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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- --
- -- Unique global object in charge of runnable once routines.
- --
- inherit GLOBALS;
- feature {NONE}
- procedure_list: FIXED_ARRAY[RUN_FEATURE_5] is
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(32);
- end;
- procedure_flag_list: FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER];
- function_list: FIXED_ARRAY[RUN_FEATURE_6] is
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(32);
- end;
- function_flag_list: FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER];
- flag_list: FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER] is
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(32);
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE_5}
- add_procedure(rf5: RUN_FEATURE_5) is
- require
- rf5 /= Void
- do
- check
- not procedure_list.has(rf5)
- end;
- procedure_list.add_last(rf5);
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE_6}
- add_function(rf6: RUN_FEATURE_6) is
- require
- rf6 /= Void
- do
- check
- not function_list.has(rf6)
- end;
- function_list.add_last(rf6);
- end;
- feature {GC_HANDLER}
- gc_mark_in(str: STRING) is
- local
- i, id: INTEGER;
- rf6: RUN_FEATURE_6;
- t: TYPE;
- do
- if function_list.count > 0 then
- from
- i := function_list.upper;
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- rf6 := function_list.item(i);
- t := rf6.result_type;
- if t.need_gc_mark_function then
- id := t.id;
- if t.is_reference then
- str.append(fz_c_if_neq_null);
- rf6.once_result_in(str);
- str.extend(')');
- str.append(fz_gc_mark);
- id.append_in(str);
- str.extend('(');
- str.append(fz_cast_void_star);
- rf6.once_result_in(str);
- str.extend(')');
- elseif t.is_user_expanded then
- else
- end;
- str.append(fz_00);
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {JVM}
- fields_count: INTEGER;
- jvm_define_fields is
- local
- byte_idx, idx_flag, i: INTEGER;
- rf5: RUN_FEATURE_5;
- rf6: RUN_FEATURE_6;
- bf: E_FEATURE;
- name_list: FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER];
- do
- !!name_list.with_capacity(fields_count);
- if function_list.count > 0 then
- from
- i := function_list.upper;
- byte_idx := constant_pool.idx_uft8(fz_41);
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- rf6 := function_list.item(i);
- bf := rf6.base_feature;
- idx_flag := idx_name_for_flag(bf);
- if name_list.fast_has(idx_flag) then
- else
- name_list.add_last(idx_flag);
- -- ---------- Static field for flag :
- field_info.add(9,idx_flag,byte_idx);
- -- ---------- Static field for result :
- field_info.add(9,
- idx_name_for_result(bf),
- idx_descriptor(rf6.result_type.run_type));
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- if procedure_list.count > 0 then
- from
- i := procedure_list.upper;
- byte_idx := constant_pool.idx_uft8(fz_41);
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- rf5 := procedure_list.item(i);
- bf := rf5.base_feature;
- idx_flag := idx_name_for_flag(bf);
- if name_list.fast_has(idx_flag) then
- else
- name_list.add_last(idx_flag);
- -- ---------- Static field for flag :
- field_info.add(9,idx_flag,byte_idx);
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- jvm_initialize_fields is
- local
- do
- if flag_list.count > 0 then
- from
- i := flag_list.upper;
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- -- Set once flag :
- code_attribute.opcode_iconst_0;
- code_attribute.opcode_putstatic(flag_list.item(i),-1);
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- idx_fieldref_for_flag(rf: RUN_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- require
- rf /= Void
- do
- prepare_flag(rf.base_feature);
- Result := constant_pool.idx_fieldref3(jvm_root_class,
- flag_string,
- fz_41);
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE_6}
- idx_fieldref_for_result(rf6: RUN_FEATURE_6): INTEGER is
- require
- rf6 /= Void
- do
- prepare_result(rf6.base_feature);
- prepare_descriptor(rf6.result_type.run_type);
- Result := constant_pool.idx_fieldref3(jvm_root_class,
- result_string,
- descriptor_string);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- idx_descriptor(rt: TYPE): INTEGER is
- require
- rt /= Void
- do
- prepare_descriptor(rt);
- Result := constant_pool.idx_uft8(descriptor_string);
- end
- idx_name_for_result(bf: E_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- require
- bf /= Void
- do
- prepare_result(bf);
- Result := constant_pool.idx_uft8(result_string);
- end
- idx_name_for_flag(bf: E_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- require
- bf /= Void
- do
- prepare_flag(bf);
- Result := constant_pool.idx_uft8(flag_string);
- end
- flag_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- prepare_flag(bf: E_FEATURE) is
- do
- flag_string.clear;
- flag_string.extend('f');
- bf.base_class.id.append_in(flag_string);
- flag_string.append(bf.first_name.to_key);
- end;
- result_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- prepare_result(bf: E_FEATURE) is
- do
- result_string.clear;
- result_string.extend('r');
- bf.base_class.id.append_in(result_string);
- result_string.append(bf.first_name.to_key);
- end;
- prepare_descriptor(rt: TYPE) is
- do
- descriptor_string.clear;
- if rt.is_reference then
- descriptor_string.append(jvm_root_descriptor)
- else
- rt.jvm_descriptor_in(descriptor_string)
- end;
- end;
- descriptor_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;