; /* data compression technique used */
long volume; /* playback nominal volume from 0 to Unity */
#define ID_AIFF MakeID('A','I','F','F')
#define ID_AIFC MakeID('A','I','F','C')
#define ID_COMM MakeID('C','O','M','M')
#define ID_SSND MakeID('S','S','N','D')
#define ID_COMT MakeID('C','O','M','T')
#define ID_NONE MakeID('N','O','N','E')
struct CommAiff {
UWORD numChannels;
ULONG numSampleFrames;
UWORD sampleSize;
UBYTE sampleRate[10]; /* typed as "Extended" */
struct CommAifc {
UWORD numChannels;
ULONG numSampleFrames;
UWORD sampleSize;
UBYTE sampleRate[10]; /* typed as "Extended" */
ID compressionType;
/* A variable length string here, which we don't care about yet */
struct SoundDataChunkInfo {
ULONG offset;
ULONG blockSize;
/* Actual data may begin here (check offset) */
* AVR (Audio Visual Research)
#define ID_AVR MakeID('2','B','I','T')
struct AVRH { /* Assumes ID_AVR has already been read */
char name[8]; /* null-padded sample name */
short mono; /* 0 = mono, 0xffff = stereo */
short rez; /* 8 = 8 bit, 16 = 16 bit */
short sign; /* 0 = unsigned, 0xffff = signed */
short loop; /* 0 = no loop, 0xffff = looping sample */
short midi; /* 0xffff = no MIDI note assigned,
0xffXX = single key note assignment
0xLLHH = key split, low/hi note */
long rate; /* sample frequency in hertz */
long size; /* sample length in bytes or words (see rez) */
long lbeg; /* offset to start of loop in bytes or words.
set to zero if unused. */
long lend; /* offset to end of loop in bytes or words.
set to sample length if unused. */
short res1; /* Reserved, MIDI keyboard split */
short res2; /* Reserved, sample compression */
short res3; /* Reserved */
char ext[20]; /* Additional filename space, used
if (name[7] != 0) */
char user[64]; /* User defined. Typically ASCII message. */
* Other format ID's (not yet fully supported, but recognized)
#define ID_RIFF MakeID('R','I','F','F')
#define ID_VOCH MakeID('C','r','e','a')
#endif /* ifndef FORMAT_H */