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- /*
- amiterm.h Amiga graphics macros
- Copyright (C) 1997 Tony Belding, <tlbelding@htcomp.net>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /* System includes */
- #include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- // #include <libraries/reqtools.h>
- // #include <proto/reqtools.h>
- extern BOOL save_prefs(void);
- extern BOOL load_prefs(void);
- extern void default_prefs(void);
- extern void amiga_open_graphics_screen(void);
- extern NODE *lam_prefs(void);
- extern NODE *lam_version(void);
- extern void amiga_splitscreen(void);
- extern void amiga_fullscreen(void);
- extern void amiga_textscreen(void);
- extern void get_con_position(void);
- extern void logofill(void);
- extern void ami_print(char *);
- extern void set_palette(int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int);
- extern void get_palette(int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int*);
- extern int check_amiga_stop(ULONG);
- extern void amiga_wait(unsigned int);
- /* Filehandle for the AmigaDOS console window. */
- extern BPTR console;
- /* name of our public screen, so "ed" and "CON:" can find it */
- extern char screenname[];
- /* Many of the macros refer to the graphics window */
- extern struct Window* win;
- /* Amiga window does not have a visible flag so we store this separately */
- extern int current_vis;
- /* How much space to leave for recording */
- #define GR_SIZE 1
- /********************************************************************/
- /* Define or declare everything needed by GRAPHIC.C */
- #define prepare_to_draw if(win==NULL)amiga_splitscreen()
- #define done_drawing
- #define prepare_to_draw_turtle
- #define done_drawing_turtle
- #define screen_height (win->Height - (win->BorderTop + win->BorderBottom))
- #define screen_width (win->Width - (win->BorderLeft + win->BorderRight))
- #define screen_left (win->BorderLeft)
- #define screen_right (win->Width - win->BorderRight - 1)
- #define screen_top (win->BorderTop)
- #define screen_bottom (win->Height - win->BorderBottom - 1)
- #define screen_x_center (screen_left+screen_width/2)
- #define screen_y_center (screen_top+screen_height/2)
- #define turtle_height (18.0*0.5)
- #define turtle_half_bottom (6.0*0.5)
- #define turtle_side (19.0*0.5)
- #define turtle_left_max (-(screen_width/2))
- #define turtle_right_max ((screen_width-1)/2)
- #define turtle_top_max (screen_height/2)
- #define turtle_bottom_max (-((screen_height-1)/2))
- #define screen2x( sx) ((sx) - win->BorderLeft - (screen_width/2.0))
- #define screen2y( sy) (win->BorderTop + (screen_height/2.0) - (sy))
- #define x2screen(x) (win->BorderLeft + (screen_width/2.0) + (x))
- #define y2screen(y) (win->BorderTop + (screen_height/2.0) - (y))
- #define screen_x_coord x2screen(turtle_x)
- #define screen_y_coord y2screen(turtle_y)
- #define clear_screen erase_screen()
- #define line_to(x,y) if (current_vis==0)\
- Draw( win->RPort, (int)(x),(int)(y));\
- else Move( win->RPort, (int)(x),(int)(y));
- #define move_to(x,y) Move( win->RPort, (int)(x),(int)(y))
- #define draw_string(s) Text( win->RPort, (char*)(s), strlen( (char*)(s)))
- #define label( s) draw_string(s)
- #define set_pen_vis(v) current_vis = (v)
- #define set_pen_mode(m) SetDrMd( win->RPort, m)
- #define set_pen_color(c) SetAPen( win->RPort, MapColor(c));
- #define pen_color RevMapColor(GetAPen( win->RPort))
- #define set_back_ground(c) SetBPen( win->RPort, MapColor(c))
- #define set_pen_width(w)
- #define set_pen_height(h)
- #define set_pen_x(x) Move( win->RPort, (int)(x), win->RPort->cp_y)
- #define set_pen_y(y) Move( win->RPort, win->RPort->cp_x, (int)(y))
- #define full_screen amiga_fullscreen()
- #define split_screen amiga_splitscreen()
- #define text_screen amiga_textscreen()
- /* This seems wrong, but we would really need a reverse color lookup
- to do any better (I think)
- */
- #define back_ground 1
- /*
- pen_info is a stucture type with fields for the various
- pen characteristics. The types are system dependant.
- */
- typedef struct {
- WORD x;
- WORD y;
- int vis;
- ULONG fcolor;
- ULONG bcolor;
- UWORD pattern;
- ULONG mode;
- } pen_info;
- #define p_info_x(p) (p).x
- #define p_info_y(p) (p).y
- #define pen_width 1
- #define pen_height 1
- #define pen_mode GetDrMd( win->RPort)
- #define pen_vis current_vis
- #define pen_x (win->RPort->cp_x)
- #define pen_y (win->RPort->cp_y)
- #define get_node_pen_pattern Get_node_pen_pattern()
- #define get_node_pen_mode Get_node_pen_mode()
- /* Various pen mode settings */
- #define pen_reverse SetDrMd( win->RPort, COMPLEMENT)
- #define pen_erase SetDrMd( win->RPort, JAM2 | INVERSVID)
- #define pen_down SetDrMd( win->RPort, JAM1)
- /*
- These defines cover the fixed palette area of a Logo screen. Anything
- above 15 is subject to being allocated and redefined.
- */
- #define WB_GRAY 0
- #define BLACK 1
- #define WHITE 2
- #define WB_BLUE 3
- #define BLUE 4
- #define GREEN 5
- #define CYAN 6
- #define RED 7
- #define MAGENTA 8
- #define YELLOW 9
- #define BROWN 10
- #define TAN 11
- #define FOREST 12
- #define AQUA 13
- #define SALMON 14
- #define PURPLE 15
- #define ORANGE 16
- #define GRAY 18
- #define button 0
- #define mouse_x win->MouseX
- #define mouse_y win->MouseY
- void save_pen(struct pen_info *p);
- void restore_pen(struct pen_info *p);
- #define plain_xor_pen() pen_reverse
- typedef struct { /* structure for user preferences */
- ULONG DisplayID;
- UWORD DisplayWidth;
- UWORD DisplayHeight;
- UWORD DisplayDepth;
- UWORD OverscanType;
- char font[80];
- char editor[256];
- } BAL_Prefs;
- extern BAL_Prefs prefs;
- /* Make a noise for the given pitch and duration */
- #define tone(pitch,duration)
- #define get_pen_pattern(p) /* Maybe this could be implemented? */
- #define set_pen_pattern(p) /* and this */
- #define set_list_pen_pattern(p) /* What is this? */
- extern ULONG MapColor( FIXNUM logo_color);
- extern FIXNUM RevMapColor( ULONG);
- extern NODE *Get_node_pen_pattern( void);
- extern NODE *Get_node_pen_mode( void);
- extern void erase_screen( void);
- /* I have no clue why this should be defined here, since it is part of
- math.c... just tradition I guess!
- */
- extern double degrad;