VALUE "Comments", "This is a Freeware application. Please distribute it freely and don't charge for it (or the Great Bird of the Universe will poop on your parade). Robert Osorio (FlyPenguin on Total Entertainment Network), 1903 Sans Souci Blvd, N. Miami, FL 33181. Please feel free to e-mail comments, questions, bug reports or death threats to"
VALUE "CompanyName", "Robert Osorio - The Flying Penguin "
VALUE "FileDescription", "A Quake« theme screensaver for Windows 95"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Code Copyright 1996 by Robert Osorio, Graphics, Quake name and Logo Copyright 1996 Id Software"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "The Quake« name is a legal Trademark of Id Software"
VALUE "ProductName", "The Unofficial Quake« Screensaver"