Amiga ACS 1998 #4
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powerpc.library V12.0 - WarpOS V1.0
21.9.1997 by Sam Jordan
'(C) Copyright 1997/98 Haage & Partner Computer GmbH'
All Rights Reserved
Welcome to warp speed!
This archive contains the PowerPC operating system called WarpOS. It
was designed to integrate the PowerPC-CPU in the existing AMIGA-OS
operating system in the best possible way. It provides a very fast
interface between the two CPU's to maximize the performance on both
This operating system was developed almost completely in plain PowerPC-
Assembler using the StormPowerASM development software.
See the documentation for more details and for the complete development
[DIR] WarpOS
WarpOS.readme - This file
history - The history file of the powerpc.library
WarpOS.guide - The documentation of WarpOS (D)
WarpOS_english.guide - The documentation of WarpOS (E)
GameDev.guide - A discussion of PPC Game Development (D)
GameDev_english.guide - A discussion of PPC Game Development (E)
Erste_Hilfe.txt - Some hints to solve severe problems (D)
First_Aid.txt - Some hints to solve severe problems (E)
[DIR] libs
powerpc.library - The WarpOS API. This mixed shared library
can be accessed by both 68K and PPC CPU.
warp.library - The bottom layer which provides access to
the PPC hardware. Not documented and only used
by WarpOS.
[DIR] include
[DIR] powerpc
ppcmacros.i - An include file with many additional PowerPC
commands implemented as macros to ease
programming in PPC assembler.
powerpc.i - Include file with some hardware and
communication related structures and macros
powerpc.h - C-Include file equivalent to powerpc.i
listsPPC.i - The equivalent of exec/lists.i with some list
manipulation macros
memoryPPC.i - Include file related to WarpOS memory management
memoryPPC.h - C-Include file equivalent to memoryPPC.i
tasksPPC.i - Include file related to WarpOS task handling
tasksPPC.h - C-Include file equivalent to tasksPPC.i
semaphoresPPC.i - Include file related to WarpOS semaphore handling
semaphoresPPC.h - C-Include file equivalent to semaphoresPPC.i
portsPPC.i - Include file related to WarpOS message handling
portsPPC.h - C-Include file equivalent to portsPPC.i
[DIR] pragma
powerpc_lib.h - C-pragmas
[DIR] libraries
powerpc.i - Include file to disable Features of V8+
powerpc.h - C-Include file equivalent to powerpc.i
[DIR] clib
powerpc_protos.h - C-prototypes
[DIR] lvo
powerpc_lib.i - The library offsets for the powerpc.library
[DIR] docs
powerpc.doc - Documentation of the functions of the
powerpc.library in autodocs format
[DIR] tools
setdb - Command to modify the WarpOS debugging level
dcon - Command to switch on the PPC data cache
dcoff - Command to switch off the PPC data cache
ibreak - Command to set a global instruction breakpoint
dbreak - Command to set a global data breakpoint
showtasks - Command to show information of all tasks available
stackppc - Command to change the current PPC stack size
changemmu - Command to switch the MMU mode of the current task
showinfo - Command to show CPU related information
ppcstate - Command to show the state of PPC applications
[DIR] demos
cybermand - A very fast mandelbrot application
cyberpi - A very fast pi calculation program
tabletennis - A demonstration of two CPU's talking to
eachother (resp. playing tabletennis)
multitasking - A demonstration of the WarpOS multitasking
semcorrupt - A demonstration of the WarpOS alert message
voxelspace - An awesome voxelspace demonstration (separate
archive 'voxel.lha' needed to run the executable)
voxel.readme - Information about the voxelspace demo (D)
voxel_english.readme - Information about the voxelspace demo (E)
pixelOmania - A small demonstration of context switch performance
[DIR] landscape
landscape - A fractal landscape generator
colortable.bin - The palette for 'landscape'
[DIR] exceptions
trap - A program causing a program exception (trap)
illegal - A program causing a program exception (illegal)
privilege - A program causing a program exception (privilege)
fp - A program causing a program exception (FP exc.)
dsi - A program causing a data access exception
isi - A program causing an instruction access exception
fpun - A program causing a FP unavailable exception
[DIR] source
semcorrupt.p - The source of 'semcorrupt'
multitasking.p - The source of 'multitasking'
pixelomania.p - The source of 'pixelOmania'
[DIR] tools
dcoff.p - The source of 'dcoff'
dcon.p - The source of 'dcon'
dbreak.p - The source of 'dbreak'
ibreak.p - The source of 'ibreak'
showtasks.p - The source of 'showtasks'
stackppc.p - The source of 'stackppc'
changemmu.p - The source of 'changemmu'
showinfo.p - The source of 'showinfo'
[DIR] exceptions
trap.p - The source of 'trap'
illegal.p - The source of 'illegal'
privilege.p - The source of 'privilege'
fpun.p - The source of 'fpun'
fp.p - The source of 'fp'
dsi.p - The source of 'dsi'
isi.p - The source of 'isi'
[DIR] env
[DIR] powerpc
debug - The default debugging level
crashfile - The file specification for the exception messages
alertfile - The file specification for the system messages
memprot - Enable/Disable memory protection feature
gfxaddr - Gives a hint about the location of the gfx RAM
noPPC - Allows to run 68K-PPC-Mixed demod on nonPPC systems
boardtype - Static board detection (if autodetection fails)
earlyterm - Switch to fix problems with WShell
[DIR] v7
powerpc.library - The library Version V7 (based on ppc.library)
history - The history file of the powerpc.library V7
[DIR] WarpRace
WarpRace - A performance measurement application
WarpRace.i - Assembler include file for custom modules
WarpRace.h - C include file for custom modules
WarpRace.guide - Documentation of WarpRace (D)
WarpRace_english.guide - Documentation of WarpRace (E)
[DIR] Modules
CyberMand.wrm - Mandelbrot calculation module
Landscape.wrm - Fractal landscape calculation module
C2P.wrm - ChunkyToPlanar converter module
[DIR] ContextSwitch
Call68K.wrm - Contextswitch test (68K call)
CallPPC.wrm - Contextswitch test (PPC call)
pixelOmania.wrm - Contextswitch test (OS calls)
[DIR] Memory
[DIR] Write
LongWrite.wrm - Memtest module: Long writes
WordWrite.wrm - Memtest module: Word writes
ByteWrite.wrm - Memtest module: Byte writes
[DIR] Read
LongRead.wrm - Memtest module: Long reads
WordRead.wrm - Memtest module: Word reads
ByteRead.wrm - Memtest module: Byte reads
[DIR] Copy
TurboCopy.wrm - Memtest module: Fast copy
LongCopy.wrm - Memtest module: Long copy
WordCopy.wrm - Memtest module: Word copy
ByteCopy.wrm - Memtest module: Byte copy
[DIR] ModSrc
C2P.s - 68K-Source of module C2P
C2P.p - PPC-Source of module C2P
[DIR] ContextSwitch
Call68K.s - 68K-Source of module Call68K
Call68K.p - PPC-Source of module Call68K
CallPPC.s - 68K-Source of module CallPPC
CallPPC.p - PPC-Source of module CallPPC
pixelOmania.s - 68K-Source of module PixelOMania
pixelOmania.p - PPC-Source of module PixelOMania
[DIR] Memory
[DIR] Write
LongWrite.s - 68K-Source of module LongWrite
LongWrite.p - PPC-Source of module LongWrite
WordWrite.s - 68K-Source of module WordWrite
WordWrite.p - PPC-Source of module WordWrite
ByteWrite.s - 68K-Source of module ByteWrite
ByteWrite.p - PPC-Source of module ByteWrite
[DIR] Read
LongRead.s - 68K-Source of module LongRead
LongRead.p - PPC-Source of module LongRead
WordRead.s - 68K-Source of module WordRead
WordRead.p - PPC-Source of module WordRead
ByteRead.s - 68K-Source of module ByteRead
ByteRead.p - PPC-Source of module ByteRead
[DIR] Copy
TurboCopy.s - 68K-Source of module TurboCopy
TurboCopy.p - PPC-Source of module TurboCopy
LongCopy.s - 68K-Source of module LongCopy
LongCopy.p - PPC-Source of module LongCopy
WordCopy.s - 68K-Source of module WordCopy
WordCopy.p - PPC-Source of module WordCopy
ByteCopy.s - 68K-Source of module ByteCopy
ByteCopy.p - PPC-Source of module ByteCopy
[DIR] Stats