Labels:fence | hakham | monitor | plant | web site | window OCR: Housr Honito The XFree 86 Project, Inc. There fiw configuration that neer corpleted, corresponding tr the buttons alons H tops Mouss Uss this set the protoool baud rate etc. usod by your nouse tas the nat ional lity and 1ayou keyboard Carc Used to select the chips RANDAC etc of car Nonitor Ja: this enter roniton capab1iitie Modeselction this t choss the hodes that you want Othe Configure sone niscellareous settings pue You^l! thet you probab1y want Finishoa to start with igurine all conf1gur1ng fiye your thsss solect Cyou tas juet Tcne tutton [Ent er] to do select the buttons the wndarlinei letter together with eithe Contro] You can also prese or click the He1p button at any tine for additlonal instructiore Abort Help Housc Modeselection Introduction XF86Setup leted Nouss rats card ronitor ...