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- /*
- -- ANSI C code generated by :
- -- SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler -- Release (- 0.82) --
- -- Copyright (C), 1994-98 - LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE --
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr --
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel --
- */
- #include "short.h"
- void r916add_function(T0* a1){
- r222add_last(((T222*)(oBC916function_list)),a1);
- }
- T0*oBC916function_list=NULL;
- T0*oBC916procedure_list=NULL;
- void r916add_procedure(T0* a1){
- r185add_last(((T185*)(oBC916procedure_list)),a1);
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.arguments*/
- T0* r380try_to_undefine(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- X776undefine_in(a1,a2);
- R=r380try_to_undefine_aux(C,a1,a2);
- /*IF*/if ((R)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*X249*//*[IRF3.3set_clients*/((((T853*)(((T853*)R))))->_clients)=((((T380*)C))->_clients/*20*/);
- /*]*/
- }
- else {
- r605fatal_undefine(((T605*)a2),a1);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.is_deferred*/
- void r380add_into(T380* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _fn=NULL;
- int _i=0;
- C->_base_class=r627base_class(((T627*)(X776start_position(/*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T380*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),1)/*)*/))));
- _i=1;
- while (!((_i)>(/*(IRF4.6count*/(((T855*)((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T380*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/))))->_upper/*8*//*)*/))) {
- _fn=/*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T380*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),_i)/*)*/;
- /*IF*/if (r237has(((T237*)a1),X776to_key(_fn))) {
- _fn=/*X359*/((T0*)/*(IRF4.6first_name*//*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T398*)((T398*)(r237at(((T237*)a1),X776to_key(_fn))))))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),1)/*)*//*)*/);
- r683add_position(X776start_position(_fn));
- r683add_position(X776start_position(/*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T380*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),_i)/*)*/));
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms11_359));
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=X776to_string(_fn);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms67_470));
- }
- else {
- r237put(((T237*)a1),(T0*)C,X776to_key(_fn));
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)+(1);
- }
- }
- T0* r380try_to_undefine_aux(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- r683add_position(r380start_position(C));
- r380error(X776start_position(a1),((T0*)ms1_308));
- r605fatal_undefine(((T605*)a2),a1);
- return R;
- }
- void r380make(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- T0* _ms=NULL;
- int _i=0;
- r380make_e_feature(C,a1,a2);
- {T381*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M381;
- r381make(n,1,/*(IRF4.6count*/(((T855*)((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T380*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/))))->_upper/*8*//*)*/);
- C->_values=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.6put*/{T381* C1=((T381*)((((T380*)C))->_values/*24*/));
- T0* b1=a3;
- int b2=1;
- ((((T381*)C1))->_storage/*4*/)[(b2)-((((T381*)C1))->_lower/*16*/)]=(b1);
- }/*]*/
- _i=2;
- while (!((_i)>((((T381*)((T381*)((((T380*)C))->_values/*24*/))))->_upper/*12*/))) {
- {T805*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M805;
- r805from_manifest_string(n,a3,_i);
- _ms=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.6put*/{T381* C1=((T381*)((((T380*)C))->_values/*24*/));
- T0* b1=_ms;
- int b2=_i;
- ((((T381*)C1))->_storage/*4*/)[(b2)-((((T381*)C1))->_lower/*16*/)]=(b1);
- }/*]*/
- _i=(_i)+(1);
- }
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.nb_errors*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.set_header_comment*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.values*/
- T0* r380start_position(T380* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=X776start_position(/*(IRF4.6first_name*//*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T380*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),1)/*)*//*)*/);
- return R;
- }
- T0* r380to_run_feature(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _rc=NULL;
- _rc=X291run_class(a1);
- R=r368at(((T368*)_rc),a2);
- if(NULL!=(R))switch(((T0*)R)->id) {
- case 808:
- break;
- default:
- };/*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T808*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M808;
- r808make(n,a1,a2,(T0*)C);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.ensure_assertion*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.code_require*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.result_type*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.em1*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.set_clients*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.em2*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.value*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.require_assertion*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.names*/
- int r380can_hide(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/)))) {
- /*IF*/if ((((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/))==((void*)(NULL)))) {
- r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r380error(r380start_position(C),((T0*)ms5_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.1arguments*/NULL/*)*/)!=((void*)(X359arguments(a1)))) {
- /*IF*/{/*AT*/r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r380error(r380start_position(C),((T0*)ms6_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0)) {
- /*IF*/if (((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*IF*/if (!(X291is_a_in((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/,/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/),a2))) {
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms13_359);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=X291run_time_mark((((T368*)((T368*)a2)))->_current_type/*0*/);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms67_470));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0)) {
- /*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/R=(/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.header_comment*/
- int r380is_merge_with(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/)))) {
- /*IF*/if ((((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/))==((void*)(NULL)))) {
- r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r380error(r380start_position(C),((T0*)ms2_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.1arguments*/NULL/*)*/)!=((void*)(X359arguments(a1)))) {
- /*IF*/{/*AT*/r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r380error(r380start_position(C),((T0*)ms3_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*IF*/if (!(X291is_a_in((((T380*)C))->_result_type/*12*/,/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/),a2))) {
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms12_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/R=(/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.fz_dot*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.first_name*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.clients*/
- void r380collect_for(int a1){
- /*IF*/if ((a1)==(1001)) {
- /*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- /*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- void r380error(T0* a1,T0* a2){
- r683add_position(a1);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),a2);
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_STRING.base_class*/
- void r380make_e_feature(T380* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- C->_names=a1;
- C->_result_type=a2;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.arguments*/
- T0* r588try_to_undefine(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- X776undefine_in(a1,a2);
- R=r588try_to_undefine_aux(C,a1,a2);
- /*IF*/if ((R)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*X249*//*[IRF3.3set_clients*/((((T853*)(((T853*)R))))->_clients)=((((T588*)C))->_clients/*20*/);
- /*]*/
- }
- else {
- r605fatal_undefine(((T605*)a2),a1);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.is_deferred*/
- void r588add_into(T588* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _fn=NULL;
- int _i=0;
- C->_base_class=r627base_class(((T627*)(X776start_position(/*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T588*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),1)/*)*/))));
- _i=1;
- while (!((_i)>(/*(IRF4.6count*/(((T855*)((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T588*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/))))->_upper/*8*//*)*/))) {
- _fn=/*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T588*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),_i)/*)*/;
- /*IF*/if (r237has(((T237*)a1),X776to_key(_fn))) {
- _fn=/*X359*/((T0*)/*(IRF4.6first_name*//*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T398*)((T398*)(r237at(((T237*)a1),X776to_key(_fn))))))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),1)/*)*//*)*/);
- r683add_position(X776start_position(_fn));
- r683add_position(X776start_position(/*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T588*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),_i)/*)*/));
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms11_359));
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=X776to_string(_fn);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms67_470));
- }
- else {
- r237put(((T237*)a1),(T0*)C,X776to_key(_fn));
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)+(1);
- }
- }
- T0* r588try_to_undefine_aux(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- r683add_position(r588start_position(C));
- r588error(X776start_position(a1),((T0*)ms1_308));
- r605fatal_undefine(((T605*)a2),a1);
- return R;
- }
- void r588make(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- r588make_e_feature(C,a1,a2);
- C->_value_mem=a3;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.nb_errors*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.set_header_comment*/
- T0* r588start_position(T588* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=X776start_position(/*(IRF4.6first_name*//*(IRF4.6item*/r855item(((T855*)((((T953*)((T953*)((((T588*)C))->_names/*8*/))))->_list/*0*/)),1)/*)*//*)*/);
- return R;
- }
- T0* r588to_run_feature(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _rc=NULL;
- _rc=X291run_class(a1);
- R=r368at(((T368*)_rc),a2);
- if(NULL!=(R))switch(((T0*)R)->id) {
- case 808:
- break;
- default:
- };/*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T808*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M808;
- r808make(n,a1,a2,(T0*)C);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.ensure_assertion*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.code_require*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.result_type*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.em1*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.set_clients*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.em2*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.value*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.require_assertion*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.names*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.value_mem*/
- int r588can_hide(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/)))) {
- /*IF*/if ((((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/))==((void*)(NULL)))) {
- r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r588error(r588start_position(C),((T0*)ms5_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.1arguments*/NULL/*)*/)!=((void*)(X359arguments(a1)))) {
- /*IF*/{/*AT*/r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r588error(r588start_position(C),((T0*)ms6_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0)) {
- /*IF*/if (((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*IF*/if (!(X291is_a_in((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/,/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/),a2))) {
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms13_359);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=X291run_time_mark((((T368*)((T368*)a2)))->_current_type/*0*/);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms67_470));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0)) {
- /*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/R=(/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.header_comment*/
- int r588is_merge_with(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/)))) {
- /*IF*/if ((((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/))==((void*)(NULL)))) {
- r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r588error(r588start_position(C),((T0*)ms2_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.1arguments*/NULL/*)*/)!=((void*)(X359arguments(a1)))) {
- /*IF*/{/*AT*/r683add_position(X359start_position(a1));
- r588error(r588start_position(C),((T0*)ms3_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*IF*/if (!(X291is_a_in((((T588*)C))->_result_type/*12*/,/*X359*/((T0*)(((T398*)((T398*)a1)))->_result_type/*12*/),a2))) {
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms12_359));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/R=(/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.fz_dot*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.first_name*/
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.clients*/
- void r588collect_for(int a1){
- /*IF*/if ((a1)==(1001)) {
- /*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- /*IF*//*AF*//*AE*/
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- void r588error(T0* a1,T0* a2){
- r683add_position(a1);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),a2);
- }
- /*No:CST_ATT_BIT.base_class*/
- void r588make_e_feature(T588* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- C->_names=a1;
- C->_result_type=a2;
- }
- int r590debug_check(T590* C){
- int R=0;
- R=((((T590*)C))->_level/*0*/)==(1);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level_check_debug*/
- int r590all_check(T590* C){
- int R=0;
- R=((((T590*)C))->_level/*0*/)>=(0);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level_ensure*/
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level_require*/
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.make*/
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level_loop*/
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level_check_all*/
- int r590ensure_check(T590* C){
- int R=0;
- R=((((T590*)C))->_level/*0*/)>=(-3);
- return R;
- }
- int r590require_check(T590* C){
- int R=0;
- R=((((T590*)C))->_level/*0*/)>=(-4);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level*/
- int r590loop_check(T590* C){
- int R=0;
- R=((((T590*)C))->_level/*0*/)>=(-1);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:RUN_CONTROL.level_invariant*/
- int r590invariant_check(T590* C){
- int R=0;
- R=((((T590*)C))->_level/*0*/)>=(-2);
- return R;
- }
- void r431short(T431* C){
- int _i=0;
- r580hook_or(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms6_431),((T0*)ms7_431));
- _i=1;
- while (!((_i)>(r431count(C)))) {
- X662short(r431expression(C,_i));
- _i=(_i)+(1);
- /*IF*/if ((_i)<=(r431count(C))) {
- r580hook_or(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms8_431),((T0*)ms9_431));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- r580hook_or(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms10_431),((T0*)ms11_431));
- }
- int r431is_like_argument(T431* C,T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- int R=0;
- T0* _ot=NULL;
- T0* _tla=NULL;
- _tla=a3;
- if(NULL!=(_tla))switch(((T0*)_tla)->id) {
- case 239:
- break;
- default:
- _tla=NULL;
- };/*IF*/if ((_tla)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=1;
- _ot=X662result_type(r431expression(C,/*(IRF4.6rank*/(((T886*)((T886*)((((T239*)((T239*)_tla)))->_like_what/*12*/))))->_rank/*16*//*)*/));
- /*IF*/if (!(X291is_a(X291run_type(a2),X291run_type(_ot)))) {
- r683add_position(X662start_position(a1));
- r431error(X291start_position(a3),((T0*)ms12_431));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r431match_with(T431* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _ft=NULL;
- T0* _at=NULL;
- T0* _e=NULL;
- int _i=0;
- T0* _fal=NULL;
- _fal=/*X496*/((T0*)(((T808*)((T808*)a1)))->_arguments/*20*/);
- /*IF*/if ((_fal)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- r683add_position(X496start_position(a1));
- r431error(r431start_position(C),((T0*)ms14_431));
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0))&&((/*(IRF4.6count*/(((T65*)((T65*)((((T31*)((T31*)_fal)))->_flat_list/*12*/))))->_upper/*12*//*)*/)!=(r431count(C)))) {
- r683add_position((((T31*)((T31*)_fal)))->_start_position/*4*/);
- r431error(r431start_position(C),((T0*)ms14_431));
- }
- /*FI*/_i=/*X96*/((int)(((T96*)((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/))))->_upper/*12*/);
- while (!(((_i)==(0))||((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)>(0)))) {
- _e=/*X96*/((T0*)r96item(((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/)),_i));
- _at=X662result_type(_e);
- _ft=r31type(((T31*)_fal),_i);
- /*IF*/if (X662is_void(_e)) {
- /*IF*/if (X291is_expanded(_ft)) {
- r683add_position(X662start_position(_e));
- r431error(X291start_position(_ft),((T0*)ms2_431));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (X291is_like_current(_ft)) {
- /*IF*/if (X662is_current(_e)) {
- }
- else if (X291is_a(X291run_type(_at),X291run_type(_ft))) {
- /*IF*/if (X291is_expanded(X291run_type(_at))) {
- }
- else if (X291is_a(X291run_type(_ft),X291run_type(_at))) {
- }
- else {
- r683add_position(X662start_position(_e));
- r431error(X291start_position(_ft),((T0*)ms13_431));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- r683add_position(X662start_position(_e));
- r431error(X291start_position(_ft),((T0*)ms13_431));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (X291is_like_feature(_ft)) {
- /*IF*/if (X291is_a(X291run_type(_at),X291run_type(_ft))) {
- }
- else {
- r683add_position(X662start_position(_e));
- r431error(X291start_position(_ft),((T0*)ms3_431));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r431is_like_argument(C,_e,_at,_ft)) {
- }
- else if (X291is_a(X291run_type(_at),X291run_type(_ft))) {
- }
- else {
- r683print_as_error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)));
- r683add_position(X291start_position(_ft));
- r431error(X662start_position(_e),((T0*)ms4_431));
- }
- /*FI*/_at=X291run_type(_at);
- _ft=X291run_type(_ft);
- /*IF*/if (X291is_expanded(_ft)) {
- /*IF*/if (X291is_expanded(_at)) {
- }
- else {
- X291used_as_reference(_ft);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (X291is_expanded(_at)) {
- X291used_as_reference(_at);
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)-(1);
- }
- }
- /*No:EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST.nb_errors*/
- T0* r431expression(T431* C,int a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=/*X96*/((T0*)r96item(((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/)),a1));
- return R;
- }
- T0* r431start_position(T431* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=X662start_position(/*X96*/((T0*)r96item(((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/)),1)));
- return R;
- }
- T0* r431to_runnable(T431* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _e2=NULL;
- T0* _e1=NULL;
- int _i=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T431*)C))->_current_type/*4*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- C->_current_type=a1;
- _i=/*X96*/((int)(((T96*)((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/))))->_upper/*12*/);
- while (!((_i)==(0))) {
- _e1=/*X96*/((T0*)r96item(((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/)),_i));
- _e2=X662to_runnable(_e1,(((T431*)C))->_current_type/*4*/);
- /*IF*/if ((_e2)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- r431error(X662start_position(_e1),((T0*)ms5_431));
- }
- else if ((_e1)!=((void*)(_e2))) {
- /*X96*//*[IRF3.6put*/{T96* C1=((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/));
- T0* b1=_e2;
- int b2=_i;
- ((((T96*)C1))->_storage/*4*/)[(b2)-((((T96*)C1))->_lower/*16*/)]=(b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)-(1);
- }
- /*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)==(0)) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if ((X291run_class(a1))==((void*)(r431run_class(C)))) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- {T431*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M431;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T431*)(n)))->_list)=(X96twin((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/));
- /*]*/
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=r431to_runnable(((T431*)R),a1);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST.current_type*/
- T0* r431run_class(T431* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=X291run_class((((T431*)C))->_current_type/*4*/);
- return R;
- }
- void r431error(T0* a1,T0* a2){
- r683add_position(a1);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),a2);
- }
- int r431count(T431* C){
- int R=0;
- R=/*X96*/((int)(((T96*)((T96*)((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/))))->_upper/*12*/);
- return R;
- }
- T0* r431first(T431* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=X96first((((T431*)C))->_list/*0*/);
- return R;
- }
- void r873short(T873* C){
- char _c=0;
- int _i=0;
- r580hook(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms1_361));
- _i=1;
- while (!((_i)>((((T7*)((T7*)((((T873*)C))->_to_string/*8*/))))->_count/*4*/))) {
- _c=/*(IRF4.6item*/((((T7*)((T7*)((((T873*)C))->_to_string/*8*/))))->_storage/*0*/)[(_i)-(1)]/*)*/;
- /*IF*/if ((_c)==('\137')) {
- r580hook_or(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms2_361),((T0*)ms3_361));
- }
- else {
- /*[IRF3.6a_character*/{char b1=_c;
- /*[IRF3.6put_character*/{T830* C2=((T830*)(oBC1std_output));
- char c1=b1;
- putc(c1,((FILE*)(stdout)));
- }/*]*/
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)+(1);
- }
- r580hook(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms4_361));
- }
- T0* r873add_comment(T873* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((a1)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*(IRF4.6count*/r52count(((T52*)((((T393*)((T393*)a1)))->_list/*4*/)))/*)*/)==(0))) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- {T529*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M529;
- r529make(n,(T0*)C,a1);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r873to_integer(T873* C){
- int R=0;
- r873error((((T873*)C))->_start_position/*12*/,((T0*)ms69_470));
- return R;
- }
- void r873bracketed_short(T873* C){
- r580hook_or(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms6_662),((T0*)ms7_662));
- r873short(C);
- r580hook_or(((T580*)(oBC364short_print)),((T0*)ms8_662),((T0*)ms9_662));
- }
- int r873is_a(T873* C,T0* a1){
- int R=0;
- R=X291is_a(X291run_type((((T873*)C))->_result_type/*20*/),X291run_type(X662result_type(a1)));
- /*IF*/if (!(R)) {
- r683add_position((((T873*)C))->_start_position/*12*/);
- r873error(X662start_position(a1),((T0*)ms4_662));
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r873name_clash(T873* C){
- T0* _rc=NULL;
- T0* _rf=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r605has_feature(((T605*)(r873base_class_written(C))),(((T873*)C))->_to_string/*8*/)) {
- _rc=X291run_class((((T873*)C))->_current_type/*4*/);
- _rf=r368get_feature_with(((T368*)_rc),(((T873*)C))->_to_string/*8*/);
- /*IF*/if ((_rf)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- r683add_position(X496start_position(_rf));
- }
- /*FI*/r873error((((T873*)C))->_start_position/*12*/,((T0*)ms1_873));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.is_current*/
- T0* r873written_in(T873* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- _sp=(((T873*)C))->_start_position/*12*/;
- /*IF*/if ((_sp)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=(((T627*)((T627*)_sp)))->_base_class_name/*0*/;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r873make(T873* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- C->_start_position=a1;
- C->_to_string=r902item(a2);
- }
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.to_string*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.fz_iinaiv*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.set_result_type*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.start_position*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.precedence*/
- T0* r873to_runnable(T873* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _t2=NULL;
- T0* _t1=NULL;
- _t1=(((T873*)C))->_result_type/*20*/;
- _t2=X291to_runnable(_t1,a1);
- /*IF*/if ((_t2)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- r683add_position(X291start_position(_t1));
- r873error((((T873*)C))->_start_position/*12*/,((T0*)ms5_361));
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (((((T873*)C))->_current_type/*4*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- C->_current_type=a1;
- C->_result_type=_t2;
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- {T873*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M873;
- r873make_runnable(n,(T0*)C,a1,_t2);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.set_rank*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.rank*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.result_type*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.atomic_precedence*/
- T0* r873base_class_written(T873* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=r451base_class(((T451*)(r873written_in(C))));
- return R;
- }
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.current_type*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.is_manifest_string*/
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.is_void*/
- void r873error(T0* a1,T0* a2){
- r683add_position(a1);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),a2);
- }
- void r873short_target(T873* C){
- r873short(C);
- /*[IRF3.6a_dot*/{T580* C1=((T580*)(oBC364short_print));
- r580hook_or(C1,((T0*)ms58_580),((T0*)ms67_470));
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*No:ARGUMENT_NAME1.em_ba*/
- void r873make_runnable(T873* C,T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- *((T873*)(C))=*((T873*)(a1));
- C->_current_type=a2;
- C->_result_type=a3;
- }
- T0* r292add_comment(T292* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((a1)==((void*)(NULL)))||((/*(IRF4.6count*/r52count(((T52*)((((T393*)((T393*)a1)))->_list/*4*/)))/*)*/)==(0))) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {/*AT*//*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.6count*/r52count(((T52*)((((T393*)((T393*)a1)))->_list/*4*/)))/*)*/)==(1)) {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- else {
- {T59*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M59;
- r59make(n,(T0*)C,a1);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r292make(T292* C,T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- {T623*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M623;
- r623make(n,a1,a2,a3);
- C->_check_invariant=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*No:E_CHECK.start_position*/
- T0* r292to_runnable(T292* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _al=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((((T292*)C))->_run_compound/*4*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- C->_run_compound=a1;
- /*IF*/if (r590all_check(((T590*)(oBC364run_control)))) {
- _al=r623to_runnable(((T623*)((((T292*)C))->_check_invariant/*8*/)),(((T592*)((T592*)a1)))->_current_type/*4*/);
- /*IF*/if ((_al)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- r292error(/*(IRF4.6start_position*/(((T623*)((T623*)((((T292*)C))->_check_invariant/*8*/))))->_start_position/*0*//*)*/,((T0*)ms1_292));
- }
- else {
- C->_check_invariant=_al;
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- R=(T0*)C;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- {T292*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M292;
- r292make(n,/*(IRF4.6start_position*/(((T623*)((T623*)((((T292*)C))->_check_invariant/*8*/))))->_start_position/*0*//*)*/,NULL,(((T623*)((T623*)((((T292*)C))->_check_invariant/*8*/))))->_list/*8*/);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=r292to_runnable(((T292*)R),a1);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:E_CHECK.check_invariant*/
- /*No:E_CHECK.run_compound*/
- void r292error(T0* a1,T0* a2){
- r683add_position(a1);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),a2);
- }
- /*No:E_CHECK.end_mark_comment*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_put*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_character_bits*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_none*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_dictionary*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_minimum_integer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_character_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_integer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_copy*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_generator*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_minimum_character_code*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_maximum_integer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_standard_copy*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_maximum_character_code*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_minimum_real*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_sprintf_double*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_with_capacity*/
- void r902key_pfx_ifx(T0* a1){
- char _c=0;
- int _i=0;
- _i=1;
- while (!((_i)>((((T7*)((T7*)a1)))->_count/*4*/))) {
- _c=/*(IRF4.6item*/((((T7*)((T7*)a1)))->_storage/*0*/)[(_i)-(1)]/*)*/;
- /*IF*/if (r3is_letter(_c)) {
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC902pfx_ifx)),_c);
- }
- else {
- r2append_in(((unsigned char)_c),oBC902pfx_ifx);
- }
- /*FI*/_i=(_i)+(1);
- }
- }
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_backslash_backslash*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_compile_to_jvm*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_maximum_real*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_conforms_to*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_and*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_print*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_print_on*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_double_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_and_then*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_put_0*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_array*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_from_pointer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_lower*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_std_neq*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_pointer_bits*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_slash_slash*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_double_floor*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_integer_bits*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_stdout*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_capacity*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_put_1*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.make*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_current*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_item*/
- T0* r902read(T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=r794at(((T794*)(oBC902memory)),a1);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_pointer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_string*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_remove*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_flush_stream*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_realloc*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_like_current*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_floor*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_double_bits*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_or_else*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_blank*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_is_expanded_type*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_std_output*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_fclose*/
- T0* r902item(T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- r902initialize();
- /*IF*/if (r794has(((T794*)(oBC902memory)),a1)) {
- R=r902read(a1);
- }
- else {
- R=r7twin(((T7*)a1));
- r902add1(R);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_ge*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_neq*/
- T0*oBC364eiffel_parser=NULL;
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_stdin*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_slash*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_compile_to_c*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_crash*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_c_inline_c*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_standard_twin*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_truncated_to_integer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_write_byte*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_stderr*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_system*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_std_file_read*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_sfr_open*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_sfw_open*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_character*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_pointer_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_shift_left*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_std_error*/
- T0*oBC902pfx_ifx=NULL;
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_le*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_make*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_integer_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_bitn*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_twin*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_bit_n*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_real*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_die_with_code*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_implies*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_result*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_generating_type*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_is_basic_expanded_type*/
- T0* r902for_prefix(T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- r7copy(((T7*)(oBC902pfx_ifx)),((T0*)ms1_902));
- r902key_pfx_ifx(a1);
- R=r902item(oBC902pfx_ifx);
- return R;
- }
- T0* r902for_infix(T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- r7copy(((T7*)(oBC902pfx_ifx)),((T0*)ms2_902));
- r902key_pfx_ifx(a1);
- R=r902item(oBC902pfx_ifx);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_bit*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_minus*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_shift_right*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_count*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_argc*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_storage*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_object_size*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_rename*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_memory*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_code*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_sprintf_pointer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_standard_is_equal*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_real_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_boolean*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_is_not_void*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_at*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_eq*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_double*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_pointer_size*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_to_double*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_xor*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_io*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_platform*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_is_equal*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_to_bit*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_bit_n_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_to_character*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_string2double*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_free*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_read_byte*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_not*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_void*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_muls*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_trace_switch*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_feof*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_boolean_bits*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_gt*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_getenv*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_to_integer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_native_array_character*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_calloc*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_to_pointer*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_clear_all*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_real_bits*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_plus*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_boolean_ref*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_c_inline_h*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_element_sizeof*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_upper*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_native_array*/
- void r902add1(T0* a1){
- r794put(((T794*)(oBC902memory)),a1,a1);
- }
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_pow*/
- void r902add2(T0* a1){
- /*IF*/if ((((T818*)((T818*)(oBC364eiffel_parser))))->_case_insensitive/*0*/) {
- r7to_lower(((T7*)a1));
- }
- /*FI*/r902add1(a1);
- }
- T0*oBC902memory=NULL;
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_eof_code*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_print_run_time_stack*/
- int fBC902initialize=0;
- void r902initialize(void){
- if (fBC902initialize==0){
- fBC902initialize=1;
- r902add1(((T0*)ms1_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms2_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms3_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms4_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms5_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms6_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms7_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms8_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms9_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms10_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms11_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms12_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms13_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms14_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms15_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms16_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms17_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms18_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms19_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms20_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms21_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms22_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms23_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms24_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms25_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms26_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms27_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms28_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms29_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms30_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms31_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms32_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms33_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms34_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms35_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms36_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms37_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms38_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms39_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms40_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms41_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms42_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms43_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms44_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms45_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms46_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms47_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms48_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms49_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms50_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms51_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms52_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms53_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms54_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms55_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms56_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms57_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms58_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms59_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms60_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms61_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms62_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms63_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms64_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms65_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms66_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms67_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms68_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms69_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms70_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms71_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms72_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms73_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms74_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms75_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms76_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms77_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms78_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms79_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms80_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms81_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms82_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms83_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms84_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms85_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms86_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms87_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms88_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms89_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms90_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms91_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms92_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms93_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms94_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms95_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms96_473));
- r902add2(((T0*)ms97_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms98_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms99_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms100_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms101_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms102_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms103_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms104_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms105_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms106_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms107_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms108_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms109_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms110_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms111_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms112_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms113_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms114_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms115_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms116_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms117_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms118_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms119_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms120_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms121_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms122_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms123_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms124_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms125_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms126_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms127_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms128_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms129_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms130_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms131_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms132_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms133_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms134_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms135_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms136_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms137_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms138_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms139_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms140_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms141_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms142_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms143_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms144_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms145_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms146_473));
- r902add1(((T0*)ms147_473));
- }}
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_malloc*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_fixed_array*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_std_input*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_lt*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_minimum_double*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_se_argv*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_any*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_or*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_general*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_maximum_double*/
- /*No:UNIQUE_STRING.us_to_real*/
- void r818a_r5(T818* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- T0* _infix_minus=NULL;
- T0* _infix_plus=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\53')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e5(C)) {
- {T253*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M253;
- r253make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_plus=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r5(C,_infix_plus);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms43_473));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\55')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e5(C)) {
- {T574*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M574;
- r574make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_minus=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r5(C,_infix_minus);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms37_473));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_expression=a1;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- int r818a_e5(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- R=r818a_e6(C);
- r818a_r6(C,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.arguments*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_creation*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.em14*/
- int r818a_binary(T818* C,T0* a1){
- int R=0;
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip2(C,'\74','\75')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms35_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip2(C,'\76','\75')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms32_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip2(C,'\57','\57')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms45_818),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip2(C,'\134','\134')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms46_818),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\53')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms43_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\55')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms37_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\52')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms38_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\57')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms47_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\76')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms33_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\74')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms36_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\136')) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms47_818),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms50_473))) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms50_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms34_473))) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms34_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms27_473))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms46_470))) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms28_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms27_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms41_473))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms10_470))) {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms42_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T454*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M454;
- r454make(n,((T0*)ms41_473),a1);
- C->_last_binary=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_binary=NULL;
- R=0;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r818a_r6(T818* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- T0* _infix_div=NULL;
- T0* _infix_int_rem=NULL;
- T0* _infix_int_div=NULL;
- T0* _infix_times=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\52')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e6(C)) {
- {T414*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M414;
- r414make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_times=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r6(C,_infix_times);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms38_473));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip2(C,'\57','\57')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e6(C)) {
- {T460*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M460;
- r460make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_int_div=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r6(C,_infix_int_div);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms120_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip2(C,'\134','\134')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e6(C)) {
- {T453*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M453;
- r453make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_int_rem=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r6(C,_infix_int_rem);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms121_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip1unless2(C,'\57','\75')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e6(C)) {
- {T520*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M520;
- r520make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_div=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r6(C,_infix_div);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms47_473));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_expression=a1;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- int r818a_e6(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- R=r818a_e7(C);
- r818a_r7(C,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.em15*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_parent*/
- void r818a_r7(T818* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- T0* _infix_power=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\136')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e7(C)) {
- {T557*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M557;
- r557make(n,a1,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_power=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r7(C,_infix_power);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms122_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_expression=a1;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- int r818a_e7(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- R=r818a_e8(C);
- r818a_r8(C,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- return R;
- }
- int r818a_boolean_constant(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms47_470))) {
- {T849*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M849;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T849*)(n)))->_start_position)=(r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- /*]*/
- C->_last_boolean_constant=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=1;
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms17_470))) {
- {T367*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M367;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T367*)(n)))->_start_position)=(r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- /*]*/
- C->_last_boolean_constant=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_type*/
- int r818a_base_type(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms1_473))) {
- {T669*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M669;
- r669make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms2_473))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (((r818skip1(C,'\133'))&&(r818a_type(C)))&&(r818skip1(C,'\135'))) {
- {T709*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M709;
- r709make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms40_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms18_473))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (((r818skip1(C,'\133'))&&(r818a_type(C)))&&(r818skip1(C,'\135'))) {
- {T933*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M933;
- r933make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms41_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms42_818))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (((r818skip1(C,'\133'))&&(r818a_type(C)))&&(r818skip1(C,'\135'))) {
- {T933*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M933;
- r933make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms43_818));
- }
- /*FI*/r818warning(_sp,((T0*)ms44_818));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms6_473))) {
- {T707*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M707;
- r707make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms8_473))) {
- {T252*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M252;
- r252make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms11_473))) {
- {T388*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M388;
- r388make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms15_473))) {
- {T788*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M788;
- r788make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms19_473))) {
- {T284*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M284;
- r284make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms21_473))) {
- {T900*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M900;
- r900make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms23_473))) {
- {T209*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M209;
- r209make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms25_473))) {
- {T491*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M491;
- r491make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_base_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- R=0;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.em16*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.nb_warnings*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_expression*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_character_constant*/
- void r818a_r8(T818* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _infix_freeop=NULL;
- T0* _infix_name=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_free_operator(C)) {
- _infix_name=r511to_infix_name_use(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e8(C)) {
- {T534*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M534;
- r534make(n,a1,_infix_name,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _infix_freeop=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r8(C,_infix_freeop);
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp((((T454*)((T454*)_infix_name)))->_start_position/*8*/,(((T454*)((T454*)_infix_name)))->_to_string/*4*/);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_expression=a1;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- int r818a_e8(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- T0* _prefix_freeop=NULL;
- T0* _op=NULL;
- T0* _prefix_moins=NULL;
- T0* _prefix_plus=NULL;
- T0* _prefix_not=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms40_473))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e8(C)) {
- {T180*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M180;
- r180make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _prefix_not=(T0*)n;
- }
- C->_last_expression=_prefix_not;
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms40_473));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\53')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e8(C)) {
- {T767*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M767;
- r767make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _prefix_plus=(T0*)n;
- }
- C->_last_expression=_prefix_plus;
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms73_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\55')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e8(C)) {
- {T72*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M72;
- r72make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _prefix_moins=(T0*)n;
- }
- C->_last_expression=_prefix_moins;
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818err_exp(_sp,((T0*)ms74_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_free_operator(C)) {
- _op=r511to_prefix_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- /*IF*/if (r818a_e8(C)) {
- {T990*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M990;
- /*[IRF3.6make*/{T990* C1=n;
- T0* b1=(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/;
- T0* b2=_op;
- r990make_call0(C1,b1,b2);
- }/*]*/
- _prefix_freeop=(T0*)n;
- }
- C->_last_expression=_prefix_freeop;
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms75_818);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r818err_exp((((T406*)((T406*)_op)))->_start_position/*8*/,(((T406*)((T406*)_op)))->_to_string/*4*/);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- R=r818a_e9(C);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_feature_declaration(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- r505initialize(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)));
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms20_470))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_feature_name(C)) {
- R=1;
- X776set_is_frozen((((T818*)C))->_last_feature_name/*109*/,1);
- /*[IRF3.6add_synonym*/{T0* b1=(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_name/*109*/;
- r855add_last(((T855*)(oBC505names)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms140_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_feature_name(C)) {
- R=1;
- /*[IRF3.6add_synonym*/{T0* b1=(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_name/*109*/;
- r855add_last(((T855*)(oBC505names)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/while (!(!(r818skip1(C,'\54')))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms20_470))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_feature_name(C)) {
- X776set_is_frozen((((T818*)C))->_last_feature_name/*109*/,1);
- /*[IRF3.6add_synonym*/{T0* b1=(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_name/*109*/;
- r855add_last(((T855*)(oBC505names)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms92_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_feature_name(C)) {
- /*[IRF3.6add_synonym*/{T0* b1=(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_name/*109*/;
- r855add_last(((T855*)(oBC505names)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else {
- /*[IRF3.6ecp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms93_818);
- r818error(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*IF*/if (R) {
- r818a_formal_arg_list(C);
- C->_function_type=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\72')) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_type(C)) {
- C->_function_type=(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/;
- /*[IRF3.3set_type*/((((T505*)(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)))))->_type)=((((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- /*]*/
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms156_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms27_470))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms49_470))) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_unique(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)));
- }
- else if (r818a_boolean_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_boolean(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),(((T818*)C))->_last_boolean_constant/*81*/);
- }
- else if (r818a_character_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_character(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),(((T818*)C))->_last_character_constant/*85*/);
- }
- else if (r818a_manifest_string(C)) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_string(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),(((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/);
- }
- else if (r818a_bit_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_bit(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),(((T818*)C))->_last_bit_constant/*77*/);
- }
- else if (r818a_real_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_real(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),(((T818*)C))->_last_real_constant/*153*/);
- }
- else if (r818a_integer_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_cst_att_integer(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),(((T818*)C))->_last_integer_constant/*129*/);
- }
- else {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r818a_routine(C);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_feature_declaration=r505to_writable_attribute(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)));
- }
- /*FI*/C->_function_type=NULL;
- C->_arguments=NULL;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_integer*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.em17*/
- int r818a_integer_constant(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _c=0;
- int _l=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\53')) {
- _l=(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/;
- _c=(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_integer(C)) {
- r627set_line_column(((T627*)((((T342*)((T342*)((((T818*)C))->_last_integer_constant/*129*/))))->_start_position/*8*/)),_l,_c);
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms69_470));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\55')) {
- _l=(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/;
- _c=(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_integer(C)) {
- r627set_line_column(((T627*)((((T342*)((T342*)((((T818*)C))->_last_integer_constant/*129*/))))->_start_position/*8*/)),_l,_c);
- r342unary_minus(((T342*)((((T818*)C))->_last_integer_constant/*129*/)));
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms69_470));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- R=r818a_integer(C);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r818a_creation_clause(T818* C,T0* a1){
- T0* _creation_clause=NULL;
- T0* _list=NULL;
- T0* _comments=NULL;
- T0* _clients=NULL;
- _clients=r818a_clients(C);
- _comments=r818get_comments(C);
- /*IF*/if (r818a_feature_list(C)) {
- _list=(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_list/*105*/;
- }
- /*FI*/{T583*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M583;
- r583make(n,a1,_clients,_comments,_list);
- _creation_clause=(T0*)n;
- }
- r605add_creation_clause(((T605*)((((T818*)C))->_last_base_class/*65*/)),_creation_clause);
- }
- int r818a_e9(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _e_old=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms34_470))) {
- /*IF*/if (!((((T818*)C))->_in_ensure/*37*/)) {
- r818error(r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/),((T0*)ms76_818));
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (r818a_e10(C)) {
- {T664*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M664;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T664*)(n)))->_expression)=((((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- /*]*/
- _e_old=(T0*)n;
- }
- C->_last_expression=_e_old;
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms77_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- R=r818a_e10(C);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_index_value(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- C->_last_index_value=r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- R=1;
- }
- else if (r818a_manifest_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_index_value=(((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_constant/*141*/;
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.em18*/
- void r818a_new_export_list(T818* C){
- int _state=0;
- T0* _new_export_item=NULL;
- T0* _items=NULL;
- T0* _clients=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- T0* _export_list=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms15_470))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- while (!((_state)>(3))) {
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\173')) {
- _clients=r818a_clients(C);
- _state=1;
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\73')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms68_470);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\73');
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if ((_items)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T671*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M671;
- r671make(n,_sp,_items);
- _export_list=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.3set_export*/((((T877*)(((T877*)((((T818*)C))->_last_parent/*149*/)))))->_export_list)=(_export_list);
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/_state=4;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms2_470))) {
- {T542*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M542;
- r542make_all(n,_clients);
- _new_export_item=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((_items)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _items=se_ma587(1,_new_export_item);
- }
- else {
- r587add_last(((T587*)_items),_new_export_item);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=2;
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_feature_list(C)) {
- {T542*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M542;
- r542make(n,_clients,(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_list/*105*/);
- _new_export_item=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((_items)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _items=se_ma587(1,_new_export_item);
- }
- else {
- r587add_last(((T587*)_items),_new_export_item);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=2;
- }
- else {
- _state=3;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\73')) {
- _state=0;
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\173')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms144_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- _state=0;
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if ((_items)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T671*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M671;
- r671make(n,_sp,_items);
- _export_list=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.3set_export*/((((T877*)(((T877*)((((T818*)C))->_last_parent/*149*/)))))->_export_list)=(_export_list);
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/_state=4;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms149_818));
- _state=4;
- }}
- }
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_manifest_string*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_base_type*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.em19*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_comments*/
- int r818a_retry(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms42_470))) {
- /*IF*/if (!((((T818*)C))->_in_rescue/*41*/)) {
- r818error(r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/),((T0*)ms30_818));
- }
- /*FI*/{T526*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M526;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T526*)(n)))->_start_position)=(r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- /*]*/
- C->_last_instruction=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.drop_comments*/
- int r818a_e10(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_strip(C)) {
- R=1;
- }
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\50')) {
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_expression(C)) {
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\51')) {
- r818a_r10(C,0,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/,NULL,NULL);
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms78_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms79_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_manifest_constant(C)) {
- C->_last_expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_constant/*141*/;
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1unless2(C,'\56','\56')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms80_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r818a_after_a_dot(C,0,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (((((r818a_result(C))||(r818a_current(C)))||(r818a_void(C)))||(r818a_local_variable(C)))||(r818a_argument(C))) {
- r818a_r10(C,0,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/,NULL,NULL);
- }
- else {
- r818a_function_call(C);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_prefix*/
- void r818a_r10(T818* C,int a1,T0* a2,T0* a3,T0* a4){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1unless2(C,'\56','\56')) {
- r818a_after_a_dot(C,a1,r818to_call(a2,a3,a4));
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (a1) {
- C->_last_instruction=r818to_proc_call(C,a2,a3,a4);
- C->_last_expression=NULL;
- }
- else {
- C->_last_expression=r818to_call(a2,a3,a4);
- C->_last_instruction=NULL;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- void r818skip_comments(T818* C){
- int _state=0;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- while (!((_state)==(2))) {
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((9<=z2)&&(z2<=10))||(32==z2)){
- r818next_char(C);
- }
- else
- if((45==z2)){
- r818next_char(C);
- _state=1;
- }
- else{_state=2;
- }}
- }
- else {{int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((45==z2)){
- /*IF*/if ((((T818*)C))->_drop_comments/*4*/) {
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_last_comments/*25*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/,((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)-(1));
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/r818next_char(C);
- /*[IRF3.3clear*/((((T7*)(((T7*)(oBC818lcs)))))->_count)=(0);
- /*]*/
- while (!(((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\n'))) {
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818lcs)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- r818next_char(C);
- }
- /*IF*/if ((((T818*)C))->_drop_comments/*4*/) {
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_last_comments/*25*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T393*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M393;
- r393make(n,_sp,se_ma52(1,r7twin(((T7*)(oBC818lcs)))));
- C->_last_comments=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*[IRF3.5add_last*/r52add_last(((T52*)((((T393*)((T393*)((((T818*)C))->_last_comments/*25*/))))->_list/*4*/)),r7twin(((T7*)(oBC818lcs))));
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/_state=0;
- }
- else{r818prev_char(C);
- _state=2;
- }}
- }}
- }
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_class_type*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_array*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_c_withoutcurrent*/
- T0* r818to_proc_call(T818* C,T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if ((a2)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms135_818));
- }
- else if ((a3)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T268*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M268;
- r268make(n,a1,a2);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if ((r431count(((T431*)a3)))==(1)) {
- {T317*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M317;
- r317make(n,a1,a2,a3);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T568*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M568;
- r568make(n,a1,a2,a3);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_tag_mark(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1unless2(C,'\72','\75')) {
- R=1;
- C->_last_tag_mark=r511to_tag_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- }
- else {
- C->_last_tag_mark=NULL;
- r818go_back_at(C,(((T511*)((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))))->_li/*8*/,(((T511*)((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))))->_co/*4*/);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- C->_last_tag_mark=NULL;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.nb_errors*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.start_line*/
- void r818a_index_list(T818* C){
- while (!(!(r818a_index_clause(C)))) {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\73');
- }
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_real_constant*/
- T0* r818a_external(T818* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _l=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)!=('\42')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms157_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\42');
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms121_470))) {
- {T85*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M85;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms98_470))) {
- {T893*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M893;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms90_470))) {
- {T240*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M240;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms99_470))) {
- {T320*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M320;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms91_470))) {
- {T680*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M680;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms81_818))) {
- {T85*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M85;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818wcpefnc(C,((T0*)ms82_818),((T0*)ms121_470));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms83_818))) {
- {T893*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M893;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818wcpefnc(C,((T0*)ms84_818),((T0*)ms98_470));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms85_818))) {
- {T240*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M240;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818wcpefnc(C,((T0*)ms86_818),((T0*)ms90_470));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms87_818))) {
- {T320*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M320;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms88_818))) {
- {T680*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M680;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818wcpefnc(C,((T0*)ms89_818),((T0*)ms91_470));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms28_470))) {
- {T300*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M300;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms29_470))) {
- {T970*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M970;
- _l=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms90_818));
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)!=('\42')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms157_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\42');
- }
- /*FI*/R=r505to_external_routine(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)),_l,r818a_alias(C));
- return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.show_nb_errors*/
- int r818a_class_type(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _generic_list=NULL;
- T0* _base_class_name=NULL;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_base_type(C)) {
- C->_last_class_type=(((T818*)C))->_last_base_type/*69*/;
- R=1;
- }
- else if (r818a_base_class_name(C)) {
- R=1;
- _base_class_name=(((T818*)C))->_last_class_name/*89*/;
- while (!((_state)>(2))) {
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\133')) {
- _state=1;
- }
- else {
- {T657*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M657;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T657*)(n)))->_base_class_name)=(_base_class_name);
- /*]*/
- C->_last_class_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- _state=3;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_type(C)) {
- /*IF*/if ((_generic_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _generic_list=se_ma701(1,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- }
- else {
- r701add_last(((T701*)_generic_list),(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=2;
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\54')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms150_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\54');
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\135')) {
- _state=2;
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms156_818));
- _state=2;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else{/*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\54')) {
- _state=1;
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\135')) {
- /*IF*/if ((_generic_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms54_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- {T657*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M657;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T657*)(n)))->_base_class_name)=(_base_class_name);
- /*]*/
- C->_last_class_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T720*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M720;
- r720make(n,_base_class_name,_generic_list);
- C->_last_class_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\135');
- _state=3;
- }
- else if (r818a_type(C)) {
- /*IF*/if ((_generic_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _generic_list=se_ma701(1,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- }
- else {
- r701add_last(((T701*)_generic_list),(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- }
- /*FI*/r818warning(X291start_position((((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/),((T0*)ms143_818));
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms55_818));
- _state=3;
- }
- /*FI*/}}
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- T0* r818analyse_class(T818* C,T0* a1){
- T0* R=NULL;
- T0* _path=NULL;
- int _old_nbw=0;
- int _old_nbe=0;
- _path=(((T676*)((T676*)(oBC364parser_buffer))))->_path/*0*/;
- /*IF*/if ((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)>(0)) {
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms1_818);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- r683print_as_fatal_error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)));
- }
- /*FI*/r306put_integer(((T306*)(oBC364echo)),(/*(IRF4.9base_class_count*/(((T718*)((T718*)(oBC604base_class_dictionary))))->_count/*32*//*)*/)+(1));
- r306put_character(((T306*)(oBC364echo)),'\11');
- r306put_string(((T306*)(oBC364echo)),_path);
- r306put_character(((T306*)(oBC364echo)),'\n');
- _old_nbe=/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/;
- _old_nbw=/*(IRF4.9nb_warnings*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_warnings/*4*//*)*/;
- C->_is_running=1;
- C->_function_type=NULL;
- C->_in_ensure=0;
- C->_last_comments=NULL;
- C->_ms_numbering=0;
- C->_line=1;
- C->_column=1;
- C->_current_line=r676item((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/);
- /*IF*/if (((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_count/*4*/)==(0)) {
- C->_cc='\n';
- }
- else {
- C->_cc=/*(IRF4.5first*//*(IRF4.6item*/((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_storage/*0*/)[(1)-(1)]/*)*//*)*/;
- }
- /*FI*/{T605*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M605;
- r605make(n);
- C->_last_base_class=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818skip_comments(C);
- r818a_class_declaration(C);
- C->_is_running=0;
- /*[IRF3.3unset_is_ready*/((((T676*)(((T676*)(oBC364parser_buffer)))))->_path)=(NULL);
- /*]*/
- R=(((T818*)C))->_last_base_class/*65*/;
- /*IF*/if (((/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/)-(_old_nbe))>(0)) {
- /*[IRF3.2show_nb_errors*/r818show_nb(/*(IRF4.9nb_errors*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_errors/*0*//*)*/,((T0*)ms10_818));
- /*]*/
- r306w_put_string(((T0*)ms4_818));
- r306w_put_string(_path);
- r306w_put_string(((T0*)ms5_818));
- }
- else if (((/*(IRF4.9nb_warnings*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_warnings/*4*//*)*/)-(_old_nbw))>(0)) {
- /*[IRF3.2show_nb_warnings*/r818show_nb(/*(IRF4.9nb_warnings*/(((T683*)((T683*)(oBC364eh))))->_nb_warnings/*4*//*)*/,((T0*)ms9_818));
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((R)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- r604add_class(((T604*)(oBC364small_eiffel)),R);
- /*IF*/if (((a1)!=((void*)(NULL)))&&(((((T451*)((T451*)a1)))->_to_string/*0*/)!=((void*)((((T451*)((T451*)((((T605*)((T605*)R)))->_base_class_name/*24*/))))->_to_string/*0*/)))) {
- r683add_position((((T451*)((T451*)a1)))->_start_position/*4*/);
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms135_470);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=_path;
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms6_818);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=(((T451*)((T451*)a1)))->_to_string/*0*/;
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6fatal_error*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms137_470);
- r683fatal_error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/r605get_started(((T605*)R));
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- T0*oBC364parser_buffer=NULL;
- T0*oBC818tmp_feature=NULL;
- int r818a_character_constant(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- char _value=0;
- int _printing_mode=0;
- int _state=0;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\47')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/,(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=1;
- while (!((_state)>(2))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((37==z2)){
- _state=1;
- }
- else
- if((39==z2)){
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms148_818));
- _state=2;
- }
- else{_value=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- _printing_mode=0;
- _state=2;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- _printing_mode=1;
- _state=2;
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((65==z2)){
- _value='\100';
- }
- else
- if((66==z2)){
- _value='\10';
- }
- else
- if((67==z2)){
- _value='\136';
- }
- else
- if((68==z2)){
- _value='\44';
- }
- else
- if((70==z2)){
- _value='\14';
- }
- else
- if((72==z2)){
- _value='\134';
- }
- else
- if((76==z2)){
- _value='\176';
- }
- else
- if((78==z2)){
- _value='\n';
- }
- else
- if((81==z2)){
- _value='\140';
- }
- else
- if((82==z2)){
- _value='\15';
- }
- else
- if((83==z2)){
- _value='\43';
- }
- else
- if((84==z2)){
- _value='\11';
- }
- else
- if((85==z2)){
- _value='\0';
- }
- else
- if((86==z2)){
- _value='\174';
- }
- else
- if((37==z2)){
- _value='\45';
- }
- else
- if((39==z2)){
- _value='\47';
- }
- else
- if((34==z2)){
- _value='\42';
- }
- else
- if((40==z2)){
- _value='\133';
- }
- else
- if((41==z2)){
- _value='\135';
- }
- else
- if((60==z2)){
- _value='\173';
- }
- else
- if((62==z2)){
- _value='\175';
- }
- else
- if((47==z2)){
- r818a_ascii_code(C);
- _value=((char)((((T818*)C))->_last_ascii_code/*61*/));
- _printing_mode=2;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms24_818));
- }}
- }
- else{_state=3;
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((39==z2)){
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms148_818));
- }}
- r818next_char(C);
- r818skip_comments(C);
- }}
- }
- {T260*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M260;
- r260make(n,_sp,_value,_printing_mode);
- C->_last_character_constant=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_check(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _al=NULL;
- T0* _hc=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms4_470))) {
- R=1;
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- _hc=r818get_comments(C);
- _al=r818a_assertion(C);
- /*IF*/if (((_hc)!=((void*)(NULL)))||((_al)!=((void*)(NULL)))) {
- {T292*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M292;
- r292make(n,_sp,_hc,_al);
- C->_last_instruction=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms48_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (!(r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms12_470)))) {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms49_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.go_back*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.current_class*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_export*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_invariant*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_or_else*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.is_running*/
- int r818a_result(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r511is_result()) {
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_function_type/*29*/)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- r818error(r511start_position(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))),((T0*)ms152_818));
- }
- /*FI*/C->_last_expression=r511to_e_result(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_manifest_string(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\42')) {
- R=1;
- C->_ms_numbering=((((T818*)C))->_ms_numbering/*57*/)+(1);
- {T805*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M805;
- r805make(n,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/,(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/),(((T818*)C))->_ms_numbering/*57*/);
- C->_last_manifest_string=(T0*)n;
- }
- while (!((_state)>(3))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((10==z2)){
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms146_818));
- }
- else
- if((34==z2)){
- _state=4;
- }
- else
- if((37==z2)){
- _state=1;
- }
- else{/*[IRF3.5add*/r7extend(((T7*)((((T805*)((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/))))->_to_string/*12*/)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- /*]*/
- }}
- }
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- _state=0;
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((10==z2)){
- _state=3;
- }
- else
- if((65==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\100');
- }
- else
- if((66==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\10');
- }
- else
- if((67==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\136');
- }
- else
- if((68==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\44');
- }
- else
- if((70==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\14');
- }
- else
- if((72==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\134');
- }
- else
- if((76==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\176');
- }
- else
- if((78==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\n');
- }
- else
- if((81==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\140');
- }
- else
- if((82==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\15');
- }
- else
- if((83==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\43');
- }
- else
- if((84==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\11');
- }
- else
- if((85==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\0');
- }
- else
- if((86==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\174');
- }
- else
- if((37==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\45');
- }
- else
- if((39==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\47');
- }
- else
- if((34==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\42');
- }
- else
- if((40==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\133');
- }
- else
- if((41==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\135');
- }
- else
- if((60==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\173');
- }
- else
- if((62==z2)){
- r805add_percent(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),'\175');
- }
- else
- if((47==z2)){
- r818a_ascii_code(C);
- r805add_ascii(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)),((char)((((T818*)C))->_last_ascii_code/*61*/)));
- }
- else
- if((9==z2)||(32==z2)){
- _state=2;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms26_818));
- _state=0;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((10==z2)){
- _state=3;
- }
- else
- if((9==z2)||(32==z2)){
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms27_818));
- }}
- }
- else{{int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((9==z2)||(32==z2)){
- }
- else
- if((37==z2)){
- r805break_line(((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/)));
- _state=0;
- }
- else
- if((10==z2)){
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms146_818));
- _state=0;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms28_818));
- _state=0;
- }}
- }}
- }
- r818next_char(C);
- r818skip_comments(C);
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r818a_function_call(T818* C){
- T0* _e_current=NULL;
- T0* _sfn=NULL;
- _sfn=r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- {T358*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M358;
- r358make(n,(((T446*)((T446*)_sfn)))->_start_position/*16*/,0);
- _e_current=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r10(C,0,_e_current,_sfn,r818a_actuals(C));
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_01*/
- int r818a_real_constant(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _c=0;
- int _l=0;
- _l=(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/;
- _c=(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\53')) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_real(C)) {
- r627set_line_column(((T627*)((((T936*)((T936*)((((T818*)C))->_last_real_constant/*153*/))))->_start_position/*8*/)),_l,_c);
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818go_back_at(C,_l,_c);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818skip1(C,'\55')) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_real(C)) {
- r627set_line_column(((T627*)((((T936*)((T936*)((((T818*)C))->_last_real_constant/*153*/))))->_start_position/*8*/)),_l,_c);
- /*[IRF3.5unary_minus*/r7add_first(((T7*)((((T936*)((T936*)((((T818*)C))->_last_real_constant/*153*/))))->_to_string/*12*/)),'\55');
- /*]*/
- R=1;
- }
- else {
- r818go_back_at(C,_l,_c);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_real(C)) {
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_inspect*/
- void r818show_nb(int a1,T0* a2){
- /*IF*/if ((a1)>(0)) {
- r306w_put_string(((T0*)ms75_470));
- r306w_put_integer(a1);
- r306w_put_string(a2);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_c_withcurrent*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_03*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_rename*/
- int r818a_identifier1(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if (r3is_letter((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)) {
- r511initialize(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)),(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/,(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/);
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=r3to_lower((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- while (!((_state)>(0))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z1)&&(z1<=57))||(95==z1)||((97<=z1)&&(z1<=122))){
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else
- if(((65<=z1)&&(z1<=90))){
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=r3to_lower((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else{_state=1;
- }}
- }
- /*IF*/if (r511isa_keyword()) {
- _state=/*(IRF4.9count*/(((T7*)((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string))))->_count/*4*//*)*/;
- while (!((_state)==(0))) {
- _state=(_state)-(1);
- r818prev_char(C);
- }
- }
- else {
- R=1;
- r818skip_comments(C);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_once*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.ecp*/
- void r818fcp(T818* C,T0* a1){
- r683add_position(r818current_position(C));
- /*[IRF3.6fatal_error*/{T0* b1=a1;
- r683fatal_error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- int r818a_conditional(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _ifthenelse=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms21_470))) {
- R=1;
- {T530*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M530;
- /*[IRF3.3make*/((((T530*)(n)))->_start_position)=(r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- /*]*/
- _ifthenelse=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_then_part_list(C,_ifthenelse);
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms10_470))) {
- /*[IRF3.3set_else_compound*/((((T530*)(((T530*)_ifthenelse))))->_else_compound)=(r818a_compound2(C,((T0*)ms60_818),((T0*)ms12_470)));
- /*]*/
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (!(r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms12_470)))) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms61_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/C->_last_instruction=_ifthenelse;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_real*/
- void r818a_procedure_call(T818* C){
- T0* _e_current=NULL;
- T0* _sfn=NULL;
- _sfn=r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- {T358*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M358;
- r358make(n,(((T446*)((T446*)_sfn)))->_start_position/*16*/,0);
- _e_current=(T0*)n;
- }
- r818a_r10(C,1,_e_current,_sfn,r818a_actuals(C));
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_implies*/
- T0*oBC818tmp_string=NULL;
- int r818a_integer(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _value=0;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if (r3is_digit((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)) {
- R=1;
- C->_start_line=(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/;
- C->_start_column=(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/;
- _value=r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- while (!((_state)>(7))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- _state=1;
- }
- else
- if((95==z2)){
- _state=4;
- }
- else{_state=8;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- _state=2;
- }
- else
- if((95==z2)){
- _state=4;
- }
- else{_state=8;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- _state=3;
- }
- else
- if((95==z2)){
- _state=4;
- }
- else{_state=8;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((3==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- }
- else
- if((95==z2)){
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }
- else{_state=8;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((4==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- _state=5;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((5==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- _state=6;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((6==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- _value=((_value)*(10))+(r3value((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/));
- _state=7;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }}
- }
- else {{int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }
- else
- if((95==z2)){
- _state=4;
- }
- else{_state=8;
- }}
- }}
- }
- /*IF*/if (r3is_letter((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)) {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms158_818));
- }
- /*FI*/r818skip_comments(C);
- {T342*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M342;
- r342make(n,_value,r818pos((((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/));
- C->_last_integer_constant=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_binary*/
- int r818a_identifier2(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _do_warning=0;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if (r3is_letter((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)) {
- r511initialize(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)),(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/,(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/);
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- while (!((_state)>(0))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z1)&&(z1<=57))||(95==z1)||((97<=z1)&&(z1<=122))){
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else
- if(((65<=z1)&&(z1<=90))){
- _do_warning=1;
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else{_state=1;
- }}
- }
- /*IF*/if (r511isa_keyword()) {
- _state=/*(IRF4.9count*/(((T7*)((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string))))->_count/*4*//*)*/;
- while (!((_state)==(0))) {
- _state=(_state)-(1);
- r818prev_char(C);
- }
- }
- else {
- R=1;
- r818skip_comments(C);
- /*IF*/if (_do_warning) {
- r818warning(r511start_position(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))),((T0*)ms159_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_minus*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_elseif*/
- T0*oBC818lcs=NULL;
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.end_of_text*/
- void r818prev_char(T818* C){
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)>(1)) {
- C->_column=((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)-(1);
- C->_cc=/*(IRF4.6item*/((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_storage/*0*/)[((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)-(1)]/*)*/;
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/)>(1)) {
- C->_line=((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/)-(1);
- C->_current_line=r676item((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/);
- C->_column=((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_count/*4*/)+(1);
- C->_cc='\n';
- }
- else {
- C->_column=0;
- C->_cc='\0';
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- void r818a_indexing(T818* C){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms22_470))) {
- r818a_index_list(C);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- void r818next_char(T818* C){
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)<((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_count/*4*/)) {
- C->_column=((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)+(1);
- C->_cc=/*(IRF4.6item*/((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_storage/*0*/)[((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)-(1)]/*)*/;
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)==((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_count/*4*/)) {
- C->_column=((((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/)+(1);
- C->_cc='\n';
- }
- else if (((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/)==((((T676*)((T676*)(oBC364parser_buffer))))->_count/*4*/)) {
- C->_cc='\0';
- }
- else {
- C->_column=1;
- C->_line=((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/)+(1);
- C->_current_line=r676item((((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/);
- /*IF*/if (((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_count/*4*/)==(0)) {
- C->_cc='\n';
- }
- else {
- C->_cc=/*(IRF4.5first*//*(IRF4.6item*/((((T7*)((T7*)((((T818*)C))->_current_line/*20*/))))->_storage/*0*/)[(1)-(1)]/*)*//*)*/;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_redefine*/
- T0* r818pos(int a1,int a2){
- T0* R=NULL;
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,a1,a2);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_variant*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.wcp*/
- int r818a_base_class_name(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _do_warning=0;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if (r3is_letter((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)) {
- /*IF*/if ((((unsigned)((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/))>=((unsigned)('a')))) {
- _do_warning=1;
- C->_cc=r3to_upper((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- }
- /*FI*/r511initialize(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)),(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/,(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/);
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- while (!((_state)>(0))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z1)&&(z1<=57))||((65<=z1)&&(z1<=90))||(95==z1)){
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else
- if(((97<=z1)&&(z1<=122))){
- _do_warning=1;
- /*[IRF3.6extend*/{char b1=r3to_upper((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- else{_state=1;
- }}
- }
- /*IF*/if (r511isa_keyword()) {
- _state=/*(IRF4.9count*/(((T7*)((T7*)(oBC511tmp_string))))->_count/*4*//*)*/;
- while (!((_state)==(0))) {
- _state=(_state)-(1);
- r818prev_char(C);
- }
- }
- else {
- R=1;
- r818skip_comments(C);
- /*IF*/if (_do_warning) {
- r818warning(r511start_position(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))),((T0*)ms153_818));
- }
- /*FI*/C->_last_class_name=r511to_class_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r818a_formal_generic_list(T818* C){
- int _state=0;
- T0* _list=NULL;
- T0* _fga=NULL;
- T0* _constraint=NULL;
- T0* _name=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- C->_formal_generic_list=NULL;
- while (!((_state)>(4))) {
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\133')) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- _state=1;
- }
- else {
- _state=5;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_base_class_name(C)) {
- _name=(((T818*)C))->_last_class_name/*89*/;
- _state=2;
- }
- else {
- _state=6;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip2(C,'\55','\76')) {
- _state=4;
- }
- else if ((((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\54'))||(((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\135'))) {
- {T33*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M33;
- r33make(n,_name,_constraint);
- _fga=(T0*)n;
- }
- _name=NULL;
- _constraint=NULL;
- /*IF*/if ((_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _list=se_ma681(1,_fga);
- }
- else {
- r681add_last(((T681*)_list),_fga);
- }
- /*FI*/_fga=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\54')) {
- _state=1;
- }
- else {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\135');
- _state=5;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- _state=6;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((3==z1)){
- /*IF*/if ((((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\54'))||(((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\135'))) {
- {T33*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M33;
- r33make(n,_name,_constraint);
- _fga=(T0*)n;
- }
- _name=NULL;
- _constraint=NULL;
- /*IF*/if ((_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _list=se_ma681(1,_fga);
- }
- else {
- r681add_last(((T681*)_list),_fga);
- }
- /*FI*/_fga=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\54')) {
- _state=1;
- }
- else {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\135');
- _state=5;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- _state=6;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else{/*IF*/if (r818a_class_type(C)) {
- _constraint=(((T818*)C))->_last_class_type/*93*/;
- _state=3;
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms94_818));
- _state=6;
- }
- /*FI*/}}
- }
- /*IF*/if ((_state)==(6)) {
- }
- else if (((_sp)!=((void*)(NULL)))&&((_list)==((void*)(NULL)))) {
- r818warning(_sp,((T0*)ms95_818));
- }
- else if ((_sp)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T881*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M881;
- r881make(n,_sp,_list);
- C->_formal_generic_list=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.3set_formal_generic_list*/((((T605*)(((T605*)((((T818*)C))->_last_base_class/*65*/)))))->_formal_generic_list)=((((T818*)C))->_formal_generic_list/*33*/);
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/}
- int r818a_void(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if (r511is_void()) {
- C->_last_expression=r511to_e_void(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_like*/
- T0* r818a_assertion(T818* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- int _state=0;
- T0* _assertion=NULL;
- T0* _expression=NULL;
- T0* _tag=NULL;
- while (!((_state)>(3))) {
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\73')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms68_470);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\73');
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_last_comments/*25*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,NULL,NULL,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_tag_mark(C)) {
- _tag=(((T818*)C))->_last_tag_mark/*161*/;
- _state=1;
- }
- else if (r818a_expression(C)) {
- _expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/;
- _state=2;
- }
- else {
- _state=4;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\73')) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,NULL,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=0;
- }
- else if (r818a_tag_mark(C)) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,NULL,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_tag=(((T818*)C))->_last_tag_mark/*161*/;
- }
- else if (r818a_expression(C)) {
- _expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/;
- _state=3;
- }
- else {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,NULL,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=4;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\73')) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,NULL,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=0;
- }
- else if (r818a_tag_mark(C)) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,NULL,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_tag=(((T818*)C))->_last_tag_mark/*161*/;
- _state=1;
- }
- else if (r818a_expression(C)) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,NULL,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/;
- _state=2;
- }
- else {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,NULL,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=4;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else{/*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\73')) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=0;
- }
- else if (r818a_tag_mark(C)) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_tag=(((T818*)C))->_last_tag_mark/*161*/;
- _state=1;
- }
- else if (r818a_expression(C)) {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/;
- _state=2;
- }
- else {
- {T348*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M348;
- r348make(n,_tag,_expression,r818get_comments(C));
- _assertion=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if ((R)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=se_ma608(1,_assertion);
- }
- else {
- r608add_last(((T608*)R),_assertion);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=4;
- }
- /*FI*/}}
- }
- return R;
- }
- void r818wcpefnc(T818* C,T0* a1,T0* a2){
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms136_818);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=a1;
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=((T0*)ms137_818);
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6append*/{T0* b1=a2;
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC683explanation)),b1);
- }/*]*/
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms138_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_double*/
- T0* r818a_alias(T818* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms1_470))) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_manifest_string(C)) {
- R=(((T805*)((T805*)((((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/))))->_to_string/*12*/;
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms91_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_debug(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _e_debug=NULL;
- T0* _list=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms7_470))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\50')) {
- while (!(!(r818a_manifest_string(C)))) {
- /*IF*/if ((_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _list=se_ma381(1,(((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/);
- }
- else {
- r381add_last(((T381*)_list),(((T818*)C))->_last_manifest_string/*145*/);
- }
- /*FI*/C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\54');
- }
- /*IF*/if ((_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms69_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if (!(r818skip1(C,'\51'))) {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms70_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/R=1;
- {T347*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M347;
- r347make(n,_sp,_list,r818a_compound2(C,((T0*)ms71_818),((T0*)ms12_470)));
- _e_debug=(T0*)n;
- }
- C->_last_instruction=_e_debug;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_real(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _c=0;
- int _l=0;
- int _state=0;
- /*IF*/if ((r3is_digit((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/))||(((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\56'))) {
- _l=(((T818*)C))->_line/*16*/;
- _c=(((T818*)C))->_column/*12*/;
- /*[IRF3.3clear*/((((T7*)(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)))))->_count)=(0);
- /*]*/
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\56')) {
- r7append(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),((T0*)ms185_470));
- _state=5;
- }
- else {
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- }
- /*FI*/while (!((_state)>(11))) {
- r818next_char(C);
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- }
- else
- if((46==z2)){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),'\56');
- _state=4;
- }
- else{_state=13;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=2;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=3;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((3==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=0;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms147_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((4==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=6;
- }
- else
- if((69==z2)||(101==z2)){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),'E');
- _state=10;
- }
- else{_state=12;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((5==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=6;
- }
- else{_state=13;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((6==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- }
- else
- if((69==z2)||(101==z2)){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),'E');
- _state=10;
- }
- else
- if((95==z2)){
- _state=7;
- }
- else{_state=12;
- }}
- }
- else
- if((7==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=8;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms139_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((8==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=9;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms139_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((9==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=6;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms139_818));
- }}
- }
- else
- if((10==z1)){
- {int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if((43==z2)){
- _state=11;
- }
- else
- if((45==z2)){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),'\55');
- _state=11;
- }
- else
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- _state=11;
- }
- else{r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms29_818));
- _state=13;
- }}
- }
- else{{int z2=(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/;
- if(((48<=z2)&&(z2<=57))){
- r7extend(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string)),(((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/);
- }
- else{_state=12;
- }}
- }}
- }
- /*IF*/if ((_state)==(12)) {
- {T936*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M936;
- r936make(n,r818pos(_l,_c),r7twin(((T7*)(oBC818tmp_string))));
- C->_last_real_constant=(T0*)n;
- }
- R=1;
- r818skip_comments(C);
- }
- else {
- r818go_back_at(C,_l,_c);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- void r818a_redefine_list(T818* C){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_feature_list(C)) {
- r877set_redefine(((T877*)((((T818*)C))->_last_parent/*149*/)),(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_list/*105*/);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_undefine*/
- void r818a_local_var_list(T818* C,T0* a1){
- int _state=0;
- int _rank=0;
- T0* _list=NULL;
- T0* _declaration=NULL;
- T0* _name_list=NULL;
- T0* _name=NULL;
- while (!((_state)>(4))) {
- {int z1=_state;
- if((0==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- _name=r511to_local_name1(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- _state=1;
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- _rank=r31rank_of(((T31*)((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/)),(((T39*)((T39*)_name)))->_to_string/*8*/);
- /*IF*/if ((_rank)>(0)) {
- r683add_position((((T39*)((T39*)_name)))->_start_position/*12*/);
- r683add_position((((T873*)((T873*)(/*(IRF4.6name*/r65item(((T65*)((((T31*)((T31*)((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/))))->_flat_list/*12*/)),_rank)/*)*/))))->_start_position/*12*/);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms16_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- else if ((((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\54'))||(((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\73'))) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms151_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=(r818skip1(C,'\54'))||(r818skip1(C,'\73'));
- }
- else {
- _state=5;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((1==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\72')) {
- /*IF*/if ((_name_list)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- r733add_last(((T733*)_name_list),_name);
- _name=NULL;
- }
- /*FI*/_state=3;
- }
- else {
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\73')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms17_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\73');
- }
- else {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\54');
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((_name_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _name_list=se_ma733(1,_name);
- }
- else {
- r733add_last(((T733*)_name_list),_name);
- }
- /*FI*/_name=NULL;
- _state=2;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((2==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- _name=r511to_local_name1(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- _state=1;
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- _rank=r31rank_of(((T31*)((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/)),(((T39*)((T39*)_name)))->_to_string/*8*/);
- /*IF*/if ((_rank)>(0)) {
- r683add_position((((T39*)((T39*)_name)))->_start_position/*12*/);
- r683add_position((((T873*)((T873*)(/*(IRF4.6name*/r65item(((T65*)((((T31*)((T31*)((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/))))->_flat_list/*12*/)),_rank)/*)*/))))->_start_position/*12*/);
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms18_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/}
- else if ((((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\54'))||(((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\73'))) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms151_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=(r818skip1(C,'\54'))||(r818skip1(C,'\73'));
- }
- else {
- _state=6;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else
- if((3==z1)){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_type(C)) {
- /*IF*/if ((_name_list)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T64*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M64;
- r64make(n,_name_list,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- _declaration=(T0*)n;
- }
- _name_list=NULL;
- }
- else {
- {T723*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M723;
- r723make(n,_name,(((T818*)C))->_last_type/*157*/);
- _declaration=(T0*)n;
- }
- _name=NULL;
- }
- /*FI*//*IF*/if ((_list)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- _list=se_ma382(1,_declaration);
- }
- else {
- r382add_last(((T382*)_list),_declaration);
- }
- /*FI*/_state=4;
- }
- else {
- _state=6;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else{/*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_cc/*24*/)==('\54')) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms19_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\54');
- _state=0;
- }
- else {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\73');
- _state=0;
- }
- /*FI*/}}
- }
- /*IF*/if ((_state)==(6)) {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms20_818));
- }
- else if ((_list)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T620*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M620;
- r620make(n,a1,_list);
- C->_local_vars=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*[IRF3.3set_local_vars*/((((T505*)(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)))))->_local_vars)=((((T818*)C))->_local_vars/*49*/);
- /*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_59*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_desc*/
- void r818a_rename_list(T818* C){
- while (!(!(r818a_rename_pair(C)))) {
- C->_ok=r818skip1(C,'\54');
- }
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_local*/
- int r818a_argument(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- int _rank=0;
- /*IF*/if (((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/)!=((void*)(NULL))) {
- _rank=r31rank_of(((T31*)((((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/)),r511to_string(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))));
- /*IF*/if ((_rank)>(0)) {
- C->_last_expression=r511to_argument_name2(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)),(((T818*)C))->_arguments/*45*/,_rank);
- R=1;
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.formal_generic_list*/
- T0* r818to_call(T0* a1,T0* a2,T0* a3){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if ((a2)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- R=a1;
- }
- else if ((a3)==((void*)(NULL))) {
- {T487*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M487;
- r487make(n,a1,a2);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if ((r431count(((T431*)a3)))==(1)) {
- {T492*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M492;
- r492make(n,a1,a2,a3);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T915*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M915;
- r915make(n,a1,a2,a3);
- R=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_require*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_then*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_when*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_error_stars*/
- void r818a_undefine_list(T818* C){
- /*IF*/if (r818a_feature_list(C)) {
- r877set_undefine(((T877*)((((T818*)C))->_last_parent/*149*/)),(((T818*)C))->_last_feature_list/*105*/);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.current_line*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fatal_error*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.us_native_array*/
- void r818a_after_a_dot(T818* C,int a1,T0* a2){
- T0* _eal=NULL;
- T0* _sfn=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- /*IF*/if (((r818a_result(C))||(r818a_void(C)))||(r818a_current(C))) {
- r683add_position(X662start_position((((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/));
- r683error(((T683*)(oBC364eh)),((T0*)ms33_818));
- }
- /*FI*/_sfn=r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- _eal=r818a_actuals(C);
- r818a_r10(C,a1,a2,_sfn,_eal);
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms34_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- int r818a_constant(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _sfn=NULL;
- T0* _e_current=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- R=1;
- _sfn=r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name)));
- {T358*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M358;
- r358make(n,(((T446*)((T446*)_sfn)))->_start_position/*16*/,0);
- _e_current=(T0*)n;
- }
- {T487*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M487;
- r487make(n,_e_current,_sfn);
- C->_last_expression=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_character_constant(C)) {
- R=1;
- C->_last_expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_character_constant/*85*/;
- }
- else if (r818a_integer_constant(C)) {
- R=1;
- C->_last_expression=(((T818*)C))->_last_integer_constant/*129*/;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_bit_constant*/
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.fz_check*/
- T0* r818a_routine_body(T818* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms8_470))) {
- r605set_is_deferred(((T605*)((((T818*)C))->_last_base_class/*65*/)));
- R=r505to_deferred_routine(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms16_470))) {
- R=r818a_external(C);
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms9_470))) {
- /*[IRF3.3set_routine_body*/((((T505*)(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)))))->_routine_body)=(r818a_compound1(C,((T0*)ms116_818)));
- /*]*/
- R=r505to_procedure_or_function(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)));
- }
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms35_470))) {
- /*[IRF3.3set_routine_body*/((((T505*)(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)))))->_routine_body)=(r818a_compound1(C,((T0*)ms117_818)));
- /*]*/
- R=r505to_once_routine(((T505*)(oBC818tmp_feature)));
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms118_818));
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_type(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _argument_name2=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms30_470))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- /*IF*/if (r818a_current(C)) {
- {T958*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M958;
- r958make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- C->_last_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_argument(C)) {
- _argument_name2=(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/;
- if(NULL!=(_argument_name2))switch(((T0*)_argument_name2)->id) {
- case 886:
- break;
- default:
- _argument_name2=NULL;
- };{T239*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M239;
- r239make(n,_sp,_argument_name2);
- C->_last_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- {T648*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M648;
- r648make(n,_sp,r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))));
- C->_last_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms129_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms14_470))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_class_type(C)) {
- {T523*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M523;
- r523make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_class_type/*93*/);
- C->_last_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms130_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms3_473))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_integer(C)) {
- {T549*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M549;
- r549make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_integer_constant/*129*/);
- C->_last_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- {T558*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M558;
- r558make(n,_sp,r511to_simple_feature_name(((T511*)(oBC818tmp_name))));
- C->_last_type=(T0*)n;
- }
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms131_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_type_formal_generic(C)) {
- C->_last_type=(((T818*)C))->_last_type_formal_generic/*117*/;
- }
- else if (r818a_class_type(C)) {
- C->_last_type=(((T818*)C))->_last_class_type/*93*/;
- }
- else {
- R=0;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_manifest_constant*/
- int r818a_inspect(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- T0* _ec=NULL;
- T0* _i=NULL;
- T0* _spec=NULL;
- T0* _sp=NULL;
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms25_470))) {
- R=1;
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _sp=(T0*)n;
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_expression(C)) {
- C->_last_expression=X662add_comment((((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/,r818get_comments(C));
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms99_818));
- }
- /*FI*/{T270*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M270;
- r270make(n,_sp,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/);
- _i=(T0*)n;
- }
- while (!(!(r818a_when_part(C,_i)))) {
- }
- /*IF*/if (r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms10_470))) {
- {T627*n=malloc(sizeof(*n));
- *n=M627;
- r627make(n,(((T818*)C))->_start_line/*169*/,(((T818*)C))->_start_column/*165*/);
- _spec=(T0*)n;
- }
- _ec=r818a_compound2(C,((T0*)ms100_818),((T0*)ms12_470));
- r270set_else_compound(((T270*)_i),_spec,_ec);
- }
- else if (!(r818a_keyword(C,((T0*)ms12_470)))) {
- /*[IRF3.6wcp*/{T818* C1=C;
- T0* b1=((T0*)ms101_818);
- r818warning(r818current_position(C1),b1);
- }/*]*/
- }
- /*FI*/C->_last_instruction=_i;
- }
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- int r818a_assignment_or_call(T818* C){
- int R=0;
- /*IF*/if ((r818skip1(C,'\50'))&&(r818a_expression(C))) {
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip1(C,'\51')) {
- r818a_r10(C,1,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/,NULL,NULL);
- }
- else {
- r818fcp(C,((T0*)ms35_818));
- }
- /*FI*/}
- else if (r818a_identifier(C)) {
- R=1;
- /*IF*/if (r818skip2(C,'\72','\75')) {
- r818a_assignment_aux(C,1);
- }
- else if (r818skip2(C,'\77','\75')) {
- r818a_assignment_aux(C,0);
- }
- else if ((((r818a_current(C))||(r818a_result(C)))||(r818a_local_variable(C)))||(r818a_argument(C))) {
- r818a_r10(C,1,(((T818*)C))->_last_expression/*97*/,NULL,NULL);
- }
- else {
- r818a_procedure_call(C);
- }
- /*FI*/}
- /*FI*/return R;
- }
- /*No:EIFFEL_PARSER.last_feature_list*/
- T0* r818get_comments(T818* C){
- T0* R=NULL;
- R=(((T818*)C))->_last_comments/*25*/;
- C->_last_comments=NULL;
- return R;
- }