Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | fence | monitor | path | plant | road | rock | sky | stairs | tree | window OCR: Flape the Addog tapt device triver Flape (QIC support Help Zitape the UES interface Default block size The compressor wil be aull aS motu only Number of ftape buffers (EXPE ERIMENTAL Helr n Enable procts status roport (+ZKh) Nonmal Debugging output Handwarg configuration Standard Floppy tape controllers Help Consult the manuals pt youR apr drivg for the correct settings! 10 hastt the floppy Es:k controller teln IRQ channel of the floppy disk controller DMA channel of the floppy disk contrulles Defaull FIFO threshold (EXPERIMENTAL) Maximal data rate to use (EXPERIME ENTAL Next Prev driver Travan Zftape Defallt will boullt morlule bufrers Hardware Standlarel drive threshuld