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/* $VER: cache.ibrx 1.0 Made by Sören Forsberg : sorenf@hem1.passagen.se */ /* fixa case oberoende i filtyps-sparning koll om någon anger "http://" som url,eller ingen url alls */ OPTIONS RESULTS OPTIONS FAILAT 15 call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30) NL ='0a'x /* newline */ zero ='00'x /* zero */ list ='<PRE>'||NL||'<B>The following files were saved:</B>'||NL||NL tot =20000 last =0 fonttag = "rt_font=" || 'topaz' || "/" || 8 cachepath ='IBrowse:cache' title ='Dumpfiles by sorenf@hem1.passagen.se 1998' savepath ='Ram:wwwfiles/' levels =3 levels_txt ='Enter number of subdirectories:' /* path_txt ='Enter new save-path' */ what_but ='_All|_Html|_Gif|_Jpg|_Settings|Cancel' tags ='rt_pubscrname=IBROWSESCREEN' /* Change here the name of the screen IBROWSE runs */ noconfig_txt ='I cannot find the config-file'||NL||'so I guess this is the first time'||NL||'I need you to locate your chache-drawer' set_but ='_Cache|_Save|_Levels|Cancel' edit_txt ='Choose setting to edit' /* Read configuration, get new cachepath if missing or wrong */ ok=open(configfile,'IBROWSE:REXX/dumpfiles.config','R') IF ok THEN DO cachepath=readln(configfile) savepath=readln(configfile) levels=readln(configfile) close(configfile) END IF ~exists(cachepath'globalcache') THEN ok=0 IF ~ok THEN DO DO FOREVER sel=rtezrequest(noconfig_txt,,title, tags) dirname = rtfilerequest('Work:', , "Pick IBrowse Cache directory", ,"rtfi_flags = freqf_nofiles") IF rtresult == 0 THEN DO call rtezrequest("You didn't pick a directory.", "Exit", ,) exit END if rtresult ~= 0 THEN DO cachepath=dirname IF exists(cachepath'globalcache') THEN leave END END END address 'IBROWSE' 'QUERY URL' url = result IF LENGTH(url)<13 THEN DO sel=rtezrequest('Please use a valid cache-url',,title, tags) EXIT END /* url='http://hem1.passagen.se/sorenf' */ htmtest=POS('htm',url) if htmtest>0 THEN DO ch=LASTPOS('/',url) url=LEFT(url,ch) END /* IF RIGHT(url,1)~='/' THEN url=url||'/' */ urllen= LENGTH(url) parent=LASTPOS('/',url,urllen-1) IF urllen<8 THEN EXIT /* Ask the user what to do and let him alter settings if he want */ DO FOREVER where_txt='Which files should be saved?'||NL||'Cache-path= '||cachepath||NL||'Save-path = '||savepath||NL||'Sub-directorylevels= '||levels||NL||'URL= '||url sel=rtezrequest(where_txt,what_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=1' tags) IF sel=5 then Do sela=rtezrequest(edit_txt,set_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=2' tags) IF sela=1 THEN DO DO FOREVER dirname = rtfilerequest('Work:', , "Pick IBrowse Cache directory", ,"rtfi_flags = freqf_nofiles") IF rtresult == 0 THEN DO call rtezrequest("You didn't pick a directory.", "Exit", ,) exit END IF rtresult ~= 0 THEN DO cachepath=dirname IF exists(cachepath'globalcache') THEN leave END END END IF sela=2 THEN DO dirname = rtfilerequest('work:', , "Pick a directory", ,"rtfi_flags = freqf_nofiles") IF rtresult == 0 THEN DO call rtezrequest("You didn't pick a directory.", "Bummers", , ) END IF rtresult ~= 0 THEN DO savepath=dirname call rtfreefilebuffer() END END IF sela=3 THEN DO long = rtgetlong(levels, , "Enter a number:", , "rtgl_min = 1 rtgl_max = 20") if rtresult ~=0 then levels=long END END if sel=0 then exit if sel<5 then leave END /* Check with globalcache and save appropiate files */ ok=open(infile,cachepath'globalcache','R') if ~ok then call ErrorMsg("Can't open file!") input=readch(infile,tot) Do FOREVER IF last=0 THEN last=1 hit=POS(url,input,last) /* Find a url in cachelist */ If hit>0 then Do last=POS(zero,input,hit) mid=last last=POS(zero,input,last+1) len=last-hit yeah=SUBSTR(input,hit,len) check=compare(url,yeah) /* Check if we want it */ yeahupp=UPPER(yeah) IF sel=2 THEN DO checkfix=pos('.HTM',yeahupp) IF checkfix=0 then check=0 END IF sel=3 THEN DO checkfix=pos('.GIF',yeahupp) IF checkfix=0 then check=0 END IF sel=4 THEN DO checkfix=pos('.JPG',yeahupp) IF checkfix=0 then check=0 END IF check=urllen+1 THEN DO /* Yeah let`s take this one */ bug=SUBSTR(input,hit+urllen,mid) bughit=POS('.',bug) IF (SUBSTR(input,mid-1,1)='/') | (bughit=0) THEN DO /* Add index.html if missing */ yeah=SUBSTR(input,hit,mid-hit) /* /index.html if bug */ IF bughit~=0 THEN yeah=yeah||'index.html' IF bughit=0 THEN yeah=yeah||'/index.html' yeah=yeah||SUBSTR(input,mid,last-mid) END ylen=LENGTH(yeah) yeah=RIGHT(yeah,ylen-parent) ylen=LENGTH(yeah) ADDRESS 'COMMAND' split=POS(zero,yeah) target=savepath||LEFT(yeah,split-1) source=cachepath || RIGHT(yeah,ylen-split) rc=0 'copy >NIL:' source to target /*say target*/ list=list||'<A HREF=file://localhost/'||target||'> '||target||'</A>'||NL IF rc~=0 THEN DO test=0 DO levels /* Make X sub-directories */ test=POS('/',target,test+1) IF test~=0 then Do drawer=LEFT(target,test-1) IF ~EXISTS(drawer) THEN 'makedir >NIL:' drawer END END 'copy >NIL:' source 'to' target END END END IF hit>(tot-200) | (hit=0) THEN DO /* Take a new bit of cachelist */ old=RIGHT(input,200) /* if needed */ new=READCH(infile,tot-200) input=old||new last=last-(tot-200) IF last<1 THEN last=1 END IF EOF(infile) & (hit=0) THEN LEAVE /* Are we done yet? */ END ADDRESS 'AREXX' close(infile) /* Save current configuration */ config=cachepath||NL||savepath || NL || levels || NL ok=open(configfile,'IBROWSE:REXX/dumpfiles.config','W') new=writeln(configfile,config) close(configfile) /* Save the list of files and send to IBrowse */ list=list||'</PRE>' ok=open(resultfile,'RAM:T/dump.html','W') new=writeln(resultfile,list) close(resultfile) address 'IBROWSE' 'GOTOURL file://localhost/RAM:T/dump.html' EXIT