Labels:sky | web site | window OCR: Debian iguration Configuring Debconf-tiny Packages that use debconf for configuration ur iori itize the quest ions they Migh ask you Only 1sanh ions with certain priority or are actua showm to you a 1 1 less important questions are skipped and the defaults are used for them You can seleci the lowest pr iority of quest ion you Hant to see: is for trivial iteMs that have defaults that will work in the vast Ma jor ty cases Med i iuM for norMa teMS that have reasonable defau lt s igh for iteMs tha don have reasonable 'crit ical for iteMS that will probably break the syst teM without intervent ion For exaMp h 15anh ion is of Medium priority and your pr ior ity were lready high you Wou] Idn see his question you are new to the Debian GNU/Linux system choose critical now KOk> Conf iuural Packaues ...