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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- deferred class RUN_FEATURE
- --
- -- A feature at run time : assertions collected and only run types.
- --
- -- RUN_FEATURE_1 : constant attribute.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_2 : attribute.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_3 : procedure.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_4 : function.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_5 : once procedure.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_6 : once function.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_7 : external procedure.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_8 : external function.
- -- RUN_FEATURE_9 : deferred routine.
- --
- inherit GLOBALS redefine fill_tagged_out_memory end;
- feature
- current_type: TYPE;
- -- The type of Current in the corresponding feature.
- clients_memory: CLIENT_LIST;
- feature {NONE}
- actuals_clients: FIXED_ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- -- Places of callers.
- feature
- -- Final name (the only one really used) of the feature.
- base_feature: E_FEATURE;
- -- Original base feature definition.
- arguments: FORMAL_ARG_LIST;
- -- Runnable arguments list if any.
- result_type: TYPE;
- -- Runnable Result type if any.
- require_assertion: RUN_REQUIRE;
- -- Runnable collected require assertion if any.
- local_vars: LOCAL_VAR_LIST is
- -- Runnable local var list if any.
- deferred
- end;
- routine_body: COMPOUND;
- -- Runnable routine body if any.
- ensure_assertion: E_ENSURE;
- -- Runnable collected ensure assertion if any.
- rescue_compound: COMPOUND;
- -- Runnable rescue compound if any.
- feature {NONE}
- make(t: like current_type; n: like name; bf: like base_feature) is
- require
- t.run_type = t;
- n /= Void;
- bf /= void;
- not small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- current_type := t;
- name := n;
- base_feature := bf;
- run_class.feature_dictionary.put(Current,n.to_key);
- small_eiffel.incr_magic_count;
- use_current_state := ucs_not_computed;
- small_eiffel.push(Current);
- initialize;
- small_eiffel.pop;
- ensure
- run_class.get_feature(name) = Current
- end;
- feature
- is_pre_computable: BOOLEAN is
- deferred
- end;
- can_be_dropped: BOOLEAN is
- -- If calling has no side effect at all.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- deferred
- end;
- frozen use_current: BOOLEAN is
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- do
- inspect
- use_current_state
- when ucs_true then
- Result := true;
- when ucs_false then
- when ucs_not_computed then
- use_current_state := ucs_in_computation;
- compute_use_current;
- Result := use_current;
- when ucs_in_computation then
- Result := true;
- end;
- end;
- fall_down is
- local
- running: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS];
- current_rc, sub_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- current_bc, sub_bc: BASE_CLASS;
- sub_name: FEATURE_NAME;
- do
- current_rc := current_type.run_class;
- running := current_rc.running;
- if running /= Void then
- from
- current_bc := current_type.base_class;
- i := running.lower;
- until
- i > running.upper
- loop
- sub_rc := running.item(i);
- if sub_rc /= current_rc then
- sub_bc := sub_rc.current_type.base_class;
- sub_name := sub_bc.new_name_of(current_bc,name);
- rf := sub_rc.get_feature(sub_name);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- afd_check is
- deferred
- end;
- fill_tagged_out_memory is
- local
- ctrtm: STRING;
- do
- p := start_position;
- if p /= Void then
- p.fill_tagged_out_memory;
- tagged_out_memory.extend(' ');
- if current_type.is_run_type then
- ctrtm := current_type.run_time_mark;
- if ctrtm /= Void then
- tagged_out_memory.append(ctrtm);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- is_exported_in(cn: CLASS_NAME): BOOLEAN is
- -- True if using of the receiver is legal when written in `cn'.
- -- When false, `eh' is updated with the beginning of the
- -- error message.
- require
- cn /= Void
- do
- Result := clients.gives_permission_to(cn);
- end;
- frozen start_position: POSITION is
- do
- Result := base_feature.start_position;
- end;
- run_class: RUN_CLASS is
- do
- Result := current_type.run_class;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- clients: like clients_memory is
- -- Effective client list for the receiver.
- -- Note: consider "export" clauses.
- local
- bc, bfbc: BASE_CLASS;
- do
- if clients_memory = Void then
- bc := current_type.base_class;
- bfbc := base_feature.base_class;
- if bc = bfbc then
- Result := base_feature.clients;
- else
- check
- bc.is_subclass_of(bfbc)
- end;
- Result := bc.clients_for(name);
- end;
- clients_memory := Result;
- else
- Result := clients_memory;
- end;
- ensure
- Result /= Void
- end;
- add_client(rc: RUN_CLASS) is
- -- Add `rc' to `actual_clients'.
- -- Note: DO NOT check that `rc' is allowed to use it.
- require
- rc /= Void
- local
- do
- if actuals_clients = Void then
- !!actuals_clients.with_capacity(4);
- actuals_clients.add_last(rc);
- else
- i := actuals_clients.fast_index_of(rc);
- if i > actuals_clients.upper then
- actuals_clients.add_last(rc);
- end;
- end;
- run_class.add_client(rc);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- initialize is
- deferred
- end;
- feature
- has_result: BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := result_type /= Void;
- end;
- arg_count: INTEGER is
- do
- if arguments /= Void then
- Result := arguments.count;
- end;
- end;
- c_define is
- -- Produce C code for definition.
- require
- run_class.at_run_time;
- cpp.on_c
- deferred
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- mapping_c is
- -- Produce C code when current is called and when the
- -- concrete type of target is unique (`cpp' is in charge
- -- of the context).
- require
- run_class.at_run_time;
- cpp.on_c
- deferred
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- address_of is
- -- Produce C code for operator $<feature_name>
- require
- run_class.at_run_time;
- cpp.on_c
- do
- mapping_name;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- frozen id: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := current_type.id;
- end;
- mapping_name is
- do
- cpp.put_character('r');
- cpp.put_integer(id);
- cpp.put_string(name.to_key);
- end;
- feature {EXPRESSION}
- is_static: BOOLEAN is
- deferred
- end;
- static_value_mem: INTEGER is
- require
- is_static;
- deferred
- end;
- feature {C_PRETTY_PRINTER}
- put_tag is
- require
- run_control.no_check
- local
- do
- cpp.put_character('%"');
- fn := base_feature.first_name;
- fn.cpp_put_infix_or_prefix;
- cpp.put_string(fn.to_string);
- cpp.put_string(" of ");
- cpp.put_string(base_feature.base_class_name.to_string);
- cpp.put_character('%"');
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Tools for `compile_to_c' :
- define_prototype is
- require
- run_class.at_run_time;
- cpp.on_c
- local
- mem_id: INTEGER;
- do
- mem_id := id;
- -- Define heading of corresponding C function.
- c_code.clear;
- if result_type = Void then
- c_code.append(fz_void);
- else
- result_type.run_type.c_type_for_result_in(c_code);
- end;
- c_code.extend(' ');
- c_code.extend('r');
- mem_id.append_in(c_code);
- name.mapping_c_in(c_code);
- c_code.extend('(');
- if use_current then
- current_type.c_type_for_target_in(c_code);
- c_code.extend(' ');
- c_code.extend('C');
- if arguments /= Void then
- c_code.extend(',');
- end;
- end;
- if arguments = Void then
- if not use_current then
- c_code.append(fz_void);
- end;
- else
- arguments.compile_to_c_in(c_code);
- end;
- c_code.extend(')');
- cpp.put_c_heading(c_code);
- cpp.swap_on_c;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- define_opening is
- -- Define opening section in C function.
- local
- t: TYPE;
- do
- -- (1) -------------------- Local variable for Result :
- if result_type /= Void then
- t := result_type.run_type;
- c_code.clear;
- t.c_type_for_result_in(c_code);
- c_code.extend(' ');
- c_code.extend('R');
- c_code.extend('=');
- t.c_initialize_in(c_code);
- c_code.append(fz_00);
- cpp.put_string(c_code);
- end;
- -- (2) ----------------------- User's local variables :
- if local_vars /= Void then
- local_vars.compile_to_c;
- end;
- -- (3) ---------------- Local variable for old/ensure :
- if run_control.ensure_check then
- if ensure_assertion /= Void then
- ensure_assertion.compile_to_c_old;
- end;
- end;
- -- (4) -------------------- Initialize local expanded :
- if local_vars /= Void then
- local_vars.initialize_expanded;
- end;
- -- (5) ------------------------------- Run Stack Push :
- if run_control.no_check then
- cpp.rs_link(Current);
- if use_current then
- cpp.rs_push_current(current_type);
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > arg_count
- loop
- t := arguments.type(i).run_type;
- cpp.rs_push_argument(arguments.name(i).to_string,i,t);
- check
- i = arguments.rank_of(arguments.name(i).to_string);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- if result_type /= Void then
- cpp.rs_push_result(result_type.run_type);
- end;
- if local_vars /= Void then
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > local_vars.count
- loop
- local_vars.name(i).c_trace;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- -- (6) ----------------------- Require assertion code :
- if require_assertion /= Void then
- require_assertion.compile_to_c;
- end;
- end;
- define_closing is
- -- Define closing section in C function :
- -- - code for ensure checking.
- -- - free memory of expanded.
- -- - run stack pop.
- do
- -- (0) ----------------------------- Class Invariant :
- if use_current then
- cpp.current_class_invariant(current_type);
- end;
- -- (1) --------------------------- Ensure Check Code :
- if run_control.ensure_check then
- if ensure_assertion /= Void then
- ensure_assertion.compile_to_c;
- end;
- end;
- -- (2) --------------------- Free for local expanded :
- -- (3) ------------------------------- Run Stack Pop :
- if run_control.no_check then
- cpp.rs_unlink;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- external_prototype(er: EXTERNAL_ROUTINE) is
- -- Define prototype for an external routine.
- require
- cpp.on_c;
- er = base_feature
- local
- t: TYPE;
- do
- c_code.clear;
- c_code.append("/*external*/");
- -- Define heading of corresponding C function.
- t := result_type;
- if t = Void then
- c_code.append(fz_void);
- else
- t.c_type_for_external_in(c_code);
- end;
- c_code.extend(' ');
- c_code.append(er.external_c_name);
- c_code.extend('(');
- if er.use_current then
- current_type.c_type_for_external_in(c_code);
- c_code.extend(' ');
- c_code.extend('C');
- if arguments /= Void then
- c_code.extend(',');
- end;
- end;
- if arguments = Void then
- if not er.use_current then
- c_code.append(fz_void);
- end;
- else
- arguments.external_prototype(c_code);
- end;
- c_code.append(");%N");
- cpp.swap_on_h;
- cpp.put_string(c_code);
- cpp.swap_on_c;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- once_mark: STRING is
- do
- Result := base_feature.first_name.to_string;
- end;
- once_flag_in(str: STRING) is
- -- Produce the C name of the once flag.
- do
- str.extend('f');
- base_feature.mapping_c_name_in(str);
- end;
- once_flag is
- -- Produce the C name of the once flag.
- do
- c_code.clear;
- once_flag_in(c_code);
- cpp.put_string(c_code);
- end;
- once_boolean is
- -- Produce C code for the boolean flag definition
- -- and initialisation.
- do
- c_code.copy(fz_int);
- c_code.extend(' ');
- once_flag_in(c_code);
- cpp.put_extern2(c_code,'0');
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- use_current_state: INTEGER;
- ucs_false,
- ucs_true,
- ucs_not_computed,
- ucs_in_computation: INTEGER is unique;
- std_compute_use_current is
- require
- use_current_state = ucs_in_computation;
- do
- if use_current_state = ucs_in_computation then
- if require_assertion /= Void then
- if require_assertion.use_current then
- use_current_state := ucs_true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if use_current_state = ucs_in_computation then
- if routine_body /= Void then
- if routine_body.use_current then
- use_current_state := ucs_true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if use_current_state = ucs_in_computation then
- if ensure_assertion /= Void then
- if ensure_assertion.use_current then
- use_current_state := ucs_true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if use_current_state = ucs_in_computation then
- use_current_state := ucs_false;
- end;
- ensure
- use_current_state = ucs_false or else
- use_current_state = ucs_true;
- end;
- compute_use_current is
- require
- use_current_state = ucs_in_computation;
- deferred
- ensure
- use_current_state = ucs_true or else
- use_current_state = ucs_false;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- c_code: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- c_code2: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- feature {NATIVE}
- frozen default_mapping_procedure is
- -- Default mapping for procedure calls with target.
- do
- mapping_name;
- cpp.put_character('(');
- cpp.put_target_as_target;
- if arg_count > 0 then
- cpp.put_character(',');
- cpp.put_arguments;
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_14);
- end;
- frozen default_mapping_function is
- -- Default mapping for function calls with target.
- do
- mapping_name;
- cpp.put_character('(');
- cpp.put_target_as_target;
- if arg_count > 0 then
- cpp.put_character(',');
- cpp.put_arguments;
- end;
- cpp.put_character(')');
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- nothing_comment is
- -- Useful for incremental recompilation.
- do
- cpp.put_string(fz_open_c_comment);
- cpp.put_string("No:");
- cpp.put_string(current_type.run_time_mark);
- cpp.put_character('.');
- cpp.put_string(name.to_string);
- cpp.put_string(fz_close_c_comment);
- cpp.put_character('%N');
- end;
- feature {NATIVE}
- routine_mapping_jvm is
- local
- rt, ct: TYPE;
- idx, stack_level: INTEGER;
- do
- ct := current_type;
- jvm.push_target_as_target;
- stack_level := -(1 + jvm.push_arguments);
- rt := result_type;
- if rt /= Void then
- stack_level := stack_level + rt.jvm_stack_space;
- end
- idx := constant_pool.idx_methodref(Current);
- ct.run_class.jvm_invoke(idx,stack_level);
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- jvm_field_or_method is
- -- Update jvm's `fields' or `methods' if needed.
- deferred
- end;
- feature
- mapping_jvm is
- require
- run_class.at_run_time
- deferred
- end;
- feature {JVM}
- jvm_define is
- -- To compute the constant pool, the number of fields,
- -- the number of methods, etc.
- require
- small_eiffel.is_ready
- deferred
- end;
- frozen jvm_descriptor: STRING is
- do
- tmp_jvm_descriptor.clear;
- update_tmp_jvm_descriptor;
- Result := tmp_jvm_descriptor;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- update_tmp_jvm_descriptor is
- deferred
- end;
- tmp_jvm_descriptor: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(128);
- end;
- routine_update_tmp_jvm_descriptor is
- -- For RUN_FEATURE_3/4/5/6 :
- local
- ct, rt: TYPE;
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- tmp_jvm_descriptor.extend('(');
- ct := current_type;
- ct.jvm_target_descriptor_in(tmp_jvm_descriptor);
- if arguments /= Void then
- arguments.jvm_descriptor_in(tmp_jvm_descriptor);
- end;
- rt := result_type;
- if rt = Void then
- tmp_jvm_descriptor.append(fz_19);
- else
- rt := rt.run_type;
- tmp_jvm_descriptor.extend(')');
- rt.jvm_descriptor_in(tmp_jvm_descriptor);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- method_info_start is
- local
- flags: INTEGER;
- do
- flags := current_type.jvm_method_flags;
- method_info.start(flags,name.to_key,jvm_descriptor);
- end;
- jvm_define_opening is
- require
- jvm.current_frame = Current
- local
- t: TYPE;
- do
- -- (1) -------------------- Local variable for Result :
- if result_type /= Void then
- t := result_type.run_type;
- t.jvm_initialize_local(jvm_result_offset);
- end;
- -- (2) ----------------------- User's local variables :
- if local_vars /= Void then
- local_vars.jvm_initialize;
- end;
- -- (3) ---------------- Local variable for old/ensure :
- if run_control.ensure_check then
- if ensure_assertion /= Void then
- ensure_assertion.compile_to_jvm_old;
- end;
- end;
- -- (4) ----------------------- Require assertion code :
- if require_assertion /= Void then
- require_assertion.compile_to_jvm;
- end;
- end;
- jvm_define_closing is
- require
- jvm.current_frame = Current
- do
- -- (0) ----------------------------- Class Invariant :
- if use_current then
- -- *** cpp.current_class_invariant(current_type);
- end;
- -- (1) --------------------------- Ensure Check Code :
- if run_control.ensure_check then
- if ensure_assertion /= Void then
- ensure_assertion.compile_to_jvm(true);
- end;
- end;
- -- (2) --------------------- Free for local expanded :
- -- (3) ------------------- Prepare result for return :
- if result_type /= Void then
- result_type.jvm_push_local(jvm_result_offset);
- end;
- end;
- feature {JVM}
- frozen jvm_result_offset: INTEGER is
- require
- result_type /= Void
- do
- Result := current_type.jvm_stack_space;
- if arguments /= Void then
- Result := Result + arguments.jvm_stack_space;
- end;
- if local_vars /= Void then
- Result := Result + local_vars.jvm_stack_space;
- end;
- end;
- frozen jvm_argument_offset(a: ARGUMENT_NAME): INTEGER is
- require
- arguments /= Void
- do
- Result := current_type.jvm_stack_space;
- Result := Result + arguments.jvm_offset_of(a);
- ensure
- Result >= a.rank - 1
- end;
- frozen jvm_local_variable_offset(ln: LOCAL_NAME): INTEGER is
- require
- local_vars /= Void
- do
- Result := current_type.jvm_stack_space;
- if arguments /= Void then
- Result := Result + arguments.jvm_stack_space;
- end;
- Result := Result + local_vars.jvm_offset_of(ln);
- ensure
- Result >= ln.rank - 1
- end;
- feature
- frozen jvm_max_locals: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := current_type.jvm_stack_space;
- if arguments /= Void then
- Result := Result + arguments.jvm_stack_space;
- end;
- if local_vars /= Void then
- Result := Result + local_vars.jvm_stack_space;
- end;
- if result_type /= Void then
- Result := Result + result_type.jvm_stack_space;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- routine_afd_check is
- do
- if require_assertion /= Void then
- require_assertion.afd_check;
- end;
- if routine_body /= Void then
- routine_body.afd_check;
- end;
- if ensure_assertion /= Void then
- ensure_assertion.afd_check;
- end;
- end;
- invariant
- current_type /= Void;
- name /= Void;
- base_feature /= Void;
- end -- RUN_FEATURE