Labels:dialog box | sky | web site | window OCR: lebian GNU/Linux Installation MaiD Menu There are inux na and nux swa par ions present on your SUS ev The next wou d be to ialize and act ivate swap part ion provi ide virtual MeMory your system. I f you have not finished part ioning your ii SK or wish change the part + ions please se ec "Previous WOIJ the Menu to parti ion them you are Sa1 eu th your part ions p lease ce. ec "Next from the Menu ize and act iva te your Swap part ion act iva previ ous lv ized swap part ion you abso insist on doing without swap partit ion ie ect "Alterna Next lnitialize and Activate Suap Partition Alternate Act tivate Previously- Initialized Swar Part ition AL erna te1 Do Without Swap Part tition Previ ious Partition Hard Disk Up> <IOwn> between eMent E Iebian Main would MeMOTU vour with select prev thout In ...