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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- class JVM
- --
- -- Handling of Java Virtual Machine byte code generation.
- --
- inherit CODE_PRINTER;
- creation make
- feature
- output_name: STRING;
- -- This name is used as the name of the main output class
- -- file and as the name of the directory used to store
- -- auxilliary class files.
- feature {NONE}
- b_put_u1_count: INTEGER;
- -- To count printed bytes.
- feature {NONE}
- make is do end;
- feature {NONE}
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(4);
- end;
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(64);
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE}
- add_field(rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- not fields.fast_has(rf)
- do
- fields.add_last(rf);
- ensure
- fields.fast_has(rf)
- end;
- add_method(rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- not methods.fast_has(rf)
- do
- methods.add_last(rf);
- ensure
- methods.fast_has(rf)
- end;
- feature
- set_output_name(n: STRING) is
- do
- output_name := n;
- end;
- feature {SMALL_EIFFEL}
- mkdir(root: RUN_FEATURE) is
- -- Create a new directory to store class files.
- require
- root /= Void;
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- if output_name = Void then
- output_name := root.current_type.base_class_name.to_string;
- output_name := output_name.twin;
- output_name.to_lower;
- end;
- if output_name.has_suffix(class_suffix) then
- output_name.remove_suffix(class_suffix);
- end;
- echo.put_string("Trying to prepare directory %"");
- echo.put_string(output_name);
- echo.put_string("%" to store Java byte code.%N");
- file_tools.mkdir(output_name);
- end;
- write_jvm_root_class is
- local
- idx: INTEGER;
- cp: like constant_pool;
- do
- cp := constant_pool;
- start_directory(out_file_path,output_name);
- out_file_path.append(fz_jvm_root);
- out_file_path.append(class_suffix);
- bfw_connect(out_file,out_file_path);
- start_basic;
- access_flags := 1025; -- (ACC_PUBLIC,ACC_ABSTRACT)
- this_class_idx := cp.idx_class2(jvm_root_class);
- super_class_idx := cp.idx_java_lang_object;
- -- Fields :
- args_field;
- manifest_string_pool.jvm_define_fields;
- once_routine_pool.jvm_define_fields;
- if run_control.no_check then
- field_info.add(9,cp.idx_uft8(fz_58),cp.idx_uft8(fz_41));
- end;
- -- Methods :
- -- The initialize method :
- current_frame := Void;
- method_info.start(9,fz_28,fz_29);
- manifest_string_pool.jvm_initialize_fields;
- once_routine_pool.jvm_initialize_fields;
- if run_control.no_check then
- idx := cp.idx_fieldref3(jvm_root_class,fz_58,fz_41);
- code_attribute.opcode_iconst_0;
- code_attribute.opcode_putstatic(idx,-1);
- end;
- code_attribute.opcode_return;
- method_info.finish;
- -- For switches :
- switch_collection.jvm_define;
- finish_class;
- end;
- write_main_class(rf3: RUN_FEATURE_3) is
- -- Write Java Byte Code for main class to call `rf3'.
- require
- rf3 /= Void;
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- local
- idx: INTEGER;
- cp: like constant_pool;
- ca: like code_attribute;
- do
- cp := constant_pool;
- ca := code_attribute;
- out_file_path.copy(output_name);
- out_file_path.append(class_suffix);
- bfw_connect(out_file,out_file_path);
- start_basic;
- access_flags := 16; -- (ACC_FINAL)
- this_class_idx := cp.idx_class2(output_name);
- super_class_idx := cp.idx_java_lang_object;
- -- Methods :
- -- The main method :
- current_frame := Void;
- method_info.start(9,fz_main,fz_23);
- set_args_field;
- idx := cp.idx_methodref3(jvm_root_class,fz_28,fz_29);
- ca.opcode_invokestatic(idx,0);
- rf3.run_class.jvm_push_default;
- idx := cp.idx_methodref(rf3);
- ca.opcode_invokevirtual(idx,-1);
- ca.opcode_system_out;
- idx := cp.idx_methodref3(fz_25,fz_42,fz_29);
- ca.opcode_invokevirtual(idx,-1);
- ca.opcode_system_err;
- ca.opcode_invokevirtual(idx,-1);
- ca.opcode_return;
- method_info.finish;
- finish_class;
- end;
- feature {CODE_ATTRIBUTE}
- max_locals: INTEGER is
- do
- if current_frame /= Void then
- Result := current_frame.jvm_max_locals;
- else
- Result := 4;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- access_flags: INTEGER;
- -- of the class.
- this_class_idx: INTEGER;
- super_class_idx: INTEGER;
- start_basic is
- do
- fields.clear;
- methods.clear;
- constant_pool.clear;
- field_info.clear;
- method_info.clear;
- b_put_u1_count := 0;
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- start_new_class(rc: RUN_CLASS) is
- require
- output_name /= Void
- local
- name_idx, type_idx: INTEGER;
- cp: like constant_pool;
- do
- cp := constant_pool;
- start_basic;
- tmp_string.copy(rc.unqualified_name);
- tmp_string.to_lower;
- start_directory(out_file_path,output_name);
- out_file_path.append(tmp_string);
- out_file_path.append(class_suffix);
- bfw_connect(out_file,out_file_path);
- access_flags := 16;
- this_class_idx := rc.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- super_class_idx := cp.idx_jvm_root_class;
- -- <clinit> :
- method_info.start(9,fz_76,fz_29);
- -- generating_type :
- name_idx := cp.idx_uft8(us_generating_type);
- type_idx := cp.idx_eiffel_string_descriptor;
- field_info.add(9,name_idx,type_idx);
- name_idx := cp.idx_fieldref5(this_class_idx,name_idx,type_idx);
- code_attribute.opcode_aconst_null;
- code_attribute.opcode_putstatic(name_idx,-1);
- -- generator :
- name_idx := cp.idx_uft8(us_generator);
- field_info.add(9,name_idx,type_idx);
- name_idx := cp.idx_fieldref5(this_class_idx,name_idx,type_idx);
- code_attribute.opcode_aconst_null;
- code_attribute.opcode_putstatic(name_idx,-1);
- code_attribute.opcode_return;
- method_info.finish;
- rc.jvm_define_class_invariant;
- end;
- finish_class is
- -- Really print the class file.
- do
- put_magic;
- put_minor_version;
- put_major_version;
- constant_pool.write_bytes;
- b_put_u2(access_flags);
- b_put_u2(this_class_idx);
- b_put_u2(super_class_idx);
- -- interfaces_count :
- b_put_u2(0);
- field_info.write_bytes;
- method_info.write_bytes;
- -- attributes_count :
- b_put_u2(0);
- out_file.disconnect;
- echo.print_count("byte",b_put_u1_count);
- end;
- feature
- current_frame: RUN_FEATURE;
- -- Current method or current field.
- set_current_frame(cf: like current_frame) is
- do
- current_frame := cf;
- end;
- feature
- argument_offset_of(an: ARGUMENT_NAME): INTEGER is
- require
- an /= Void
- do
- Result := current_frame.jvm_argument_offset(an);
- ensure
- Result >= 0
- end;
- local_offset_of(ln: LOCAL_NAME): INTEGER is
- require
- ln /= Void
- do
- Result := current_frame.jvm_local_variable_offset(ln);
- ensure
- Result >= 0
- end;
- result_offset: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := current_frame.jvm_result_offset;
- end;
- feature {CP_INFO}
- b_put_u1(byte: CHARACTER) is
- require
- 0 <= byte.code;
- byte.code <= 255
- do
- out_file.put_byte(byte);
- b_put_u1_count := b_put_u1_count + 1;
- end;
- b_put_u2(u2: INTEGER) is
- do
- b_put_u1((u2 // 256).to_character);
- b_put_u1((u2 \\ 256).to_character);
- ensure
- b_put_u1_count = 2 + old b_put_u1_count
- end;
- b_put_byte_string(str: STRING) is
- require
- str /= Void
- local
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > str.count
- loop
- b_put_u1(str.item(i));
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- b_put_u1_count = str.count + old b_put_u1_count
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- prepare_fields is
- local
- do
- from
- i := fields.upper;
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- rf := fields.item(i);
- rf.jvm_define;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- prepare_methods is
- local
- do
- from
- i := methods.upper;
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- set_current_frame(methods.item(i));
- current_frame.jvm_define;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- put_magic is
- -- CAFEBABE ;-)
- do
- b_put_byte_string("%/202/%/254/%/186/%/190/");
- end;
- put_minor_version is
- do
- b_put_u2(3);
- end;
- put_major_version is
- do
- b_put_byte_string("%/0/%/45/");
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- args_field is
- -- Define `args' field to store command line arguments.
- local
- args_idx, jaos_idx: INTEGER;
- cp: like constant_pool;
- do
- cp := constant_pool;
- args_idx := cp.idx_uft8(fz_74);
- jaos_idx := cp.idx_uft8(fz_75);
- field_info.add(9,args_idx,jaos_idx);
- end;
- set_args_field is
- -- Set `args' field to store command line arguments.
- local
- ca: like code_attribute;
- do
- ca := code_attribute;
- ca.opcode_aload_0;
- ca.opcode_putstatic(args_field_idx,-1);
- end;
- args_field_idx: INTEGER is
- local
- cp: like constant_pool;
- do
- cp := constant_pool;
- Result := cp.idx_fieldref3(jvm_root_class,fz_74,fz_75);
- end;
- push_se_argc is
- local
- ca: like code_attribute;
- do
- ca := code_attribute;
- ca.opcode_getstatic(args_field_idx,1);
- ca.opcode_arraylength;
- ca.opcode_iconst_1;
- ca.opcode_iadd;
- end;
- push_se_argv is
- local
- point1, point2, i: INTEGER;
- ca: like code_attribute;
- arg0: STRING;
- do
- ca := code_attribute;
- ca.opcode_getstatic(args_field_idx,1);
- i := push_ith_argument(1)
- ca.opcode_dup;
- point1 := ca.opcode_ifeq;
- ca.opcode_iconst_1;
- ca.opcode_isub;
- ca.opcode_aaload;
- point2 := ca.opcode_goto;
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point1);
- ca.opcode_pop;
- if output_name /= Void then
- arg0 := output_name;
- else
- arg0 := run_control.root_class;
- end;
- i := constant_pool.idx_string(arg0);
- ca.opcode_ldc(i);
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point2);
- ca.opcode_java_string2eiffel_string;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- out_file: BINARY_FILE_WRITE is
- -- Current output class file.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- out_file_path: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- tmp_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(16);
- end;
- feature {CALL_PROC_CALL}
- b_put_cpc(cpc: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- local
- target: EXPRESSION;
- target_type: TYPE;
- running: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- switch: SWITCH;
- do
- target := cpc.target;
- target_type := target.result_type.run_type;
- if target_type.is_expanded then
- push_direct(cpc);
- cpc.run_feature.mapping_jvm;
- pop
- elseif target.is_current then
- push_direct(cpc);
- cpc.run_feature.mapping_jvm;
- pop
- elseif target.is_manifest_string then
- push_direct(cpc);
- cpc.run_feature.mapping_jvm;
- pop
- else
- running := target_type.run_class.running;
- check
- running /= Void
- end;
- if running.count = 1 then
- push_check(cpc);
- rf := cpc.run_feature;
- rf := running.first.dynamic(rf);
- rf.mapping_jvm;
- pop
- else
- switch_count := switch_count + 1;
- switch.jvm_mapping(cpc);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- push_expanded_initialize(rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- do
- stack_push(C_expanded_initialize);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- end;
- define_class_invariant_method(ci: CLASS_INVARIANT) is
- require
- run_control.invariant_check;
- ci /= Void
- local
- ca: like code_attribute;
- cp: like constant_pool;
- do
- ca := code_attribute;
- cp := constant_pool;
- method_info.start(17,fz_invariant,fz_29);
- stack_push(C_switch);
- ci.compile_to_jvm(true);
- pop;
- ca.opcode_return;
- method_info.finish;
- end;
- feature {NATIVE}
- inside_twin(cpy: RUN_FEATURE) is
- do
- stack_push(C_inside_twin);
- stack_rf.put(cpy,top);
- cpy.mapping_jvm;
- pop;
- end;
- feature {CREATION_CALL}
- inside_new(rf: RUN_FEATURE; cpc: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- cpc /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_inside_new);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_cpc.put(cpc,top);
- rf.mapping_jvm;
- pop;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- push_direct(cpc: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- require
- cpc /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_direct_call);
- stack_cpc.put(cpc,top);
- direct_call_count := direct_call_count + 1;
- end;
- push_check(cpc: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- require
- cpc /= Void
- do
- stack_push(C_check_id);
- stack_cpc.put(cpc,top);
- end;
- target_position: POSITION is
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call, C_check_id then
- Result := stack_cpc.item(top).start_position;
- when C_inside_twin then
- when C_switch then
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- when C_inside_new then
- Result := stack_cpc.item(top).start_position;
- else
- end;
- end;
- push_target is
- -- Produce java byte code in order to push target on the
- -- jvm stack.
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call then
- stack_cpc.item(top).target.compile_to_jvm;
- when C_check_id then
- opcode_check_id_for(stack_cpc.item(top).target);
- when C_switch then
- code_attribute.opcode_aload_0;
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- code_attribute.opcode_dup;
- when C_inside_new then
- code_attribute.opcode_dup;
- when C_inside_twin then
- code_attribute.opcode_aload_1;
- else
- fatal_error("JVM NYI XXX #1");
- end;
- end;
- push_target_as_target is
- -- Same as `push_target' but with class invariant check.
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call then
- stack_cpc.item(top).target.compile_target_to_jvm;
- when C_check_id then
- opcode_check_id_for(stack_cpc.item(top).target);
- when C_switch then
- code_attribute.opcode_aload_0;
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- code_attribute.opcode_dup;
- when C_inside_new then
- code_attribute.opcode_dup;
- when C_inside_twin then
- code_attribute.opcode_aload_1;
- else
- fatal_error("JVM NYI XXX #1");
- end;
- end;
- drop_target is
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call, C_check_id then
- cpc := stack_cpc.item(top);
- e ?= cpc;
- if e = Void or else not e.can_be_dropped then
- cpc.target.compile_to_jvm;
- if cpc.run_feature.current_type.jvm_stack_space = 1 then
- code_attribute.opcode_pop;
- else
- code_attribute.opcode_pop2;
- end;
- end;
- when C_switch then
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- when C_inside_new then
- when C_inside_twin then
- else
- fatal_error("JVM NYI XXX #812451");
- end;
- end;
- drop_ith_argument(i: INTEGER) is
- local
- space: INTEGER;
- do
- from
- space := push_ith_argument(i);
- until
- space = 0
- loop
- code_attribute.opcode_pop;
- space := space - 1;
- end;
- end;
- push_arguments: INTEGER is
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- rf, dyn_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call, C_check_id then
- cpc := stack_cpc.item(top);
- eal := cpc.arguments;
- if eal /= Void then
- rf := cpc.run_feature;
- fal := rf.arguments;
- Result := eal.compile_to_jvm(fal);
- end;
- when C_switch then
- rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- dyn_rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- fal := rf.arguments;
- if fal /= Void then
- Result := fal.jvm_switch_push(dyn_rf.arguments);
- end;
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- check
- false
- end;
- when C_inside_new then
- cpc := stack_cpc.item(top);
- eal := cpc.arguments;
- if eal /= Void then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- fal := rf.arguments;
- Result := eal.compile_to_jvm(fal);
- end;
- when C_inside_twin then
- Result := push_ith_argument(1);
- else
- fatal_error("JVM NYI XXX #3");
- end;
- end;
- push_ith_argument(i: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- local
- code: INTEGER;
- rf, dyn_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- code := stack_code.item(top);
- inspect
- code
- when C_direct_call, C_check_id then
- cpc := stack_cpc.item(top);
- eal := cpc.arguments;
- if eal /= Void then
- rf := cpc.run_feature;
- fal := rf.arguments;
- Result := eal.compile_to_jvm_ith(fal,i);
- end;
- when C_switch then
- rf := stack_static_rf.item(top);
- dyn_rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- fal := rf.arguments;
- if fal /= Void then
- Result := fal.jvm_switch_push_ith(dyn_rf.arguments,i);
- end;
- when C_expanded_initialize then
- check
- false
- end;
- when C_inside_new then
- cpc := stack_cpc.item(top);
- eal := cpc.arguments;
- if eal /= Void then
- rf := stack_rf.item(top);
- fal := rf.arguments;
- Result := eal.compile_to_jvm_ith(fal,i);
- end;
- when C_inside_twin then
- code_attribute.opcode_aload_0;
- Result := 1;
- else
- fatal_error("JVM NYI XXX #5");
- end;
- end;
- feature {SWITCH}
- push_switch(rf, static_rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- require
- rf /= Void;
- static_rf /= Void;
- rf.run_class.dynamic(static_rf) = rf
- do
- stack_push(C_switch);
- stack_rf.put(rf,top);
- stack_static_rf.put(static_rf,top);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- opcode_check_id_for(e: EXPRESSION) is
- -- Produce code for `e' with non-void check and id check
- require
- e.result_type.run_class.running.count = 1
- local
- point1, point2, idx: INTEGER;
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- ca: like code_attribute;
- do
- e.compile_to_jvm;
- if run_control.no_check then
- ca := code_attribute;
- ca.opcode_dup;
- point1 := ca.opcode_ifnull;
- ca.opcode_dup;
- rc := e.result_type.run_class.running.first;
- idx := rc.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- ca.opcode_instanceof(idx);
- point2 := ca.opcode_ifne;
- idx := idx_bad_target(e);
- ca.opcode_system_err_println(idx);
- ca.opcode_aconst_null;
- ca.opcode_athrow;
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point1);
- idx := idx_void_target(e);
- ca.opcode_system_err_println(idx);
- ca.opcode_aconst_null;
- ca.opcode_athrow;
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point2);
- rc.jvm_check_class_invariant;
- end;
- end;
- idx_bad_target(e: EXPRESSION): INTEGER is
- local
- do
- tmp_string.copy("Bad target ");
- sp := e.start_position;
- if sp /= Void then
- sp.append_in(tmp_string);
- end;
- Result := constant_pool.idx_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- idx_void_target(e: EXPRESSION): INTEGER is
- local
- do
- tmp_string.copy("Void target ");
- sp := e.start_position;
- if sp /= Void then
- sp.append_in(tmp_string);
- end;
- Result := constant_pool.idx_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- end -- JVM