home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Source generated with ARexxBox 1.12 (May 18 1993)
- * which is Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Michael Balzer
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <rexx/storage.h>
- #include <rexx/rxslib.h>
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- /* GCC needs all struct defs */
- #include <dos/exall.h>
- #include <graphics/graphint.h>
- #include <intuition/classes.h>
- #include <devices/keymap.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/rexxsyslib_protos.h>
- #ifndef __NO_PRAGMAS
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- #include <pragmas/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_lib.h>
- #include <pragmas/rexxsyslib_lib.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/rexxsyslib_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #endif /* __NO_PRAGMAS */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef LATTICE
- #undef toupper
- #define inline __inline
- #endif
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #undef toupper
- static inline char toupper( char c )
- {
- return( islower(c) ? c - 'a' + 'A' : c );
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- #define inline
- #endif
- #include "TrackRexx.h"
- #include "TrackRexx_rxif.h"
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- extern struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- extern struct RxsLib *RexxSysBase;
- /* $ARB: I 848528372 */
- /* $ARB: B 17 QUIT */
- void rx_quit( struct RexxHost *host, struct rxd_quit **rxd, long action, struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg )
- {
- struct rxd_quit *rd = *rxd;
- switch( action )
- {
- case RXIF_INIT:
- *rxd = AllocVec( sizeof *rd, MEMF_CLEAR );
- break;
- /* Insert your CODE here */
- SetTrackFlag(CODE_QUIT);
- rd->rc = RETURN_OK;
- break;
- case RXIF_FREE:
- /* FREE your local data here */
- FreeVec( rd );
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* $ARB: E 17 QUIT */
- /* $ARB: B 24 GET */
- void rx_get( struct RexxHost *host, struct rxd_get **rxd, long action, struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg )
- {
- struct rxd_get *rd = *rxd;
- int o = 0, i;
- switch( action )
- {
- case RXIF_INIT:
- *rxd = AllocVec( sizeof *rd, MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( rd = *rxd )
- {
- /* set your DEFAULTS here */
- }
- break;
- #define SetNextPtr(VAR, ARRAY) {rd->res.VAR = &rd->res.ARRAY[o++];}
- /* Insert your CODE here */
- (rd->res.server = strdup(szServerName))&&
- (rd->res.comment = strdup(myInfo->comment->buffer))&&
- (rd->res.username = strdup(myInfo->userName->buffer))&&
- (rd->res.realname = strdup(myInfo->realName->buffer))&&
- (rd->res.logfile = strdup(szLogFileName))&&
- (rd->res.loglevel = strdup(GetOutputLevelName(nLogLevel)))&&
- (rd->res.viewby = strdup(GetViewByName(nViewBy)))&&
- (rd->res.visibleto = strdup(szAccessTo))&&
- (rd->res.logonscript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_LOGON]))&&
- (rd->res.logoffscript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_LOGOFF]))&&
- (rd->res.updatescript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_UPDATE]))&&
- (rd->res.connectscript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_CONNECT]))&&
- (rd->res.disconnectscript= strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_DISCONNECT]))&&
- (rd->res.endscript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_END]))&&
- (rd->res.startscript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_START]))&&
- (rd->res.defaultscript = strdup(rexxScripts[LOG_DEFAULT]))) BMemErr = TRUE;
- if (rd->res.port = malloc(20*sizeof(long)))
- {
- rd->res.port[o] = nPort; SetNextPtr(port,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = BConfirmAppLaunch; SetNextPtr(confirm,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = (session != NULL); SetNextPtr(connected,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = clientListLength; SetNextPtr(numclients,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = BEnabled; SetNextPtr(enabled,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = BBeepOnLog; SetNextPtr(beeponlog,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = nNumActions; SetNextPtr(numactions,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = (TrackWindow==NULL); SetNextPtr(hidden,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = nLastEntryClicked; SetNextPtr(lastentryclicked,port);
- rd->res.port[o] = currentAction; SetNextPtr(currentaction, port);
- rd->res.port[o] = maxLogListLen; SetNextPtr(logviewlength, port);
- rd->res.port[o] = GetLogViewLevelPercent(nLogViewLevel); SetNextPtr(logviewlevel, port);
- }
- else BMemErr = TRUE;
- /* Fill optional fields */
- if (rd->arg.clients)
- {
- /* allocate & fill null-terminated array for client names */
- if ((rd->res.clients = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(clientListLength+1))) &&
- (rd->res.comments = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(clientListLength+1))) &&
- (rd->res.usernames = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(clientListLength+1))) &&
- (rd->res.realnames = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(clientListLength+1))) &&
- (rd->res.winopen = malloc(sizeof(long *)*((clientListLength+1)*2))) &&
- (rd->res.lastchanged = malloc(sizeof(long *)*((clientListLength+1)*2))))
- {
- struct Client * c = clientList.lh_Head;
- long * lastChangedData = ((LONG *)rd->res.lastchanged)+clientListLength+1;
- long * winOpenData = ((LONG *)rd->res.winopen)+clientListLength+1;
- time_t currentTime = time(NULL);
- for(i=0; ((BMemErr==FALSE)&&(i<clientListLength)); i++)
- {
- UNLESS(rd->res.clients[i] = strdup(c->hostName->buffer)) BMemErr = TRUE;
- UNLESS(rd->res.comments[i] = strdup(c->comment->buffer)) BMemErr = TRUE;
- UNLESS(rd->res.usernames[i]= strdup(c->userName->buffer)) BMemErr = TRUE;
- UNLESS(rd->res.realnames[i]= strdup(c->realName->buffer)) BMemErr = TRUE;
- rd->res.winopen[i] = winOpenData;
- rd->res.lastchanged[i] = lastChangedData;
- *lastChangedData = (currentTime-(c->timeStamp))/timeUnit; lastChangedData++;
- *winOpenData = (c->winOpen->buffer[0] == 'Y'); winOpenData++;
- c = c->node.ln_Succ;
- }
- rd->res.clients[i] = rd->res.comments[i] = rd->res.usernames[i] = rd->res.realnames[i] = NULL; /* terminate the array! */
- rd->res.lastchanged[i] = rd->res.winopen[i] = NULL;
- }
- else BMemErr = TRUE;
- }
- if (rd->arg.actions)
- {
- /* allocate & fill null-terminated array for action names */
- /* allocate & fill null-terminated array for client names */
- if ((rd->res.actions = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(nNumActions+1))) &&
- (rd->res.commands = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(nNumActions+1))))
- {
- for(i=0; ((BMemErr==FALSE)&&(i<nNumActions)); i++)
- {
- UNLESS(rd->res.actions[i] = strdup(ActionLabels[i])) BMemErr = TRUE;
- UNLESS(rd->res.commands[i] = strdup(Actions[i])) BMemErr = TRUE;
- }
- rd->res.actions[i] = rd->res.commands[i] = NULL; /* terminate the array! */
- }
- else BMemErr = TRUE;
- }
- rd->rc = BMemErr ? RETURN_FAIL : RETURN_OK;
- rd->rc2 = BMemErr ? ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE : RETURN_OK;
- break;
- case RXIF_FREE:
- /* FREE your local data here */
- if (rd->res.clients) FreeStringArray(rd->res.clients);
- if (rd->res.comments) FreeStringArray(rd->res.comments);
- if (rd->res.usernames) FreeStringArray(rd->res.usernames);
- if (rd->res.realnames) FreeStringArray(rd->res.realnames);
- if (rd->res.actions) FreeStringArray(rd->res.actions);
- if (rd->res.commands) FreeStringArray(rd->res.commands);
- if (rd->res.winopen) free(rd->res.winopen);
- if (rd->res.lastchanged) free(rd->res.lastchanged);
- if (rd->res.viewby) free(rd->res.viewby);
- if (rd->res.visibleto) free(rd->res.visibleto);
- if (rd->res.server) free(rd->res.server);
- if (rd->res.comment) free(rd->res.comment);
- if (rd->res.username) free(rd->res.username);
- if (rd->res.realname) free(rd->res.realname);
- if (rd->res.logfile) free(rd->res.logfile);
- if (rd->res.loglevel) free(rd->res.loglevel);
- if (rd->res.port) free(rd->res.port);
- if (rd->res.logonscript) free(rd->res.logonscript);
- if (rd->res.logoffscript) free(rd->res.logoffscript);
- if (rd->res.updatescript) free(rd->res.updatescript);
- if (rd->res.connectscript) free(rd->res.connectscript);
- if (rd->res.disconnectscript) free(rd->res.disconnectscript);
- if (rd->res.endscript) free(rd->res.endscript);
- if (rd->res.startscript) free(rd->res.startscript);
- if (rd->res.defaultscript) free(rd->res.defaultscript);
- FreeVec( rd );
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* $ARB: E 24 GET */
- /* $ARB: B 25 SET */
- void rx_set( struct RexxHost *host, struct rxd_set **rxd, long action, struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg )
- {
- struct rxd_set *rd = *rxd;
- int flags = 0;
- switch( action )
- {
- case RXIF_INIT:
- *rxd = AllocVec( sizeof *rd, MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( rd = *rxd )
- {
- /* set your DEFAULTS here */
- }
- break;
- /* Insert your CODE here */
- rd->rc = 0;
- if (rd->arg.beeponlog) {BBeepOnLog = ParseBool(rd->arg.beeponlog); flags |= 0x01;}
- if (rd->arg.enabled) SetTrackFlag(ParseBool(rd->arg.enabled) ? CODE_ENABLE : CODE_DISABLE);
- if (rd->arg.hidden) SetTrackFlag(ParseBool(rd->arg.hidden) ? CODE_HIDE : CODE_SHOW);
- if (rd->arg.confirm) {BConfirmAppLaunch = ParseBool(rd->arg.confirm); flags |= 0x01;}
- if (rd->arg.loglevel){nLogLevel = ParseOutputLevel(rd->arg.loglevel); flags |= 0x01;}
- if (rd->arg.logfile) {char * n; if (n = strdup(rd->arg.logfile)) {free(szLogFileName); szLogFileName = n;}}
- if (rd->arg.left) {nWinLeft = *rd->arg.left; flags |= 0x02;}
- if (rd->arg.top) {nWinTop = *rd->arg.top; flags |= 0x02;}
- if (rd->arg.width) {nWinWidth = *rd->arg.width; flags |= 0x02;}
- if (rd->arg.height) {nWinHeight = *rd->arg.height; flags |= 0x02;}
- if (rd->arg.comment) SetCommentString(TrackWindow, rd->arg.comment, TRUE);
- if (rd->arg.server) SetServerString(TrackWindow, rd->arg.server);
- if (rd->arg.port) SetPortNumber(TrackWindow, *rd->arg.port);
- if (rd->arg.windowtitle) StatMessage(rd->arg.windowtitle);
- if (rd->arg.currentactionindex) SetCurrentActionIndex(TrackWindow,*rd->arg.currentactionindex);
- if (rd->arg.currentaction) SetCurrentAction(TrackWindow, rd->arg.currentaction);
- if (rd->arg.viewby) SetViewBy(ParseViewBy(rd->arg.viewby));
- if (rd->arg.logviewlength) SetLogViewLength(*rd->arg.logviewlength);
- if (rd->arg.logviewlevel)
- {
- char temp[30];
- sprintf(temp, "%i", *rd->arg.logviewlevel);
- if (SetLogViewLevel(ParseLogViewLevel(temp))) flags |= 0x02;
- }
- if (rd->arg.logonscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_LOGON, rd->arg.logonscript);
- if (rd->arg.logoffscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_LOGOFF, rd->arg.logoffscript);
- if (rd->arg.updatescript) SetRexxScript(LOG_UPDATE, rd->arg.updatescript);
- if (rd->arg.connectscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_CONNECT, rd->arg.connectscript);
- if (rd->arg.disconnectscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_DISCONNECT, rd->arg.disconnectscript);
- if (rd->arg.endscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_END, rd->arg.endscript);
- if (rd->arg.startscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_START, rd->arg.startscript);
- if (rd->arg.defaultscript) SetRexxScript(LOG_DEFAULT, rd->arg.defaultscript);
- if ((rd->arg.action)&&(rd->res.actionindex=malloc(sizeof(long))))
- *rd->res.actionindex = UpdateActions(TrackWindow, rd->arg.action);
- if (flags & 0x01) SetMenuValues();
- if ((flags & 0x02)&&(TrackWindow)) ChangeWindowBox(TrackWindow->win, nWinLeft, nWinTop, nWinWidth, nWinHeight);
- break;
- case RXIF_FREE:
- /* FREE your local data here */
- if (rd->res.actionindex) free(rd->res.actionindex);
- FreeVec( rd );
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* $ARB: E 25 SET */
- /* $ARB: B 27 REQUEST */
- void rx_request( struct RexxHost *host, struct rxd_request **rxd, long action, struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg )
- {
- struct rxd_request *rd = *rxd;
- switch( action )
- {
- case RXIF_INIT:
- *rxd = AllocVec( sizeof *rd, MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( rd = *rxd )
- {
- /* set your DEFAULTS here */
- }
- break;
- /* Insert your CODE here */
- if (rd->res.clicked = malloc(sizeof(long)))
- {
- *rd->res.clicked = MakeReq(
- rd->arg.title ? rd->arg.title : "AmiTrack Rexx Request",
- rd->arg.message ? rd->arg.message : "An ARexx script called my REQUEST function",
- rd->arg.buttons ? rd->arg.buttons : "Okay");
- rd->rc = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- rd->rc = RETURN_ERROR;
- rd->rc2 = ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE;
- }
- break;
- case RXIF_FREE:
- /* FREE your local data here */
- FreeVec( rd );
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* $ARB: E 27 REQUEST */
- /* $ARB: B 28 CONNECT */
- void rx_connect( struct RexxHost *host, struct rxd_connect **rxd, long action, struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg )
- {
- struct rxd_connect *rd = *rxd;
- int connectto = -1, connectwith = -1;
- switch( action )
- {
- case RXIF_INIT:
- *rxd = AllocVec( sizeof *rd, MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( rd = *rxd )
- {
- /* set your DEFAULTS here */
- }
- break;
- /* Insert your CODE here */
- if ((rd->arg.actionindex)||(rd->arg.action))
- {
- if (rd->arg.actionindex) connectwith = *rd->arg.actionindex;
- if (rd->arg.action) connectwith = GetTrackActionByName(rd->arg.action);
- }
- else connectwith = currentAction;
- if ((rd->arg.hostindex)||(rd->arg.host))
- {
- if (rd->arg.hostindex) connectto = *rd->arg.hostindex;
- if (rd->arg.host) connectto = GetTrackHostByName(rd->arg.host);
- }
- else connectto = nLastEntryClicked;
- if ((connectwith >= 0)&&(connectto >= 0))
- {
- rd->rc = DoAction(connectto, connectwith,
- (rd->arg.confirm) ? ParseBool(rd->arg.confirm) : BConfirmAppLaunch);
- if (rd->rc == -2) rd->rc = RETURN_WARN;
- if (rd->rc == -1) rd->rc = RETURN_ERROR;
- }
- else rd->rc = RETURN_WARN;
- break;
- case RXIF_FREE:
- /* FREE your local data here */
- FreeVec( rd );
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* $ARB: E 28 CONNECT */
- #ifndef RX_ALIAS_C
- char *ExpandRXCommand( struct RexxHost *host, char *command )
- {
- /* Insert your ALIAS-HANDLER here */
- return( NULL );
- }
- #endif