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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- expanded class SWITCH
- --
- -- Set of tools (no attributes) to handle one switching site.
- --
- inherit GLOBALS;
- feature {NONE}
- running: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS] is
- -- The global one.
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(256,1);
- end;
- feature
- c_define(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- -- Define the switching C function for `up_rf'.
- require
- cpp.on_c
- local
- boost: BOOLEAN;
- arguments: FORMAL_ARG_LIST;
- t: TYPE;
- do
- boost := run_control.boost;
- arguments := up_rf.arguments;
- t := up_rf.result_type;
- ts.clear;
- if t = Void then
- ts.append(fz_void);
- else
- t := t.run_type;
- t.c_type_for_result_in(ts);
- end;
- ts.extend(' ');
- ts.extend('X');
- up_rf.current_type.id.append_in(ts);
- up_rf.name.mapping_c_in(ts);
- if boost then
- ts.append("(void *C");
- else
- ts.append("(int l,int c,int f, void *C");
- end;
- if arguments /= Void then
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > arguments.count
- loop
- ts.extend(',');
- t := arguments.type(i).run_type;
- t.c_type_for_argument_in(ts);
- ts.append(" a");
- i.append_in(ts);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- ts.extend(')');
- cpp.put_c_heading(ts);
- cpp.swap_on_c;
- cpp.put_string("int id=");
- running.copy(up_rf.current_type.run_class.running);
- sort_running(running);
- if boost then
- cpp.put_string("((T0*)C)->id;%N");
- else
- cpp.put_string("vc(C,l,c,f)->id;%N");
- end;
- if run_control.all_check then
- c_switch(up_rf);
- else
- c_dicho(up_rf,1,running.upper);
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_12);
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- feature {C_PRETTY_PRINTER}
- put_arguments(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE; fal: FORMAL_ARG_LIST) is
- -- Produce C code for arguments of `fal' used
- -- inside the switching C function.
- require
- cpp.on_c;
- fal.count = up_rf.arguments.count
- local
- i, up: INTEGER;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- up := fal.count;
- until
- i > up
- loop
- if i > 1 then
- cpp.put_character(',');
- end;
- put_ith_argument(up_rf,fal,i);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- put_ith_argument(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE; fal: FORMAL_ARG_LIST; index: INTEGER) is
- -- Produce C code for argument `index' of `fal' used
- -- inside the switching C function.
- require
- cpp.on_c;
- fal.count = up_rf.arguments.count;
- 1 <= index;
- index <= fal.count
- local
- eal: like fal;
- at, ft: TYPE;
- do
- eal := up_rf.arguments;
- at := eal.type(index).run_type;
- ft := fal.type(index).run_type;
- if at.is_reference and then ft.is_basic_eiffel_expanded then
- cpp.put_character('(');
- ft.cast_to_ref;
- cpp.put_character('a');
- cpp.put_integer(index);
- cpp.put_string(")->_item");
- else
- cpp.put_character('a');
- cpp.put_integer(index);
- end;
- ensure
- cpp.on_c
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- c_dicho(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE; bi, bs: INTEGER) is
- -- Produce dichotomic inspection code for Current id.
- require
- bi <= bs
- local
- dyn_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- dyn_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- if bi = bs then
- dyn_rc := running.item(bi);
- dyn_rf := dyn_rc.dynamic(up_rf);
- tail_opening(up_rf.result_type,dyn_rf.result_type);
- cpp.push_switch(dyn_rf,up_rf);
- dyn_rf.mapping_c;
- cpp.pop;
- tail_closing(up_rf.result_type,dyn_rf.result_type);
- else
- m := (bi + bs) // 2;
- dyn_rc := running.item(m);
- cpp.put_string("if (id <= ");
- cpp.put_integer(dyn_rc.id);
- cpp.put_string(") {%N");
- c_dicho(up_rf,bi,m);
- cpp.put_string("} else {%N");
- c_dicho(up_rf,m + 1,bs);
- cpp.put_character('}');
- end;
- end;
- c_switch(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- -- Produce C switch inspection code for Current id.
- local
- dyn_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- dyn_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- do
- cpp.put_string("switch(id){%N");
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > running.upper
- loop
- dyn_rc := running.item(i);
- dyn_rf := dyn_rc.dynamic(up_rf);
- cpp.put_string("case ");
- cpp.put_integer(dyn_rc.id);
- cpp.put_character(':');
- tail_opening(up_rf.result_type,dyn_rf.result_type);
- cpp.push_switch(dyn_rf,up_rf);
- dyn_rf.mapping_c;
- cpp.pop;
- tail_closing(up_rf.result_type,dyn_rf.result_type);
- cpp.put_string("%Nbreak;%N");
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- if run_control.no_check then
- cpp.put_string("default: error2(C,l,c,f);%N");
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_12);
- end;
- name(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE): STRING is
- do
- tmp_name.clear;
- tmp_name.extend('X');
- up_rf.current_type.id.append_in(tmp_name);
- tmp_name.append(up_rf.name.to_key);
- Result := tmp_name;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- tmp_name: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- feature
- jvm_descriptor(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE): STRING is
- local
- arguments: FORMAL_ARG_LIST;
- rt: TYPE;
- do
- arguments := up_rf.arguments;
- tmp_jvmd.clear;
- tmp_jvmd.extend('(');
- tmp_jvmd.append(jvm_root_descriptor);
- if arguments /= Void then
- arguments.jvm_descriptor_in(tmp_jvmd);
- end;
- rt := up_rf.result_type;
- if rt = Void then
- tmp_jvmd.append(fz_19);
- else
- rt := rt.run_type;
- tmp_jvmd.extend(')');
- if rt.is_reference then
- tmp_jvmd.append(jvm_root_descriptor);
- else
- rt.jvm_descriptor_in(tmp_jvmd);
- end;
- end;
- Result := tmp_jvmd;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- tmp_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- tmp_jvmd: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(32);
- end;
- feature
- idx_methodref(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE): INTEGER is
- require
- up_rf /= Void
- do
- Result := constant_pool.idx_methodref3(jvm_root_class,
- name(up_rf),
- jvm_descriptor(up_rf));
- end;
- feature {JVM}
- jvm_mapping(cpc: CALL_PROC_CALL) is
- require
- cpc /= Void
- local
- idx, stack_level: INTEGER;
- up_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- target: EXPRESSION;
- switch: SWITCH;
- do
- target := cpc.target;
- up_rf := cpc.run_feature;
- eal := cpc.arguments;
- target.compile_to_jvm;
- stack_level := 1;
- if eal /= Void then
- fal := up_rf.arguments;
- stack_level := stack_level + eal.compile_to_jvm(fal);
- end;
- idx := switch.idx_methodref(up_rf);
- code_attribute.opcode_invokestatic(idx,-stack_level);
- end;
- jvm_define(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE) is
- local
- rt: TYPE;
- do
- -- Define the Java switching static method for `up_rf'.
- method_info.start(9,name(up_rf),jvm_descriptor(up_rf));
- running.copy(up_rf.current_type.run_class.running);
- rt := up_rf.result_type;
- if rt /= Void then
- rt := rt.run_type;
- end;
- jvm_switch(up_rf,rt);
- method_info.finish;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- ts: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- tail_opening(x_type, r_type: TYPE) is
- do
- if x_type /= Void then
- tmp_string.copy(fz_return);
- tmp_string.extend('(');
- tmp_string.extend('(');
- x_type.c_type_for_result_in(tmp_string);
- tmp_string.extend(')');
- tmp_string.extend('(');
- cpp.put_string(tmp_string);
- if r_type.is_expanded and then x_type.is_reference then
- r_type.to_reference;
- cpp.put_character('(');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- tail_closing(x_type, r_type: TYPE) is
- do
- if x_type /= Void then
- if r_type.is_expanded and then x_type.is_reference then
- cpp.put_character(')');
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_16);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- jvm_switch(up_rf: RUN_FEATURE; rt: TYPE) is
- -- Produce Java sequential switch code.
- require
- rt /= Void implies rt.run_type = rt
- local
- space, point, idx, i: INTEGER;
- dyn_rc: RUN_CLASS;
- dyn_rf: RUN_FEATURE;
- boost: BOOLEAN;
- ca: like code_attribute;
- do
- ca := code_attribute;
- from
- boost := run_control.boost;
- i := running.upper;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- dyn_rc := running.item(i);
- dyn_rf := dyn_rc.dynamic(up_rf);
- if i = 1 and then boost then
- else
- ca.opcode_aload_0;
- idx := dyn_rf.run_class.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- ca.opcode_instanceof(idx);
- point := ca.opcode_ifeq;
- end;
- jvm.push_switch(dyn_rf,up_rf);
- dyn_rf.mapping_jvm;
- jvm.pop;
- if rt = Void then
- ca.opcode_return;
- else
- space := dyn_rf.result_type.jvm_convert_to(rt);
- rt.jvm_return_code;
- end;
- if i = 1 and then boost then
- else
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point);
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- if boost then
- else
- ca.opcode_system_err_println(idx_error01);
- ca.opcode_iconst_1;
- ca.opcode_system_exit
- end;
- end;
- idx_error01: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := constant_pool.idx_string("Bad target for dynamic dispatch.");
- end;
- end