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- Copyright distributed.net 1997 - All Rights Reserved
- For use in distributed.net projects only.
- Any other distribution or use of this program violates copyright.
- Use of this client or it variants implies agreement with
- the prize terms listed on http://www.distributed.net/rc5/
- See http://www.distributed.net/rc5/FAQ/rc5v2-help.html
- for more information and instructions on running this software.
- Note: 2.6401 will not work with any legacy proxy/personal proxy
- releases.
- Important: Starting with 2.6401 it is standard that you
- configure the client to use your own, personal
- email address regardless of your team affiliation.
- Teams will be handled very differently with the
- RC5-64 attack.
- 2.6401
- ------
- * note that 2.6401 clients were released with various combinations
- of these changes.
- 97.10.29 Combined win32 console and win95 hidden clients into one
- Added "-hide" option for win95. INI setting: "win95hidden=1"
- No longer appears in task list when hidden
- 97.10.28 Added support for other items in the INI file.
- "runoffline=1", "runbuffers=1", "in=filename", "out=filename",
- "percentoff=1", "frequent=1", "nofallback=1", "quiet=1",
- "nodisk=1", "cktime=nnn"
- 97.10.28 Fixed mail bug. No mail was sent when logging was off
- 97.10.28 Client will now quit when 'exitrc5.now' file is found
- 97.10.28 Fixed -runbuffers problem
- 97.10.27 Changed default directory for buffers to be same as executable
- 97.10.27 Added -quiet option
- 97.10.27 Added shutdown mechanism to clients
- 97.10.27 Removed 'sleep' in network routines
- 97.10.26 Update is forced when user types "U", exit on "X" (win32 os2 dos)
- 97.10.25 Amiga/m68k port made
- 97.10.25 Fixed "-out" and "-l"
- 97.10.22 modified to attack RC5-32/12/8 (64-bit)
- 2.0051
- ------
- 97.10.10 x86 Cores multithread-safe
- 97.10.10 New K6 core
- 97.10.10 Ability to set input/output thresholds independently
- 97.10.10 Email id added to logs and mail subject line
- 97.10.10 Fixed overlapping % meters at startup with partially done blocks
- 97.10.10 niceness 0 is now even lower priority in Win32 version
- 97.10.9 Added -nodisk and -forceunlock options
- 97.10.9 Fixed http proxy userid/password encoding (hopefully)
- 2.005
- ------------------
- 97.10.5 Added support for userid/password http proxy firewalls
- 97.10.4 Multithreading extended to unix clients using pthreads
- 97.10.1 Added -frequent option to make best use of intermittent connections.
- 97.9.29 Checkpointing added (5 minute intervals)
- 97.9.25 Windows multithreaded client
- 97.9.25 Divide by zero problem fixed (blocks ending in 0000001)
- 97.9.23 Corrections to speed calculations throughout
- 97.9.19 Whenever network access is required, both a fetch & flush occur,
- This should synchronize/minimize network connections.
- 97.9.18 Added mailing of logs
- 97.9.17 "Network::" errors no longer logged to disk
- 97.9.17 Added -ini, -in, and -out command line overrides
- 97.9.11 'Total completed' information added to logs
- 97.9.10 Added command line options for all current INI file settings
- 97.9.10 Added command line options -benchmark2, -runoffline, -runbuffers
- v2 Build 4 (2.004)
- ------------------
- problems with -update resolved
- automatic core selection added to Win32 & OS/2 clients
- problems with automatically fetching new blocks resolved
- v2 Build 3 (2.003)
- ------------------
- new, faster checking cores for more processors
- changes in networking code to allow for more http proxy support
- preferred keyserver can now be specified when doing http
- network timeouts increased
- improved block buffering code
- maximum block count increased
- buffer files explictly placed in exe directory on win32
- v2 Build 2 (2.002)
- ------------------
- shadow count variable
- hour timout saves work
- timing output problem
- *break* text in win32
- help message fixed
- fetch and flush counts return
- flush core dump fixed
- fclose in Ini
- v2 Build 1 (2.001)
- ------------------
- OS/CPU additions to cputypes.h
- partial block restart notify (the R)
- break works during -test
- buffer lock timeout fixed
- default email now rc5@distributed.net
- -update option = fetch+flush
- rename files to be 8.3 filename compliant
- zero extra email to help email mangling problem
- strncpy lengths fixed to insure terminated strings
- ini file location specification via RC5INI environment variable
- random keys if client can't connect
- partial block rates are now correct
- time in hh:mm:ss
- fseeks() for ANSI compliance
- flush checks count before opening connection
- negative run times fixed
- buffer count reporting
- times in benchmark also fixed
- 3 nice levels
- logging to file
- error messages more clear
- new autobuff and iniread code - memory leak fixed
- new faster ANSI C and ASM cores
- httpd fixed - checked under CERN and WinProxy
- proxy hunting now works