Labels:bulletin board | monitor | sky | skyscraper | web site OCR: we. IcOMe to Weh ian GNU/ inu This is the Debian Rescue disk. Keep once you have installed your sys tem vou can boot from it to repair the system on your hard disk if tha ever becoMes necessary (press KEH> for details) On MOS syst eMS you can go ahead and <ENTER> to beg in installat ion You wil1 probably want to try doing that before you try anything I1 you run into troub or if you already have ques ions press <F 1> for quj ick installation he Ip WARNING You should COMP letely back up all of your hard disks before proceeding The inst tallati ion procedure can coMpletely and irreversibly erase them If you haven Made backups vet reMOve the rescue disk froM the dri ve and press <RESET> or <Con ro -A1t -Del> to get back your old sys teM. Deb ian GNU /Linux COMBS with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY to ...