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- /*
- -- ANSI C code generated by :
- -- SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler -- Release (- 0.82) --
- -- Copyright (C), 1994-98 - LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE --
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr --
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel --
- */
- #include "pretty.h"
- T0* r636append(T636* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if ((((C)==((void*)(a1)))||(/*(IRF4.7is_omitted*/((((T636*)C))->_start_position/*0*/)==(NULL)/*)*/))||(r636gives_permission_to_any(C))) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else if ((/*(IRF4.7is_omitted*/((((T636*)((T636*)a1)))->_start_position/*0*/)==(NULL)/*)*/)||(r636gives_permission_to_any(((T636*)a1)))) {
- R=a1;
- }
- else {
- {T636*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M636;
- r636merge(n,(((T636*)C))->_start_position/*0*/,(((T636*)C))->_list/*4*/,(((T636*)((T636*)a1)))->_list/*4*/);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- T0* r358add_comment(T358* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((a1)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*(IRF4.6count*/r52count(((T52*)((((T393*)((T393*)a1)))->_list/*4*/)))/*)*/)==(0))) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- {T529*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M529;
- r529make(n,(T0*)C,a1);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r358to_integer(T358* C){
- int R=0;
- r358error((((T358*)C))->_start_position/*16*/,((T0*)ms69_470));
- return R;
- }
- int r358is_a(T358* C,T0* a1){
- int R=0;
- R=X291is_a(X291run_type(/*(IRF4.3result_type*/(((T358*)C))->_current_type/*4*//*)*/),X291run_type(X662result_type(a1)));
- /*IF*/if (!(R)) {
- r683add_position((((T358*)C))->_start_position/*16*/);
- r358error(X662start_position(a1),((T0*)ms4_662));
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:E_CURRENT.is_current*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.is_written*/
- void r358make(T358* C,T0* a1,int a2){
- C->_start_position=a1;
- C->_is_written=a2;
- C->_to_string=((T0*)ms143_473);
- }
- void r358print_as_target(T358* C){
- /*IF*/if (((((T358*)C))->_is_written/*12*/)||(r238print_current(((T238*)(oBC364fmt))))) {
- r238put_string(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)),((T0*)ms143_473));
- r238put_character(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)),'\56');
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:E_CURRENT.us_current*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.to_string*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.fz_iinaiv*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.start_position*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.precedence*/
- T0* r358to_runnable(T358* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((((T358*)C))->_current_type/*4*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- C->_current_type=a1;
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else if (((((T358*)C))->_current_type/*4*/)==((void*)(a1))) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- {T358*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M358;
- r358make(n,(((T358*)C))->_start_position/*16*/,(((T358*)C))->_is_written/*12*/);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.3set_current_type*/((((T358*)(((T358*)R))))->_current_type)=(a1);
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:E_CURRENT.bracketed_pretty_print*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.result_type*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.set_current_type*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.atomic_precedence*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.pretty_print*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.current_type*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.is_manifest_string*/
- /*No:E_CURRENT.is_void*/
- void r358error(T0* a1,T0* a2){
- r683add_position(a1);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),a2);
- }
- void r592make(T592* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- C->_header_comment=a1;
- C->_list=a2;
- }
- /*No:COMPOUND.nb_errors*/
- T0* r592to_runnable(T592* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _i2=NULL;
- T0* _i1=NULL;
- int _i=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T592*)C))->_current_type/*4*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- C->_current_type=a1;
- /*IF*/if (((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- _i=(((T419*)((T419*)((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/))))->_upper/*8*/;
- while (!((_i)==(0))) {
- _i1=r419item(((T419*)((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/)),_i);
- _i2=X465to_runnable(_i1,(T0*)C);
- /*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)>(0)) {
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms1_592);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=X291written_mark((((T592*)C))->_current_type/*4*/);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r683add_position(X465start_position(_i1));
- /*[IRF3.6fatal_error*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms2_592);
- r683fatal_error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else {
- /*[IRF3.6put*/{T419* C1=((T419*)((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/));
- T0* b1=_i2;
- int b2=_i;
- ((((T419*)C1))->_storage/*0*/)[(b2)-((((T419*)C1))->_lower/*12*/)]=(b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)-(1);
- }
- }
- /*FI*/R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T592*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M592;
- r592make(n,(((T592*)C))->_header_comment/*0*/,NULL);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T592*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M592;
- r592make(n,(((T592*)C))->_header_comment/*0*/,r419twin(((T419*)((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/))));
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/R=r592to_runnable(((T592*)R),a1);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r592pretty_print(T592* C){
- int _i=0;
- r238level_incr(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)));
- r238indent(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)));
- /*IF*/if (((((T592*)C))->_header_comment/*0*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- r393pretty_print(((T393*)((((T592*)C))->_header_comment/*0*/)));
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- _i=1;
- while (!((_i)>((((T419*)((T419*)((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/))))->_upper/*8*/))) {
- /*[IRF3.3set_semi_colon_flag*/((((T238*)(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)))))->_semi_colon_flag)=(1);
- /*]*/
- r238indent(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)));
- X465pretty_print(r419item(((T419*)((((T592*)C))->_list/*8*/)),_i));
- _i=(_i)+(1);
- }
- }
- /*FI*/r238level_decr(((T238*)(oBC364fmt)));
- }
- /*No:COMPOUND.list*/
- /*No:COMPOUND.current_type*/
- T0* r592run_class(T592* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=X291run_class((((T592*)C))->_current_type/*4*/);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:COMPOUND.header_comment*/
- /*No:COMPOUND.fatal_error*/