Amiga ACS 1998 #2
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Text File
279 lines
; Discus Installation Script
; (C) Copyright 1997 Marian Schedenig
(set @app-name "Discus")
(set #path (pathonly @icon))
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #welc "Willkommen zur Installation von Discus !")
(set #dirprompt
( cat "Bitte geben Sie an, in welchem Verzeichnis Discus installiert werden soll. Es wird dann "
"eine Schublade \"Discus\" angelegt."
(set #dirhelp "Eine Schublade namens \"Discus\" wird automatisch erzeugt.\n")
(set #iftxt "Wollen Sie Discus automatisch beim Systemstart ausführen ?")
(set #iftxth "Wenn Sie \"Ja\" anwählen, wird ein Aufruf von Discus in Ihre User-Startup-Datei eingetragen")
(set #iftxt2 "Wollen Sie die vorgefertigten EID-Dateien installieren?")
(set #iftxt2h
( cat "Wenn Sie \"Ja\" anwählen, werden einige vorbereitete EID-Dateien in Ihr Discus-Verzeichnis kopiert. "
"EID-Dateien enthalten die Titel von CDs, damit diese automatisch angezeigt werden können."
(set #filecopy "Dateien werden kopiert...")
(set #startupprompt "Ändere User-Startup...")
(set #hstartup "...")
(set #iftxt3 "Soll die deutsche Katalog-Datei installiert werden?")
(set #iftxt3h "Die deutsche Katalogdatei wird benötigt, wenn Sie Discus mit deutschen Texten verwenden möchten.")
(set #iftxt4 "Sollen die benötigten Schriften installiert werden?")
(set #iftxt4h "Wenn Sie die Schriften nicht installieren, müssen Sie ein Assign auf das Fonts-Verzeichnis in Ihrem Discus-Verzeichnis anlegen.")
(set #iftxt5 "Für welchen Prozessor soll Discus installiert werden?")
(set #iftxt6 "Welche Anleitungen wollen Sie installieren?")
(set #gtxt 1)
(set #defguide 3)
(set #welc "Welcome to the Autostart installation script !")
(set #dirprompt "Please specify a directory to install Autostart to. There will then be created a directory called \"Autostart\".")
(set #dirhelp "A drawer \"Autostart\" will automatically be created.\n")
(set #iftxt "Do you want to automatically execute Discus on system startup ?")
(set #iftxth "If you select \"Yes\", a command to execute Discus will be inserted into your User-Startup file.")
(set #iftxt2 "Do you want to install the pre-created EID files ?")
(set #iftxt2h
( cat "If you select \"Yes\", some EID files will be copied to your Discus directory. "
" EID files store the title data of CDs in order to automatically display them while playing the CD."
(set #filecopy "Copying files...")
(set #startupprompt "Modifying User-Startup...")
(set #hstartup "...")
(set #iftxt3 "Do you want to install the german catalog file?")
(set #iftxt3h "You need the german catalog file if you want to use Discus with german texts.")
(set #iftxt4 "Do you want to install the fonts?")
(set #iftxt4h "If you do not install the fonts, you will have to create an assign to the Fonts directory in your Discus directory.")
(set #iftxt5 "For which CPU do you want to install Discus?")
(set #iftxt6 "Which guides do you want to install?")
(set #gtxt 0)
(set #defguide 1)
(welcome #welc)
(complete 0)
(set #userstartup 0)
(set #idfilesbool 1)
(set #fonts 1)
(set @default-dest
(tackon (askdir (prompt #dirprompt)
(help (cat #dirhelp @askdir-help))
(default @default-dest)
(makedir (@default-dest) (infos))
(complete 10)
(set #n 2)
(set #cpu (database "cpu"))
(if (= #cpu "68000")
(set #n 0))
(if (= #cpu "68010")
(set #n 0))
(if (= #cpu "68020")
(set #n 1))
(set #n
(askchoice (prompt #iftxt5)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "68000" "68020" "68030+")
(default #n)
(select #n
(set #fnam "Discus.000")
(set #fnam "Discus.020")
(set #fnam "Discus.030")
(complete 20)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path #fnam))
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "Discus")
(complete 30)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Discus.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(complete 40)
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(set #userstartup
(askbool (prompt #iftxt)
(help (cat #iftxth @askbool-help))
(default 1)
(complete 45)
(if (= #userstartup 1)
(startup "Discus " (prompt #startupprompt)
(help #hstartup)
(command (cat "RUN <NIL: >NIL: " (tackon @default-dest "Discus")))
(complete 50)
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "CD_Titles") (infos))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "Programs") (infos))
(complete 60)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set #idfilesbool
(askbool (prompt #iftxt2)
(help (cat #iftxt2h @askbool-help))
(default 1)
(complete 65)
(if (= #idfilesbool 1)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Notes_on_CD_titles.readme"))
(dest @default-dest)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Notes_on_CD_titles.readme.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "CD_Titles"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "CD_Titles"))
(complete 70)
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(set #gtxt
(askbool (prompt #iftxt3)
(help (cat #iftxt3h @askbool-help))
(default 1)
(complete 75)
(if (= #gtxt 1)
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs"))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs/Deutsch"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Catalogs/Deutsch"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs/Deutsch"))
(complete 80)
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(set #fonts
(askbool (prompt #iftxt4)
(help (cat #iftxt4h @askbool-help))
(default 1)
(complete 85)
(if (= #fonts 1)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Fonts"))
(dest "Fonts:")
(complete 90)
(set #guides
(askoptions (prompt #iftxt6)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "English" "German")
(default #defguide)
(debug #guides)
(complete 95)
(if (> #guides 0)
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "Guides") (infos))
(debug "makedir ok")
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Guides"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Guides"))
(pattern "#?.Brush")
(debug "copy ok")
(if (BITAND #guides 1)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Guides"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Guides"))
(pattern "Discus_E.#?")
(debug "english ok")
(if (BITAND #guides 2)
(copyfiles (source (tackon #path "Guides"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Guides"))
(pattern "Discus_D.#?")
(debug "deutsch ok")
(complete 100)