Labels:dialog box | sky | web site | window OCR: Debian Task Installer Y1. 1999 -2000 SPI and others Select task packages install C+ Dev Deve lopMent Dev Deve lopment Ch inese SiMp ified Chi inese environment Ch inese Trad i iona Chi inese envi ironMent Dat abase Pr Pos TOs1 data base Deb an Devel Deb ian package deve lopMent Debug Debuggi ing C+ Ob jective C and friend Deve CoMMOn Deve lopMent var ous languages Dia lup Dia lup utili ies Dia lup Isdn Dia lup utilit ies ISDN Dns Server DNS Srrrrr Fortran Fort deve lopment environMent GaMes ce 138 ion of gaMes German GerMan-speaking envi ironMent GnoMe Apps COONE appl icat ions and utilities GnoMe Desktop GNOME basic desktop Finish> KTask Info> KHeIp> Selec opment ronment eSQL Object iend tion desk KFinish