(set #nonlist "AmiComSys requires the MUI-costum-class\nNList.mcc version 19+ by Gilles Masson\n\nIt must be installed before AmiComSys\nPlease, download it from Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_NList0.75.lha\nAnd install it with the included installer script\nThen try to install AmiComSys again ...")
(set #nomui "AmiComSys requires Magic User Interface (MUI) 3.8!\n\nYou can find it on Aminet:dev/gui/mui38usr.lha")
(set #wrongcpu0 "This archive does only include a version for 68020 and\nhigher.\n\nYou may download a 68000 version from\nhttp://hem.passagen.se/hparting/amigapa.html\nAt the bottom of the page\n\nInstallation is aborted")
(set #wrongcpu2 "This archive does only include a version for 68000 and\nhigher. A version for 68020 and higher is available\nat http://hem.passagen.se/hparting/amigapa.html\nor\nAminet:comm/net/AmiComSysMUI.lha")
(set #noamarquee "AmiComSys requires AMarquee.library version 47+ by Jeremy Friesner!\n\nPlease download it from Aminet:comm/net/AMarquee1_47.lha")
(set #seldocs "Select which documentation you want to install!")
(set #selscr "Do you want to install the following Arexx-scripts?\nThey may be executed at different occasions.\nIf you already have a costum version of these you\nshould not check the checkboxes infront of the names.")
(set #selscrhelp "The NotifyArexx.amicomsys may be executed when someone is\nconnecting or disconnecting. A simple example is included in this\narchive, but a more versatile one can be found at\nAminet:comm/net/ACS-Notify.lha and is written by Scott Beardwood\nThe MessageArexx.amicomsys script may be executed when someone\nmessage you. There is a simple example script in this archive.\nThese scripts does only work if you have registered AmiComSys.")
(set #readmefile "AmiComSysMUI1.17.readme");
(set #notextinput "If you are using Amiga Kickstart 36, 37 or 38\nAmiComSys requires the costum MUI class\nTextinput.mcc.\nThis class couldn't be found in\nyour LIBS:/mui directory.\n\nPlease download it from\nftp://ftp.vapor.com/misc/textinpt_13.XX.lzx\nwhere XX is 34 or higher.");
(delete "LIBS:mui/BetterString.mcc" (prompt "Do you want to delete the MUI costum class\nBetterString.mcc?\nIt will hang your system when you open MUI-prefs!" )
(help "This MUI costum class does hang your system on a Kickstart V37 Amiga.")
"If the MUI-costum class Newstring.mcc is installed\nit will be used instead of BetterString.mcc\nfor almost every string-gadget. This is optional\nin the General settings - Program page -Various tab\n"
"You should now start AmiComSys and configure it.\nMost important is that you enter a login name\nand your emailaddress.\nThe emailaddress is your unique name on server\nIt will not be visible for any other user.\n"
"\nPlease support further development by registering. Read guide for more info.")