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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- deferred class EXPRESSION
- --
- -- An Eiffel expression.
- --
- inherit
- redefine fill_tagged_out_memory
- end;
- feature {EXPRESSION}
- static_value_mem: INTEGER;
- feature
- fill_tagged_out_memory is
- local
- ct, rt: TYPE;
- rtm: STRING;
- do
- p := start_position;
- if p /= Void then
- p.fill_tagged_out_memory;
- end;
- if is_checked then
- ct := current_type;
- if ct /= Void then
- rtm := ct.run_time_mark;
- if rtm /= Void then
- tagged_out_memory.append(" ct=");
- tagged_out_memory.append(rtm);
- end;
- end;
- rt := result_type;
- if rt /= Void then
- rtm := rt.run_time_mark;
- if rtm /= Void then
- tagged_out_memory.append(" rt=");
- tagged_out_memory.append(rtm);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- current_type: TYPE;
- -- Not Void when checked in.
- frozen is_checked: BOOLEAN is
- -- True when expression is checked.
- do
- Result := current_type /= Void;
- if not Result then
- warning(start_position,"EXPRESSION: Is not checked.");
- end;
- end;
- result_type: TYPE is
- -- When checked, the type of the expression;
- require
- is_checked;
- deferred
- ensure
- Result.is_run_type
- end;
- use_current: BOOLEAN is
- require
- is_checked;
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- deferred
- end;
- to_runnable(ct: TYPE): like Current is
- -- Gives the corresponding expression checked for `ct'.
- require
- ct.run_type = ct;
- ct.run_class /= Void;
- nb_errors = 0 implies empty_eh_check
- deferred
- ensure
- nb_errors = 0 implies Result /= Void;
- Result = Void implies nb_errors > 0;
- Result /= Void implies Result.current_type = ct;
- nb_errors = 0 implies empty_eh_check
- end;
- feature
- isa_dca_inline_argument: INTEGER is
- ---*** GENERALISABLE POUR LES DCALLS (CHARACTER.is_digit par exemple).
- -- Interpretation of Result :
- -- -1 : yes and no ARGUMENT_NAME used
- -- 0 : not inlinable
- -- >0 : inlinable and ARGUMENT_NAME rank is used.
- require
- run_control.boost and small_eiffel.is_ready
- deferred
- end;
- dca_inline_argument(formal_arg_type: TYPE) is
- require
- formal_arg_type /= Void;
- isa_dca_inline_argument /= 0
- deferred
- end;
- feature -- Handling of precedence (priority of expressions) :
- precedence: INTEGER is
- -- of the receiver.
- deferred
- ensure
- 1 <= Result and Result <= atomic_precedence
- end;
- feature
- add_comment(c: COMMENT): EXPRESSION is
- -- Attach `c' to the receiver.
- do
- if c = Void or else c.count = 0 then
- Result := Current;
- else
- !EXPRESSION_WITH_COMMENT!Result.make(Current,c);
- end;
- end;
- start_position: POSITION is
- -- Of the expression if any.
- deferred
- end;
- base_class_written: BASE_CLASS is
- do
- Result := written_in.base_class;
- end;
- written_in: CLASS_NAME is
- -- The name of the base class where the expression is
- -- written if any.
- local
- sp: like start_position;
- do
- sp := start_position;
- if sp /= Void then
- Result := sp.base_class_name;
- end;
- end;
- run_class: RUN_CLASS is
- do
- if current_type /= Void then
- Result := current_type.run_class;
- end;
- end;
- is_current, is_void, is_result, is_writable,
- is_manifest_string: BOOLEAN is
- do
- end;
- is_a(other: EXPRESSION): BOOLEAN is
- require
- result_type.is_run_type;
- other.result_type.is_run_type
- do
- Result := result_type.run_type.is_a(other.result_type.run_type);
- if not Result then
- eh.add_position(start_position);
- error(other.start_position," Type mismatch.");
- end;
- end;
- afd_check is
- -- After Falling Down Check.
- require
- is_checked;
- deferred
- end;
- feature -- To produce C code :
- compile_to_c is
- -- Produce C code to access the value of the Current
- -- expression : user's expanded are no longuer pointer.
- require
- is_checked;
- cpp.on_c;
- deferred
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- mapping_c_target(formal_type: TYPE) is
- -- Produce C code in order to pass Current expression as
- -- the target of a feature call.
- -- When it is needed, C code to check invariant is
- -- automatically added as well as a C cast according to
- -- the destination `formal_type'.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- formal_type.at_run_time
- deferred
- end;
- mapping_c_arg(formal_arg_type: TYPE) is
- -- Produce C code in order to pass Current expression as an
- -- argument of the feature called.
- -- Thus, it is the same jobs as `mapping_c_target' without
- -- the invariant call.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- deferred
- end;
- compile_to_c_old is
- -- Produce C code to memorize `old' expression values.
- require
- is_checked;
- cpp.on_c;
- deferred
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- feature -- To produce C code :
- c_simple: BOOLEAN is
- -- True when the C code of `compile_c' has no side effect at
- -- and `compile_to_c' on the corresponding simple expression
- -- can be called more than once without any problem.
- require
- is_checked;
- deferred
- end;
- can_be_dropped: BOOLEAN is
- -- True if evaluation of current expression has NO possible
- -- side effects. Thus, in such a case, an unused expression
- -- can be dropped (for example target of real procedure or
- -- real function).
- require
- is_checked;
- small_eiffel.is_ready;
- deferred
- end;
- is_pre_computable: BOOLEAN is
- -- Can the current expression be pre-computed in main
- -- function to speed up a once function ?
- -- When `is_static' may be true it must be called in order
- -- to prepare `static_value_mem'.
- require
- is_checked;
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- deferred
- end;
- feature -- For `compile_to_jvm' :
- compile_to_jvm is
- -- Produce Java byte code in order to push expression value
- -- on the jvm stack.
- require
- is_checked
- deferred
- end;
- compile_target_to_jvm is
- -- Same as `compile_to_jvm', but add class invariant check
- -- when needed.
- require
- is_checked
- deferred
- end;
- compile_to_jvm_old is
- -- Produce Java byte code to memorize `old' expression values.
- require
- is_checked;
- deferred
- end;
- compile_to_jvm_into(dest: TYPE): INTEGER is
- -- Assume `result_type' conforms to `dest'.
- -- Produce Java byte code in order to convert the expression
- -- into `dest' (comparisons = and /=, argument passing and
- -- assignment).
- -- Result gives the space in the JVM stack.
- require
- conversion_check(dest,result_type)
- deferred
- ensure
- Result >= 1
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- frozen standard_compile_target_to_jvm is
- local
- rt: TYPE;
- do
- compile_to_jvm;
- result_type.jvm_check_class_invariant;
- end;
- frozen standard_compile_to_jvm_into(dest: TYPE): INTEGER is
- require
- conversion_check(dest,result_type)
- do
- compile_to_jvm;
- Result := result_type.run_type.jvm_convert_to(dest);
- ensure
- Result >= 1
- end;
- conversion_check(dest, rt: TYPE): BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := true;
- if rt.is_a(dest) then
- else
- eh.cancel;
- if dest.is_a(rt) then
- else
- warning(start_position,
- ". Impossible conversion (EXPRESSION).");
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature
- compile_to_jvm_assignment(a: ASSIGNMENT) is
- -- Current is the writable which is the left-hand-side
- -- of `a'.
- require
- Current = a.left_side
- deferred
- end;
- jvm_branch_if_false: INTEGER is
- -- Gives the `program_counter' to be resolved.
- require
- result_type.is_boolean
- deferred
- end;
- jvm_branch_if_true: INTEGER is
- -- Gives the `program_counter' to be resolved.
- require
- result_type.is_boolean
- deferred
- end;
- jvm_assign is
- -- Very basic assignment.
- -- Assume that a JVM reference is on top of the stack and
- -- that Current is the writable to assign with.
- require
- result_type.is_reference
- deferred
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- frozen jvm_standard_branch_if_false: INTEGER is
- -- Gives the `program_counter' to be resolved.
- require
- result_type.is_boolean
- do
- compile_to_jvm;
- Result := code_attribute.opcode_ifeq;
- end;
- frozen jvm_standard_branch_if_true: INTEGER is
- -- Gives the `program_counter' to be resolved.
- require
- result_type.is_boolean
- do
- compile_to_jvm;
- Result := code_attribute.opcode_ifne
- end;
- feature -- Finding `int' Constant C expression :
- is_static: BOOLEAN is
- -- True if expression has always the same static
- -- value: INTEGER or BOOLEAN value is always the same
- -- or when reference is always the same (Void or the
- -- same manifest string for example).
- require
- is_checked;
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- deferred
- end;
- static_value: INTEGER is
- require
- is_static;
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- Result := static_value_mem;
- end;
- to_integer: INTEGER is
- require
- is_checked;
- do
- error(start_position,fz_iinaiv);
- end;
- feature -- Pretty printing :
- pretty_print is
- -- Start the `pretty_print' process.
- require
- fmt.indent_level >= 1;
- deferred
- ensure
- fmt.indent_level = old fmt.indent_level;
- end;
- print_as_target is
- -- Print the expression viewed as a target plus the
- -- corresponding dot when it is necessary.
- deferred
- end;
- bracketed_pretty_print is
- -- Add bracket only when it is necessary.
- deferred
- end;
- feature -- For `short' :
- short is
- deferred
- end;
- short_target is
- -- A target with the following dot if needed.
- deferred
- end;
- frozen bracketed_short is
- do
- short_print.hook_or("open_b","(");
- short;
- short_print.hook_or("close_b",")");
- end;
- set_current_type(ct: TYPE) is
- do
- current_type := ct;
- ensure
- current_type = ct;
- end;