home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1998-01-16 | 24.4 KB | 1,068 lines |
- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- inherit GLOBALS;
- creation {GENERAL}
- make
- feature
- copyright: STRING is
- "-- SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler -- Release (- 0.82) --%N%
- %-- Copyright (C), 1994-98 - LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE --%N%
- %-- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr --%N%
- %-- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel --%N";
- make is do end;
- loading_path: ARRAY[STRING] is
- local
- path: STRING;
- file: STD_FILE_READ;
- once
- !!Result.make(1,10);
- Result.clear;
- !!file.connect_to("loadpath.se");
- if file.is_connected then
- from
- until
- file.end_of_input
- loop
- file.read_line;
- Result.add_last(file.last_string.twin);
- end;
- file.disconnect;
- end;
- path := small_eiffel_directory.twin;
- add_directory(path,fz_sys);
- path.append("loadpath.");
- path.append(system_name);
- file.connect_to(path);
- if file.is_connected then
- from
- until
- file.end_of_input
- loop
- file.read_line;
- Result.add_last(file.last_string.twin);
- end;
- file.disconnect;
- else
- echo.w_put_string("No default path (file %"");
- echo.w_put_string(path);
- echo.w_put_string("%" not found).%N");
- end;
- end;
- feature
- is_ready: BOOLEAN;
- -- True when type inference algorithm is done : all
- -- needed classes are loaded, `at_run_time' classes are
- -- known, falling down is done, ...
- feature
- get_class(str: STRING): BASE_CLASS is
- do
- if base_class_dictionary.has(str) then
- Result := base_class_dictionary.at(str);
- else
- tmp_class_name.make(str,Void);
- Result := tmp_class_name.base_class;
- end;
- ensure
- Result /= Void;
- end;
- base_class(class_name: CLASS_NAME): BASE_CLASS is
- require
- class_name /= Void;
- do
- if base_class_dictionary.has(class_name.to_string) then
- Result := base_class_dictionary.at(class_name.to_string);
- elseif eiffel_parser.is_running then
- fatal_error("Internal Error #1 in SMALL_EIFFEL.");
- else
- if parser_buffer_for(class_name.to_string) then
- Result := eiffel_parser.analyse_class(class_name);
- check
- Result /= Void
- implies
- base_class_dictionary.has(class_name.to_string);
- end;
- end;
- if Result = Void then
- eh.add_position(class_name.start_position);
- fatal_error("Unable to load class.");
- end;
- end;
- end;
- load_class(name: STRING): BASE_CLASS is
- -- Try to load the `name' class where `name' is given
- -- in a command line (it can be a class name or a path).
- require
- not eiffel_parser.is_running
- do
- if parser_buffer_for(name) then
- Result := eiffel_parser.analyse_class(Void);
- if Result = Void then
- fatal_error("Cannot load class.");
- end;
- else
- fatal_error("Cannot find class.");
- end;
- end;
- feature {PRETTY}
- re_load_class(e_class: BASE_CLASS): BOOLEAN is
- require
- e_class /= Void;
- local
- name: STRING;
- new_class: like e_class;
- do
- name := e_class.base_class_name.to_string;
- check
- base_class_dictionary.has(name);
- end;
- base_class_dictionary.remove(name);
- new_class := load_class(name);
- Result := new_class /= Void;
- end;
- feature {EIFFEL_PARSER}
- add_class(c: BASE_CLASS) is
- require
- c /= Void
- do
- check
- not base_class_dictionary.has(c.base_class_name.to_string);
- end;
- base_class_dictionary.put(c,c.base_class_name.to_string);
- incr_magic_count;
- ensure
- base_class_dictionary.has(c.base_class_name.to_string);
- end;
- feature {FINDER}
- find_path_for(arg: STRING): STRING is
- do
- if parser_buffer_for(arg) then
- Result := parser_buffer.path;
- end;
- parser_buffer.unset_is_ready;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- parser_buffer_path: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- parser_buffer_for(name: STRING): BOOLEAN is
- -- SmallEiffel algorithm for searching classes on the disk.
- -- When Result, `parser_buffer' is ready to be used.
- require
- name /= Void;
- not parser_buffer.is_ready
- local
- do
- tmp_tail.copy(name);
- tmp_tail.to_lower;
- if not tmp_tail.has_suffix(eiffel_suffix) then
- tmp_tail.append(eiffel_suffix);
- end;
- from
- i := loading_path.lower;
- until
- i > loading_path.upper or else Result
- loop
- parser_buffer_path.copy(loading_path.item(i));
- parser_buffer_path.append(tmp_tail);
- parser_buffer.load_file(parser_buffer_path);
- Result := parser_buffer.is_ready;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- if not Result and then rename_dictionary.has(tmp_tail) then
- parser_buffer_path.copy(rename_dictionary.at(tmp_tail));
- parser_buffer.load_file(parser_buffer_path);
- if parser_buffer.is_ready then
- Result := true;
- else
- echo.w_put_string("Bad %"rename.se%" file.%NCannot open %"");
- echo.w_put_string(parser_buffer_path);
- echo.w_put_string(fz_03);
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- end;
- if not Result then
- tmp_tail.copy(name);
- if not tmp_tail.has_suffix(eiffel_suffix) then
- tmp_tail.append(eiffel_suffix);
- end;
- from
- i := loading_path.lower;
- until
- i > loading_path.upper or else Result
- loop
- parser_buffer_path.copy(loading_path.item(i));
- parser_buffer_path.append(tmp_tail);
- parser_buffer.load_file(parser_buffer_path);
- Result := parser_buffer.is_ready;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- if not Result then
- echo.w_put_string("Unable to find file for class %"");
- echo.w_put_string(name);
- echo.w_put_string("%". ");
- parser_buffer_path.clear;
- append_loading_path_in(parser_buffer_path);
- echo.w_put_string(parser_buffer_path);
- end;
- ensure
- Result implies parser_buffer.is_ready
- end;
- rename_dictionary: DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING] is
- -- Handling of "rename.se" files.
- local
- full_name, short_name: STRING;
- once
- from
- !!Result.make;
- i := 1;
- until
- i > loading_path.upper
- loop
- tmp_path.copy(loading_path.item(i));
- tmp_path.append("rename.se");
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- if tmp_file_read.is_connected then
- from
- until
- tmp_file_read.end_of_input
- loop
- tmp_file_read.read_word;
- full_name := tmp_file_read.last_string.twin;
- tmp_file_read.read_word;
- short_name := tmp_file_read.last_string.twin;
- short_name.prepend(loading_path.item(i));
- if Result.has(full_name) then
- echo.w_put_string("Multiple entry for %"");
- echo.w_put_string(full_name);
- echo.w_put_string("%" in %"rename.se%" files.%N%
- %Clash for %N%"");
- echo.w_put_string(short_name);
- echo.w_put_string("%" and %N%"");
- echo.w_put_string(Result.at(full_name));
- echo.w_put_string(".%N");
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- Result.put(short_name,full_name)
- tmp_file_read.skip_separators;
- end;
- tmp_file_read.disconnect;
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature
- short_flag: BOOLEAN;
- -- True when command `short' is running.
- feature {SHORT}
- set_short_flag is
- do
- short_flag := true;
- end;
- feature
- string_at_run_time: BOOLEAN is
- require
- is_ready
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- if run_class_dictionary.has(us_string) then
- rc := run_class_dictionary.at(us_string);
- Result := rc.at_run_time;
- end;
- end;
- is_used(cn: STRING): BOOLEAN is
- -- Is the base class `cn' used (loaded) ?
- do
- Result := base_class_dictionary.has(cn);
- end;
- run_class(t: TYPE): RUN_CLASS is
- require
- t.run_type = t;
- local
- run_string: STRING;
- do
- run_string := t.run_time_mark;
- if run_class_dictionary.has(run_string) then
- Result := run_class_dictionary.at(run_string);
- else
- !!Result.make(t);
- check
- run_class_dictionary.has(run_string);
- end;
- end;
- ensure
- Result /= Void
- end;
- feature
- base_class_count: INTEGER is
- -- Total number of base class actually loaded.
- do
- Result := base_class_dictionary.count;
- end;
- feature
- compile_to_c(root_class, procedure: STRING) is
- -- Produce C code for `root_class'/`procedure'.
- require
- not root_class.empty;
- not procedure.empty
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- t: TYPE;
- run_count: INTEGER;
- rf3: RUN_FEATURE_3;
- gc_flag: BOOLEAN;
- do
- rf3 := get_started(root_class,procedure);
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- check
- rf3 /= Void
- end;
- cpp.get_started;
- cpp.swap_on_h;
- gc_flag := gc_handler.is_on;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- cpp.put_string("%N/* --- Mangling Table Start ---%N");
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- if rc.at_run_time then
- run_count := run_count + 1;
- end;
- rc.demangling;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- cpp.put_string(" --- Mangling Table End --- */%N");
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- from
- cpp.put_comment_line("C Header Pass 1 :");
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- rc.c_header_pass1;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- from
- cpp.put_comment_line("C Header Pass 2 :");
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- rc.c_header_pass2;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- from
- cpp.put_comment_line("C Header Pass 3 :");
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- rc.c_header_pass3;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- from
- cpp.put_comment_line("C Header Pass 4 :");
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- rc.c_header_pass4;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- if gc_handler.is_on then
- gc_handler.define1;
- end;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- compile_routines;
- cpp.cecil_define;
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------
- if gc_handler.is_on then
- gc_handler.define2;
- end;
- cpp.define_main(rf3);
- cpp.define_used_basics;
- debug
- echo.put_string("Very Final magic_count : ");
- echo.put_integer(magic_count);
- echo.put_character('%N');
- end;
- cpp.write_make_file;
- else
- eh.error("Cannot produce C code.");
- end;
- end;
- compile_to_jvm(root_class, procedure: STRING) is
- -- Produce Java Byte Code for `root_class'/`procedure'.
- require
- not root_class.empty;
- not procedure.empty
- local
- rf3: RUN_FEATURE_3;
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- run_count, i: INTEGER;
- do
- rf3 := get_started(root_class,procedure);
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- check
- rf3 /= Void
- end;
- jvm.mkdir(rf3);
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- if rc.at_run_time then
- run_count := run_count + 1;
- rc.compile_to_jvm;
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- echo.print_count("Used Type",run_count);
- jvm.write_jvm_root_class;
- jvm.write_main_class(rf3);
- else
- eh.error("Cannot produce Java Byte Code.");
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- base_class_dictionary: DICTIONARY[BASE_CLASS,STRING] is
- -- When looking for a BASE_CLASS using the name of
- -- base class (ie FOO[BAR] is stored at key "FOO").
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- feature
- magic_count: INTEGER;
- -- Grow each time a new run class is added, each time a new
- -- class is loaded, each time a new feature is checked,
- -- each time ...
- -- Thus when `magic_count' stops growing, we are really
- -- ready to run :-).
- incr_magic_count is
- do
- magic_count := magic_count + 1;
- end;
- run_class_dictionary: DICTIONARY[RUN_CLASS,STRING] is
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- feature {CALL_PROC_CALL}
- run_class_with(run_time_mark: STRING): RUN_CLASS is
- do
- if run_class_dictionary.has(run_time_mark) then
- Result := run_class_dictionary.at(run_time_mark);
- end;
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- is_tagged(rc: RUN_CLASS): BOOLEAN is
- require
- is_ready;
- rc.at_run_time;
- rc.current_type.is_reference;
- run_control.boost
- local
- i, up: INTEGER;
- rcd: like run_class_dictionary;
- rc2: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- rcd := run_class_dictionary;
- up := rcd.count;
- until
- Result or else i > up
- loop
- rc2 := rcd.item(i);
- r := rc2.running;
- if r = Void then
- elseif r.fast_has(rc) then
- Result := r.count > 1;
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- get_started(root_class, procedure: STRING): RUN_FEATURE_3 is
- -- Get started to compile using creation `procedure'
- -- of base class `root_class'.
- require
- not root_class.empty;
- not procedure.empty
- local
- root_name: CLASS_NAME;
- root_proc_name: SIMPLE_FEATURE_NAME;
- root: BASE_CLASS;
- root_proc: PROCEDURE;
- root_type: TYPE;
- magic: INTEGER;
- do
- echo.put_string(copyright);
- echo.put_string("Parsing :%N");
- root := load_class(root_class);
- if root = Void then
- eh.append("Cannot load root class ");
- eh.append(root_class);
- eh.error(fz_dot);
- else
- root_name := root.base_class_name;
- !!root_proc_name.make(procedure,Void);
- root_proc := root.root_procedure(procedure);
- end;
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- if root_proc.arguments /= Void then
- eh.add_position(root_proc.start_position);
- eh.append("Creation procedure ");
- eh.append(procedure);
- eh.error(" must not have arguments.");
- end;
- end;
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- root_type := root.run_class.current_type;
- end;
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- Result := root_proc.to_run_feature(root_type,root_proc_name);
- if gc_handler.is_on then
- Result.do_not_inline;
- end;
- end;
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- echo.put_string("Starting Falling Down (");
- echo.put_integer(magic_count);
- echo.put_string(em1);
- from
- falling_down;
- cecil_pool.fill_up;
- until
- magic = magic_count or else nb_errors > 0
- loop
- magic := magic_count;
- falling_down;
- end;
- echo.put_string("End of Falling Down (");
- echo.put_integer(magic_count);
- echo.put_string(em1);
- end;
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- echo.put_string("Starting AFD Check (");
- echo.put_integer(magic_count);
- echo.put_string(em1);
- from
- afd_check;
- until
- magic = magic_count or else nb_errors > 0
- loop
- magic := magic_count;
- falling_down;
- afd_check;
- end;
- echo.put_string("End of AFD Check (");
- echo.put_integer(magic_count);
- echo.put_string(em1);
- check_for_deferred;
- end;
- if not eh.empty then
- eh.append("Internal Warning #1 (Error Handler Not Empty) : ");
- eh.print_as_warning;
- end;
- if nb_errors = 0 then
- is_ready := true;
- echo.print_count("Loaded Classe",base_class_dictionary.count);
- end;
- end;
- feature -- To add more Context for some `to_runnable' :
- top_rf: RUN_FEATURE is
- do
- Result := stack_rf.item(top);
- end;
- push(rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- do
- top := top + 1;
- stack_rf.force(rf,top);
- end;
- pop is
- do
- check
- 1 <= top;
- end;
- top := top - 1;
- ensure
- old(top) = top + 1
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- stack_rf: ARRAY[RUN_FEATURE] is
- once
- !!Result.make(1,50);
- end;
- top: INTEGER;
- feature {NONE}
- falling_down is
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- switch_collection.falling_down;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- rc.falling_down;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- afd_check is
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- rc.afd_check;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {RUN_FEATURE_9}
- afd_check_deferred(rf9: RUN_FEATURE) is
- do
- if not rf9_memory.fast_has(rf9) then
- rf9_memory.add_last(rf9);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- rf9_memory: FIXED_ARRAY[RUN_FEATURE] is
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(256);
- end;
- check_for_deferred is
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- i := rf9_memory.upper
- echo.print_count("Deferred Routine",i+1);
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- rf9 := rf9_memory.item(i);
- rc := rf9.current_type.run_class;
- if rc.at_run_time then
- eh.add_position(rf9.start_position);
- eh.append(rf9.name.to_string);
- eh.append(" is a deferred feature in ");
- eh.append(rf9.current_type.written_mark);
- fatal_error(fz_dot);
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {CST_ATT_UNIQUE}
- next_unique: INTEGER is
- do
- if last_unique < 1000 then
- last_unique := 1000
- end;
- last_unique := last_unique + 1;
- Result := last_unique;
- end;
- feature {C_PRETTY_PRINTER}
- define_extern_tables is
- local
- size: INTEGER;
- do
- size := id_provider.max_id + 1;
- if cpp.generator_used then
- cpp.put_extern4(fz_t7_star,"g",size);
- end;
- if cpp.generating_type_used then
- cpp.put_extern4(fz_t7_star,"t",size);
- end;
- if run_control.no_check then
- cpp.put_extern4("char*","p",size);
- end;
- end;
- initialize_path_table is
- require
- cpp.on_c;
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- cpp.put_string("p[0]=%"???%";%N");
- i := 1;
- until
- i > base_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- bc := base_class_dictionary.item(i);
- cpp.put_string("p[");
- cpp.put_integer(bc.id);
- cpp.put_string("]=");
- cpp.put_string_c(bc.path);
- cpp.put_string(fz_00);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- if rc.at_run_time and then rc.current_type.is_generic then
- cpp.put_string("p[");
- cpp.put_integer(rc.id);
- cpp.put_string("]=p[");
- cpp.put_integer(rc.base_class.id);
- cpp.put_string("];%N");
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c;
- end;
- initialize_generator is
- require
- cpp.on_c;
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > base_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- bc := base_class_dictionary.item(i);
- cpp.put_string("g[");
- cpp.put_integer(bc.id);
- cpp.put_string("]=e2s(");
- cpp.put_string_c(bc.base_class_name.to_string);
- cpp.put_string(fz_14);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- if rc.at_run_time and then rc.current_type.is_generic then
- cpp.put_string("g[");
- cpp.put_integer(rc.id);
- cpp.put_string("]=g[");
- cpp.put_integer(rc.base_class.id);
- cpp.put_string("];%N");
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c;
- end;
- initialize_generating_type is
- require
- cpp.on_c;
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- if rc.at_run_time then
- cpp.put_string("t[");
- cpp.put_integer(rc.id);
- cpp.put_string("]=");
- if rc.current_type.is_generic then
- cpp.put_string("e2s(");
- cpp.put_string_c(rc.current_type.run_time_mark);
- cpp.put_character(')');
- else
- cpp.put_string("g[");
- cpp.put_integer(rc.id);
- cpp.put_character(']');
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_00);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- tmp_class_name: CLASS_NAME is
- once
- !!Result.make(us_any,Void);
- end
- feature {NONE}
- compile_routines is
- -- Try to give the best order to the C output.
- local
- rc, rc_string: RUN_CLASS;
- ct: TYPE;
- deep, i: INTEGER;
- stop: BOOLEAN;
- bcn: STRING;
- do
- echo.put_string("Compiling/Sorting routines for ");
- echo.put_integer(run_class_dictionary.count);
- echo.put_string(" run classes :%N");
- cpp.swap_on_c;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- ct := rc.current_type;
- if ct.is_basic_eiffel_expanded then
- rc.compile_to_c(0);
- elseif ct.is_string then
- rc_string := rc;
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- ct := rc.current_type;
- if ct.is_bit then
- rc.compile_to_c(0);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- bcn := rc.base_class_name.to_string;
- if us_native_array = bcn then
- rc.compile_to_c(0);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- if rc_string /= Void then
- rc_string.compile_to_c(0);
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- ct := rc.current_type;
- bcn := ct.base_class_name.to_string;
- if us_array = bcn or else us_fixed_array = bcn then
- rc.compile_to_c(0);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- ct := rc.current_type;
- if ct.is_generic then
- rc.compile_to_c(0);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from -- General sorting :
- deep := 6;
- until
- stop
- loop
- from
- stop := true;
- i := 1;
- until
- i > run_class_dictionary.count
- loop
- rc := run_class_dictionary.item(i);
- if not rc.compile_to_c_done then
- stop := false;
- rc.compile_to_c(deep);
- end;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- deep := deep - 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- tmp_tail: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(64);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- last_unique: INTEGER;
- feature {NONE}
- em1: STRING is " items).%N";
- feature {NONE}
- append_loading_path_in(str: STRING) is
- local
- sed: STRING;
- do
- str.append("%NLoading path is :%N");
- from
- i := loading_path.lower;
- until
- i > loading_path.upper
- loop
- str.extend('%"');
- str.append(loading_path.item(i));
- str.extend('%"');
- str.extend('%N');
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- str.append("Environment Variable %"");
- str.append(fz_se);
- sed := get_environment_variable(fz_se);
- str.append("%" is%N");
- if sed = Void then
- str.append("not set. ");
- else
- str.append("set to %"");
- str.append(sed);
- str.append("%". ");
- end;
- str.extend('%N');
- end;