Labels:bulletin board | case | crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | plant | road | rock | sky | web site | window OCR: Identifier: Floni tor[0] Horizontal DUAS 96 Standard VGA 640x480 60 H7 Super VGA, 800x600 56 1024x768 int (no 800x600) 1024768 int 800x600 56 H 800x600 640x480 1024x768 800x600 Hiqh Frequency SVGA 1024x768 Hz Moni itor that can 1280x1024 Monitor that Uem 1280x] 1024 Mon- tov that rav 1280x 1024 Vertical sync 150 50 100 Select card connected to monitor Device[0] B Nex Cancel Fonit Horrzonfa x1024 syne