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- /* awebjfif.awebrx - Install or uninstall the AWeb JFIF plugin */
- options results
- if left(address(),5)~="AWEB." then do
- ports=show("P")
- parse var ports dummy "AWEB." portnr .
- if portnr="" then do
- address command "run AWeb3:AWeb-II"
- address command "WaitForPort AWEB.1"
- portnr=1
- end
- address value "AWEB."portnr
- 'get activeport'
- address value result
- end
- parse arg args
- parse source dummy1 dummy2 called .
- i=lastpos(called,'/')
- if i==0 then i=lastpos(called,':')
- if i>0 then path=left(called,i)
- else path=''
- if args='' then do
- if ~open(tf,"T:awebjfifsetup.html","W") then exit
- call writeln tf,"<html><head><title>AWeb JFIF Setup</title></head>"
- call writeln tf,"<body><h1>AWeb JFIF Setup</h1>"
- if exists("AWebPath:awebplugin/awebjfif.awebplugin") then do
- installed=0
- progress=4
- dither=2
- grayscale=0
- maxmem=1024
- lowpri=0
- 'getcfg MIME stem m'
- do i=1 to m.0
- if upper(left(m.i.value,11))="IMAGE/JPEG;" then do
- parse var m.i.value type ";" ext ";" action ";" file ";" args
- if action='A' & upper(right(file,19))="AWEBJFIF.AWEBPLUGIN" then do
- installed=1
- j=index(upper(args),"PROGRESS=")
- if j>0 then do
- progress=substr(args,j+9)
- j=verify(progress,"0123456789")
- if j>0 then progress=left(progress,j-1)
- end
- j=index(upper(args),"DITHER=")
- if j>0 then dither=substr(args,j+7,1)
- grayscale=(index(upper(args),"GRAYSCALE")>0)
- j=index(upper(args),"MAXMEM=")
- if j>0 then do
- maxmem=substr(args,j+7)
- j=verify(maxmem,"0123456789")
- if j>0 then maxmem=left(maxmem,j-1)
- end
- lowpri=(index(upper(args),"LOWPRI")>0)
- end
- leave
- end
- end
- call writeln tf,"<table border width=100% bgcolor=#aaccaa><tr><td>"
- call writeln tf,"<form action='x-aweb:rexx/"called"'>"
- call writeln tf,"This form configures AWeb-II to use the <strong> AWeb JFIF plugin</strong>."
- call writeln tf,"<input type=hidden name=defprogress value="progress">"
- call writeln tf,"<ol><li>Select the required modes of operation "
- call writeln tf,"(see <a href='file:///AWebPath:awebplugin/docs/awebjfif.html#parameters'>documentation</a> for details)"
- call writeln tf,"<p><ul><li>Progressive display:<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=radio name=progress value=0"
- if progress=0 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> No progressive display (fastest)<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=radio name=progress value=4"
- if progress=4 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> Standard progressive display<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=radio name=progress value=1"
- if progress=1 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> Smooth progressive display (slowest)<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li>Dither mode. This will only take effect on screens with 256 colours or less.<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=radio name=dither value=0"
- if dither=0 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> No dithering (fast but low quality)<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=radio name=dither value=1"
- if dither=1 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> Ordered (medium quality, medium speed)<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=radio name=dither value=2"
- if dither=2 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> Floyd-Steinberg (good quality but slower)<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li><input type=checkbox name=grayscale value=GRAYSCALE"
- if grayscale>0 then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> Grayscale images"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li>Maximum scratch memory usage per image during the decoding process."
- call writeln tf,"If more memory is needed, a virtual memory system will be used.<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input name=maxmem size=8 value="maxmem"> kB"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li>Multitasking:<br>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=checkbox name=lowpri value='LOWPRI'"
- if lowpri then call writeln tf," checked"
- call writeln tf,"> Run decoder at low priority<br>"
- call writeln tf,"</ul>"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li><input type=checkbox name=save value=yes checked> Save the new settings"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li><input type=submit value='Install AWeb JFIF plugin'>"
- call writeln tf,"</ol></form></table>"
- if installed>0 then do
- call writeln tf,"<p><table border width=100% bgcolor=#ccaaaa><tr><td>"
- call writeln tf,"<form action='x-aweb:rexx/"called"'>"
- call writeln tf,"<input type=hidden name=deinstall value=''>"
- call writeln tf,"This form will deinstall the AWeb JFIF plugin and reset the default (datatypes) decoder for JFIF images."
- call writeln tf,"<ol><li><input type=checkbox name=save value=yes checked> Save the new settings"
- call writeln tf,"<p><li><input type=submit value='De-install AWeb JFIF plugin'>"
- call writeln tf,"</ol></form></table>"
- end
- end
- else do
- call writeln tf,"Plugin file not found. You have to run the install script first."
- end
- call writeln tf,"<p><hr><p><a href='file:///AWebPath:awebplugin/docs/awebjfif.html'>Back to documentation</a>"
- call close tf
- 'open "file:///T:awebjfifsetup.html" reload'
- 'wait "file:///T:awebjfifsetup.html"'
- 'allowcmd'
- address command 'delete T:awebjfifsetup.html quiet'
- end
- else do
- ext="jpg jpeg jfif"
- rest=";"
- 'getcfg MIME stem m'
- do i=1 to m.0
- if upper(left(m.i.value,11))="IMAGE/JPEG;" then do
- parse var m.i.value type ";" ext ";" action ";" rest
- leave
- end
- end
- if upper(left(args,9))="DEINSTALL" then do
- mime="IMAGE/JPEG;"ext";;"rest
- end
- else do
- progress=""
- defprogress="4"
- dither="2"
- grayscale=""
- maxmem="1024"
- lowpri=""
- save=""
- do while args~=""
- parse var args nextarg args
- interpret nextarg
- end
- if progress="" then progress=defprogress
- mime="IMAGE/JPEG;"ext";A;AWebPath:awebplugin/awebjfif.awebplugin;PROGRESS="progress" DITHER="dither" "grayscale" MAXMEM="maxmem lowpri
- end
- 'setcfg MIME "'mime'" ADD'
- if upper(save)="YES" then do
- 'savesettings'
- end
- 'open "file:///AWebPath:awebplugin/docs/awebjfif.html"'
- end
- exit