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- rc564 - distributed.net RC5-64 client
- rc564 [-config] [-test] [-flush] [-fetch] [-update] [-run] [-runoffline]
- [-runbuffers] [-benchmark] [-percentoff] [-nodisk] [-frequent]
- [-nofallback] [-forceunlock [filename]] [-a [keyserver.name.com]]
- [-p [port]] [-e [email@address.com]] [-c [cpuID]] [-l [rc5.log]]
- [-b [# blocks to buffer]] [-h [# hours]] [-n [# blocks in run]]
- [-u [UUE/HTTP]] [-nice #] [-ha [HTTP Proxy]] [-hp [HTTP port]]
- [-in [in-buffer]] [-out [out-buffer]] [-ini [ini-file]]
- [-smtpserver [servername.com]] [-smtpport [port]]
- [-smtpdest [email@address.com]] [ckpoint [ckpoint.rc5]] [-cktime [# min]]
- [-lurk] [-lurkonly]
- This document should help you get your UNIX based client up and running. Only
- slight modifications should be needed for DOS and Gui versions.
- Welcome to the wonderful world of distributed computing. By running this
- client on your computer, you are joining a network of thousands of other
- computers working on a common goal.
- The client attempts to read a configuration file, rc564.ini, or filename.ini,
- depending upon what you have named the client. But, you can override that
- option by setting th $RC5INI variable. (ie. setenv RC5INI ~dbaker/rc5/normal.ini)
- The client takes only a minute of setup and little to no maintence.
- The following COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS are available:
- -config Invoking the command line above would start the configuration menu
- -test Tests the client's integrity and ensures it contains no errors
- -flush Flushes the output buffers (buff-out.rc5) file by returning all
- the completed blocks back to the keyserver.
- -fetch Fills up the input buffer file to the limit by fetching
- additional blocks from the keyserver.
- -update Combination of flush/fetch
- -run Runs the client in normal mode. Same as just running the file without
- any suffixes. Will on work if the .ini files exists, otherwise,
- the client configuration menu will appear.
- -runoffline Runs the client in offline mode. Client does not fetch or flush.
- Client does not fetch or flush it's buffers. If the input buffer
- is empty, the client would generate a random block.
- -runbuffers Similary to -runoffline except that this will cause the client
- to exit when it is out of buffers, instead of generating random
- blocks.
- -benchmark Benchmarks the client's speed on the system. Use -benchmark2
- if you wish to perform a faster test.
- -forceunlock [filename]
- Unlock filename
- -a [keyserver.name.com]
- Specifies the address of the keyserver, where {address} is the name of the
- keyserver you wish to use. This is best if you have a personal proxy that
- you wish to point your client to.
- -p [port]
- Specifise the port of the keyserver to which you want your client to
- connect to
- -e [email@address.com]
- Specifies the email address you wish to report to the keyserver as.
- Please use your own VALID email address and not your teams email address.
- -c [cpuID]
- Type of CPU type are as follows:
- -1 : Auto detect
- 0 : Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium MMX, Cyrix
- 1 : Intel 80386 (386), Intel 80486 (486)
- 2 : Intel Pentium Pro, Intel Pentium II
- 3 : AMD 486, Cyrix 6x86/6x86MMX/M2
- 4 : AMD K5
- 5 : AMD K6
- NOTE: This might not always match your chip. You may have a K6
- and it says you have a 486. This is only because it is choosing
- which chip core works FASTEST in a small test. If you don't believe
- it, try each option in -benchmark and see for yourself.
- -l [rc5.log]
- Name of logfile to log all events to. Leaving it blank would denote no log
- file.
- -b [# blocks to buffer]
- Blocks to buffer. If first option is used, the input and output buffers
- would be of the same size. The second option would allow the individual
- settings of the input and the output buffer.
- -h [# hours]
- Time to limit the client to run for in hours
- -n [# blocks in run]
- Blocks to complete in a run, where blocks are integers of <= 0. Setting
- it at 0 would mean that there is no limit.
- -u [UUE/HTTP]]
- Sets the UUE/HTTP mode
- -nice [#]
- Niceness to run at where :
- 0 : Very nice. DOES NOT intefere with system operations. Runs on idle CPU time
- 1 : Runs with slightly higher priority than idle processes.
- 2 : Runs as a normal process with higher priority.
- -ha [HTTP Proxy]
- Specifies the address of the HTTP proxy to connect to
- -hp [HTTP port]
- Port of the HTTP proxy at which the client should connect to
- -in [in-buffer]
- Overrides the default name of the input buffer to your desired filename
- -out [out-buffer]
- Overrides the default name of the output buffer to your desired filename
- -ini [ini-file]
- Overrides the default INI file
- -smtpserver [servername.com]
- Name of your SMTP server
- -smtpport [port]
- Port of your SMTP server. Default is at 25
- -smtpdest [email@address.com]
- Destination of of mail, ie your email address
- -ckpoint [ckpoint.rc5]
- Specifies the name of the checkpoint file where the clients work on a block
- is recorded. This is especially usefull to ensure your work is not lost in
- the event is is especially usefull to ensure your work is not lost in the
- event of a power failure or system crash. The normal filename is ckpoint.rc5
- -cktime [# min]
- Time in minutes at which the client would save it's current work on
- a particular blocks to the checkpoint file.
- -frequent
- Attempt to update(fetch/flush buffers) often
- -nofallback
- In case it can't contact the specified proxy, don't attempt to
- contact the round robin of rc5proxy.distributed.net keyservers.
- -lurk
- The client will go out to the network if it sees that it has anything
- to report/request when it sees that a network connection is available. This
- is best for dialup users who don't have a dedicated connection.
- -lurkonly
- Basically like -lurk, but it effectively works in "offline" mode when
- there is no network connection present.
- --
- percentprintingsoff=1
- connectoften=1
- nodiskbuffers=1
- quietmode=1
- nofallback=1
- checkpoint_min=#
- nettimeout=#
- noexitfilecheck=1
- win95hidden=1
- lurk=1
- These are the special commands that you can add to the .ini on top
- of the preconfigured one that the client will automatically create.
- For help with these commands, or to understand what they do, read
- about them in the command line arguments section.
- --
- When you first run the client, it will take you to a configuration like
- this one:
- ------------------
- 1) Email to report as [default:rc5@distributed.net] ==> rc5@distributed.net
- 2) Blocks to Buffer [in:out] [default:5] ==> 5:5
- 3) Blocks to complete in run [default:0] ==> 0
- 4) Hours to complete in a run [default:0] ==> 0
- 5) Keys per timeslice - for Macs etc [default:65536] ==> 65536
- 6) Level of niceness to run at [default:0] ==> 0
- 7) File to log to [default:] ==>
- 8) Network communication mode [default:1] ==> 1
- 15) Optimize performance for CPU type [default:-1] ==> -1
- 16) Message Mailing (bytes) [default:0] ==> 0
- 22) Checkpoint information filename [default:none] ==> none
- 0) Quit and Save
- Choice -->
- Enter the number and then press the [ENTER] key, and it will prompt you
- for the correct configuration.
- 1) This is the email address that will show up in the statistics
- page (http://rc5stats.diststributed.net). It is also the address
- mailed if you find the key! This needs to be your personal address,
- (not a team's), and it needs to be a valid one!
- 2) This is how many blocks you want to save before communicating with
- the proxies. "In" blocks are the number to get from the proxy. If you
- don't have a dedicated Internet connection, you want to buffer a lot
- of incoming ones, so your computer has a lot of work to do and won't
- run out. This is also good in case the proxies go down or something. The
- outgoing blocks are just how many to save up before it tries to send
- the blocks in.
- If you only dialup once a day, I would enter 200 for both those options
- and then once a day when you're connected, type in: "./rc564 -update". That
- will get all the incoming blocks, and flush all the outgoing blocks.
- 3) The client will do x number of blocks and then exit. Simple enough? :)
- 4) The client will work for x hours and then exit. Simple enough? :)
- 5) This should be left alone for optimal performance.
- 6) This allows you to select different modes of niceness. If you have
- it on '0', which is 'very nice', other programs on your computer will
- be given cpu priority over the client. You also have options 1 and 2. The
- higher the number, the more cpu the client uses, and the less your other
- programs have. (0 should usually be good)
- 7) This is simply a file to log to. It will log to the directory in which
- you started the client. So, you might want to specify a pathname.
- 8) Here are the different modes:
- mode 1) I can communicate freely to the Internet on all ports.
- This means you have a regular Internet connection and you
- are not behind a firewall that will restrict any of your Internet
- actions.
- mode 2) I can communicate freely on telnet ports
- This means that you are behind a firewall but you have access
- to open connections to port 23 (telnet port).
- mode 3) I can communicate freely on telnet ports, but need uuencoding
- This is if you have access to telnet ports but you tried #2 and
- it failed. Give this a shot.
- mode 4) I have a local HTTP proxy that I can go through
- This allows you to specify your HTTP proxy, if you have one. If
- you need to to do this to get around your firewall, it will be the
- same HTTP proxy and ports as in Netscape or MSIE or whatever.
- mode 5) Let me specify custom network settings (expert mode)
- You're on your own. This is where you might specify a personal proxy
- or if you love a certain full proxy like rc5.cuckoo.com because you
- like the Danielle Fishel messages, this is your place.
- 15) This is where you can try different CPU optimizations to see which one
- is faster. If you leave it at '-1', it will try and detect which
- core is the fastest. That will usually work.
- 16) This is how many bytes to wait for in the log file before sending you
- an email. If you leave this blank, you'll never get a message. If you
- give it a number, you also have to specify your SMTP server, etc, which you
- can get from your sendmail, elm, pine, Network, or Eudora settings.
- 22) This is where you can specify a file for the client to write it's progress
- in case the machine crashes or loses power, you won't lose the work you've
- been recently working on. Setting it to 'ckpoint.rc5' is fine.
- Woohoo! You've just configured your client for operations. If you start it
- up:
- ./rc564
- or
- ./rc564 >& /dev/null&
- is what I do.
- If you want to override the configuration with a command line options,
- type in:
- ./rc564 HELP
- and it will give you a list of command line options with descriptions of
- how they need to work.
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- If you have comments/additions/questions/complaints/rants/moos about this
- FAQ, please send them to dbaker@cuckoo.com.
- Some CLI options compliments of kiddo <Alex>. (He says: Hi Claire)
- Copyright distributed.net 1997 - All Rights Reserved
- For use in distributed.net projects only.
- Any other distribution or use of this program violates copyright.
- Use of this client or it variants implies agreement with
- the prize terms listed on http://www.distributed.net/rc5/
- Hi to Danielle Fishel, the angel, and a M00 to 'da Cow. -Daniel [dbaker@cuckoo.com]