Amiga ACS 1997 #4
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164 lines
Short: DeliAY 0.14 for DeliTracker 2.14+
Type: mus/play
Uploader: rak@dolni.ms.mff.cuni.cz (Patrik Rak)
Author: rak@dolni.ms.mff.cuni.cz (Patrik Rak)
[excuse my terrible English...]
Welcome to this pre-release of DeliAY - AY emulator for DeliTracker 2.07
and above.
Some time ago I have released my FXS - Frantisek Fuka's AY tunes demo
Quite a lot of people reacted and asked me if I am not going to write some
kind of generous AY Emulator. Especially Peter Kunath (author of
DeliTracker) seemed to be quite interested in and asked me to write an AY
DeliPlayer. So, here you can see the result of our several discussions and
source exchanges...
So, how to use this archive?
Well, at first, copy DeliPlayers/DeliAY to wherever your DeliPlayers are.
This is the main AY emulator interface between DT and AY Players.
Then copy whole AYPlayers/ drawer in the same dir where your DT2 program is
installed (sorry, for now, PROGDIR:AYPlayers/ is used as look up path
for AYPlayers, surely will be configurable later). So far, only ZXAYAMAD
(Amadeus - MC68000 rewrite of its z80 original, is used for those amad.#?
songs) and ZXAYEMUL (Z80 Emul Player - used for running original z80 code,
(like PlaySID does) for those emul.#? songs) are available.
Now you are ready to go. Just launch your DeliTracker2 and then try to load
some tunes from the Songs/ directory. Frantisek_Fuka/ dir contains all
songs which you have probably already heared in FXS, directory Others
contains some other songs which I wrote in the past while playing with
Amadeus (terrible, but better than nothing :-) plus few famous tunes for
the emulator which I converted in few minutes. Directory Incoming contains
songs which I didn't took too much care of so far... People have a lot of
ripped tunes, and it takes just a moment to convert it for the Emul Player,
so you can expect great tunes very soon...
So, that's all for those standard users. Developers read the dev/dev.doc!
To Do
- GUI which will allow you to configure the AY Players path, channel
assignement, show additional Tune/AYPlayer info, etc.
- Check out the White Noise generation formulae. So far I was unable to
find out some exact AY WN frequency information. Anyone knows more?
I think it sounds quite OK, but... ;-)
- Finally implement the Envelopes. Indeed, this is the most important one.
But I thought I can release this version without that, because a) Amadeus
doesn't use them, so you can listen to the songs sooner, b) you can write
AY Players sooner.
- Write more AY players - SoundTracker, VooDoo, SQ Tracker, perhaps WHAM
128 too, etc.
Thanks must go to
Peter Kunath for his big help with this DeliPlayer,
and his work on the GUI (sorry for that GUI again)
FrantiÓek Fuka for his tunes and the Amadeus, and for ripping
AY tunes in the past
TomÁÓ PÁrtl for giving me his VMP cassette and other help
Alastair Booker for sending me the tunes, although I was unable
to assemble them on my Amiga so far
and all those who have contacted me and encouraged me to do this...
What's new
This is new release of DeliAY. The DeliPlayer itself didn't changed to
much, except that it now finally displays subsong names (which was not
possible before, until I forced Peter Kunath to implement this in DT :-)
The really new part are the ZXAYSTRC and ZXAYST11 AYPlayers, which allow
replaying tunes from the famous (Polish, I think) SoundTracker 1.1 for ZX
Spectrum. The first one is the version which plays tunes compiled by my
compiler/compressor, so I do not suppose that it will be very useful for
you; the latter is for the original file format produced by the ST11. Here
is the header which you can use to convert your ST songs to format playable
by ZXAYST11 player:
incdir 'includes:'
include misc/AYPlayer.i
incdir ''
dc.w 0 ;no internal player
dc.w 0 ;unknown creator
dc.w 0 ;no misc info
dc.b 1-1 ;how many songs
dc.b 0 ;which should start first
dc.w songdata-*
songdata dc.w name1-*
dc.w data1-*
name1 dc.b 'Some ST11 Song',0
data1 dc.b 0,1,2,3 ;channel assignement
dc.w 0 ;fade offset
dc.b 0,50 ;fade len
incbin dh2:deliay/tmp/yourdata.dat
After compiling save binary from b to e. See dev/ZXAYST11.S for more
detailed info about the header format.
The other new thing is the huge amount of songs for EMUL and ST11 players.
For the songs for the EMUL player we all must thank to Alastair Booker (big
applause!!!), who encourages me every once in a while and who spent lot
of time ripping these tunes. Thank him.
The ST songs I have got from Slavo Labsky (BusySoft), but I have put them
in incomming so far since I just appended simple ST11 header and didn't
took much care of them.
Contact addresses
Send all new AY Players, AY tunes, bug reports, questions or suggestions to
the following addresses:
Internet: prak3264@barbora.mff.cuni.cz (school)
FIDO: 2:420/24.7 (home)
FIDO via Inet Gate: p7.f24.n420.z2@fidonet.org
or (in worst case)
Patrik Rak
Fantova 1796/4
Praha 5
150 00
Czech Republic
Also, if you think I did good job, you can send me any amount of money you
want (well, you can send them even if you do not think so :-). Or at least
send me a mail that you appreciate it. The more people will react, the more
work I will put in PlayAY in the future...
That's all.