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- This is a development version of an anime-style RPG that I have
- been programming. It is far from complete, but I would like some
- feedback on what has been done so far before going any further.
- In addition, I am in the process of selecting music for the game,
- and thought that if some .MOD composers saw the demo they might
- be persuaded to submit some appropriate tunes. :]
- When finished, I plan to upload both the game and its source
- to Aminet as a public domain distribution. One of the great things
- about the Amiga is the programming community; PD/Shareware titles
- distributed via Aminet & Fish Disk have kept the machine compeditive
- long after the death of Commodore. This program is my humble attempt
- to keep this tradition alive and to thank all those programmers
- who have come before. Amiga Forever!
- Permission is granted to copy this archive in its entirety
- so long as no profit is made from doing so. Those wishing to include
- this archive in a PD collection or on a coverdisk must seek the
- permission of the author. Permission is granted to Aminet and Fred
- Fish to redistribute this archive as they see fit. My profs would
- flog me with a lectern if they saw how many times I just used the
- word permission without consulting a thesaurus. All characters,
- locations & events are (C) Joseph Hewitt, as if you care.
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- Unpack the archive; move amos.library to your libs: folder
- if it isn't there already. That should be about it.
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- There are two main things which I would like some other people's
- opinions on. First of all is the interface. I want to know how you
- feel about the graphics, animations, etc. and whether or not you have
- any suggestions about improving them. Personally, I think that the
- look of the game has a certain 8-bit charm to it, but you may
- disagree... Do you think the atmosphere for the game is right? Do you
- like the narrative segments?
- Secondly, I want to know how you find combat. Too easy, too hard?
- Should advancement be faster or slower? Does the interface make sense
- to you? Are there any characters that you'd list as extra useless? What
- levels were you at when you completed each of the main sections of the
- game?
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- The next big thing that I plan to add is music and sound.
- If anyone has any .mods they'd like to volunteer, I'd be more than
- happy to recieve them! I will also (hopefully) be adding sound FX
- to combat. Different characters will get different battle cries,
- screams of anguish, et cetera. Both music and fx will be selectable
- from the options screen.
- In addition, the PC Equipment menu will be
- upgraded to show a picture of each item. I may also add something
- to display an item's function, but as the game takes place on a low res
- screen there's a finite limit to the amount of info that may be
- displayed.
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- To prepare for this game, the author reccomends that the
- following anime titles be rented & watched in no particular order.
- This should provide adequate knowledge of the staples of the genre!
- Combustible Campus Guardress(*)
- Iria : Zeiram - the Animation (Pioneer)
- Heroic Legend of Arislan (U.S. Manga Corps)
- MADOX-01 (AnimEigo)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind(*)
- Ranma 1/2 (Viz Video)
- Riding Bean (AnimEigo)
- * Not commercially avaliable in North America at this time.
- CONCEPT AND THEORY (long-winded, pretentious, and not important)
- This program began as a personal experiment in RPG design. Role
- playing games on computer have traditionally concentrated upon puzzle
- solving rather than story telling. In the 80s, there were several
- attempts to reverse this trend... remember the ``Interactive Novel''?
- Many of these programs attempted to boost the narrative aspect of the
- game by providing the player with a greater freedom of action, but
- for the most part retained the fixed-series-of-puzzles pattern that
- has been used since Adventure.
- A few years ago, I played a fairly simple SNES game called
- Final Fantasy II. Despite the fact that the game lacked the complexity
- of most contemporary computer games, I was enthralled...
- though the ``story'' was not necessarily interactive, it was
- certainly involving. The player is assigned a role in the story,
- but does not necessarily get to direct the action. Instead, he/she is
- involved through taking part, through being given emotional cues,
- and through other theatrical measures. In other words, the player is
- drawn into the game in the same way as a reader is drawn into a book.
- According to Wolfgang Iser's literary theory, a good book will
- provide the reader with adequate room to imagine. Having just completed
- my degree in English, I decided to see if I could build a computer
- game around this principle. The engine of said game is what you see
- before you now... Let me know what you think!
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- email: ataraxia@thezone.net
- phone: (709) 635-7178
- smail: Joseph Hewitt
- Box 370, Rr 2
- Cormack, Newfoundland
- A0K 2E0 Canada