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Text File | 1998-01-16 | 65.6 KB | 2,750 lines |
- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- --
- -- Handling of C code pretty printing.
- -- Also known as `cpp'.
- --
- inherit CODE_PRINTER;
- creation make
- feature
- feature {NONE}
- out_c: STD_FILE_WRITE is
- -- The current *.c output file.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- out_h: STD_FILE_WRITE;
- -- The *.h output file.
- current_out: STD_FILE_WRITE;
- -- Is `out_c' or `out_h'.
- out_make: STD_FILE_WRITE is
- -- The *.make output file.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- feature
- make is do end;
- feature
- get_started is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- local
- no_check: BOOLEAN;
- body: STRING;
- do
- echo.file_removing(path_make);
- no_check := run_control.no_check;
- top := -1;
- backup_sfw_connect(out_c,path_c);
- current_out := out_c;
- add_first_include;
- !!out_h.make;
- sfw_connect(out_h,path_h);
- current_out := out_h;
- put_banner(out_h);
- -- Global struct :
- out_h.put_string(
- "%N%
- %#include <stdio.h>%N%
- %#include <string.h>%N%
- %#include <math.h>%N%
- %#include <stdlib.h>%N%
- %#include <signal.h>%N%
- %#include <stddef.h>%N%
- %#include <stdarg.h>%N%
- %#include <limits.h>%N%
- %#include <float.h>%N%
- %#include <setjmp.h>%N%
- %#include <sys/types.h>%N%
- %#include <sys/stat.h>%N%
- %#include <fcntl.h>%N%
- %#ifndef O_RDONLY%N%
- %#include <sys/file.h>%N%
- %#endif%N%
- %#ifndef O_RDONLY%N%
- %#define O_RDONLY 0000%N%
- %#endif%N%
- %typedef struct S0 T0;%N%
- %struct S0{int id;};%N");
- cdef_id(us_integer,2);
- cdef_id(us_character,3);
- cdef_id(us_real,4);
- cdef_id(us_double,5);
- cdef_id(us_boolean,6);
- cdef_id(us_pointer,8);
- cdef_id(fz_expanded,10);
- cdef_id("REF",11);
- cdef_id("LINK",12);
- cdef_id("FTAG",13);
- cdef_id("NAME",14);
- cdef_id("COLUMN",15);
- cdef_id("LINE",16);
- cdef_id("PATH",17);
- cdef_id("DOING",18);
- cdef_id("INV",19);
- cdef_id(us_bit,20);
- if no_check then
- put_extern3("tag_pos_1","assignment");
- put_extern3("tag_pos_2","boolean exp.");
- put_extern3("tag_pos_3","instruction");
- put_extern3("tag_pos_4","assertion");
- put_extern3("tag_pos_5","creation call");
- put_extern3("tag_pos_6","variant exp.");
- put_extern3(us_current,us_current);
- put_extern3(us_result,us_result);
- put_extern1("double*rs_bot");
- put_extern1("double*rs");
- put_extern1("double*rs_lb");
- put_extern1("double*rs_top");
- put_c_function("void se_rsg(int sz)",
- "if(rs+sz<rs_top)return;%N%
- %{int osz=(rs_top-rs_bot+1);%N%
- %int nsz;%N%
- %double*nrs_bot;%N%
- %int msz=262144;%N%
- %nsz=osz*2;%N%
- %nrs_bot=(void*)malloc(nsz*sizeof(double));%N%
- %if((osz>msz)||(nrs_bot==NULL)){%N%
- %printf(%"Stack Overflow (limit = %%d).\n%",msz);%N%
- %rsp();if(!se_rspf)exit(0);}%N%
- %((void)memcpy(nrs_bot,rs_bot,osz*sizeof(double)));%N%
- %rs_lb=nrs_bot+(rs_lb-rs_bot);%N%
- %rs=nrs_bot+(rs-rs_bot);%N%
- %rs_top=nrs_bot+(nsz-1);%N%
- %free(rs_bot);%N%
- %rs_bot=nrs_bot;%N%
- %return;}");
- put_c_function("void rs_link(char*tag)",
- "se_rsg(1024);%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=LINKid;%N%
- %*((int*)rs)=(rs-rs_lb);%N%
- %rs_lb=rs++;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=FTAGid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=tag;");
- put_c_function("void rs_unlink(void)",
- "rs=rs_lb-1;%N%
- %rs_lb=rs_lb-(*((int*)rs_lb));");
- body :=
- "*((int*)rs++)=LINEid;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=l;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=COLUMNid;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=c;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=PATHid;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=f;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=DOINGid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=tp;";
- if run_control.trace then
- body.append(
- "if (se_trace_flag){%N%
- %fprintf(se_trace_file,%"line %%d column %%d in %
- %%%s\n%",l,c,p[f]);%N%
- %fflush(se_trace_file);}");
- end;
- put_c_function("void rs_pPOS(char* tp,int l,int c,int f)",
- body);
- put_c_function("int rs_pop_int(int e)",
- "rs-=8;%N%
- %return e;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pINT(int*i,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=INTEGERid;%N%
- %*((int**)rs++)=i;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pCHA(char*c,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=CHARACTERid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=c;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pBOO(int*b,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=BOOLEANid;%N%
- %*((int**)rs++)=b;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pREA(float*r,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=REALid;%N%
- %*((float**)rs++)=r;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pDOU(double*d,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=DOUBLEid;%N%
- %*((double**)rs++)=d;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pPOI(void*p,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=POINTERid;%N%
- %*((void**)rs++)=p;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pBIT(void*p,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=BITid;%N%
- %*((void**)rs++)=p;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pREF(void**r,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=REFid;%N%
- %*((void***)rs++)=r;");
- put_c_function("void rs_pEXP(void*e,char*n)",
- "*((int*)rs++)=NAMEid;%N%
- %*((char**)rs++)=n;%N%
- %*((int*)rs++)=expandedid;%N%
- %*((void**)rs++)=e;");
- put_extern2("int se_af",'0');
- put_extern2("int se_rspf",'0');
- put_extern1("int se_af_rlc");
- put_extern1("int se_af_rlr");
- end;
- if run_control.require_check then
- put_c_function("void ac_req(int v)",
- "if (!v && se_af_rlc)%N%
- %error0(%"Require Assertion Violated.%");%N%
- %se_af_rlr=se_af_rlr&&v;%N%
- %rs-=8;");
- end;
- if run_control.ensure_check then
- put_c_function("void ac_ens(int v)",
- "if (!v) error0(%"Ensure Assertion Violated.%");%N%
- %rs-=8;");
- end;
- if run_control.invariant_check then
- put_c_function("void ac_inv(int v)",
- "if (!v) error0(%"Class Invariant Violation.%");%N%
- %rs-=8;");
- put_c_function("int se_rciaux(double* sp)",
- "if((*((char**)sp))!=Current) return 0;%
- %sp++; if((*((int*)sp))!=REFid) return 0;%
- %return 1;");
- put_c_function("int se_rci(void*C)",
- "double*lb=rs_lb;%N%
- %double*sp;%N%
- %if(se_af)return 0;%N%
- %if(se_rspf)return 0;%N%
- %while(1){%N%
- %if(lb==rs_bot)return 0;%N%
- %sp=lb+4;%N%
- %if(se_rciaux(sp)){%N%
- %sp+=2;%N%
- %if((**((void***)sp))==C)break;}%N%
- %lb=lb-(*((int*)lb));}%N%
- %while(1){%N%
- %lb=lb-(*((int*)lb));%N%
- %if(lb==rs_bot)return 1;%N%
- %sp=lb+4;%N%
- %if(se_rciaux(sp)){%N%
- %sp+=2;%N%
- %if((**((void***)sp))==C)return 0;}}");
- end;
- if run_control.loop_check then
- put_c_function("void ac_liv(int v)",
- "if (!v) error0(%"Loop Invariant Violation.%");%N%
- %rs-=8;");
- put_c_function("int lvc(int lc,int lv1,int lv2)",
- "if (lc==0){if (lv2 < 0){%N%
- %rsp();%N%
- %printf(%"Bad First Variant Value = %%d\n%",lv2);}%N%
- %else {rs-=8;return lv2;}}%N%
- %else if ((lv2 < 0)||(lv2 >= lv1)){%N%
- %rsp();%N%
- %printf(%"Loop Body Count = %%d (done)\n%
- %New Variant = %%d\n%
- %Previous Variant = %%d\n%",lc,lv2,lv1);}%N%
- %else {rs-=8;return lv2;}%N%
- %printf(%"*** Error at Run Time *** : Bad Loop Variant.\n%");%N%
- %if(!se_rspf)exit(1);");
- end;
- if run_control.all_check then
- put_c_function("void ac_civ(int v)",
- "if (!v) error0(%"Check Assertion Violated.%");%N%
- %rs-=8;");
- end;
- current_out := out_c;
- ensure
- on_c
- end;
- swap_on_c is
- do
- current_out := out_c;
- ensure
- on_c;
- end;
- swap_on_h is
- do
- current_out := out_h;
- ensure
- on_h;
- end;
- on_h: BOOLEAN is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- Result := current_out = out_h;
- end;
- on_c: BOOLEAN is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- Result := current_out = out_c;
- end;
- incr_elt_c_count(i: INTEGER) is
- do
- check
- out_c.is_connected;
- end;
- if no_split then
- else
- elt_c_count := elt_c_count + i;
- if elt_c_count > elt_c_count_max then
- elt_c_count := 0;
- out_c.put_character('%N');
- out_c.disconnect;
- split_count := split_count + 1;
- path_c_copy_in(path_c,split_count);
- backup_sfw_connect(out_c,path_c);
- add_first_include;
- if current_out /= out_h then
- current_out := out_c;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature -- Printing C code :
- put_extern1(decl: STRING) is
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(1);
- out_h.put_string(fz_extern);
- out_h.put_string(decl);
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- out_c.put_string(decl);
- out_c.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- put_extern2(decl: STRING; init: CHARACTER) is
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(1);
- out_h.put_string(fz_extern);
- out_h.put_string(decl);
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- out_c.put_string(decl);
- out_c.put_character('=');
- out_c.put_character(init);
- out_c.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- put_extern3(var, value: STRING) is
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(1);
- out_c.put_string("char ");
- out_c.put_string(var);
- out_c.put_string("[]=%"");
- out_c.put_string(value);
- out_c.put_string("%";%N");
- out_h.put_string("extern char ");
- out_h.put_string(var);
- out_h.put_character('[');
- out_h.put_character(']');
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- put_extern4(t, var: STRING; value: INTEGER) is
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(1);
- out_c.put_string(t);
- out_c.put_character(' ');
- out_c.put_string(var);
- out_c.put_character('[');
- out_c.put_integer(value);
- out_c.put_string("];%N");
- out_h.put_string(fz_extern);
- out_h.put_string(t);
- out_h.put_character(' ');
- out_h.put_string(var);
- out_h.put_character('[');
- out_h.put_character(']');
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- put_extern5(decl: STRING; init: STRING) is
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(1);
- out_h.put_string(fz_extern);
- out_h.put_string(decl);
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- out_c.put_string(decl);
- out_c.put_character('=');
- out_c.put_string(init);
- out_c.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- put_c_heading(heading: STRING) is
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(15);
- out_h.put_string(heading);
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- out_c.put_string(heading);
- out_c.put_string(fz_11);
- end;
- put_c_function(heading, body:STRING) is
- require
- not heading.empty;
- not body.empty
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(15);
- put_c_heading(heading);
- out_c.put_string(body);
- out_c.put_string(fz_12);
- end;
- put_string(c: STRING) is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- current_out.put_string(c);
- end;
- put_string_c(s: STRING) is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- on_c
- do
- tmp_string.clear;
- manifest_string_pool.string_to_c_code(s,tmp_string);
- out_c.put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- put_character(c: CHARACTER) is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- current_out.put_character(c);
- end;
- put_integer(i: INTEGER) is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- current_out.put_integer(i);
- end;
- put_real(r: REAL) is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- current_out.put_real(r);
- end;
- put_position(p: POSITION) is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- if p = Void then
- put_string("0,0,0");
- else
- put_integer(p.line);
- put_character(',');
- put_integer(p.column);
- put_character(',');
- put_integer(p.base_class.id);
- end;
- end;
- put_target_as_target is
- -- Produce C code to pass the current stacked target as
- -- a target of a new call : user expanded are passed with
- -- a pointer and class invariant code is produced.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- target: EXPRESSION;
- tt: TYPE;
- ivt_flag: BOOLEAN;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call then
- target := stack_target.item(top);
- tt := stack_rf.item(top).current_type;
- target.mapping_c_target(tt);
- when C_check_id then
- target := stack_target.item(top);
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- tt := rf.current_type;
- check
- tt.is_reference;
- end;
- if run_control.boost then
- target.mapping_c_target(tt);
- else
- ivt_flag := call_invariant_start(tt);
- check_id(target,rf.id);
- if ivt_flag then
- call_invariant_end;
- end;
- end;
- when C_inline_dca then
- put_character('(');
- stack_rf.item(top).current_type.mapping_cast;
- put_character('(');
- put_target_as_value;
- put_string(fz_13);
- when C_same_target then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- args := stack_args.item(top);
- top := top - 1;
- put_target_as_target;
- top := top + 1;
- stack_code.put(code,top);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- else
- common_put_target;
- end;
- end;
- put_target_as_value is
- -- Produce C code for a simple access to the stacked target.
- -- User's expanded values are not given using a pointer.
- -- There is no C code to check the class invariant.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- rf, static_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- target: EXPRESSION;
- c0c: CALL_0_C;
- direct_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call then
- stack_target.item(top).compile_to_c;
- when C_check_id then
- stack_rf.item(top).current_type.mapping_cast;
- stack_target.item(top).compile_to_c;
- when C_inline_dca then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- target := stack_target.item(top);
- args := stack_args.item(top);
- static_rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- top := top - 1;
- c0c ?= target;
- direct_rf := c0c.run_feature;
- direct_rf.mapping_c;
- top := top + 1;
- stack_code.put(code,top);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_target.put(target,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- stack_static_rf.put(static_rf,top);
- when C_same_target then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- args := stack_args.item(top);
- top := top - 1;
- put_target_as_value;
- top := top + 1;
- stack_code.put(code,top);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- else
- common_put_target;
- end;
- end;
- target_cannot_be_dropped: BOOLEAN is
- -- True when top target cannot be dropped because we are
- -- not sure that target is non Void or that target has
- -- no side effects. When Result is true, printed
- -- C code is : "(((void)(<target>))"
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- inspect
- stack_code.item(top)
- when C_direct_call, C_check_id then
- Result := not stack_target.item(top).can_be_dropped;
- when C_inline_dca then
- Result := true;
- when C_same_target then
- top := top - 1;
- Result := target_cannot_be_dropped;
- top := top + 1;
- else
- end;
- if Result then
- put_string("((/*UT*/(void)(");
- put_target_as_target;
- put_string(fz_13);
- end;
- end;
- arguments_cannot_be_dropped: BOOLEAN is
- -- True when arguments cannot be dropped.
- -- Printed C code is like :
- -- "(((void)<exp1>),((void)<exp2>),...((void)<expN>)"
- do
- if not no_args_to_eval then
- Result := true;
- put_string("((/*UA*/(void)(");
- put_arguments;
- put_string(fz_13);
- end;
- end;
- cannot_drop_all: BOOLEAN is
- -- Result is true when something (target or one argument)
- -- cannot be dropped. Thus when something cannot be dropped,
- -- Result is true and C code is printed :
- -- "(((void)<exp1>),((void)<exp2>),...((void)<expN>)"
- do
- if target_cannot_be_dropped then
- Result := true;
- put_character(',');
- if arguments_cannot_be_dropped then
- put_character(')');
- else
- put_character('0');
- end;
- else
- Result := arguments_cannot_be_dropped;
- end;
- end;
- no_args_to_eval: BOOLEAN is
- -- True if there is no C code to produce to eval arguments.
- -- For example because there are no arguments or because
- -- we are inside a switching function for example.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call,
- C_check_id,
- C_inside_new,
- C_same_target
- then
- args := stack_args.item(top);
- if args = Void then
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := args.can_be_dropped;
- end;
- when C_inline_dca then
- top := top - 1;
- Result := no_args_to_eval;
- top := top + 1;
- else
- Result := true;
- end;
- end;
- put_arguments is
- -- Produce code to access effective arguments list.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- rf, static_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- target: EXPRESSION;
- switch: SWITCH;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- when C_inside_twin then
- put_ith_argument(1);
- when C_direct_call then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c(fal);
- when C_check_id then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c(fal);
- when C_switch then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- static_rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- switch.put_arguments(static_rf,fal);
- when C_inside_new then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c(fal);
- when C_inline_dca then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- target := stack_target.item(top);
- args := stack_args.item(top);
- static_rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- top := top - 1;
- args.dca_inline(rf.arguments);
- top := top + 1;
- stack_code.put(code,top);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_target.put(target,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- stack_static_rf.put(static_rf,top);
- when C_same_target then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c(fal);
- when C_inline_one_pc then
- end;
- end;
- put_ith_argument(index: INTEGER) is
- -- Produce code to access to the ith argument.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- index >= 1
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- rf, static_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- target: EXPRESSION;
- switch: SWITCH;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c_ith(fal,index);
- when C_check_id then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c_ith(fal,index);
- when C_switch then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- static_rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- switch.put_ith_argument(static_rf,fal,index);
- when C_inside_new then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c_ith(fal,index);
- when C_inline_dca then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- target := stack_target.item(top);
- args := stack_args.item(top);
- static_rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- top := top - 1;
- if rf /= Void then
- args.dca_inline_ith(rf.arguments,index);
- else
- -- No rf for "=" and "/=".
- args.dca_inline_ith(static_rf.arguments,index);
- end;
- top := top + 1;
- stack_code.put(code,top);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_target.put(target,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- stack_static_rf.put(static_rf,top);
- when C_same_target then
- fal := stack_rf.item(top).arguments;
- stack_args.item(top).compile_to_c_ith(fal,index);
- when C_inline_one_pc then
- print_argument(index);
- when C_inside_twin then
- check
- index = 1
- end;
- if stack_rf.item(top).current_type.is_reference then
- put_string("((T0*)C)");
- else
- put_string("*C");
- end;
- end;
- end;
- put_c_inline_h is
- local
- do
- c_code := get_inline_ms;
- if c_inline_h_mem.has(c_code) then
- else
- c_inline_h_mem.add_last(c_code);
- out_h.put_string(c_code.to_string);
- out_h.put_character('%N');
- end;
- end;
- put_c_inline_c is
- local
- do
- c_code := get_inline_ms;
- out_c.put_string(c_code.to_string);
- end;
- put_trace_switch is
- do
- if run_control.trace then
- put_string("se_trace_flag=(");
- put_ith_argument(1);
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- end;
- put_generating_type(t: TYPE) is
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- generator_used := true;
- generating_type_used := true;
- put_string(fz_cast_t0_star);
- put_character('(');
- put_character('t');
- put_character('[');
- if t.is_reference then
- rc := t.run_class;
- if rc.is_tagged then
- put_character('(');
- put_target_as_value;
- put_character(')');
- put_string(fz_arrow_id);
- else
- put_integer(rc.id);
- end;
- else
- put_integer(t.id);
- end;
- put_character(']');
- put_character(')');
- end;
- put_generator(t: TYPE) is
- require
- t.is_run_type;
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- generator_used := true;
- put_string(fz_cast_t0_star);
- put_character('(');
- put_character('g');
- put_character('[');
- if t.is_reference then
- rc := t.run_class;
- if rc.is_tagged then
- put_character('(');
- put_target_as_value;
- put_character(')');
- put_string(fz_arrow_id);
- else
- put_integer(rc.id);
- end;
- else
- put_integer(t.id);
- end;
- put_character(']');
- put_character(')');
- end;
- put_to_pointer is
- do
- put_string("((void*)");
- put_target_as_value;
- put_character(')');
- end;
- put_object_size(t: TYPE) is
- require
- t.is_run_type;
- local
- tcbd: BOOLEAN;
- do
- tcbd := target_cannot_be_dropped;
- if tcbd then
- out_c.put_character(',');
- end;
- out_c.put_string("sizeof(T");
- out_c.put_integer(t.id);
- out_c.put_character(')');
- if tcbd then
- out_c.put_character(')');
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- c_inline_h_mem: FIXED_ARRAY[MANIFEST_STRING] is
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(4);
- end;
- feature {SMALL_EIFFEL}
- cecil_define is
- local
- save_out_h: like out_h;
- do
- cecil_pool.c_define_internals;
- save_out_h := out_h;
- cecil_pool.c_define_users;
- out_h := save_out_h;
- end;
- feature {CECIL_POOL}
- connect_cecil_out_h(user_path_h: STRING) is
- require
- out_h = Void
- do
- !!out_h.make;
- sfw_connect(out_h,user_path_h);
- end;
- disconnect_cecil_out_h is
- do
- out_h.disconnect;
- end;
- feature {TYPE}
- to_reference(src, dest: TYPE) is
- -- Put the name of the corresponding conversion
- -- fonction. Memorize arguments for later definition
- -- of the function.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- src.is_expanded;
- dest.is_reference;
- local
- src_rc, dest_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- src_rc := src.run_class;
- dest_rc := dest.run_class;
- check
- src_rc.at_run_time;
- dest_rc.at_run_time;
- end;
- if to_reference_mem = Void then
- to_reference_mem := <<src_rc,dest_rc>>;
- elseif not to_reference_mem.fast_has(src_rc) then
- to_reference_mem.add_last(src_rc);
- to_reference_mem.add_last(dest_rc);
- end;
- tmp_string.clear;
- conversion_name(dest_rc.id);
- put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- to_expanded(src, dest: TYPE) is
- -- Put the name of the corresponding conversion
- -- fonction. Memorize arguments for later definition
- -- of the function.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- src.is_reference;
- dest.is_expanded;
- local
- src_rc, dest_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- src_rc := src.run_class;
- dest_rc := dest.run_class;
- check
- src_rc.at_run_time;
- dest_rc.at_run_time;
- end;
- if to_expanded_mem = Void then
- to_expanded_mem := <<src_rc,dest_rc>>;
- elseif not to_expanded_mem.fast_has(src_rc) then
- to_expanded_mem.add_last(src_rc);
- to_expanded_mem.add_last(dest_rc);
- end;
- tmp_string.clear;
- conversion_name(dest_rc.id);
- put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Automatic Type Conversion stuff :
- to_expanded_mem, to_reference_mem: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- conversion_name(dest_id: INTEGER) is
- do
- tmp_string.append(fz_to_t);
- dest_id.append_in(tmp_string);
- end;
- define_to_reference is
- local
- src_rc, dest_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- src_type, dest_type: TYPE;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > to_reference_mem.upper
- loop
- src_rc := to_reference_mem.item(i);
- i := i + 1;
- dest_rc := to_reference_mem.item(i);
- i := i + 1;
- src_type := src_rc.current_type;
- dest_type := dest_rc.current_type;
- echo.put_string(msg2);
- echo.put_string(src_type.run_time_mark);
- echo.put_string(" to ");
- echo.put_string(dest_type.run_time_mark);
- echo.put_string(msg1);
- tmp_string.copy(fz_t0_star);
- conversion_name(dest_rc.id);
- tmp_string.extend('(');
- src_type.c_type_for_target_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.append(" s)");
- put_c_heading(tmp_string);
- swap_on_c;
- tmp_string.clear;
- dest_type.c_type_for_target_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.append("d;%Nd=((void*)malloc(sizeof(*d)));%N");
- if dest_rc.is_tagged then
- tmp_string.extend('d');
- tmp_string.append(fz_arrow_id);
- tmp_string.extend('=');
- dest_rc.id.append_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.extend(';');
- end;
- tmp_string.append("%Nd->_item=s;%Nreturn (T0*)d;}%N");
- out_c.put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- define_to_expanded is
- local
- src_rc, dest_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- src_type, dest_type: TYPE;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > to_expanded_mem.upper
- loop
- src_rc := to_expanded_mem.item(i);
- i := i + 1;
- dest_rc := to_expanded_mem.item(i);
- i := i + 1;
- src_type := src_rc.current_type;
- dest_type := dest_rc.current_type;
- echo.put_string(msg2);
- echo.put_string(src_type.run_time_mark);
- echo.put_string(" to ");
- echo.put_string(dest_type.run_time_mark);
- echo.put_string(msg1);
- tmp_string.clear;
- dest_type.c_type_for_result_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- conversion_name(dest_rc.id);
- tmp_string.append("(T0*s)");
- out_h.put_string(tmp_string);
- out_h.put_string(fz_00);
- out_c.put_string(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.copy(fz_11);
- -- NYI ...
- tmp_string.append(fz_12);
- out_c.put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- push_void(rf: RUN_FEATURE; t: EXPRESSION; args: EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- t /= Void
- do
- error_void_or_bad_type(t);
- push_direct(rf,t,args);
- sure_void_count := sure_void_count + 1;
- end;
- push_direct(rf: RUN_FEATURE; t: EXPRESSION; args: EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- t /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_direct_call);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_target.put(t,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE_3}
- push_inline_one_pc is
- do
- stack_push(C_inline_one_pc);
- end;
- push_inline_dca(relay_rf: RUN_FEATURE; dpca: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- -- Where `dpca' is inside `relay_rf'.
- require
- relay_rf /= Void;
- dpca /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_inline_dca);
- stack_rf.put(dpca.run_feature,top);
- stack_static_rf.put(relay_rf,top);
- stack_target.put(dpca.target,top);
- stack_args.put(dpca.arguments,top);
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- end;
- push_same_target(rf: RUN_FEATURE; args: EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST) is
- require
- rf /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_same_target);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- end;
- feature {CECIL_POOL}
- push_cpc(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE; r: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- local
- dyn_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- if r = Void then
- push_void(up_rf,t,args);
- up_rf.mapping_c;
- pop;
- elseif r.count = 1 then
- dyn_rf := r.first.dynamic(up_rf);
- push_check(dyn_rf,t,args);
- dyn_rf.mapping_c;
- pop;
- else
- use_switch(up_rf,r,t,args);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- push_check(rf: RUN_FEATURE; t: EXPRESSION; args: EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- t /= Void;
- do
- stack_push(C_check_id);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_target.put(t,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- end;
- feature {SWITCH}
- push_switch(rf, static_rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- static_rf /= Void;
- rf.run_class.dynamic(static_rf) = rf
- do
- stack_push(C_switch);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_static_rf.put(static_rf,top);
- stack_args.put(Void,top); -- *** ?????? ****
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- expanded_initializer(t: TYPE; a: RUN_FEATURE) is
- -- ***** CHANGE THIS ******
- -- Call the expanded initializer for type `t' if any.
- -- The result is assigned in writable `w' or to attribute
- -- `a' of the brand new created object in "n".
- require
- t.is_expanded;
- a /= Void
- local
- do
- rf := t.expanded_initializer;
- if rf /= Void then
- stack_push(C_expanded_initialize);
- stack_target.put(Void,top);
- stack_rf.put(a,top);
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- rf.mapping_c;
- pop;
- --*** if call_invariant_start(rf.current_type) then
- --*** put_character('&');
- --*** w.compile_to_c;
- --*** call_invariant_end;
- --*** put_string(fz_00);
- --*** end;
- end;
- end;
- expanded_writable(rf3: RUN_FEATURE_3; writable: EXPRESSION) is
- -- Call the expanded initializer `rf3' using `writable'
- -- as target.
- require
- rf3.current_type.is_expanded;
- writable /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_expanded_initialize);
- stack_target.put(writable,top);
- stack_rf.put(Void,top); -- *** UNNEEDED ???
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- rf3.mapping_c;
- pop;
- if call_invariant_start(rf3.current_type) then
- put_character('&');
- writable.compile_to_c;
- call_invariant_end;
- put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- end;
- feature {CREATION_CALL}
- push_new(rf: RUN_FEATURE; args: EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST) is
- -- *************** 3 ???
- require
- rf /= Void;
- do
- stack_push(C_inside_new);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_args.put(args,top);
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- end;
- feature {NATIVE}
- inside_twin(cpy: RUN_FEATURE) is
- do
- stack_push(C_inside_twin);
- stack_rf.put(cpy,top);
- cpy.mapping_c;
- pop;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- use_switch(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE; r: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- require
- up_rf /= Void;
- r.count > 1
- t /= Void;
- on_c;
- local
- rt, target_type: TYPE;
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- switch: SWITCH;
- do
- if run_control.boost and then
- stupid_switch(up_rf)
- then
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- switch_collection.remove(up_rf);
- put_string(fz_open_c_comment);
- put_character('X');
- put_integer(up_rf.current_type.id);
- put_string(fz_close_c_comment);
- rt := up_rf.result_type;
- if rt /= Void then
- tmp_string.copy(fz_17);
- rt.c_type_for_result_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.extend(')');
- put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- rc := r.item(1);
- rf := rc.dynamic(up_rf);
- push_direct(rf,t,args);
- rf.mapping_c;
- pop;
- if rt /= Void then
- put_character(')');
- end;
- else
- switch_count := switch_count + 1;
- out_c.put_string(switch.name(up_rf));
- out_c.put_character('(');
- if run_control.no_check then
- put_position(t.start_position)
- out_c.put_character(',');
- end;
- t.compile_to_c;
- if args /= Void then
- out_c.put_character(',');
- args.compile_to_c(up_rf.arguments);
- end;
- put_character(')');
- if up_rf.result_type = Void then
- out_c.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {E_FEATURE}
- stupid_switch(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE): BOOLEAN is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- up_rf.run_class.running /= Void
- local
- f1, f2: E_FEATURE;
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- r := up_rf.run_class.running;
- Result := true;
- i := r.upper;
- f1 := up_rf.base_feature;
- until
- not Result or else i = 0
- loop
- rc := r.item(i);
- f2 := rc.dynamic(up_rf).base_feature;
- Result := f1 = f2;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- if Result then
- Result := f1.stupid_switch(up_rf,r);
- end;
- end;
- feature -- Handling errors at run time :
- put_error0(msg: STRING) is
- -- Print `msg' and then stop execution.
- -- Also print stack when not -boost.
- do
- put_string("error0(");
- put_string_c(msg);
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- put_error1(msg: STRING; p: POSITION) is
- -- Print `msg' for position `p' and then stop execution.
- -- Also print stack when not -boost.
- do
- put_string("error1(");
- put_string_c(msg);
- put_character(',');
- put_position(p)
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- put_comment(str: STRING) is
- do
- put_string(fz_open_c_comment);
- put_string(str);
- put_string(fz_close_c_comment);
- end;
- put_comment_line(str: STRING) is
- do
- put_character('%N');
- put_comment(str);
- put_character('%N');
- end;
- define_main(rf3: RUN_FEATURE_3) is
- local
- id: INTEGER;
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- ct: TYPE;
- do
- echo.put_string("Define main function.%N");
- ct := rf3.current_type;
- id := ct.id;
- rc := rf3.run_class;
- swap_on_c;
- split_c_now;
- put_extern1("int se_argc");
- put_extern1("char**se_argv");
- if run_control.trace then
- put_extern1("FILE *se_trace_file");
- put_extern2("int se_trace_flag",'0');
- end;
- if vms_system = system_name then
- put_string(fz_void);
- else
- put_string(fz_int);
- end;
- put_string(" main(int argc,char*argv[]){%N");
- if gc_handler.is_on then
- gc_handler.initialize;
- end;
- put_string("se_initialize();%N{%N");
- if gc_handler.is_on then
- put_string("jmp_buf env;%N");
- end;
- gc_handler.put_new(rc);
- if gc_handler.is_on then
- put_string("(void)setjmp(env);%N%
- %gc_root_main=((void**)(&env));%N");
- end;
- put_string(
- "se_argc=argc; se_argv=argv;%N%
- %#ifdef SIGINT%Nsignal(SIGINT,sigrsp);%N#endif%N%
- %#ifdef SIGQUIT%Nsignal(SIGQUIT,sigrsp);%N#endif%N%
- %#ifdef SIGTERM%Nsignal(SIGTERM,sigrsp);%N#endif%N%
- %#ifdef SIGBREAK%Nsignal(SIGBREAK,sigrsp);%N#endif%N%
- %#ifdef SIGKILL%Nsignal(SIGKILL,sigrsp);%N#endif%N");
- manifest_string_pool.c_call_initialize;
- if run_control.no_check then
- put_string(
- "#define rs_isz 4096%N%
- %rs_bot=(void*)malloc(rs_isz*sizeof(double));%N%
- %rs=rs_bot;%N%
- %rs_top=rs_bot+(rs_isz-1);%N%
- %rs_lb=rs_bot;%N");
- end;
- expanded_attributes(ct);
- if sprintf_double_flag then
- put_string("_spfd=malloc(32);%N%
- %_spfd[0]='%%';%N%
- %_spfd[1]='.';%N");
- end;
- once_pre_computing;
- if run_control.trace then
- put_string(
- "printf(%"Writing \%"trace.se\%" file.\n%");%N%
- %se_trace_file=fopen(%"trace.se%",%"w%");%N%
- %se_trace_flag=1;%N");
- end;
- push_new(rf3,Void);
- rf3.mapping_c;
- pop;
- if run_control.invariant_check then
- if rc.invariant_assertion /= Void then
- put_character('i');
- put_integer(id);
- put_character('(');
- put_character('n');
- put_character(')');
- put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- end;
- if run_control.no_check then
- put_string(
- "if (rs != rs_bot){%N%
- %printf(%"\n***Internal SmallEiffel Stack Error.\n%");%N%
- %rsp();}");
- end;
- if gc_handler.info_flag then
- put_string(fz_gc_info);
- put_string(fz_c_no_args_procedure);
- end;
- put_string("exit(0);}}%N");
- incr_elt_c_count(10);
- echo.put_string("Symbols used: ");
- echo.put_integer(unique_string.count);
- echo.put_string(fz_b6);
- manifest_string_pool.c_define;
- end;
- define_used_basics is
- -- Produce C code only when used.
- local
- no_check: BOOLEAN;
- do
- no_check := run_control.no_check;
- echo.put_string("Define used basics.%N");
- if sprintf_double_flag then
- put_extern1("char*_spfd");
- end;
- if small_eiffel.string_at_run_time then
- manifest_string_pool.define_se_ms;
- end;
- manifest_array_pool.c_define;
- if no_check then
- put_c_function("void rsp(void)",
- "if(se_rspf)return;se_rspf=1;%N%
- %printf(%"Eiffel program crash at run time.\n%");%N%
- %printf(%"Final Run Stack :\n%");%N%
- %{double*sp=(rs_bot-1);%N%
- %while (1) {se_af=1;%N%
- %sp++;%N%
- %if (sp >= rs) break;%N%
- %if (sp > rs_top) break;%N%
- %switch (*((int*)sp++)){%N%
- %case LINKid: continue;%N%
- %case FTAGid:{%N%
- %printf(%"=====================================%
- %=========================\n%");%N%
- %printf(%"------ %%s\n%",*((char**)sp));%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case NAMEid:{%N%
- %printf(%"%%s = %",*((char**)sp));%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case POINTERid:{%N%
- %printf(%"External POINTER `%%p'.\n%",**(void***)sp);%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case BITid:{%N%
- %printf(%"BIT_N\n%");%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case REFid:{void*o=(**(T0***)sp);%N%
- %if (o) {se_print(o,o); printf(%"\n%");}%N%
- %else printf(%"Void\n%");continue;}%N%
- %case expandedid:{%N%
- %printf(%"expanded object\n%");continue;}%N%
- %case INTEGERid:{%N%
- %printf(%"%%d\n%",**(int**)sp);continue;}%N%
- %case CHARACTERid:{%N%
- %printf(%"'%%c'\n%",**(char**)sp);continue;}%N%
- %case BOOLEANid:{%N%
- %if (**(int**)sp) printf(%"true\n%");%N%
- %else printf(%"false\n%");continue;}%N%
- %case REALid:{%N%
- %printf(%"%%f\n%",(double)**(float**)sp);%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case DOUBLEid:{%N%
- %printf(%"%%f\n%",**(double**)sp);continue;}%N%
- %case LINEid:{%N%
- %printf(%"line %%d %",*(int*)sp);%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case COLUMNid:{%N%
- %printf(%"column %%d %",*(int*)sp);%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case PATHid:{%N%
- %printf(%"file %%s %",p[*(int*)sp]);%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %case DOINGid:{%N%
- %printf(%"(%%s)\n%",*(char**)sp);continue;}%N%
- %case INVid:{%N%
- %printf(%"Class Invariant of %%s\n%",*(char**)sp);%N%
- %continue;}%N%
- %default:{%N%
- %printf(%"Stack Damaged ... Sorry.\n%");%N%
- %exit(1);}}}%N%
- %printf(%"===================== End of Run Stack %
- %==========================\n\n%");se_af=0;se_rspf=0;%N}");
- else
- put_c_function("void rsp(void)",
- "printf(%"Eiffel program crash at run time.\n%");%N%
- %printf(%"No trace when using option \%"-boost\%"\n%");");
- end;
- if no_check then
- put_c_function("void error0(char*m)",
- "rsp();%N%
- %printf(%"*** Error at Run Time *** : %%s\n%",m);%N%
- %if(!se_rspf)exit(1);");
- put_c_function("void error1(char*m,int l,int c,int f)",
- "rsp();%N%
- %printf(%"Line : %%d column %%d in %%s.\n%",%
- %l,c,p[f]);%N%
- %printf(%"*** Error at Run Time *** : %%s\n%",m);%N%
- %if(!se_rspf)exit(1);");
- put_c_function("void error2(T0*o,int l,int c,int f)",
- "printf(%"Target Type %%s not legal.\n%",s2e(t[o->id]));%N%
- %error1(%"Bad target.%",l,c,f);");
- put_c_function("T0*vc(void*o,int l,int c,int f)",
- "if (!o) error1(%"Call with a Void target.%",l,c,f);%N%
- %return o;");
- put_c_function("T0*ci(int id,void*o,int l,int c,int f)",
- "if (id == (vc(o,l,c,f)->id)) return o;%N%
- %rsp();%N%
- %printf(%"Line : %%d column %%d in %%s.\n%",%
- %l,c,p[f]);%N%
- %printf(%"*** Error at Run Time *** : %");%N%
- %printf(%"Target is not valid (not the good type).\n%");%N%
- %printf(%"Expected :%%s, Actual :%%s.\n%",%N%
- %s2e(t[id]),s2e(t[((T0*)o)->id]));%N%
- %if(!se_rspf)exit(1);");
- put_c_function("void evobt(void*o,int l,int c,int f)",
- "if (!o) error1(%"Target is Void.%",l,c,f);%N%
- %else error2(o,l,c,f);");
- end;
- put_c_function("void sigrsp(int sig)",
- "printf(%"Received signal %%d (man signal).\n%",sig);%N%
- %rsp();%N%
- %exit(1);");
- switch_collection.c_define;
- if to_expanded_mem /= Void then
- define_to_expanded;
- end;
- if to_reference_mem /= Void then
- define_to_reference;
- end;
- if sure_void_count > 0 then
- echo.put_string("Calls with a Void target : ");
- echo.put_integer(sure_void_count);
- echo.put_string(" (yes it is dangerous).%N");
- end;
- echo.print_count("Direct Call",direct_call_count);
- echo.print_count("Check Id Call",check_id_count);
- echo.print_count("Switched Call",switch_count);
- echo.print_count("Inlined Procedure",inlined_procedure_count);
- echo.print_count("Inlined Function",inlined_function_count);
- echo.print_count("Static Expression",static_expression_count);
- echo.print_count("Real Procedure",real_procedure_count);
- echo.print_count("Real Function",real_function_count);
- echo.print_count("Procedure",procedure_count);
- echo.print_count("Function",function_count);
- if pre_computed_once /= Void then
- echo.print_count("Pre-Computed Once Function Call",
- pre_computed_once.count);
- end;
- echo.put_string("Internal stacks size used : ");
- echo.put_integer(stack_code.count);
- echo.put_character('%N');
- define_initialize;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- define_is_equal_prototype(id: INTEGER) is
- do
- tmp_string.copy(fz_int);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- tmp_string.extend('r');
- (id).append_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.append(us_is_equal);
- tmp_string.append("(T");
- (id).append_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.append("*C, T0*a1)");
- out_h.put_string(tmp_string);
- out_c.put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- feature
- trace_boolean_expression(e: EXPRESSION) is
- -- Produce a C boolean expression including trace code.
- require
- e.result_type.is_boolean;
- run_control.no_check;
- do
- rs_push_position('2',e.start_position);
- put_string(",rs_pop_int(");
- e.compile_to_c;
- put_character(')');
- end;
- feature {ASSERTION}
- check_assertion(e: EXPRESSION) is
- -- Produce a C boolean expression including trace code
- -- and assertion check.
- require
- e.result_type.is_boolean
- local
- static: BOOLEAN;
- do
- static := e.is_static;
- if not static or else e.static_value = 0 then
- rs_push_position('4',e.start_position);
- put_string("ac_");
- put_string(check_assertion_mode);
- put_character('(');
- if static then
- static_expression_count := static_expression_count + 1;
- put_character('0');
- else
- e.compile_to_c;
- end;
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- check_assertion_mode: STRING;
- feature {ASSERTION_LIST}
- set_check_assertion_mode(s: STRING) is
- require
- s /= Void
- do
- check_assertion_mode := s;
- ensure
- check_assertion_mode = s
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- error_void_or_bad_type(e: EXPRESSION) is
- require
- e /= Void;
- e.result_type.is_run_type;
- do
- eh.add_position(e.start_position);
- eh.append("Call on a Void or a bad target. Dynamic ");
- eh.add_type(e.result_type.run_type," is concerned. ")
- eh.print_as_warning;
- if run_control.boost then
- put_string("(rsp();exit(1);)");
- else
- put_string("evobt(");
- e.compile_to_c;
- put_character(',');
- put_position(e.start_position);
- put_character(')');
- end;
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE} -- Run stack link/push/unlink :
- rs_link(rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- do
- put_string("rs_link(");
- rf.put_tag;
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- rs_unlink is
- do
- put_string("rs_unlink();%N");
- end;
- rs_push_current(t: TYPE) is
- require
- t.run_type = t;
- do
- rs_push(us_current,"C",t);
- end;
- rs_push_result(t: TYPE) is
- require
- t.run_type = t;
- do
- rs_push(us_result,"R",t);
- end;
- rs_push_argument(src_name: STRING; rank: INTEGER; t: TYPE) is
- require
- src_name /= Void;
- t.run_type = t;
- rank > 0;
- do
- tmp_string.clear;
- tmp_string.extend('a');
- rank.append_in(tmp_string);
- rs_push(src_name,tmp_string,t);
- end;
- feature {LOCAL_NAME1}
- rs_push_local(src_name: STRING; t: TYPE) is
- require
- src_name /= Void;
- t.run_type = t;
- do
- tmp_string.clear;
- tmp_string.extend('_');
- tmp_string.append(src_name);
- rs_push(src_name,tmp_string,t);
- end;
- rs_push_position(msg_nb: CHARACTER; p: POSITION) is
- do
- if run_control.no_check then
- put_string("rs_pPOS(tag_pos_");
- put_character(msg_nb);
- put_character(',');
- put_position(p);
- put_character(')');
- if msg_nb /= '2' then
- put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- rs_pop_position is
- do
- if run_control.no_check then
- put_string("rs-=8;%N");
- end;
- end;
- feature -- Numbering of inspect variables :
- inspect_incr is
- do
- inspect_level := inspect_level + 1;
- end;
- inspect_decr is
- do
- inspect_level := inspect_level - 1;
- end;
- put_inspect is
- do
- put_character('z');
- put_integer(inspect_level);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- inspect_level: INTEGER;
- feature -- Printing Current, local or argument :
- inline_level_incr is
- do
- inline_level := inline_level + 1;
- end;
- inline_level_decr is
- do
- inline_level := inline_level - 1;
- end;
- print_current is
- local
- level: INTEGER;
- do
- put_character('C');
- level := inline_level;
- if level > 0 then
- put_integer(level);
- end;
- end;
- print_argument(rank: INTEGER) is
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- do
- code := ('a').code + inline_level;
- put_character(code.to_character);
- put_integer(rank);
- end;
- print_local(name: STRING) is
- local
- level: INTEGER;
- do
- from
- level := inline_level + 1;
- until
- level = 0
- loop
- put_character('_');
- level := level - 1;
- end;
- put_string(name);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- inline_level: INTEGER;
- feature {NONE}
- check_id(e: EXPRESSION; id: INTEGER) is
- -- Produce a C expression checking that `e' is not void and
- -- that `e' is really of type `id'.
- -- The result of the C expression is the pointer to the
- -- corresponding Object.
- require
- e.result_type.run_type.is_reference;
- id > 0;
- do
- if run_control.no_check then
- put_character('(');
- put_character('(');
- put_character('T');
- put_integer(id);
- put_string("*)ci(");
- put_integer(id);
- put_character(',');
- e.compile_to_c;
- put_character(',');
- put_position(e.start_position);
- put_string(fz_13);
- check_id_count := check_id_count + 1;
- else
- e.compile_to_c;
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- end;
- end;
- same_base_feature(r: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS]; up_rf: RUN_FEATURE): BOOLEAN is
- -- True if all have the same final name and the same base_feature.
- require
- not r.empty;
- up_rf /= Void
- local
- up_bf, bf: E_FEATURE;
- up_name, name: FEATURE_NAME;
- do
- from
- up_bf := up_rf.base_feature;
- up_name := up_rf.name;
- i := r.lower;
- Result := true;
- until
- not Result or else i > r.upper
- loop
- rf := r.item(i).dynamic(up_rf);
- bf := rf.base_feature;
- name := rf.name;
- Result := name.is_equal(up_name) and then bf = up_bf;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {SMALL_EIFFEL}
- generating_type_used: BOOLEAN;
- generator_used: BOOLEAN;
- feature {E_LOOP}
- variant_check(e: EXPRESSION) is
- do
- rs_push_position('6',e.start_position);
- put_string("v=lvc(c++,v,");
- e.compile_to_c;
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- rs_push(src_name, c_name: STRING; t: TYPE) is
- require
- src_name /= Void;
- c_name /= Void;
- t.run_type = t;
- run_control.no_check
- local
- str: STRING;
- do
- put_string("rs_p")
- if t.is_reference then
- put_string("REF((void**)");
- else
- if t.is_basic_eiffel_expanded then
- str := t.written_mark;
- put_character(str.item(1));
- put_character(str.item(2));
- put_character(str.item(3));
- elseif t.is_bit then
- put_string("BIT");
- else
- put_string("EXP");
- end;
- put_character('(');
- end;
- put_character('&');
- put_string(c_name);
- put_character(',');
- if src_name = us_current then
- put_string(us_current);
- elseif src_name = us_result then
- put_string(us_result);
- else
- put_string_c(src_name);
- end;
- put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- tmp_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- tmp_string2: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(128);
- end;
- tmp_string3: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(128);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- once_pre_computing is
- local
- of_array: ARRAY[E_FEATURE];
- rf6: RUN_FEATURE_6;
- do
- if pre_computed_once /= Void then
- echo.put_string(fz_04);
- echo.put_string(fz_05);
- from
- i := pre_computed_once.upper;
- !!of_array.with_capacity(1 + i // 2,1);
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- rf6 := pre_computed_once.item(i);
- of := rf6.base_feature;
- if not of_array.fast_has(of) then
- of_array.add_last(of);
- rf6.c_pre_computing;
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- echo.print_count(fz_04,of_array.count);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- need_invariant(target_type: TYPE): RUN_CLASS is
- -- Give the good RUN_CLASS when `target_type' need some
- -- class invariant checking.
- require
- target_type.is_run_type
- do
- if run_control.invariant_check then
- Result := target_type.run_type.run_class;
- if Result.at_run_time and then
- Result.invariant_assertion /= Void then
- else
- Result := Void;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE}
- current_class_invariant(current_type: TYPE) is
- -- Add some C code to check class invariant with Current at
- -- the end of a routine.
- require
- current_type.is_run_type
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- rc := need_invariant(current_type);
- if rc /= Void then
- if rc.current_type.is_reference then
- put_string("if(se_rci(C))");
- end;
- put_character('i');
- put_integer(rc.id);
- put_character('(');
- put_character('C');
- put_character(')');
- put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- end;
- feature
- call_invariant_start(target_type: TYPE): BOOLEAN is
- -- Start printing call of invariant only when it is needed
- -- (`target_type' really has an invariant and when mode is
- -- `-invariant_check').
- -- When Result is true, `call_invariant_end' must be called to
- -- finish the job.
- require
- target_type.is_run_type;
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- rc := need_invariant(target_type);
- if rc /= Void then
- out_c.put_character('i');
- out_c.put_integer(rc.id);
- out_c.put_character('(');
- Result := true;
- end;
- end;
- call_invariant_end is
- do
- out_c.put_character(')');
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- define_initialize is
- -- Very very last definitions ;-);
- local
- no_check: BOOLEAN;
- do
- no_check := run_control.no_check;
- echo.put_string("Define initialize stuff.%N");
- small_eiffel.define_extern_tables;
- if no_check then
- split_c_now;
- end;
- put_c_heading("void se_initialize(void)");
- swap_on_c;
- if no_check then
- small_eiffel.initialize_path_table;
- end;
- if generator_used then
- small_eiffel.initialize_generator;
- end;
- if generating_type_used then
- small_eiffel.initialize_generating_type;
- end;
- put_string(fz_12);
- if no_check then
- split_c_now;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- cdef_id(str: STRING; id: INTEGER) is
- do
- tmp_string.clear;
- tmp_string.extend('#');
- tmp_string.append(fz_define);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- tmp_string.append(str);
- tmp_string.append("id ");
- id.append_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.extend('%N');
- out_h.put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- feature {CREATION_CALL}
- expanded_attributes(rt: TYPE) is
- -- Produce C code to initialize expanded attribute
- -- of the new object juste created in variable "n".
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- rt.is_run_type
- local
- at: TYPE;
- rf3: RUN_FEATURE_3;
- do
- wa := rt.run_class.writable_attributes;
- if wa /= Void then
- from
- i := wa.upper;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- a := wa.item(i);
- at := a.result_type.run_type;
- rf3 := at.expanded_initializer;
- if rf3 /= Void then
- stack_push(C_expanded_initialize);
- stack_target.put(Void,top);
- stack_rf.put(a,top);
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- rf3.mapping_c;
- pop;
- --*** if call_invariant_start(rf.current_type) then
- --*** put_character('&');
- --*** w.compile_to_c;
- --*** call_invariant_end;
- --*** put_string(fz_00);
- --*** end;
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Splitting of the C code:
- split_count: INTEGER;
- -- Number of *.c files.
- elt_c_count: INTEGER;
- -- Number of elements already in current *.c file.
- elt_c_count_max: INTEGER is 1960;
- -- One unit is about 1 source line.
- path_h: STRING is
- once
- Result := run_control.root_class;
- if Result = Void then
- fatal_error("No <root class>.");
- else
- Result := to_bcn(Result);
- Result.to_lower;
- if dos_system = system_name then
- from
- until
- Result.count <= 4
- loop
- Result.remove_last(1);
- end;
- end;
- Result.append(h_suffix);
- end;
- ensure
- Result.has_suffix(h_suffix);
- end;
- path_c: STRING is
- once
- if no_split then
- Result := path_h.twin;
- Result.remove_suffix(h_suffix);
- Result.append(c_suffix);
- else
- split_count := 1;
- !!Result.make(path_h.count + 2);
- path_c_copy_in(Result,split_count);
- end;
- ensure
- Result.has_suffix(c_suffix);
- end;
- path_make: STRING is
- once
- Result := path_h.twin;
- Result.remove_last(h_suffix.count);
- Result.append(make_suffix);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- output_name: STRING;
- -- Void means default "a.out".
- add_first_include is
- do
- put_banner(out_c);
- out_c.put_string("#include %"");
- out_c.put_string(path_h);
- out_c.put_string(fz_18);
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- split_c_start_run_class is
- -- May split here to add some padding space.
- do
- if no_split then
- elseif split_rc_count >= 9 then
- split_c_now;
- split_rc_count := 0;
- else
- split_rc_count := split_rc_count + 1;
- end;
- end;
- split_rc_count: INTEGER;
- split_c_now is
- -- Assume `out_c' has finished current C function (or current
- -- C entity).
- do
- incr_elt_c_count(elt_c_count_max + 1);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- put_banner(output: STD_FILE_WRITE) is
- require
- output /= Void;
- output.is_connected;
- do
- output.put_string(fz_open_c_comment);
- output.put_string(
- "%N-- ANSI C code generated by :%N");
- output.put_string(small_eiffel.copyright);
- output.put_string(fz_close_c_comment);
- output.put_character('%N');
- end;
- feature
- c_compiler: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(12);
- tmp_string.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- add_directory(tmp_string,fz_sys);
- tmp_string.append("compiler.");
- tmp_string.append(system_name);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_string);
- tmp_file_read.read_line_in(Result);
- tmp_file_read.disconnect;
- end;
- c_linker: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(12);
- tmp_string.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- add_directory(tmp_string,fz_sys);
- tmp_string.append("linker.");
- tmp_string.append(system_name);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_string);
- tmp_file_read.read_line_in(Result);
- tmp_file_read.disconnect;
- end;
- set_no_strip is
- do
- no_strip := true;
- end;
- set_no_split is
- do
- no_split := true;
- end;
- add_c_library(lib: STRING) is
- require
- lib.has_prefix("-l");
- do
- if c_library_list = Void then
- c_library_list := <<lib>>;
- elseif c_library_list.has(lib) then
- else
- c_library_list.add_last(lib);
- end;
- end;
- add_c_compiler_option(op: STRING) is
- require
- op /= Void
- do
- if c_compiler_options = Void then
- !!c_compiler_options.make(10);
- end;
- c_compiler_options.append(op);
- c_compiler_options.extend(' ');
- end;
- add_c_object(file_o: STRING) is
- require
- file_o.has_suffix(o_suffix) or file_o.has_suffix(c_suffix);
- do
- if c_object_list = Void then
- c_object_list := <<file_o>>;
- elseif c_object_list.has(file_o) then
- else
- c_object_list.add_last(file_o);
- end;
- end;
- set_output_name(on: like output_name) is
- require
- on /= Void
- do
- output_name := on;
- ensure
- output_name = on;
- end;
- write_make_file is
- local
- score: DOUBLE;
- do
- out_h.put_character('%N');
- out_h.disconnect;
- out_c.put_character('%N');
- out_c.disconnect;
- sfw_connect(out_make,path_make);
- if no_split then
- write_make_file_no_split;
- else
- write_make_file_split;
- end;
- if not no_strip then
- print_strip;
- end;
- out_make.disconnect;
- if nb_errors > 0 then
- echo.file_removing(path_make);
- else
- echo.put_string("Type inference score : ");
- score := direct_call_count + check_id_count;
- score := (score / (score + switch_count)) * 100.0;
- echo.put_double_format(score,2);
- echo.put_character('%%');
- echo.put_character('%N');
- end;
- eiffel_parser.show_nb_warnings;
- eiffel_parser.show_nb_errors;
- echo.put_string(fz_02);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- oflag: STRING;
- add_oflag is
- do
- if output_name /= Void then
- if oflag = Void then
- tmp_string.append("-o ");
- else
- tmp_string.append(oflag);
- end;
- tmp_string.append(output_name);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- end;
- end;
- feature
- set_oflag(str: STRING) is
- do
- oflag := str;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- print_strip is
- require
- not no_strip;
- do
- if os2_system = system_name or else
- unix_system = system_name
- then
- tmp_string.clear;
- if os2_system = system_name then
- tmp_string.append("emxbind -qs ");
- else
- tmp_string.append("strip ");
- end;
- if output_name = Void then
- tmp_string.append("a.out");
- else
- tmp_string.append(output_name);
- end;
- echo_make;
- end;
- end;
- call_c_compiler is
- do
- tmp_string.copy(c_compiler);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- if c_compiler_options /= Void then
- tmp_string.append(c_compiler_options);
- end;
- end;
- call_c_linker is
- do
- tmp_string.copy(c_linker);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- if c_compiler_options /= Void then
- tmp_string.append(c_compiler_options);
- end;
- end;
- tmp_string_object_library is
- local
- do
- if c_object_list /= Void then
- from
- i := c_object_list.lower;
- until
- i > c_object_list.upper
- loop
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- tmp_string.append(c_object_list.item(i));
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- if c_library_list /= Void then
- from
- i := c_library_list.lower;
- until
- i > c_library_list.upper
- loop
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- tmp_string.append(c_library_list.item(i));
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- echo_make is
- do
- out_make.put_string(tmp_string);
- out_make.put_character('%N');
- end;
- no_strip: BOOLEAN;
- no_split: BOOLEAN;
- c_compiler_options: STRING;
- c_object_list, c_library_list: ARRAY[STRING];
- c_code_saved: BOOLEAN;
- feature {NONE}
- get_inline_ms: MANIFEST_STRING is
- local
- do
- e := stack_args.item(top).expression(1);
- Result ?= e;
- if Result = Void then
- eh.add_position(e.start_position);
- fatal_error("Bad usage of C inlining.");
- end;
- manifest_string_pool.used_for_inline(Result);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- backup_sfw_connect(sfw: STD_FILE_WRITE; c_path: STRING) is
- do
- tmp_string3.copy(c_path);
- tmp_string3.extend('~');
- echo_rename_file(c_path,tmp_string3);
- sfw_connect(sfw,c_path);
- end;
- path_c_copy_in(str: STRING; number: INTEGER) is
- do
- str.clear;
- str.append(path_h);
- str.remove_last(h_suffix.count);
- number.append_in(str);
- str.append(c_suffix);
- end;
- path_o_in(str: STRING; number: INTEGER) is
- do
- str.append(path_h);
- str.remove_last(h_suffix.count);
- number.append_in(str);
- str.append(o_suffix);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- write_make_file_split is
- require
- not no_split
- local
- do
- from
- i := split_count;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- path_c_copy_in(tmp_string,i);
- tmp_string2.copy(tmp_string);
- tmp_string2.extend('~');
- tmp_string3.clear;
- path_o_in(tmp_string3,i);
- if file_exists(tmp_string3) and then
- file_tools.same_files(tmp_string,tmp_string2) then
- echo.put_string(fz_01);
- echo.put_string(tmp_string3);
- echo.put_string("%" saved.%N");
- else
- echo.file_removing(tmp_string3);
- call_c_compiler;
- tmp_string.append("-c ");
- tmp_string.append(tmp_string2);
- tmp_string.remove_last(1);
- echo_make;
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- echo.file_removing(tmp_string2);
- end;
- call_c_linker;
- add_oflag;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > split_count
- loop
- path_o_in(tmp_string,i);
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- tmp_string_object_library;
- echo_make;
- end;
- write_make_file_no_split is
- require
- no_split
- do
- call_c_compiler;
- add_oflag;
- tmp_string.append(path_c);
- tmp_string_object_library;
- echo_make;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- common_put_target is
- local
- flag: BOOLEAN;
- ct: TYPE;
- do
- inspect
- stack_code.item(top)
- when C_inside_twin then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- ct := rf.current_type;
- if ct.is_reference then
- put_character('(');
- ct.mapping_cast;
- put_character('R');
- put_character(')');
- else
- put_character('&');
- put_character('R');
- end;
- when C_inside_new then
- put_character('n');
- when C_switch then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- flag := call_invariant_start(rf.current_type);
- put_character('(');
- put_character('(');
- put_character('T');
- put_integer(rf.id);
- put_character('*');
- put_character(')');
- put_character('C');
- put_character(')');
- if flag then
- call_invariant_end;
- end;
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- e := stack_target.item(top);
- if e /= Void then
- put_character('&');
- e.compile_to_c;
- else
- out_c.put_string("&n->_");
- out_c.put_string(stack_rf.item(top).name.to_string);
- end;
- when C_inline_one_pc then
- print_current;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- msg1: STRING is " type conversion.%N";
- msg2: STRING is "Automatic ";
- feature {CALL_PROC_CALL}
- put_cpc(cpc: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- local
- target: EXPRESSION;
- target_type: TYPE;
- running: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- run_feature: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- target := cpc.target;
- target_type := target.result_type.run_type;
- run_feature := cpc.run_feature;
- if target_type.is_expanded then
- push_direct(run_feature,target,cpc.arguments);
- run_feature.mapping_c;
- pop;
- elseif target.is_current then
- push_direct(run_feature,target,cpc.arguments);
- run_feature.mapping_c;
- pop;
- elseif target.is_manifest_string then
- push_direct(run_feature,target,cpc.arguments);
- run_feature.mapping_c;
- pop;
- else
- push_cpc(run_feature,
- target_type.run_class.running,
- target,
- cpc.arguments);
- end;
- end;
- sprintf_double_is_used is
- do
- sprintf_double_flag := true;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- sprintf_double_flag: BOOLEAN;