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- Disk Fragmentation Report Version 3.12
- ©1990-92 Custom Services
- General:
- This utility will read all the disk devices on your system and analyze the
- BitMap for each partition. If the options are selected
- It will also analyze the file system on each partition. The result for
- the analysis will be the number of fragments on the disk(BitMap), and
- file system(if selected). Several options exist to control how much is
- reported. This is a CLI and Workbench utility.
- This utility is released as shareware. If you
- find it useful, please send the basic registration fee to Custom Services.
- The Options for registration are:
- Amount | Fee | Service
- -------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------
- $5 | Basic | Basic Registration fee, everyone must send this!
- -------+----------+------------------------------------------------------
- $7 | Updates | Update fee for future version if I supply disk
- -------+----------+------------------------------------------------------
- $5 | Updates | Update fee for future version if you send a disk
- -------+----------+------------------------------------------------------
- Send $5 for the basic registration plus $7 for updates will get you a
- copy of the next version of this program. I will supply the disk. Sending
- $10 will get you notification of updates. I include all my shareware
- utilities on the disk.
- Please send all registration and update fees of your choice to:
- Custom Services
- P. O. Box 254
- Moorestown, NJ 08057
- Compatibility:
- This program is compatible with 1.3 and 2.xx versions of the operating
- system. It has been tested with both operating systems. It should work
- with any disk drive(either hard drive or floppy).
- This program will not work on a CD-ROM drive, it is not compatible with
- the CD-ROM filesystem or the disk format. It may someday become CD-ROM
- smart, but for now it hangs.
- Command from cli:
- From Workbench, just click on the icon.
- Validation:
- DFRAGS will validate ever part of the file system. It checks any and
- all values. Error messages are issued for any problems found. Some errors
- are considered severe enough that processing stops when they occur. Others
- are considered errors, but not bad enough to stop the processing.
- Disk Integrety:
- o Blocks are only used once(linkage errors).
- o Block zero must be either FFS or SFS.
- o read errors.
- o illegal block numbers(know as Key Invalid).
- Root Directory Checks:
- o Spare words must be zero
- o OwnKey must be zero
- o Sequence number must be zero
- o Hash table size must be 72
- o BitMap Valid flag must be valid, a -1.
- o All words of the sector must add up to zero(zero sum checksum)
- o read errors
- Directory checks:
- o Spare words must be zero
- o OwnKey must be equal to block number
- o Parent block number must be Parent's block number
- o Hask index of this directory must be same as hashed name
- o All words of the sector must add up to zero(zero sum checksum)
- o read errors
- File Header checks :
- o Hask index of this directory must be same as hashed name
- o Parent block number must be Parent's block number
- o Spare words must be zero
- o OwnKey must be equal to block number
- o All words of the sector must add up to zero(zero sum checksum)
- o read errors
- Link Checks:
- o Linked files and directories are checked the same as regular
- files and directories except that no data is read for files and
- directories are not traversed. All other checks occurs as
- above.
- Bitmap Checks:
- o All words of the sector must add up to zero(zero sum checksum)
- o read errors
- o The BitMap is rebuilt whenever you use the File fragmentation
- options. This will cause sectors to be checked to ensure that
- no sector is incorrectly used more than once.
- Options:
- By default all the options are off. You select an option by clicking on
- the gadget for it. There are the following command options:
- Verbose option. Each file accessed will have one or more lines of
- output. This will occur even if the file does not
- have fragments.
- File option Check file fragmentation and structure. This option
- will cause the file system to be traversed. Each file
- is checked for contiguous disk blocks and file system
- errors. I suggest this option always be used.
- 1.3 optiom Assume the 1.3 file system. There is a difference in
- the way that 1.3 and earlier file systems allocate files
- versus the 2.xx file system.
- The 1.3 file system will allocate the first block of a
- file in one area and the rest in another. This option
- will remove one fragment from the file total. Under 2.xx
- the file system is a bit better, attempting to allocate
- a file in one contiguous area.
- Pause option If you leave the program running and unattended, you may
- lose information as it scrolls off the screen. This option
- will cause the program to pause at the end of a page of data
- until you hit a key on the keyboard.
- Debug option If you have a problem, you can use this option to see the
- actual file system structures. Each non-data block is
- identified and printed in a formatted manner.
- I recommend the command options for full file checking. This will completely
- validate the bitmap and check the file system structure.
- Error Messages:
- No Memory available for disk buffers
- A memory allocation failed while trying to get buffers for the
- disk. You will have to shutdown some of you other tasks and try
- again.
- Unable to get a Port from CreatePort
- Unable to get pointer from CreateExtIO
- Unable to Open device
- These are messages that indicate that you have a very messed up
- system! Your device tables may be corrupt. A re-boot is
- in order!
- Error Reading Block Zero, error = nnn
- A read was done on the BootBlock of the current device. It failed
- with the indicated error code. This could indicate a bad spot on the
- device or even a possible viral infection in your system.
- Boot Block for device/partition is invalid or non-dos
- The data in the first four bytes of the Boot Block was not an
- indicator for either type of file system(DOS^@(SFS) or DOS^A(FFS)).
- This disk is either corrupt, damaged, contains a special boot
- block, or it is a viral infection.
- disk read error on Root block
- The Root block was either not found or generated a disk error when
- read from the disk.
- Problem: Key value too large limit 0 to nnnnn, got mmmm for file/dir
- This is a common corruption problem. A key(relative block number)
- is out of range for a file or directory. You cannot delete the file
- or directory in some cases because the block number is in a critical
- location. This error will also generate a "false" disk read error
- since the read could not occur. You may have lost linkages to data
- of files with this error.
- Root Block may be corrupt.... skipping
- The Root Block failed several sanity checks. It may work ok, but is
- corrupt. A backup, format and restore are probably indicated for this
- partition or floppy.
- Bit Map shows as invalid(nnn)
- The Root Block indicator says that the current bit map may be in the
- process of being updated. nnn is the current value which should be
- either 0(if invalid), or -1(if valid). If other values show up, your
- root block is corrupt.
- CheckSum Error in Root Block, may be corrupt... skipping
- The checksum for the Root block of the current device is non-zero.
- This indicates a corrupt Root directory.
- I/O error reading BitMap block:nnnn
- An I/O error occurred during the bit map processing. The error will
- prevent an accurate count of the fragmentation.
- BitMap Checksum error: Block nnn may be invalid or corrupt
- The checksum of a BitMap block is invalid, the BitMap may be corrupt.
- Disk(u/f) vs files(u/f) Bitmap do not match for block nnn
- After all the files were processed, a check is made against the
- actual computed bitmap created from the files and the disk bitmap.
- u/f is either "free" or "used" to indicate which thought the sector
- was free.
- Disk(Used) vs files(Free) Bitmap do not match for block nnn
- This error indicates that the files did not use a sector that the
- bitmap indicated was in use. This may be ok if you have used a tool
- to mark sectors as bad by flagging the sectors as used.
- Disk(Free) vs files(Used) Bitmap do not match for block nnn
- This error indicates that the Bitmap does not have a sector marked
- as used when one of your files thinks it is used. This is a bad
- situations in that later you may try to use the sector again for
- a new file. A backup/format/restore may be indicated here.
- Used_Map system error: nnn mmm
- Get_Map system error:nnn mmm
- This usually means an illegal key value. One of your files has a
- key value outside of the partition. This is probably an indicator
- of a corrupted disk. It would be a good idea to use the -N option
- to list the file/directory names while running to see what file or
- directory has the problem.
- Key already set: nnnn for file/dir
- This is an indicator that you have some kind of linkage problem.
- Two files or directories have the same sector in use. One of the
- files is wrong, not nessecarily the one printed! The name displayed
- is the the second file found using the sector indicated.
- No Memory available for file/dir buffers at <name>
- An Allocation of memory failed due to not enough memory. Shutting down
- some other tasks will increase the memory available.
- I/O error reading Dir/File block: nnnnn from <name>
- A read error occurred while reading directory or file header
- information.
- Dir: <name> parent hash index (nn) not same as file hash index(nn)
- File:<name> parent hash index (nn) not same as file hash index(nn)
- The directory or file name hashes to a value that does not match the
- location in the parent hash table. This probably indicates a corrupt
- parent directory or the directory/file name is corrupted.
- Dir: <name> parent (nnnn) not parent(mmmm) block
- File:<name> parent (nnnn) not parent(mmmm) block
- The block number of the parent directory(mmmm) does not match the
- parent field in the directory or file header data. This indicates a
- possible linkage problem or a corrupt disk.
- Dir: <name> OwnKey (nnnn) not block number(mmmm)
- File:<name> OwnKey (nnnn) not block number(mmmm)
- The block number of the current file or directory does not match the
- block number in the header data. This indicates a possible linkage
- problem or corrupt disk.
- Dir: <name> may be corrupt(spare words not zero)
- Dir: <name> may be corrupt(checksum not zero)
- File:<name> may be corrupt(spare words not zero)
- File:<name> may be corrupt(checksum not zero)
- The file header or directory block has failed one of the sanity checks
- or the checksum is non-zero. This could indicate a corrupt disk.
- File:<name> Extension(nnnn) not secondary Hdr
- The current file is large enough to need a secondary header. The
- sector pointed to in the file header is not a secondary header. The
- file is corrupted.
- Invalid block type in key nnnn for directory <name>
- The directory has an entry for a sub-directory or file that is not
- either. This is an indication of a corrupt disk.
- I/O error reading File data in: <name> block:nnnn
- While verifing the file data blocks an I/O error occured. The
- file is damaged and cannot be read.
- ShareWare:
- This program, the documentation and all files in the archive are
- copyrighted by Custom Services ©1990-94. All rights are reserved. No
- commercial use or financial gain may be made using this product without
- the consent of Custom Services. This archive may be redistributed in
- any public domain collection or on any BBS provided all files are left
- intact. Support Shareware. Amazing Computing has permission to distribute
- this archive.
- Future:
- There are no additional checks that can be made. This program already
- validates the file system to the fullest extent possible. Some additions
- that can be made are:
- -- Possible code optimizations,
- -- Bug fixes if anyone reports any.
- -- Support for the Intl file system .
- -- Support for the disk caching file system.
- Only a few people have registered this program even though on BIX over
- 500 people had downloaded it! I am not in this for the money, and would
- like to see just a note indicating what you think of this.
- History:
- 1.00 -- initial version.
- 1.01 -- fixed several small bugs
- 1.06 -- re-created all the 1.01 bug fixes to a pre 1.00 version due to
- HD crash/source loss. Added several new features.
- fixed a divide by zero error if no fragments on a device!
- 1.07 -- fixed a bug in the BitMap analysis. Fixed a debug output that
- was not printing the whole bitmap(last word missing).
- 2.00 -- Added many sanity checks. Improved the BitMap fragmentation
- removing several minor bugs. Fixed a bug that prevented the
- processing of larger disk devices/partitions(53 meg limit).
- Added error documentation. Added file data validation option.
- Documentation updated, error information and new options added.
- 2.02 -- Corrected a couple of debug printouts to show the correct
- information and updated the documentation.
- 2.06 -- Added additional validation checks and fixed a file bug where
- a hash conflict caused a file chain to not be looked at. Added
- support for 2.xx file and directory links. Added a formatted
- output of root, file, and directory structures under debug or
- if an error is found.
- 2.07 -- Minor bug fixes and clean up of debug code.
- 2.08 -- fixed resource allocation/return on ^C exit. The floppy drive
- motor is shut off if you quit. Previous versions did not return
- the buffers to the free memory pool.
- 2.10 -- Added full BitMap checking. Corrected the resource allocation
- code where it lost memory for buffers currently in use.
- Updated the docs with the new error messages. Added the problem
- solving option "-N" to display the names of files as they are
- processed(similar to "-I" except prints even if the fragments is
- zero). Combined the regular file and link file processing.
- 2.12 -- Added checks for block numbers out of range. Fixed a minor bug
- in the BitMap checking where a false error was generated. Added
- a change in the size calculation to generate total blocks, not
- to have K or M displayed.
- 2.13 - 3.03 Internal debug versions only released to testers.
- 3.04 -- Released version that works from the Workbench or CLI in the same
- manner. Re-adjusted much of the output. Removed alot of the
- unformatted output from the debug option. Removed the old cli
- interface and replaced the options with gadgets.
- 3.05 -- changed to register parameters for a smaller, faster executable.
- added an icon for use with the workbench(forgot it in 3.04).
- 3.12 -- minor bug fixes, adjustments for the interface.