home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* AmiTrackShared.c -- Shared functions between client and server */
- #define __DICE_C
- #define __stdargs
- #include "QAmiTrackShared.h"
- #include "TrackRexx.h"
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- extern struct Library * IntuitionBase;
- struct Library * TimerBase = NULL;
- static ULONG trackFlags = 0L;
- void TrackExit(char * szMessage, int nCode)
- {
- if (nCode > 0)
- {
- char temp[300];
- sprintf(temp, "Exiting, code %i: [%s]",nCode, szMessage);
- printf("%s\n",temp);
- if (IntuitionBase) MakeReq("QAmiTrack Exiting Due to Error", temp, "Okay");
- }
- exit(nCode);
- }
- void SetTrackFlag(ULONG flag)
- {
- trackFlags |= flag;
- }
- BOOL CheckTrackFlag(ULONG flag)
- {
- BOOL ret = ((trackFlags & flag) != 0L);
- trackFlags &= ~flag;
- return(ret);
- }
- BOOL TrackFlagsSet()
- {
- return(trackFlags != 0L);
- }
- /* Wait for incoming packets or other relevant events */
- /* Returns a chord of event codes. May exit if a CTRL-C is detected. */
- void TrackWait(struct WindowStuff * Window, struct QSession * session, struct RexxHost * host, struct CxStuff * cx, struct TimerStuff * ts)
- {
- ULONG ulMask =
- (Window ? (1L<<Window->win->UserPort->mp_SigBit) : 0L) |
- (session ? (1L<<session->qMsgPort->mp_SigBit) : 0L) |
- (host ? (1L<<host->port->mp_SigBit) : 0L) |
- (cx ? (1L<<cx->port->mp_SigBit) : 0L) |
- (ts ? (1L<<ts->TimerMP->mp_SigBit) : 0L) |
- ulMask = Wait(ulMask);
- if (ulMask & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) SetTrackFlag(CODE_QUIT);
- if (ulMask & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D) SetTrackFlag(CODE_TIMER);
- if (ulMask & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E) SetTrackFlag(CODE_HIDE);
- if (ulMask & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F) SetTrackFlag(CODE_SHOW);
- if ((ts)&&(ulMask & (1L<<ts->TimerMP->mp_SigBit))) SetTrackFlag(CODE_TIMER);
- if ((Window)&&(ulMask & (1L<<Window->win->UserPort->mp_SigBit))) SetTrackFlag(CODE_WINDOW_EVENT);
- if ((session)&&(ulMask & (1L<<session->qMsgPort->mp_SigBit))) SetTrackFlag(CODE_QMESSAGE);
- if ((host)&&(ulMask & (1L<<host->port->mp_SigBit))) SetTrackFlag(CODE_AREXX);
- if ((cx)&&(ulMask & (1L << cx->port->mp_SigBit)))
- {
- CxMsg * msg;
- while (msg = (CxMsg *) GetMsg(cx->port))
- {
- ULONG msgid = CxMsgID(msg);
- ULONG msgtype = CxMsgType(msg);
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *) msg);
- if (msgtype == CXM_COMMAND)
- {
- switch(msgid)
- {
- case CXCMD_DISABLE: SetTrackFlag(CODE_DISABLE); break;
- case CXCMD_ENABLE: SetTrackFlag(CODE_ENABLE); break;
- case CXCMD_DISAPPEAR: SetTrackFlag(CODE_HIDE); break;
- case CXCMD_UNIQUE: /* drop through to... */
- case CXCMD_APPEAR: SetTrackFlag(CODE_SHOW); break;
- case CXCMD_KILL: SetTrackFlag(CODE_QUIT); break;
- }
- }
- else if (msgtype == CXM_IEVENT)
- {
- switch(msgid)
- {
- case EVT_HOTKEY: SetTrackFlag(CODE_SHOW); break;
- default: printf("Warning: I'm getting unknown CxEvents!\n");
- }
- }
- else printf("warning: I'm getting uncalled for CxMessages!\n");
- }
- }
- }
- /* if ts is NULL, allocates and returns all the TimerStuff you need (or NULL on failure) */
- /* If ts is non-NULL, frees everything in ts, and returns NULL. */
- struct TimerStuff * SetupTimer(struct TimerStuff * ts)
- {
- #ifdef __DICE_C
- /* DICE seems to have a bug in it that makes it require this...
- otherwise tv_secs and tv_micro aren't recognized! :( */
- struct timeval {
- ULONG tv_secs;
- ULONG tv_micro;
- };
- #endif
- if (ts)
- {
- /* Deallocate everything! */
- if (ts->TimerIO)
- {
- if (ts->BDevOpen)
- {
- if (!(CheckIO((struct IORequest *)ts->TimerIO)))
- {
- AbortIO((struct IORequest *)ts->TimerIO); /* Ask device to abort any pending requests */
- WaitIO((struct IORequest *)ts->TimerIO); /* proceed when ready */
- }
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) ts->TimerIO);
- }
- DeleteExtIO((struct IORequest *) ts->TimerIO);
- }
- if (ts->TimerMP) DeletePort(ts->TimerMP);
- FreeMem(ts, sizeof(struct TimerStuff));
- return(NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Set up the timer.device */
- UNLESS(ts = AllocMem(sizeof(struct TimerStuff), MEMF_CLEAR)) return(NULL);
- UNLESS((ts->TimerMP = CreatePort(0,0))
- && (ts->TimerIO = (struct timerequest *) CreateExtIO(ts->TimerMP, (sizeof (struct timerequest))))
- && (ts->BDevOpen = (0 == OpenDevice(TIMERNAME,UNIT_VBLANK,(struct IORequest *)ts->TimerIO,0))))
- return(SetupTimer(ts));
- TimerBase = (struct Library *) ts->TimerIO->tr_node.io_Device;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = ts->TimerMP;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_node.io_Flags = 0;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_node.io_Error = 0;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_time.tv_micro = 0;
- return(ts);
- }
- }
- int MakeReq(char *sTitle, char *sText, char *sGadgets)
- {
- struct EasyStruct myreq;
- int nResult;
- UNLESS(sTitle) sTitle = "QAmiTrack Message";
- UNLESS(sText) sText = "Check this out!";
- UNLESS(sGadgets) sGadgets = "OK";
- myreq.es_TextFormat = sText;
- myreq.es_Title = sTitle;
- myreq.es_GadgetFormat = sGadgets;
- nResult = EasyRequest(NULL, &myreq, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- return(nResult);
- }
- /* Returns a pointer to the first non-space character in the string */
- char * PastSpaces(char * pcString)
- {
- while(1)
- {
- if (*pcString == ' ') pcString++;
- else return(pcString);
- }
- }
- /* Chops off any trailing blanks and returns the string */
- char * RemoveTrailingSpaces(char * pcString)
- {
- char * pcTemp = strchr(pcString,'\0');
- pcTemp--;
- while((pcTemp > pcString)&&(*pcTemp == ' ')) pcTemp--;
- pcTemp++;
- *pcTemp = '\0';
- return(pcTemp);
- }
- /* Replaces all unprintable characters in pcString with ' ' */
- /* Hopefully this will stop people from sending e.g. "talkbombs" */
- /* Returns pcString. */
- char * RemoveUnprintableChars(char * pcString)
- {
- UBYTE * pcTemp = pcString;
- while(*pcTemp)
- {
- if (*pcTemp < ' ') *pcTemp = ' ';
- pcTemp++;
- }
- return(pcString);
- }
- /* Makes pcString lower case */
- char * ToLower(char * pcString)
- {
- char * pcTemp = pcString;
- while(*pcTemp)
- {
- if ((*pcTemp >= 'A')&&(*pcTemp <= 'Z'))
- *pcTemp += 'a'-'A';
- pcTemp++;
- }
- return(pcString);
- }
- /* Deallocate the old string, allocate the new string! */
- /* Give it a pointer to the pointer to the old string, and a pointer to the new string */
- /* Can also server to just deallocate the old, if the new string is NULL */
- void ReplaceAllocedString(char ** szOldString, char * szNewString)
- {
- char * pcTemp = NULL;
- UNLESS(szOldString) return;
- if (szNewString)
- {
- UNLESS(pcTemp = AllocMem(strlen(szNewString)+1, MEMF_ANY)) return;
- strcpy(pcTemp, szNewString);
- }
- if (*szOldString) FreeMem(*szOldString, strlen(*szOldString)+1);
- *szOldString = pcTemp;
- return;
- }
- /* Set/Reset timer.device to signal us in nSecs seconds + nMicros microseconds */
- void SetTimer(struct TimerStuff * ts, int nSecs, int nMicros)
- {
- /* First make sure there is no previous timer pending */
- if (!(CheckIO((struct IORequest *) ts->TimerIO)))
- {
- return; /* Just ignore new request then */
- /* This way seems bugged! */
- /* AbortIO((struct IORequest *) ts->TimerIO); */
- /* WaitIO((struct IORequest *) ts->TimerIO); */
- }
- ts->TimerIO->tr_time.tv_secs = nSecs;
- ts->TimerIO->tr_time.tv_micro = nMicros;
- /* Start ze timer */
- if ((nSecs > 0)||(nMicros > 0)) SendIO((struct IORequest *)ts->TimerIO);
- }