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Text File | 1998-01-16 | 30.9 KB | 1,269 lines |
- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- --
- -- The SmallEiffel bytecode disassembler.
- --
- inherit CP_INFO_TAGS;
- creation make
- feature
- make is
- local
- path: STRING;
- do
- if argument_count /= 1 then
- std_output.put_string(
- "Usage: print_jvm_class <ClassFilePath>[.class]%N");
- else
- path := argument(1).twin;
- if not path.has_suffix(".class") then
- path.append(".class");
- end;
- !!file_of_bytes.connect_to(path);
- if file_of_bytes.is_connected then
- print_jvm_class;
- file_of_bytes.disconnect;
- else
- std_output.put_string("File %"");
- std_output.put_string(path);
- std_output.put_string("%" not found.%N");
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- file_of_bytes: BINARY_FILE_READ;
- access_flag: STRING;
- fields_count: INTEGER;
- total_byte: INTEGER;
- feature {NONE} -- To get result of basic read :
- last_u1: CHARACTER;
- last_u1_code: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := last_u1.code;
- end;
- last_u2: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(2);
- end;
- last_idx: INTEGER;
- last_u4: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(4);
- end;
- last_u8: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(8);
- end;
- last_uft8: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Basic read in *.class :
- read_u1 is
- do
- if file_of_bytes.end_of_input then
- bad_class_file("Unexpected end of file.");
- else
- file_of_bytes.read_byte;
- last_u1 := file_of_bytes.last_byte.to_character;
- total_byte := total_byte + 1;
- end;
- end;
- read_u2 is
- do
- last_u2.clear;
- read_u1;
- last_u2.extend(last_u1);
- read_u1;
- last_u2.extend(last_u1);
- end;
- read_u4 is
- do
- read_u2;
- last_u4.copy(last_u2);
- read_u2;
- last_u4.append(last_u2);
- end;
- read_u8 is
- do
- read_u4;
- last_u8.copy(last_u4);
- read_u4;
- last_u4.append(last_u4);
- end;
- read_uft8 is
- local
- length: INTEGER;
- do
- from
- read_u2;
- last_uft8.copy(last_u2);
- length := last_u2_as_integer;
- until
- length = 0
- loop
- read_u1;
- last_uft8.extend(last_u1);
- length := length - 1;
- end;
- end;
- read_u2_idx is
- do
- read_u2;
- last_idx := last_u2_as_integer;
- if not constant_pool.valid_index(last_idx) then
- tmp_string.copy("Constant pool index out of range: ");
- last_idx.append_in(tmp_string);
- bad_class_file(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- last_u2_as_integer: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := (last_u2.item(1).code * 256) + last_u2.item(2).code;
- end;
- last_u4_as_integer: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := (last_u4.item(1).code * 256);
- Result := Result + (last_u4.item(2).code * 256);
- Result := Result + (last_u4.item(3).code * 256);
- Result := Result + last_u4.item(4).code;
- end;
- feature -- Basic print :
- read_and_print_u1 is
- do
- read_u1;
- inspect
- last_u1_code
- when 32 .. 126 then
- std_output.put_character(last_u1);
- else
- tmp_string.copy(" 0x");
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(tmp_string);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- end
- end;
- read_and_print_u2_idx is
- do
- read_u2_idx;
- std_output.put_integer(last_idx);
- end;
- read_and_print_u2 is
- do
- read_u2;
- print_hexadecimal(last_u2);
- end;
- read_and_print_u4 is
- do
- read_u4;
- print_hexadecimal(last_u4);
- end;
- read_and_print_u8 is
- do
- read_u8;
- print_hexadecimal(last_u8);
- end;
- print_hexadecimal(str: STRING) is
- require
- str.count > 1
- local
- do
- tmp_string.copy("0x");
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > str.count
- loop
- str.item(i).to_hexadecimal_in(tmp_string);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- print_jvm_class is
- require
- file_of_bytes.is_connected
- local
- cp_count: INTEGER;
- cp_info: CP_INFO;
- methods_count, attributes_count: INTEGER;
- do
- std_output.put_string("Contents of file %"");
- std_output.put_string(file_of_bytes.path);
- std_output.put_string("%".%N");
- std_output.put_string("Magic number: ");
- read_and_print_u4;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("Minor version: ");
- read_and_print_u2;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("Major version: ");
- read_and_print_u2;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("Constant pool count: ");
- read_u2;
- cp_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(cp_count);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- constant_pool.reset(cp_count - 1);
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i = cp_count
- loop
- std_output.put_integer(i);
- if i < 10 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- elseif i < 100 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- else
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- end;
- std_output.put_string(": ");
- print_cp_info(i);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- std_output.put_string("Access flag: 0x");
- read_u1;
- access_flag := last_u1.to_hexadecimal;
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(access_flag);
- std_output.put_string(access_flag);
- std_output.put_character(' ');
- if access_flag.item(4) = '1' then
- std_output.put_string(" public ");
- end;
- if access_flag.item(3) = '1' then
- std_output.put_string(" final (no subclass)");
- end;
- if access_flag.item(3) = '2' then
- std_output.put_string(" super ");
- end;
- if access_flag.item(2) = '2' then
- std_output.put_string(" interface ");
- end;
- if access_flag.item(2) = '4' then
- std_output.put_string(" abstract ");
- end;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("this_class: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- if constant_pool.is_class(last_idx) then
- tmp_string.copy(" is ");
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- else
- bad_class_file("Bad `this_class' value.");
- end;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("super_class: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- if constant_pool.is_class(last_idx) then
- tmp_string.copy(" is ");
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- else
- bad_class_file("Bad `super_class' value.");
- end;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("Interfaces count: ");
- read_u2;
- i := last_u2_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(i);
- if i > 0 then
- std_output.put_string(" {");
- from
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- i := i - 1;
- if i > 0 then
- std_output.put_character(',');
- end;
- end;
- std_output.put_character('}');
- end;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- std_output.put_string("----- Fields count: ");
- read_u2;
- fields_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(fields_count);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- i := 1
- until
- i > fields_count
- loop
- std_output.put_integer(i);
- if i < 10 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- elseif i < 100 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- else
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- end;
- std_output.put_string(": ");
- print_field_info;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- std_output.put_string("----- Methods count: ");
- read_u2;
- methods_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(methods_count);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- i := 1
- until
- i > methods_count
- loop
- std_output.put_integer(i);
- if i < 10 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- elseif i < 100 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- else
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- end;
- std_output.put_string(": ");
- print_method_info;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- std_output.put_string("Attributes count: ");
- read_u2;
- attributes_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(attributes_count);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- i := 1
- until
- i > attributes_count
- loop
- std_output.put_integer(i);
- if i < 10 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- elseif i < 100 then
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- else
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- end;
- std_output.put_string(": ");
- print_attribute_info;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- read_u1;
- if file_of_bytes.end_of_input then
- std_output.put_string("Total bytes: ");
- std_output.put_integer(total_byte - 1);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- else
- bad_class_file("End of file expected.");
- end;
- end;
- tmp_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- feature -- Read and brute printing of constant_pool :
- print_cp_info(i: INTEGER) is
- do
- read_u1;
- inspect
- last_u1_code
- when 7 then
- std_output.put_string("class at ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- constant_pool.set_class(i,last_u2);
- when 9 then
- std_output.put_string("fieldref class: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.copy(last_u2);
- std_output.put_string(" name_and_type: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.append(last_u2);
- constant_pool.set_fieldref(i,last_u4);
- when 10 then
- std_output.put_string("methodref class: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.copy(last_u2);
- std_output.put_string(" name_and_type: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.append(last_u2);
- constant_pool.set_methodref(i,last_u4);
- when 11 then
- std_output.put_string("interface methodref class: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.copy(last_u2);
- std_output.put_string(" name_and_type: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.append(last_u2);
- constant_pool.set_interface_methodref(i,last_u4);
- when 8 then
- std_output.put_string("string at ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- constant_pool.set_string(i,last_u2);
- when 3 then
- std_output.put_string("integer: ");
- read_and_print_u4;
- constant_pool.set_integer(i,last_u4);
- when 4 then
- std_output.put_string("float: ");
- read_and_print_u4;
- constant_pool.set_float(i,last_u4);
- when 5 then
- std_output.put_string("long: ");
- read_and_print_u4;
- last_u8.copy(last_u4);
- read_and_print_u4;
- last_u8.append(last_u4);
- constant_pool.set_long(i,last_u8);
- when 6 then
- std_output.put_string("double: ");
- read_and_print_u4;
- last_u8.copy(last_u4);
- read_and_print_u4;
- last_u8.append(last_u4);
- constant_pool.set_double(i,last_u8);
- when 12 then
- std_output.put_string("name: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.copy(last_u2);
- std_output.put_string(" type: ");
- read_and_print_u2_idx;
- last_u4.append(last_u2);
- constant_pool.set_name_and_type(i,last_u4);
- when 1 then
- std_output.put_string("uft8: ");
- read_uft8;
- constant_pool.set_uft8(i,last_uft8);
- tmp_string.clear;
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,i);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- else
- tmp_string.copy("Error in constant pool (bad tag: ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.append(").");
- bad_class_file(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- print_field_info is
- local
- flag, attributes_count: INTEGER;
- do
- -- access_flag :
- read_and_print_u2;
- flag_list_begin;
- flag := last_u2.item(2).code;
- inspect
- flag \\ 10
- when 1 then
- flag_list_add("public");
- when 2 then
- flag_list_add("private");
- when 4 then
- flag_list_add("protected");
- else
- end;
- if flag >= 10 then
- if flag < 40 then
- flag_list_add("final");
- elseif flag > 40 then
- flag_list_add("transient");
- else
- flag_list_add("volatile");
- end;
- end;
- flag_list_end;
- -- name_index :
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.clear;
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- -- descriptor_index :
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.copy(" ");
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- -- attributes_count :
- read_u2;
- attributes_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- if attributes_count > 0 then
- std_output.put_string(" attributes_count: ");
- std_output.put_integer(attributes_count);
- end;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- until
- attributes_count = 0
- loop
- print_attribute_info;
- attributes_count := attributes_count - 1;
- end;
- end;
- print_method_info is
- local
- flag, attributes_count: INTEGER;
- do
- -- access_flag :
- read_and_print_u2;
- flag_list_begin;
- flag := last_u2.item(2).code;
- inspect
- flag \\ 10
- when 1 then
- flag_list_add("public");
- when 2 then
- flag_list_add("private");
- when 4 then
- flag_list_add("protected");
- else
- end;
- if flag >= 10 then
- if flag < 40 then
- flag_list_add("final");
- elseif flag > 40 then
- flag_list_add("transient");
- else
- flag_list_add("volatile");
- end;
- end;
- flag_list_end;
- -- name_index :
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.clear;
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- -- descriptor_index :
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.clear;
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- -- attributes_count :
- read_u2;
- attributes_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- if attributes_count > 1 then
- std_output.put_string(" attributes_count: ");
- std_output.put_integer(attributes_count);
- end;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- until
- attributes_count = 0
- loop
- print_attribute_info;
- attributes_count := attributes_count - 1;
- end;
- end;
- print_attribute_info is
- local
- do
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.clear;
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- if ("SourceFile").is_equal(tmp_string) then
- read_u4;
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.copy(" is ");
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- elseif ("Code").is_equal(tmp_string) then
- read_u4;
- print_code_attribute(last_u4_as_integer);
- else
- std_output.put_string(" (Ignored attribute: ");
- read_u4;
- i := last_u4_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(i);
- std_output.put_string(" bytes)");
- from
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- read_u1;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- print_code_attribute(length: INTEGER) is
- local
- code_length, exception_length,
- attributes_count: INTEGER;
- do
- std_output.put_string(" (");
- std_output.put_integer(length);
- std_output.put_string(" bytes) max_stack: ");
- read_u2;
- std_output.put_integer(last_u2_as_integer);
- std_output.put_string(" max_locals: ");
- read_u2;
- std_output.put_integer(last_u2_as_integer);
- std_output.put_string(" code_length: ");
- read_u4;
- code_length := last_u4_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(code_length);
- read_and_print_byte_code(code_length);
- read_u2;
- exception_length := last_u2_as_integer;
- if exception_length > 0 then
- std_output.put_string("exception(s): ");
- std_output.put_integer(exception_length);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- read_and_print_exception(exception_length);
- end;
- std_output.put_string("attributes_count: ");
- read_u2;
- attributes_count := last_u2_as_integer;
- std_output.put_integer(attributes_count);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- until
- attributes_count = 0
- loop
- print_attribute_info;
- attributes_count := attributes_count - 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- max_print: INTEGER is 50;
- bad_class_file(msg: STRING) is
- local
- fz_visible, fz_hexadec, path: STRING;
- do
- std_output.put_string("%NCorrupted class file.%N");
- std_output.put_string(msg);
- std_output.put_string("%NTotal bytes read :");
- std_output.put_integer(total_byte);
- std_output.put_string("%NClass file dump:%N");
- path := file_of_bytes.path;
- file_of_bytes.disconnect;
- from
- file_of_bytes.connect_to(path);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- fz_visible := " ";
- fz_hexadec := "Ox";
- until
- file_of_bytes.end_of_input
- loop
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(fz_hexadec);
- fz_hexadec.extend(' ');
- inspect
- last_u1_code
- when 32 .. 126 then
- fz_visible.extend(last_u1);
- else
- fz_visible.extend('.');
- end
- if fz_hexadec.count >= max_print then
- std_output.put_string(fz_hexadec);
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- std_output.put_string(fz_visible);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- fz_visible.copy(" ");
- fz_hexadec.copy("Ox");
- end;
- end;
- from
- until
- fz_hexadec.count >= max_print + 2
- loop
- fz_hexadec.extend(' ');
- end;
- std_output.put_string(fz_hexadec);
- std_output.put_string(fz_visible);
- file_of_bytes.disconnect;
- std_output.put_new_line;
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- read_and_print_byte_code(length: INTEGER) is
- require
- length > 0
- local
- old_total_byte, pc, opcode: INTEGER;
- do
- std_output.put_new_line;
- from
- old_total_byte := total_byte;
- until
- total_byte - old_total_byte >= length
- loop
- std_output.put_string(" ");
- pc := total_byte - old_total_byte;
- from
- tmp_string.clear;
- pc.append_in(tmp_string);
- until
- tmp_string.count >= 4
- loop
- tmp_string.extend(' ');
- end;
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- inst.clear;
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- std_output.put_string(inst);
- inst.clear;
- opcode := last_u1_code;
- inspect
- opcode
- when 0 then
- inst_opcode("nop");
- when 1 then
- inst_opcode("aconst_null");
- when 2 then
- inst_opcode("iconst_m1");
- when 3 .. 8 then
- inst_opcode("iconst_");
- (last_u1_code - 3).append_in(inst);
- when 9 then
- inst_opcode("lconst_0");
- when 10 then
- inst_opcode("lconst_1");
- when 11 .. 13 then
- inst_opcode("fconst_");
- (last_u1_code - 11).append_in(inst);
- when 14 .. 15 then
- inst_opcode("dconst_");
- (last_u1_code - 14).append_in(inst);
- when 16 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("bipush");
- when 17 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("sipush");
- when 18 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("ldc ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_u1_code);
- when 19 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("ldc_w ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 21 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("iload ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 22 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("lload ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 23 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("fload ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 25 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("aload ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 26 .. 29 then
- inst_opcode("iload_");
- (last_u1_code - 26).append_in(inst);
- when 34 .. 37 then
- inst_opcode("fload_");
- (last_u1_code - 34).append_in(inst);
- when 38 .. 41 then
- inst_opcode("dload_");
- (last_u1_code - 38).append_in(inst);
- when 42 .. 45 then
- inst_opcode("aload_");
- (last_u1_code - 42).append_in(inst);
- when 46 then
- inst_opcode("iaload");
- when 47 then
- inst_opcode("laload");
- when 48 then
- inst_opcode("faload");
- when 49 then
- inst_opcode("daload");
- when 50 then
- inst_opcode("aaload");
- when 51 then
- inst_opcode("baload");
- when 52 then
- inst_opcode("caload");
- when 53 then
- inst_opcode("saload");
- when 54 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("istore");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 55 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("lstore ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 56 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("fstore ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 58 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("astore ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(inst);
- when 59 .. 62 then
- inst_opcode("istore_");
- (last_u1_code - 59).append_in(inst);
- when 63 .. 66 then
- inst_opcode("lstore_");
- (last_u1_code - 63).append_in(inst);
- when 67 .. 70 then
- inst_opcode("fstore_");
- (last_u1_code - 67).append_in(inst);
- when 71 .. 74 then
- inst_opcode("dstore_");
- (last_u1_code - 71).append_in(inst);
- when 75 .. 78 then
- inst_opcode("astore_");
- (last_u1_code - 75).append_in(inst);
- when 79 then
- inst_opcode("iastore");
- when 80 then
- inst_opcode("lastore");
- when 81 then
- inst_opcode("fastore");
- when 82 then
- inst_opcode("dastore");
- when 83 then
- inst_opcode("aastore");
- when 84 then
- inst_opcode("bastore");
- when 85 then
- inst_opcode("castore");
- when 86 then
- inst_opcode("sastore");
- when 87 then
- inst_opcode("pop");
- when 88 then
- inst_opcode("pop2");
- when 89 then
- inst_opcode("dup");
- when 90 then
- inst_opcode("dup_x1");
- when 91 then
- inst_opcode("dup_x2");
- when 92 then
- inst_opcode("dup2");
- when 95 then
- inst_opcode("swap");
- when 96 then
- inst_opcode("iadd");
- when 97 then
- inst_opcode("ladd");
- when 98 then
- inst_opcode("fadd");
- when 99 then
- inst_opcode("dadd");
- when 100 then
- inst_opcode("isub");
- when 104 then
- inst_opcode("imul");
- when 108 then
- inst_opcode("idiv");
- when 112 then
- inst_opcode("irem");
- when 116 then
- inst_opcode("ineg");
- when 117 then
- inst_opcode("lneg");
- when 118 then
- inst_opcode("fneg");
- when 119 then
- inst_opcode("dneg");
- when 120 then
- inst_opcode("ishl");
- when 124 then
- inst_opcode("iushr");
- when 126 then
- inst_opcode("iand");
- when 128 then
- inst_opcode("ior");
- when 130 then
- inst_opcode("ixor");
- when 132 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("iinc loc");
- last_u2.item(1).code.append_in(inst);
- inst.append(",0x");
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- when 133 then
- inst_opcode("i2l");
- when 134 then
- inst_opcode("i2f");
- when 135 then
- inst_opcode("i2d");
- when 141 then
- inst_opcode("f2d");
- when 144 then
- inst_opcode("d2f");
- when 145 then
- inst_opcode("i2b");
- when 146 then
- inst_opcode("i2c");
- when 149 then
- inst_opcode("fcmpl");
- when 150 then
- inst_opcode("fcmpg");
- when 151 .. 152 then
- inst_opcode("dcmp");
- inspect
- opcode
- when 151 then
- inst.append("l");
- when 152 then
- inst.append("g");
- end;
- when 153 .. 158 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("if");
- inspect
- opcode
- when 153 then
- inst.append("eq");
- when 154 then
- inst.append("ne");
- when 155 then
- inst.append("lt");
- when 156 then
- inst.append("ge");
- when 157 then
- inst.append("gt");
- when 158 then
- inst.append("le");
- end;
- inst.extend(' ');
- view_pc(last_u2_as_integer,pc);
- when 159 .. 166 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("if_");
- inspect
- opcode
- when 159 .. 164 then
- inst.extend('i');
- else
- inst.extend('a');
- end;
- inst.append("cmp");
- inspect
- opcode
- when 159 then
- inst.append("eq");
- when 160 then
- inst.append("ne");
- when 161 then
- inst.append("lt");
- when 162 then
- inst.append("ge");
- when 163 then
- inst.append("gt");
- when 164 then
- inst.append("le");
- when 165 then
- inst.append("eq");
- when 166 then
- inst.append("ne");
- end;
- inst.extend(' ');
- view_pc(last_u2_as_integer,pc);
- when 167 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("goto ");
- view_pc(last_u2_as_integer,pc);
- when 172 then
- inst_opcode("ireturn");
- when 173 then
- inst_opcode("lreturn");
- when 174 then
- inst_opcode("freturn");
- when 175 then
- inst_opcode("dreturn");
- when 176 then
- inst_opcode("areturn");
- when 177 then
- inst_opcode("return");
- when 178 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("getstatic ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 179 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("putstatic ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 180 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("getfield ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 181 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("putfield ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 182 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("invokevirtual ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 183 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("invokespecial ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 184 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("invokestatic ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 187 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("new ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 188 then
- read_u1;
- last_u1.to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("newarray ");
- inspect
- last_u1_code
- when 4 then
- inst.append("boolean");
- when 5 then
- inst.append("character");
- when 6 then
- inst.append("float");
- when 7 then
- inst.append("double");
- when 8 then
- inst.append("byte");
- when 9 then
- inst.append("short");
- when 10 then
- inst.append("int");
- when 11 then
- inst.append("long");
- end;
- when 189 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("anewarray ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 190 then
- inst_opcode("arraylength");
- when 191 then
- inst_opcode("athrow");
- when 193 then
- read_u2_idx;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("instanceof ");
- constant_pool.view_in(inst,last_idx);
- when 198 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("ifnull ");
- view_pc(last_u2_as_integer,pc);
- when 199 then
- read_u2;
- last_u2.item(1).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- last_u2.item(2).to_hexadecimal_in(inst);
- inst_opcode("ifnonnull ");
- view_pc(last_u2_as_integer,pc);
- else
- tmp_string.append("Unknown Opcode: ");
- last_u1_code.append_in(tmp_string);
- bad_class_file(tmp_string);
- end;
- std_output.put_string(inst);
- std_output.put_new_line;
- end;
- end;
- read_and_print_exception(length: INTEGER) is
- local
- do
- from
- i := length
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- std_output.put_string("start: ");
- read_u2;
- std_output.put_integer(last_u2_as_integer);
- std_output.put_string(" end: ");
- read_u2;
- std_output.put_integer(last_u2_as_integer);
- std_output.put_string(" handler: ");
- read_u2;
- std_output.put_integer(last_u2_as_integer);
- std_output.put_string(" type: ");
- read_u2_idx;
- tmp_string.clear;
- constant_pool.view_in(tmp_string,last_idx);
- std_output.put_string(tmp_string);
- std_output.put_string("%N");
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- inst_opcode(msg: STRING) is
- do
- from
- until
- inst.count >= 4
- loop
- inst.extend('.');
- end;
- inst.extend(' ');
- inst.append(msg);
- end;
- inst: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(80);
- end;
- flag_list: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(80);
- end;
- flag_list_begin is
- do
- flag_list.copy(" (");
- end;
- flag_list_add(item: STRING) is
- do
- if flag_list.last /= '(' then
- flag_list.extend(',');
- end;
- flag_list.append(item);
- end;
- flag_list_end is
- do
- flag_list.append(")%N");
- std_output.put_string(flag_list);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- view_pc(offset, pc: INTEGER) is
- local
- view: INTEGER;
- bits: BIT Integer_bits;
- do
- if offset < ((2 ^ 15) - 1) then
- view := pc + offset;
- else
- view := (offset - (2 ^ 16)) + pc;
- end;
- view.append_in(inst);
- end;