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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- --
- -- Unique Global Object in charge of the CONSTANT_POOL
- -- handling (the CONSTANT_POOL is an important part of a
- -- JVM *.class file).
- --
- inherit CP_INFO_TAGS;
- feature {NONE}
- cp_up: INTEGER;
- -- Range [1.. `cp_up'] has no Void elements.
- -- By the way, index 0 is not used and elements
- -- are recycled.
- once
- !!Result.make(1);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- fz_java_lang_object : STRING is "java/lang/Object";
- feature {PRINT_JVM_CLASS}
- reset(new_upper: INTEGER) is
- require
- new_upper > 0
- local
- cp_info: CP_INFO;
- do
- from
- cp_up := 0;
- until
- i = new_upper
- loop
- add_last.clear;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- cp_up = new_upper
- end;
- feature {JVM}
- clear is
- local
- idx: INTEGER;
- do
- cp_up := 0;
- -- Compute minimum standard idx :
- idx_java_lang_object := idx_class2(fz_java_lang_object);
- idx_jvm_root_class := idx_class2(jvm_root_class);
- idx_uft8_code := idx_uft8("Code");
- end;
- write_bytes is
- local
- do
- echo.put_string("Constant pool: ");
- echo.put_integer(cp_up);
- echo.put_new_line;
- jvm.b_put_u2(cp_up + 1);
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > cp_up
- loop
- cp.item(i).b_put;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature -- Acces to some common idx :
- idx_uft8_code: INTEGER;
- idx_java_lang_object: INTEGER;
- idx_jvm_root_class: INTEGER;
- feature
- valid_index(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := (1 <= idx) and then (idx <= cp_up);
- end;
- feature {PRINT_JVM_CLASS} -- Setting :
- set_class(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_class(info);
- end;
- set_fieldref(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_fieldref(info);
- end;
- set_methodref(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_methodref(info);
- end;
- set_interface_methodref(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_interface_methodref(info);
- end;
- set_string(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_string(info);
- end;
- set_integer(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_integer(info);
- end;
- set_float(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_float(info);
- end;
- set_long(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_long(info);
- end;
- set_double(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_double(info);
- end;
- set_name_and_type(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_name_and_type(info);
- end;
- set_uft8(i: INTEGER; info: STRING) is
- do
- cp.item(i).set_uft8(info);
- end;
- feature -- Testing :
- is_class(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_class;
- end;
- is_fieldref(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_fieldref;
- end;
- is_methodref(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_methodref;
- end;
- is_interface_methodref(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_interface_methodref;
- end;
- is_string(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_string;
- end;
- is_integer(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_integer;
- end;
- is_float(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_float;
- end;
- is_long(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_long;
- end;
- is_double(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_double;
- end;
- is_name_and_type(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_name_and_type;
- end;
- is_uft8(idx: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := cp.item(idx).is_uft8;
- end;
- feature -- Update and search :
- idx_class2(name: STRING): INTEGER is
- -- Where `name' can be fully qualified or unqualified.
- local
- uft8: INTEGER;
- do
- uft8 := idx_uft8(name);
- from
- Result := cp_up;
- until
- Result = 0 or else cp.item(Result).is_class_idx(uft8)
- loop
- Result := Result - 1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- tmp_info.clear;
- tmp_info_append_u2(uft8);
- add_last.set_class(tmp_info);
- Result := cp_up;
- end;
- end;
- idx_fieldref_for_manifest_string(key: STRING): INTEGER is
- require
- key /= Void
- local
- c, nt: INTEGER;
- do
- c := idx_class2(jvm_root_class);
- nt := idx_name_and_type2(key,jvm_string_descriptor);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(c,nt);
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_fieldref(rf: RUN_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- require
- rf /= Void
- local
- c, nt: INTEGER;
- do
- c := rf.run_class.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- nt := idx_name_and_type(rf);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(c,nt);
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_fieldref2(c, nt: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- require
- valid_index(c);
- valid_index(nt)
- do
- from
- Result := cp_up;
- until
- Result = 0 or else cp.item(Result).is_fieldref_idx(c,nt)
- loop
- Result := Result - 1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- tmp_info.clear;
- tmp_info_append_u2(c);
- tmp_info_append_u2(nt);
- add_last.set_fieldref(tmp_info);
- Result := cp_up;
- end;
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_fieldref3(class_name, field_name, descriptor: STRING): INTEGER is
- -- Where `class_name' is the fully qualified name.
- require
- not class_name.empty;
- not field_name.empty;
- not descriptor.empty
- local
- do
- c := idx_class2(class_name);
- Result := idx_fieldref4(c,field_name,descriptor);
- end;
- idx_fieldref4(c: INTEGER; field_name, descriptor: STRING): INTEGER is
- local
- nt: INTEGER;
- do
- nt := idx_name_and_type2(field_name,descriptor);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(c,nt);
- end;
- idx_fieldref5(c, n, t: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- local
- nt: INTEGER;
- do
- nt := idx_name_and_type3(n,t);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(c,nt);
- end;
- idx_methodref(rf: RUN_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- require
- rf /= Void
- local
- c, nt: INTEGER;
- do
- c := rf.run_class.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- nt := idx_name_and_type(rf);
- Result := idx_methodref2(c,nt);
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_methodref1(c: INTEGER; method_name, descriptor: STRING): INTEGER is
- require
- valid_index(c);
- not method_name.empty;
- not descriptor.empty
- local
- nt: INTEGER;
- do
- nt := idx_name_and_type2(method_name,descriptor);
- Result := idx_methodref2(c,nt);
- end;
- idx_methodref2(c, nt: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- require
- valid_index(c);
- valid_index(nt)
- do
- from
- Result := cp_up;
- until
- Result = 0 or else cp.item(Result).is_methodref_idx(c,nt)
- loop
- Result := Result - 1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- tmp_info.clear;
- tmp_info_append_u2(c);
- tmp_info_append_u2(nt);
- add_last.set_methodref(tmp_info);
- Result := cp_up;
- end;
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_methodref3(class_name, method_name, descriptor: STRING): INTEGER is
- -- Where `class_name' is the fully qualified name.
- require
- not class_name.empty;
- not method_name.empty;
- not descriptor.empty
- local
- do
- c := idx_class2(class_name);
- Result := idx_methodref1(c,method_name,descriptor);
- end;
- idx_string(str: STRING): INTEGER is
- -- Assume `str' has no '%/0/' and no ['%/128/'..'%/255/']
- local
- uft8: INTEGER;
- do
- uft8 := idx_uft8(str);
- from
- Result := cp_up;
- until
- Result = 0 or else cp.item(Result).is_string_idx(uft8)
- loop
- Result := Result - 1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- tmp_info.clear;
- tmp_info_append_u2(uft8);
- add_last.set_string(tmp_info);
- Result := cp_up;
- end;
- end;
- idx_string2(str: STRING): INTEGER is
- -- For all kinds of STRINGs (see idx_string)
- local
- do
- from
- tmp_uft8.clear;
- i := 1;
- until
- i > str.count
- loop
- c := str.item(i);
- inspect
- c.to_integer
- when 0 then
- tmp_uft8.extend((192).to_character);
- tmp_uft8.extend((128).to_character);
- when 1 .. 127 then
- tmp_uft8.extend(c);
- when 128 .. 191 then
- tmp_uft8.extend((194).to_character);
- tmp_uft8.extend(c);
- when 192 .. 255 then
- tmp_uft8.extend((195).to_character);
- tmp_uft8.extend((c.to_integer - 64).to_character);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- Result := idx_string(tmp_uft8);
- end;
- idx_name_and_type2(name, descriptor: STRING): INTEGER is
- local
- do
- d := idx_uft8(descriptor);
- Result := idx_name_and_type1(name,d);
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_name_and_type3(n, d: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- do
- from
- Result := cp_up;
- until
- Result = 0 or else cp.item(Result).is_name_and_type_idx(n,d)
- loop
- Result := Result - 1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- tmp_info.clear;
- tmp_info_append_u2(n);
- tmp_info_append_u2(d);
- add_last.set_name_and_type(tmp_info);
- Result := cp_up;
- end;
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_name_and_type1(name: STRING; d: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- local
- do
- n := idx_uft8(name);
- Result := idx_name_and_type3(n,d);
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_name_and_type(rf: RUN_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- do
- Result := idx_name_and_type2(rf.name.to_key,rf.jvm_descriptor);
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- idx_uft8(contents: STRING): INTEGER is
- do
- from
- Result := cp_up;
- until
- Result = 0 or else cp.item(Result).is_uft8_idx(contents)
- loop
- Result := Result - 1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- string_to_uft8(contents,tmp_info);
- add_last.set_uft8(tmp_info);
- Result := cp_up;
- end;
- ensure
- valid_index(Result)
- end;
- feature
- idx_fieldref_generating_type(c: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- local
- idx, nt: INTEGER;
- do
- idx := idx_eiffel_string_descriptor;
- nt := idx_name_and_type1(us_generating_type,idx);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(c,nt);
- end;
- idx_fieldref_generator(c: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- local
- idx, nt: INTEGER;
- do
- idx := idx_eiffel_string_descriptor;
- nt := idx_name_and_type1(us_generator,idx);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(c,nt);
- end;
- view_in(str: STRING; idx: INTEGER) is
- -- Append in `str' a human readable version.
- require
- valid_index(idx);
- str /= Void
- do
- cp.item(idx).view_in(str);
- end;
- feature {CODE_ATTRIBUTE}
- idx_eiffel_string_class: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := idx_class2(jvm_string_class);
- end;
- idx_eiffel_string_count_fieldref: INTEGER is
- local
- idx: INTEGER;
- do
- idx := idx_name_and_type2(us_count,fz_30);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(idx_eiffel_string_class,idx);
- end;
- idx_eiffel_string_capacity_fieldref: INTEGER is
- local
- idx: INTEGER;
- do
- idx := idx_name_and_type2(us_capacity,fz_30);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(idx_eiffel_string_class,idx);
- end;
- idx_eiffel_string_storage_fieldref: INTEGER is
- local
- idx: INTEGER;
- do
- idx := idx_name_and_type2(us_storage,fz_31);
- Result := idx_fieldref2(idx_eiffel_string_class,idx);
- end;
- feature
- idx_eiffel_string_descriptor: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := idx_uft8(jvm_string_descriptor);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- add_last: CP_INFO is
- do
- if cp.upper > cp_up then
- cp_up := cp_up + 1;
- Result := cp.item(cp_up);
- else
- !!Result.clear;
- cp.add_last(Result);
- cp_up := cp_up + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- cp_up = 1 + old cp_up
- end;
- tmp_uft8: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- tmp_info: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- tmp_info_append_u2(u2: INTEGER) is
- do
- append_u2(tmp_info,u2);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- jvm_string_descriptor: STRING is
- -- Descriptor for class STRING: "L<Package>/string;"
- once
- !!Result.make(12);
- Result.extend('L');
- Result.append(jvm_string_class);
- Result.extend(';');
- end;
- jvm_string_class: STRING is
- -- Fully qualified name for class STRING
- once
- !!Result.make(12);
- Result.append(jvm.output_name);
- Result.extend('/');
- Result.append(fz_24);
- end;
- invariant
- cp_up <= cp.upper;