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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- class TMP_NAME
- --
- -- Unique object for temprary storage of an unkown name
- -- during syntax analysis.
- --
- inherit GLOBALS;
- creation {EIFFEL_PARSER}
- make
- feature {NONE}
- tmp_string: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- unique_string_memory: STRING;
- feature {EIFFEL_PARSER}
- li, co: INTEGER;
- feature {NONE}
- make is
- do
- end;
- feature {EIFFEL_PARSER}
- initialize(l, c: INTEGER) is
- do
- li := l;
- co := c;
- tmp_string.clear;
- unique_string_memory := Void;
- end;
- feature {EIFFEL_PARSER}
- is_current: BOOLEAN is
- do
- if tmp_string.count = 7 then
- Result := us_current.same_as(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- is_result: BOOLEAN is
- do
- if tmp_string.count = 6 then
- Result := us_result.same_as(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- is_void: BOOLEAN is
- do
- if tmp_string.count = 4 then
- Result := us_void.same_as(tmp_string);
- end;
- end;
- to_string: STRING is
- do
- if unique_string_memory = Void then
- Result := unique_string.item(tmp_string);
- unique_string_memory := Result;
- else
- Result := unique_string_memory;
- end;
- end;
- count: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := tmp_string.count;
- end;
- start_position: POSITION is
- do
- !!Result.make(li,co);
- end;
- extend(ch: CHARACTER) is
- do
- tmp_string.extend(ch);
- end;
- isa_keyword: BOOLEAN is
- require
- not tmp_string.empty
- local
- do
- c := tmp_string.item(1).to_lower;
- inspect
- c
- when 'a' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_a);
- when 'c' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_c);
- when 'd' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_d);
- when 'e' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_e);
- when 'f' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_f);
- when 'i' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_i);
- when 'l' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_l);
- when 'o' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_o);
- when 'p' then
- Result := fz_prefix.same_as(tmp_string);
- when 'r' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_r);
- when 's' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_s);
- when 't' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_t);
- when 'u' then
- Result := look_in(keyword_u);
- when 'v' then
- Result := fz_variant.same_as(tmp_string);
- when 'w' then
- Result := fz_when.same_as(tmp_string);
- when 'x' then
- Result := us_xor.same_as(tmp_string);
- else
- end;
- end;
- feature {EIFFEL_PARSER} -- Final Conversion Routines :
- to_argument_name1: ARGUMENT_NAME1 is
- do
- !!Result.make(pos(li,co),tmp_string);
- end;
- to_argument_name2(fal: FORMAL_ARG_LIST; rank: INTEGER): ARGUMENT_NAME2 is
- do
- !!Result.refer_to(pos(li,co),fal,rank);
- end;
- to_class_name: CLASS_NAME is
- do
- !!Result.make(tmp_string,pos(li,co));
- end;
- to_e_current: E_CURRENT is
- require
- is_current
- do
- !!Result.make(pos(li,co),true);
- end;
- to_e_result: E_RESULT is
- require
- is_result
- do
- !!Result.make(pos(li,co));
- end;
- to_e_void: E_VOID is
- require
- is_void
- do
- !!Result.make(pos(li,co));
- end;
- to_simple_feature_name: SIMPLE_FEATURE_NAME is
- do
- !!Result.make(tmp_string,pos(li,co));
- end;
- to_infix_name_use: INFIX_NAME is
- do
- !!Result.make(tmp_string,pos(li,co));
- end;
- to_infix_name(sp: POSITION): INFIX_NAME is
- do
- !!Result.make(tmp_string,sp);
- end;
- to_local_name1: LOCAL_NAME1 is
- do
- !!Result.make(pos(li,co),tmp_string);
- end;
- to_local_name2(lvl: LOCAL_VAR_LIST; rank: INTEGER): LOCAL_NAME2 is
- do
- !!Result.refer_to(pos(li,co),lvl,rank);
- end;
- to_prefix_name: PREFIX_NAME is
- do
- !!Result.make(tmp_string,pos(li,co));
- end;
- to_tag_name: TAG_NAME is
- do
- !!Result.make(tmp_string,pos(li,co));
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- keyword_a: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_alias,fz_all,us_and,fz_as>>;
- end;
- keyword_c: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_check,fz_class,fz_creation>>;
- end;
- keyword_d: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_debug,fz_deferred,fz_do>>;
- end;
- keyword_e: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_else,fz_elseif,fz_end,fz_ensure,
- fz_expanded,fz_export,fz_external>>;
- end;
- keyword_f: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_false,fz_feature,fz_from,fz_frozen>>;
- end;
- keyword_i: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_if,us_implies,fz_indexing,fz_infix,
- fz_inherit,fz_inspect,fz_invariant,fz_is>>;
- end;
- keyword_l: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_like,fz_local,fz_loop>>;
- end;
- keyword_o: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_obsolete,fz_old,fz_once,us_or>>;
- end;
- keyword_r: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_redefine,fz_rename,fz_require,fz_rescue,fz_retry>>;
- end;
- keyword_s: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_select,fz_separate,fz_strip>>;
- end;
- keyword_t: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_then,fz_true>>;
- end;
- keyword_u: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<fz_undefine,fz_unique,fz_until>>;
- end;
- look_in(kt: ARRAY[STRING]): BOOLEAN is
- require
- not tmp_string.empty;
- not kt.empty;
- kt.lower = 1
- local
- do
- from
- i := kt.upper;
- until
- Result or else i = 0
- loop
- Result := kt.item(i).same_as(tmp_string);
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end -- TMP_NAME