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- PC-TaskDemo 4.3
- ===============
- 486 PC with FPU Emulation for the Amiga
- Copyright © 1992-7 Chris Hames
- All Rights Reserved
- ReadMe.Demo rev 3.0 17/10/1997
- Copyright © 1997 Quasar Distribution & Chris Hames
- Published exclusively by Quasar Distribution
- Distribution and License
- ------------------------
- This demo distribution may be freely copied as long as all files are
- included and the following conditions are adhered to. No more than USD
- $5.00 may be charged for a floppy disk containing it. This
- distribution is for evaluation purposes only, any use beyond that
- requires purchase of the complete PC-Task 4 package. All references
- describing/advertising this distribution must clearly state that it is
- a Demo version. This demo distribution may be freely placed on any
- CD-ROM as long as the above conditions are adhered to. This demo
- distribution may not be placed on any Magazine Cover Disk or Cover
- CD-ROM, without the express written permission of Quasar Distribution.
- You may not decompile, dissasemble, reverse engineer, modify, or
- translate the program or documentation.
- About the Program
- -----------------
- Even though the world computer market is still dominated by PC's, the
- Amiga range of computers is excellent. You may wish to run PC software
- but do not want to purchase a second computer. This is where PC-Task
- is ideal. It allows you to run the majority of PC software packages
- making use of the peripherals and memory which you already own.
- This new, enhanced version of PC-Task breaks new ground by including
- advanced Dynamic Compilation, giving PC-Task faster emulation than
- previous versions. You can expect triple the performance in some
- programs.
- Program Description
- -------------------
- PC-Task 4 is the fastest software 80486 emulator for the Amiga
- range of computers.
- The following features are included in this release:
- - Compatible with the 80486 processor
- - FPU emulation
- - The fastest software PC emulator for the Amiga
- - Uses advanced Dynamic Compilation methods for speed
- - Support for up to 64MB RAM (63MB extended) of PC memory under MS-DOS
- - Up to 2 floppy drives and 2 hard drives supported
- - Supports hard disk files and hard disk partitions
- - High density floppies and CD-ROM support
- - Select from MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA and SVGA (512K-2MB) video modes
- - Support for up to 256 colours on AGA machines
- - Compatible with graphic boards (eg. Cybergraphics, EGS Spectrum, Picasso)
- - Parallel, Serial and PC speaker emulation
- - Mouse support, including Serial Mouse emulation
- - Run multiple PC-Task processes on the same machine
- - Run MS-DOS applications in a window on a public screen (eg. Workbench)
- - Transfer files between your Amiga and MS-DOS
- - Support for David Salamon's GoldenGate bridge cards
- - Compatible with MS Windows 3.0 - 3.11 *
- - Will run Windows for Workgroups in Enhanced mode
- - Will run Windows 95 (though not recommended for machines below 68060)
- * MS Windows 3.1 requires 1.5 MB contiguous RAM and sufficient hard disk
- space (around 10MB)
- NOTE: Neither MS-DOS or MS Windows are included.
- About this Demo
- ---------------
- This demo has been released to give you some idea of the speed and
- functionality of the PC-Task package. You will not be able to run
- software that needs to write to disk (such as MS Windows, FDisk, Format
- etc.).
- There are two versions of PC-Task included in this demo release. One,
- called PC-TaskDemo_Dynamic and the other called PC-TaskDemo_Interpretive.
- PC-TaskDemo_Dynamic uses advanced dynamic compilation methods in order
- to achieve much faster emulation speed. Usually you would use this
- Dynamic version as it is normally faster than the Interpretive version
- (slower loading but faster running), but at a cost (it uses more memory)
- PC-TaskDemo_Interpretive is included for those who are low on memory,
- but it is unable to do paging. This means you will not be able to run
- programs such as EMM386, games such as Descent, and most programs which
- use a swap file with the Interpretive version. The Dynamic version does
- not have this restriction, and does implement paging.
- The full package contains the following features which have been
- removed from this demo:
- - A comprehensive user reference manual
- - Writing to Floppy/HardDiskPartition/HardDiskFile enabled.
- - Parallel port emulation enabled.
- - The hardfile.device so you can use a Filesystem to access your PC-Task
- or Bridgeboard HardDiskFile from AmigaDOS.
- - An MS-DOS program to copy files from AmigaDOS to PC-Task
- - An MS-DOS program to copy files from PC-Task to AmigaDOS
- - An MS-DOS program to show AmigaDOS directories under PC-Task
- - An MS-DOS program to quit PC-Task
- - An MS-DOS program to start the mouse driver
- - A CD-ROM driver allowing access to CD-ROMs under PC-Task's emulation
- - Full technical support
- Using the Demo
- --------------
- - System Requirements
- PC-TaskDemo 4.3 requires an Amiga computer with at least 2MB of RAM
- and AmigaOS 2.0+. Some display features will also be unavailable if
- you do not have an AGA compatible Amiga or a third party graphics card.
- - Running the Demo
- The PC-Task 4.3 Demo can easily be run by double clicking either
- the PC-TaskDemo_Dynamic or the PC-TaskDemo_Interpretive icon. The
- program will load and display an option screen.
- Click on the START button to start the emulation. Insert a bootable
- DOS system disk into the drive specified as A on the option screen.
- Pressing return should now boot DOS just like a real PC.
- - Creating a Bootable MS-DOS Disk
- In order for you to be able to use the PC-Task emulation (or even a
- real PC) a bootable MS-DOS disk is needed unless you have a bootable
- HardDiskFile or partition from which to boot. To create a system disk
- (720K bootable) for use with PC-Task, you can insert a 3.5" DSDD
- (double sided double density) disk in a real PC's drive A: and enter
- at the MS-DOS prompt:
- format A: /s Or
- format A: /s /f:720 Or
- format A: /s /n:9
- Insert this disk when you boot the emulator.
- A Brief Guide to some of PC-Task's Options
- ------------------------------------------
- - The Option Screen
- The option screen allows you to change the various functions of
- PC-Task. To start the emulation just click the start button or press
- the return key, after you have set the options to suit your
- preferences.
- - FPU Options
- If you have an FPU in your Amiga, you will be able to select FPU
- emulation by clicking in the top right checkbox labelled FPU. This
- will allow you to run all PC software which requires an FPU.
- - Dynamic Buffer Options
- If you are running the Dynamic version of PC-Task4 Demo, you will be
- given an option in the top right of the Option screen as to the size
- of the Dynamic Buffer (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, and Huge). The
- actual memory these use range from approximately 512Kb for Tiny, right
- up to approximately 2Mb + 4 times the memory you are allocating to the
- emulation. See above for more information on the Dynamic version.
- - Floppy Disk Options
- On the bottom left of the option screen are two text gadgets used to
- assign PC-Task's floppy drives A and B for use during emulation. The
- floppy drives can be assigned to any device, by entering the name of
- the drives into the text gadgets.
- People who mount their drives as MS-DOS drives, so they can read and
- write files using the AmigaOS 2.1+ MS-DOS filesystem, or other such
- software, can enter the device names that they use for that (e.g. PC0:
- & PC1:) in the text gadgets.
- - Hard Disk Options
- If you have an existing bridgeboard hard disk file, click the left
- mouse button on one of the hard disk text gadgets and enter the file
- name (including path) in the text gadget e.g. "Work:IBMHardDiskFile".
- PC-Task does not work with JLink virtual drives.
- You can also specify an existing MS-DOS partition that has been
- FDisk'ed and formatted. Make sure that you do not have a
- CrossDOSFileSystem line in your mountlist for that partition.
- - Graphics Adapter Options
- You can emulate five different display adapters with PC-Task. You can
- toggle between modes by clicking the left mouse button on the gadget
- right of the Graphics Adapter text.
- MDA is a monochrome, text only adapter that gives faster screen updates.
- CGA is the default graphics option and has the most complete
- implementation and compatibility.
- EGA will do the same modes as MDA and CGA and adds some higher
- resolution graphics modes.
- VGA will do all the modes of MDA, CGA, EGA and higher resolution
- graphics modes. One VGA mode requires a machine with the AGA chipset
- (such as the A1200 & A4000) or with a graphic board capable of 256
- colours in order to display the correct colours. Other machines will
- display the mode but with incorrect colours.
- SVGA modes are high resolution graphics modes, some of which require a
- machine with the AGA chipset or a graphics board capable of 256 colours
- in order to display the correct colours. Other machines will display
- the mode but with incorrect colours.
- - Advanced Video Options
- Underneath the Graphics Adapter options you are able to select Advanced
- Video Options. This will bring up another window allowing you to
- select the Amiga screen mode for each graphics mode available and
- whether to open a window on seperate screen. The method of screen
- update may also be changed.
- - Video Modes
- The modes supported by PC-Task are listed below:
- Mode Type Size Graphics Adapters Colours
- Mode $00 Text 40*25 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 2
- Mode $01 Text 40*25 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $02 Text 80*25 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 2
- Mode $03 Text 80*25 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $04 Graphics 320*200 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 4
- Mode $05 Graphics 320*200 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 4
- Mode $06 Graphics 640*200 CGA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 2
- Mode $07 Text 80*25 MDA,EGA,VGA,SVGA 2
- Mode $0D Graphics 320*200 EGA,VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $0E Graphics 640*200 EGA,VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $0F Graphics 640*350 EGA,VGA,SVGA 2
- Mode $10 Graphics 640*350 EGA,VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $11 Graphics 640*480 VGA,SVGA 2
- Mode $12 Graphics 640*480 VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $13 Graphics 320*200 VGA,SVGA 256
- Mode $100 Graphics 640*400 VGA,SVGA 256
- Mode $101 Graphics 640*480 SVGA 256
- Mode $102/6a Graphics 800*600 VGA,SVGA 16
- Mode $103 Graphics 800*600 SVGA 256
- Mode $104 Graphics 1024*768 SVGA 16
- Mode $105 Graphics 1024*768 SVGA (1Mb),SVGA (2Mb) 256
- Mode $106 Graphics 1280*1024 SVGA (1Mb),SVGA (2Mb) 16
- Mode $107 Graphics 1280*1024 SVGA (2Mb) 256
- - Mouse, Parallel, Serial & Sound Options
- You can toggle the Parallel, Serial, Mouse and Sound gadgets to on or
- off by clicking the left mouse button on these gadgets at the top
- right of the option screen.
- The Mouse option emulates a Microsoft compatible serial mouse on COM2.
- The Sound option emulates basic PC motherboard sound. (simple beeps etc.)
- - Memory Options
- In the bottom right of the option screen there are three sets of
- left/right gadgets that allow you to change memory options of the PC.
- Conventional Memory
- Sets the amount of memory PC-Task will allocate for emulation with the
- maximum base memory allowed being 704K, if MDA or CGA graphics adapter
- selected, and 640K if EGA, VGA or SVGA is selected. For best
- compatibility select 640K. If the emulator fails to get the amount set
- it will try for a smaller amount until it gets too low to be
- functional.
- Extended Memory
- Sets the amount of extended memory which will be allocated for
- emulation. You are able to select up to 63MB of extended memory. It
- is best if you do not allocate all available fast RAM on your Amiga for
- emulation. If you allocate more, PC-Task may use Chip memory, which
- will slow down the emulation. To use extended memory you must use
- HIMEM.SYS. Consult your MS-DOS manual for futher details.
- Minimum Leave Available
- This is the minimum amount of memory that the emulator will leave
- available for other Amiga programs, after it has allocated the main
- memory.
- - ToolTypes and Keywords
- LANGUAGE = ENGLISH, DEUTSCH or FRANÇAIS - Forces PC-Task's language
- PUBSCREEN = (PUBSCREEN NAME) - Select which Public Screen
- PC-Task windows will open on.
- Force PC-Task to get the PC memory from Fast RAM. This is only of use
- if you have more chip memory than fast memory. Normally Fast RAM is
- allocated first, but if you have more Chip memory than Fast Memory, Chip
- will be used first. But Chip memory is slower than Fast memory, so
- sometimes you may wish for speed over memory.
- TIMERFACTOR keyword/tootype allows changing of the PC system timer.
- Normally a timer interrupt happens 18.2 times a second. The problem is
- when games and other programs change this to a more frequent value and then
- excute a large amount of code in the interrupt causing slowdown or halt of
- the CPU emulation if PC-Task cannot keep up. So this keyword fixes the
- timer to the factor you set eg:-
- TIMERFACTOR=1 Timer 18.2 times a second and never change from this
- TIMERFACTOR=2 Timer 9.1 times a second and never change from this
- etc
- - Rebooting & Quitting the Emulator
- PC-Task can be rebooted just like a real PC, using the same keys as a
- PC. To do this, press the Ctrl-Alt-DEL keys all at the same time.
- To quit the emulator press LeftAmiga-RightAmiga-DEL or RightAmiga-DEL.
- General notes - Please Read!
- ----------------------------
- It is very important for speed that PC-Task is not using chip(graphics)
- memory for CPU emulation make sure you are not trying to get too much
- PC memory (or Dynamic Buffer) and ending up have some of it allocated
- in your slower memory. You can if in doubt use the FORCEFASTMEM
- keyword/tooltype which will make sure PC-Task will not use slow memory
- to get the PC memory you requested.
- PC-Task_Dynamic takes a long time to execute a CONFIG.SYS with a
- HIMEM.SYS line that doesn't have the option /TESTMEM:OFF in it. eg:-
- PC-Task_Dynamic is considerably slower loading/start software but excels
- when all that is done and code is just executing (but not continually
- self modifying like some games do including Doom).
- PC-Task_Dynamic is very memory instensive so performance may be
- disappointing with some programs compared to PC-Task_Interpretive if you
- have slow memory (like A3640 that is in stock A4000/040/25).
- PC-Task_Dynamic's buffer settings currently use Tiny(512K), Small(1.5Meg),
- Medium(5.25 Mb), Large(9.5 Mb), Huge (PC memory times 4, plus 2 Mb) memory.
- 640K conventional counts as 1 meg. The huge setting is usually gives the
- fastest CPU emulation.
- PC-Task_Interpretive does not do paging so you cannot run emm386, Windows
- in 386 enhanced, and generally programs that have a swap file with that
- version.
- If you are unhappy with graphics update please go to advanced options and
- change the update method (for every PC mode or just the one you are unhappy
- about) to after 4 frames and see if that is better, or if already at that
- setting try the immediate update method.
- Don't run EMM386 (check your config.sys) unless you really want to as
- it slows down PC-Task.
- Windows runs faster in standard mode so if you don't need 386 enhanced you
- might want to use win/s command line to force windows into standard mode.
- If your mouse isn't working under Windows, go into the Windows directory
- under MS-DOS, and change the MOUSE.INI text file to read "MouseType=SERIAL2"
- instead of "MouseType=PS2".
- Cybergraphics users should select 8bit cybergraphics screen modes if they
- are going to use cybergraphics modes. If they select >8bit the
- cybergraphics routines would be used as they only know 8 bit case.
- If you are running a grater than 8bit Workbench screen under Cybergraphics,
- and PC-Task isn't starting, either change Workbench so it is on 256 colours
- or less, or add the ToolType PUBSCREEN=Workbench.
- If you aren't getting a cursor, and using a graphics board, change the
- graphics update to something other than Immediate (in Advanced video
- options).
- Purchasing the full PC-Task product
- -----------------------------------
- - Availability
- PC-Task 4 is available from Quasar Distribution, Authorised
- Distributors and their dealers. PC-Task is available as:
- PC-Task 4.3 - PC-Task 4.3 English program and documentation
- PC-Task 4.3 DEU - PC-Task 4.3 German program and documentation
- PC-Task 4.3 is NOT available directly from Chris Hames
- - Ordering from Quasar Direct
- Current pricing from Quasar Distribution is:
- PC-Task 4.3 AUD $114.00 (including shipping)
- Quasar Distribution are able to accept payment in the following forms:
- Visa / Mastercard (please include expiry)
- International Money Order (made payable to Quasar Distribution)
- Bank Draft (made payable to Quasar Distribution)
- Cash (we don't recommend sending cash through the mail)
- Bank Cheque drawn in US or Australian Dollars
- Orders should be forwarded to Quasar Distribution at the address below.
- Please contact your local Authorised Distributor for local pricing and
- availability.
- - Upgrades from previous versions
- Registered users of Version 3.0/3.1 of PC-Task can upgrade for a code
- of AUD$60 (including delivery). Please remember to supply your
- registration number.
- Users of the Quasar Distribution package who have not returned their
- product registration card, should contact Quasar Distribution, or their
- local authorised distributor for upgrade pricing and availability.
- Registered users of version 2.0 or before are also being mailed out an
- offer. The cost to register these version is AUD$84.00 including delivery.
- Contact Information
- ------------------
- Quasar Distribution (Publisher) can be contacted at:
- Quasar Distribution
- P.O. Box 101
- Vermont
- Victoria 3133
- Australia
- Phone +61 (0)3 9887 2411
- Fax +61 (0)3 9887 2511
- InterNet: pctask@ozemail.com.au
- WWW: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~pctask
- Authorised Distributors (as of 17/10/97)
- ----------------------------------------
- Australia (and anywhere else not listed)
- Quasar Distribution
- P.O. Box 101
- Vermont
- Victoria 3133
- Australia
- Phone +61 (0)3 9887 2411
- Fax +61 (0)3 9887 2511
- Germany
- GTI Grenville Trade International GmbH
- Carl-Zeiss-Str. 9
- 79761 Waldshut-Tiengem
- Germany
- Phone +49 (0)7741 83040
- Fax +49 (0)7741 830438
- http://www.grentrade.com
- Canada and North America
- Wonder Computers
- 1315 Richmond Road
- Ottawa, Ontario
- K2B 8J7
- Phone: 613-721-1993
- Fax: 613-721-1994
- U.K.
- Wizard Developments
- PO Box 490,
- Dartford, Kent
- England DA1 2UH
- Phone +44 (0)1322 527800
- Fax +44 (0)1322 527810
- Italy
- AG Computer
- Via Plebis Rea, 25 A/B
- Agrigento 92100
- Italy
- Phone 0922/21954
- Fax 0922/27805
- Norway
- DataKompaniet
- Prof. Brochs gt. 6
- N-7030 Trondheim, Norway
- Phone: +47 7354 0375
- Fax: +47 7394 3861
- New Zealand
- Haydon Computers
- P.O. Box 12018
- Christchurch
- New Zealand
- Phone/Fax ++64 3 3899674
- All distribution enquiries should be directed to Quasar Distribution.
- Trademarks
- ----------
- PC-Task is a trademark of Chris Hames used under exclusive license by
- Quasar Distribution. IBM, VGA, EGA, CGA & MDA are trademarks of
- International Business Machines Corp.. MS-DOS is a registered
- trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Inc.. All other
- trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- No responsibility or liability will be accepted for any damage that may
- appear to have resulted from use of this program. All use is at your
- own risk. The software is provided "as is" without any warranty
- implied or otherwise to the fitness or accuracy of the software and
- documentation. The documentation is believed to be correct but the
- author and/or publisher reserves the right to update the software
- and/or documentation without notice.
- PC-Task History
- ---------------
- V4.0 Version 4.0 Commercial Release
- V4.1 Changed default to update after 2 frames for some PC display modes
- because it is usually faster for them.
- Improved after # frames EGA/VGA 2/16 color modes compatability, for
- some games. Now more compatible than immediate update.
- Fixed some CPU problems with some DPMI's.
- Improved CPU emulation speed when paging.
- Improved CPU emulation speed a bit when in protected/virtual86 mode.
- Improved cybergfx support for some PC display modes.
- Fixed Dynamic CPU emulation for some BASIC programs.
- V4.2 Dynamic now has FPU emulation for machines with FPU. Can now
- watch Quake without third party pc fpu emulation software!
- Mode 3 (80*25 text) added update after # of frames, it renders
- the cursor instead of using sprite (hip hip..).
- Faster cybergraphics routines for Mode 3 both immediate and
- after # frames (new), also Mode 13 after # frames.
- Tweaked interpretive version a bit for branch prediction.
- Dynamic now faster adding code to the cache so software
- including Windows loads faster. Testing memory (eg HIMEM.SYS)
- now faster.
- Dynamic now handles self modifying code better causing less
- recompiles (Doom much faster, probably other DOS4GW stuff).
- Dynamic buffer sizes now bigger Medium 5Meg->5.25Meg, Large
- 9Meg->9.5Meg, Huge 4*PC + 1Meg -> 4*PC + 2Meg. Speeds up
- loading of Windows 386 enhanced, lots of code etc.
- Dynamic small speed improvements in code generated.
- Dynamic less cache clearing with 68040/60.
- Possible crashing when OpenScreen/OpenWindow failed fixed.
- V4.3 Much of BIOS converted to 80x86 for compatability/simplicity.
- Large amount of non time critical code converted to C for
- portability.
- Added DMF (Distribution Media Format) support for DFx:
- Faster cybergraphics routines for SVGA 256 after # frames.
- Fixed SVGA 256 color modes some pixels being changed in wrong
- location with Dynamic.
- Code page support improved.
- Options default gfx is now VGA.
- Options extendedmem now up 63 and jumps in 1 Meg when > 1Meg.
- Fixed bug in EGA/VGA with some bitplanes in immediate mode
- full update when scrolling etc.
- Improved SVGA Video7 compatability so univbe can be used to
- give Video VESA (VBE) support for software that requires it.
- Improved RealTimeClock support.
- VIDEOBIOSFILE keyword added and BIOSFILE better supported.
- TECHNICAL keyword added creates "ram:PCTtech.txt" for tech support.
- CACHESIZEOVERRIDE added to set cache size for speeding up certain
- software eg Win95 likes 4+ Meg (CACHESIZEOVERRIDE=$400000).
- Many small compatability improvements.